56 research outputs found

    Leadership Style in Character Education at The Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding

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    Pesantren (Islamic Boarding) is the oldest educational institution in Indonesia which has a role in character education. The main purpose of this study was to understand leadership style of teachers (clerics) in character education as well as the process to produce competent believers. Religio-paternalistic leadership is based on the value of total admission of religious and educational methods, with emphasis on the application of knowledge resulting believers’ faith and fear of Allah guided by the Qur'an and Sunnah. To obtain data, the author employed interview, observation and documenter. The Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School in East Java was the field-site of this research.Pondok Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan paling tua di Indonesia memegang peran penting dan strategis dalam pendidikan karakter. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami gaya kepemimpinan (kyai) dalam pendidikan karakter serta  prosesnya sehingga dapat menghasilkan  mu’min yang kompeten. Kepemimpinan religio-paternalistic didasarkan atas nilai-nilai keagamaan dan metode pendidikan totalitas. Totalitas dalam mengutamakan pengaplikasian semua ilmu pengetahuan sehingga menghasilkan mukmin yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Allah Swt. dengan berpedoman pada al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah. Penulis focus pada pendidikan karakter berbasis pesantren. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi dan documenter. Lokasi penelitian di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Gontor, Jawa Timur Indonesi

    Reconstruction of the Islamic Educational Development in Indonesia in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

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    Quality education is the most important thing to realize, for the creation of human qualities and the quality of Indonesian society that is progressive and self can be realized only if public education successfully upgraded, then the role of educational institutions in Indonesia, including ASEAN countries, which includes one aspect of a very large where the system education should be integrated in accordance with the needs and wants of today in order to create a knowledgeable and skilled people. In this paper presenter will submit opinions or suggestions in order to reconstruct the Islamic education in Indonesia especially in welcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is in progress, in this case education in Indonesia that the majority of Muslims trying to reconstruct in the development of Islamic Education in an effort to promote and develop education in Indonesia in order to meet the needs and desires in order to be competitive with other countries, among them building Orientation Islamic education in determining the pattern, direction, and the achievement of certain desired, creating a human resources (HR) Islamic credible and professional, their access to education and the cost of education affordable, lack of synergy between educational institutions and institutions of vocational training as well as the fulfilment of the national standard education in hopes of institutions of Islam should be optimistic and can be used as momentum and golden opportunity to generate and promote a wide range of sectors have a role most strategic in determining development and the nation's progress by immediately activating synergies in unity, vision, mission and goals together in the face of competition in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)


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    Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model prototipe optimalisasi dana amal yang tepat dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat  miskin perkotaan berdasarkan kearifan lokal di Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan data yang berasal dari hasil Diskusi Kelompok yang terfokus  dan wawancara mendalam dengan pembicara adalah tahap identifikasi model. Kemudian model rekonstruksi menggunakan analisis komparatif. Pengembangan Berbasis Masyarakat ini menggunakan metode yang melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembangunan. Di mana konstruksi dimulai pada tahap ide, perencanaan, kegiatan pengembangan program, penganggaran, pengadaan sumber daya hingga implementasi yang lebih menekankan pada keinginan nyata atau kebutuhan nyata  masyarakat dalam sekelompok orang.  Melalui Relasi Mustahiq yang sangat membantu sebagai sumber daya manusia, Dengan harapan Pengembangan Masyarakat Terpadu diharaplan  menjadi pusat penyaluran program tersebut sehingga programnya lebih terukur, dan terkendali.     Kata kunci: Dana Zakat, Pemberdayaan, Miskin Perkotaan, dan Pengembangan Berbasis Masyarakat   Abstract The aim of this study is to find a prototype model of the proper optimization of charity funds in the empowerment of the poor town based on local wisdom in Lampung. This study used a survey method with the data derived from the results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews with the speakers is the model identification stage. Then, reconstruction model using comparative analysis. Community Based Development (CBD) is a method  that involves communities in development. Where constructions began on the stage of ideas, planning, program development activities, budgeting, procurement of resources to the implementation of a more emphasis on real desire or the real needs of the community in a group of people. Through Mustahiq Relation Officer (MRO) ashuman resources assistant, Integrated Community Development (ICD) became the center ofthe distribution of the program so that the program is more scalable, and controlled.   Keywords: Zakah Fund, Empowerment, Poor Urban, and Community Based Development (CBD).  Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model prototipe optimalisasi dana amal yang tepat dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat  miskin perkotaan berdasarkan kearifan lokal di Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan data yang berasal dari hasil Diskusi Kelompok yang terfokus  dan wawancara mendalam dengan pembicara adalah tahap identifikasi model. Kemudian model rekonstruksi menggunakan analisis komparatif. Pengembangan Berbasis Masyarakat ini menggunakan metode yang melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembangunan. Di mana konstruksi dimulai pada tahap ide, perencanaan, kegiatan pengembangan program, penganggaran, pengadaan sumber daya hingga implementasi yang lebih menekankan pada keinginan nyata atau kebutuhan nyata  masyarakat dalam sekelompok orang.  Melalui Relasi Mustahiq yang sangat membantu sebagai sumber daya manusia, Dengan harapan Pengembangan Masyarakat Terpadu diharaplan  menjadi pusat penyaluran program tersebut sehingga programnya lebih terukur, dan terkendali.     Kata kunci: Dana Zakat, Pemberdayaan, Miskin Perkotaan, dan Pengembangan Berbasis Masyarakat   Abstract The aim of this study is to find a prototype model of the proper optimization of charity funds in the empowerment of the poor town based on local wisdom in Lampung. This study used a survey method with the data derived from the results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews with the speakers is the model identification stage. Then, reconstruction model using comparative analysis. Community Based Development (CBD) is a method  that involves communities in development. Where constructions began on the stage of ideas, planning, program development activities, budgeting, procurement of resources to the implementation of a more emphasis on real desire or the real needs of the community in a group of people. Through Mustahiq Relation Officer (MRO) ashuman resources assistant, Integrated Community Development (ICD) became the center ofthe distribution of the program so that the program is more scalable, and controlled.  Keywords: Zakah Fund, Empowerment, Poor Urban, and Community Based Development (CBD). &nbsp


