8 research outputs found


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    Oscillation of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of recorded cows was studied in Slovenia for the period 1997 to 2007. Measurements of 5,267,264 test days were taken predominantly of Simmental (42.4 %), followed by Black and White (37.7 %) and Brown breed (19.9 %). The analysis showed substantial seasonal differences in milk yield and in milk composition. Breeders are faced with problems of low milk quality and frequent mastitis in summer months. It has been concluded that the average SCC was the highest in Black and White cows (404x103/ml milk) and the lowest in Simmental cows (288x103/ml milk). Since 1996 SCC has been considered one of the criteria for milk price determination, therefore it has been reduced and health status of udder improved in recent years. Both are the result of better herd management and wider knowledge that breeders achieved. The average SCC dropped from 431 thousand in 1996 to 331 thousand cells/ml milk in 2007. Lower SCC was noticed also on family farms compared to the former large scale farming enterprises. Monthly recording analysis proved that 10.1 % cows had more than 400 thousand SCC/ml milk, and 84.9% cows up to 250 thousand SCC/ml milk at recording. During the trial period milk yield/milking day increased and fat, as well as protein content improved.Oscilacija u broju somatskih stanica (SCC) kod kontroliranih krava proučavana je u Sloveniji u razdoblju od 1997. do 2007. godine. Tijekom 5.267.264 test dana mjerenja su obavljana pretežno za simentalsku (42,4%), zatim za crno-bijelu (37,7%) i smeđu pasminu (19,9%). Analiza je pokazala znatne sezonske razlike u mliječnosti i sastavu mlijeka. Uzgajivači se suočavaju s problemom loše kakvoće mlijeka i čestom pojavom mastitisa u ljetnim mjesecima. Utvrđeno je da je prosječan SCC najviši kod crno-bijelih krava (404x103/ml mlijeka), a najmanji kod simentalskih krava (288x103/ml mlijeka). Počev od 1996. godine, broj somatskih stanica smatra se jednim od kriterija za utvrđivanje cijene mlijeka. Zahvaljujući boljem upravljanju stadom i proširivanju znanja uzgajivača, SCC je zadnjih godina smanjen, a stanje zdravlja vimena je poboljšano. Prosječan SCC smanjio se od 431.000 stanica/ml mlijeka u 1996. godini na 331.000 stanica/ml mlijeka u 2007. godini. Primjećeno je, također, da je SCC niži na obiteljskim farmama nego na bivšim velikim gospodarstvima. Analiza mjesečne kontrole pokazala je da je 10,1% krava imalo više od 400.000 SCC/ml mlijeka, a 84,9% krava do 250.000 SCC/ml mlijeka u vrijeme kontrole. Tijekom probnog razdoblja mliječnost po mliječnom danu se povećala, a mliječna mast i sadržaj proteina su se poboljšali

    Some Haematological Values of Farmed Fallow Deer (>Dama dama)

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    Beta-hydroxybutyrate in milk as screening test for subclinical ketosis in dairy cows

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    © Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Veterinary Sciences & University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn 2017. Ketosis is a very frequent metabolic disease in dairy cows, resulting in lower milk production, impaired fertility and increased frequency of other diseases. The course of the disease is often subclinical, so early detection is very important. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between the concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate in blood and milk and to determine the cut-off value in milk for detection of subclinical ketosis. The study included 94 cows, which were in the first third of lactation. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentrations were measured in blood and milk serum using a biochemical analyser. The average concentration of BHB in the blood serum samples was 1.14 mmol/L while in the milk it was about ten times lower at 0.117 mmol/L. A statistically significant positive correlation between the concentration of BHB in blood and milk (r=0.705, p<0.001) was found. In cows with BHB in blood below 2.0 mmol/L a stronger correlation between blood and milk BHB was established (r=0.658, p<0.001) than in cows with blood BHB above 2.0 mmol/L (r=-0.292, p=0.206). Therefore, BHB in milk is a very suitable indicator in the diagnosis of subclinical ketosis as there is a good correlation between BHB in the blood and milk of cows with subclinical ketosis. The cut-off concentration of BHB in milk set at ≥0.080 mmol/L (AUC=0.91±0.03; p<0.001) is a significant indicator for subclinical ketosis in dairy cows. The sensitivity of the test was 94% and specificity 74%. Beta-hydroxybutyrate in milk is a good indicator of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows and can be measured accurately with a biochemical analyser

