2,080 research outputs found

    Tuning of heat and charge transport by Majorana fermions

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    We investigate theoretically thermal and electrical conductances for the system consisting of a quantum dot (QD) connected both to a pair of Majorana fermions residing the edges of a Kitaev wire and two metallic leads. We demonstrate that both quantities reveal pronounced resonances, whose positions can be controlled by tuning of an asymmetry of the couplings of the QD and a pair of MFs. Similar behavior is revealed for the thermopower, Wiedemann-Franz law and dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit. The considered geometry can thus be used as a tuner of heat and charge transport assisted by MFs

    Star Formation Towards The Galactic H Ii Region Rcw 120 - Herschel Observations Of Compact Sources

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    The expansion of H ii regions can trigger the formation of stars. An overdensity of young stellar objects is observed at the edges of H ii regions but the mechanisms that give rise to this phenomenon are not clearly identified. Moreover, it is difficult to establish a causal link between H ii -region expansion and the star formation observed at the edges of these regions. A clear age gradient observed in the spatial distribution of young sources in the surrounding might be a strong argument in favor of triggering

    Efeito de genĂłtipos de sorgo sobre o predador Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) alimentado com Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hemiptera: Aphididae).

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    O trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito indireto da resistĂȘncia de genĂłtipos de soro sobre o predador Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) usando o pulgĂŁo Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) como presa. Os genĂłtipos usados no estudo foram: GR 11111 e TX 430 x GR 111 (resistentes), GB 3B (moderadamente resistente) e BR 007B (suscetĂ­vel). Larvas recĂ©m-eclodidas foram confinadas individualmente em recipientes de vidro e alimentadas com S. graminum, criados separadamente em cada um dos quatro genĂłtipos. apĂłs a emergĂȘncia, os adultos obtidos de cada tratamento foram sexados e agrupados aos casais, colocados em gaiolas contendo dieta Ă  base de levedo de cerveja e mel. Os insetos foram observados diariamente da fase jovem atĂ© o perĂ­odo de 60 dias apĂłs a emergĂȘncia do adulto. GenĂłtipos com maior grau de resistĂȘncia proporcionaram maior consumo de pulgĂ”es pelo predador, porĂ©m menor peso a este. Quando os pulgĂ”es foram criados no genĂłtipo resistente GR 11111, o peso das larvas, sobrevivĂȘncia da prĂ©-pupa e longevidade da fĂȘmea do predador foram inferiores. As associaçÔes positivas observadas entre o predador, C. externa, e o genĂłtipo resistente, TX 430 x GR 111, e entre o predador e o genĂłtipo moderadamente resistente GB 3B, evidenciaram a possibilidade de integração entre os dois mĂ©todos de controle: resistĂȘncia de plantas e controle biolĂłgico

    Classical and quantum-mechanical treatments of nonsequential double ionization with few-cycle laser pulses

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    We address nonsequential double ionization induced by strong, linearly polarized laser fields of only a few cycles, considering a physical mechanism in which the second electron is dislodged by the inelastic collision of the first electron with its parent ion. The problem is treated classically, using an ensemble model, and quantum-mechanically, within the strong-field and uniform saddle-point approximations. In the latter case, the results are interpreted in terms of "quantum orbits", which can be related to the trajectories of a classical electron in an electric field. We obtain highly asymmetric electron momentum distributions, which strongly depend on the absolute phase, i.e., on the phase difference between the pulse envelope and its carrier frequency. Around a particular value of this parameter, the distributions shift from the region of positive to that of negative momenta, or vice-versa, in a radical fashion. This behavior is investigated in detail for several driving-field parameters, and provides a very efficient method for measuring the absolute phase. Both models yield very similar distributions, which share the same physical explanation. There exist, however, minor discrepancies due to the fact that, beyond the region for which electron-impact ionization is classically allowed, the yields from the quantum mechanical computation decay exponentially, whereas their classical counterparts vanish.Comment: 12 pages revtex, 12 figures (eps files

    Quantum phase transition triggering magnetic BICs in graphene

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    Graphene hosting a pair of collinear adatoms in the phantom atom configuration has pseudogap with cubic scaling on energy, Î”âˆâˆŁÎ”âˆŁ3\Delta\propto|\varepsilon|^{3} which leads to the appearance of spin-degenerate bound states in the continuum (BICs) [Phys. Rev. B 92, 045409 (2015)]. In the case when adatoms are locally coupled to a single carbon atom the pseudogap scales linearly with energy, which prevents the formation of BICs. In this Letter, we explore the effects of non-local coupling characterized by the Fano factor of interference q0,q_{0}, tunable by changing the slope of the Dirac cones in the graphene band-structure. We demonstrate that three distinct regimes can be identified: i) for q0<qc1q_{0}<q_{c1} (critical point) a mixed pseudogap Î”âˆâˆŁÎ”âˆŁ,∣Δ∣2\Delta\propto|\varepsilon|,|\varepsilon|^{2} appears yielding a phase with spin-degenerate BICs; ii) near q0=qc1q_{0}=q_{c1} when Î”âˆâˆŁÎ”âˆŁ2\Delta\propto|\varepsilon|^{2} the system undergoes a quantum phase transition in which the new phase is characterized by magnetic BICs and iii) at a second critical value q0>qc2q_{0}>q_{c2} the cubic scaling of the pseudogap with energy Î”âˆâˆŁÎ”âˆŁ3\Delta\propto|\varepsilon|^{3} characteristic to the phantom atom configuration is restored and the phase with non-magnetic BICs is recovered. The phase with magnetic BICs can be described in terms of an effective intrinsic exchange field of ferromagnetic nature between the adatoms mediated by graphene monolayer. We thus propose a new type of quantum phase transition resulting from the competition between the states characterized by spin-degenerate and magnetic BICs