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    Islam melahirkan konsep sempurna dengan menampilkan lima jaminan dasar yang diberikan agama kepada warga masyarakat, baik secara perorangan ataupun kelompok. Pertama, keselamatan fisik warga masyarakat dari tindakan fisik di luar ketentuan hukum. Kedua, keselamatan keya-kinan agama masing-masing, tanpa ada paksaan untuk berpindah agama. Ketiga, keselamatan keluarga dan keturunan. Keempat, keselamatan harta benda dan milik pribadi di luar prosedur hukum. Kelima, keselamatan profesi (intelektual). Kelima jaminan dasar tersebut menampilkan universalitas pandangan hidup atau visi transformatis sosial keagamaan yang utuh. Pemerintahan dan kehidupan bermasyarakat yang berdasarkan hukum, persamaan derajat dan sikap toleransi adalah unsur-unsur utama kemanusiaan. Namun, hal itu sekedar menyajikan kerangka teoritik. Sehingga, harus diikuti dengan upaya pengorganisasian dan penerapannya di lingkungan sosial secara empiris. Islam bears perfect concept presented five elementary guarantee which given by religion to society citizen, either through individual or group. First, safety of society citizen physical of physical action out off law. Both, safety of belief of each religion, without constraint to move the other religion. Third, safety of family and descent. Fourth, safety of goods and chattel ownership outside law procedure. Fifth, safety of profession (intellectual). The fifth elementary guarantee present universal view of life or vision of transformation intact religious social. Goverment and society life which pursuant to law, equation of tolerance attitude and degree is human especial elements. But, that thing is merely presenting framework of theory. So that, it should be followed by the effort of organization applying in social environment by empiric. &nbsp


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang Pendidikan Islam yang mendapat berbagai tantangan krusial di era globalisasi. Pendidikan Islam menempati posisi yang penting dalam kehidupan globalisasi, sebab globalisasi itu sendiri mempunyai pengaruh positif dan negatif pada pendidikan Islam. Untuk itu, reformasi pendidikan Islam dapat mengupayakan membangkitkan kembali visi pendidikan Islam yang lebih baik untuk membangun dan meningkatkan mutu manusia dan masyarakat Muslim di era globalisasi dengan tetap merujuk kepada al-Qur’an dan as-Sunnah sebagai sumber ajarannya. Tujuan artikel ini untuk mendeskripsikan reformasi pendidikan Islam dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Data dalam tulisan ini merupakan data kepustakaan yang yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa globalisasi dapat menjadi peluang dan menjelma sebagai tantangan bagi pendidikan Islam. Arus globalisasi bukan lawan atau kawan bagi pendidikan Islam, melainkan sebagai dinamisator. Jika pendidikan Islam mengambil posisi anti global, maka akan stagnan tidak bergerak dan pendidikan Islam akan mengalami penghambatan intelektual. Sebaliknya bila pendidikan Islam terseret oleh arus global, tanpa daya identitas keislaman sebagai sebuah proses pendidikan akan dilindas. Maka pendidikan Islam harus memposisikan diri dengan menakar arus global, dalam arti yang sesuai dengan pedoman dan ajaran nilai-nilai Islam agar bisa direformasi, diadopsi dan dikembangkan.  This writing discusses about islamic education which gets some crusial challenges in globalization era. Islamic teaching plays important role in globalization. Since globalization itself has possitive also negative in islamic teaching and training. Thus, reformation of islamic teaching could strive for raising better vision of islamic teaching for building and upgrading quality of human being and moslem society in globalization that ought to refer to both Al Koran and Al Hadith as source of its teaching. The goal of this current research is to describe reformation of islamic teaching in facing globalization. Data of this paper is literature fact which is analyzed through descriptive. The result of this writing shows that globalization can be opportunity and also challenge for islamic teaching. The stream of globalization is not an opponent or companion for islamic teaching, on the other hand being as motivator. If islamic teaching takes position non global, it will not move and it will undergo blocking of intellectual. On the contrary, if islamic teaching involves to globaliztion era, islamic identities will be gone. Thus, islamic teaching ought to take part to measure globalization era, it means by oreintation and values of islamic teaching in order to could be reformed, adopted and developed