    Característica leucocitária, relação albumina/globulina, proteína plasmática e fibrinogênio de bovinos da raça Nelore, confinados e terminados a pasto Leukocyte characteristic, albumin/globulin relation, plasmatic protein and fibrinogen of bovines of the Nelore race confined and grazing

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    Esse trabalho avaliou as mudanças na contagem de leucócitos e algumas proteínas séricas de bovinos confinados e terminados a pasto. De 120 amostras sangüíneas coletadas, 60 foram obtidas de bovinos Nelores machos confinados e 60 de animais com as mesmas características, porém manejados extensivamente. As amostras foram obtidas por ocasião do abate desses animais. Os parâmetros estudados foram contagem de leucócitos, razão albumina/globulina e concentração de fibrinogênio plasmático. Na análise dos dados empregou-se estatística descritiva, obtendo-se as médias, desvio padrão e coeficiente de variação para todos as variáveis avaliadas e posteriormente comparou-se as médias por meio de teste não-paramétrico. Os bovinos terminados a pasto apresentaram maior nível de globulina e fibrinogênio (P>0,05) quando comparados com os confinados (globulina: pastejo=3,29g dL-1 0,76; confinamento 2,99g dL-1&plusmn;0,60 e Fibrinogênio: pastejo=872mg dL-1&plusmn;610; confinamento=633mg dL-1&plusmn;319). O número de leucócitos total foi de 7,64&plusmn;2,15 em bovinos confinados e de 7,72&plusmn;1,84 nos terminados a pasto. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre essa variável e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos bem como na proteína sérica total (g dL-1) dos bovinos terminados a pasto (6,10&plusmn;0,53) e dos confinados (5,96&plusmn;0,49). O nível de albumina dos bovinos confinados (3,01g dL-1&plusmn;0,43) e a razão A/G (1,07&plusmn;8,91) foram maiores quando comparados com os bovinos terminados a pasto (2,82g dL-1&plusmn;0,45) e (0,95&plusmn;0,38) respectivamente. O nível mais elevado de albumina nos bovinos confinados sugere que eles foram submetidos a uma dieta nutricional mais adequada. O constante desafio imunológico sofrido pelos animais terminados a pasto pode ter sido responsável pelo elevado nível de globulina e fibrinogênio. Esses resultados indicaram que, apesar das adversidades que os bovinos confinados são submetidos, eles não apresentaram alterações correlacionadas com esse fato.<br>This research aimed to evaluate the changes in the white blood cell count and some serum proteins of confined cattle (CC) and grass cattle (GC). From the 120 blood samples collected, 60 were obtained from confined Nelore male bovines and 60 from animals with the same characteristics but managed extensively. Samples were obtained at the moment of slaughter. Parameters studied were the white blood cell count, serum albumin/globulin ratio and concentration of plasma fibrinogen. Descriptive statistics was used in the analysis of the data, and the averages, standard deviation and coefficient of variation calculated for all parameters evaluated. The comparisons between averages were made by non-parametric test. The grazing cattle showed higher levels of globulin and fibrinogen when compared to the confined ones (globulin: GC=3.29g dL-1&plusmn;0.76; CC=2.99g dL-1&plusmn;0.60 and Fibrinogen: GC=872mg dL-1&plusmn;610; CC=633mg dL-1&plusmn;319). The total number of white blood cells mL-1 was 7.64&plusmn;2.15 in confined cattle and 7.72&plusmn;1.84 in grazing cattle. There was no significant difference between this variable and differential white blood cell count as well as the total serum protein (g dL-1) from grazing cattle (6.10&plusmn;0.53) and confined cattle (5.96&plusmn;0.49). The level of albumin from confined cattle (3.01g dL-1&plusmn; 0.43) and the A/G ratio (1.07&plusmn;8.91) were greater when compared to the grazing bovines (2.82g dL-1&plusmn;0.45) and (0.95&plusmn;0.38) respectively. The higher serum levels of albumin found in confined herd suggest that they were subjected to a more adequate nutritional diet. The constant immunological challenge suffered by the GC could be responsible for the elevated serum levels of globulin and fibrinogen. These results showed that although feedlots present a stressful environment they did not show any blood alterations correlated to this fact