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    Islamic educational institutions are expected to produce human resources who is faithful and devoted to have insight into the science and technology. To achieve these expectations,of course Islamic educational institutions should revitalize the role of educational institutions to be able to play an optimal role in realizingacademic excellence for education, for industrial relevance, for contribution for new knowledge, and for empowerment.Recognizing the importance of the process of improving the quality of human resources, government, managers of educational institutions, educators and learners strive to accomplish the purpose, vision and mission through a variety of activities to build better quality education through the development and improvement of curriculum and evaluation system, improvement of facilities education, development and procurement of teaching materials, and training for teachers and education personnel.Keywords: Initiation, strategy management, human resource


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    The study form Al-Ghazali abouty Al-Khauf basically urges the people toremember many more about Allah SWT. This also urges to do His order andcasts away His prohibitation. But, all of it will not be perfect if it is not runtogether with the knowledge. It is he explicits that Al-Khauf is a favor ofknowledge. With the knowledge, people will consider Allah SWT and loveHim and so to the King. It is the hope that is one thing better than feelingscarry. It is because the servants which are closer to Allah SWT, are theservants He loves.The study form Al-Ghazali abouty Al-Khauf basically urges the people toremember many more about Allah SWT. This also urges to do His order andcasts away His prohibitation. But, all of it will not be perfect if it is not runtogether with the knowledge. It is he explicits that Al-Khauf is a favor ofknowledge. With the knowledge, people will consider Allah SWT and loveHim and so to the King. It is the hope that is one thing better than feelingscarry. It is because the servants which are closer to Allah SWT, are theservants He loves


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    Sufism and schools have a fairly close relationship. In the expansion, it can be said boarding house development therapy Sufi teachings today. The development is due to be supported by several factors, one of which is the teaching of the yellow book. In the world of boarding, yellow book is thing that can not be separated in learning. The yellow book is a book or a book written by the classical scholars were largely Sufi teachings. Then simultaneously, the Sufi teachings can be tranfered to study of books in several classes.This text is to reveal the relationship the Gontor boarding school with Sufi teachings that developed in the Islamic world. Actually, in Gontor activity, elements of Sufism can be detected through the everyday activities of the students, such as: accepting state (resigned), simplicity, not overbearing and so forth. At Gontor boarding school, attitude Sufism is called with the five souls. Where attitudes were reflected as: Concept shidiq, shabru, ukhuwah, zuhud, qana’ah amanah, ikhlas, tawakkal. Sufism and schools have a fairly close relationship. In the expansion, it can be said boarding house development therapy Sufi teachings today. The development is due to be supported by several factors, one of which is the teaching of the yellow book. In the world of boarding, yellow book is thing that can not be separated in learning. The yellow book is a book or a book written by the classical scholars were largely Sufi teachings. Then simultaneously, the Sufi teachings can be tranfered to study of books in several classes.This text is to reveal the relationship the Gontor boarding school with Sufi teachings that developed in the Islamic world. Actually, in Gontor activity, elements of Sufism can be detected through the everyday activities of the students, such as: accepting state (resigned), simplicity, not overbearing and so forth. At Gontor boarding school, attitude Sufism is called with the five souls. Where attitudes were reflected as: Concept shidiq, shabru, ukhuwah, zuhud, qana’ah amanah, ikhlas, tawakkal.&nbsp

    Peran Kepemimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Islam dalam Pembagunan Peradaban Islami

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    Lembaga pendidikan tinggi membutuhkan pengelolaan baik. Hal ini perlu dilakukan agar sistem pendidikan berlangsung secara efektif dan efesien dalam mencapai tujuan institusionalnya maka  Perguruan tinggi Islam harus dapat dikelola dengan baik  dan mampu   menentukan kebijakan untuk  memberikan dampak kemajuan dan perkembangan kampus ke depan serta  diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan berbagai  permasalahan dan tantangan sehingga apa yang dicita-citakan dapat  tercapai dan maksimal, serta mampu memotivasi tim atau bawahan dalam menyakinkan orang lain untuk melakukan rencana bersama dalam mengaktualisasikan  apa  yang diharapkan berdasarkan visi, misi dan tujuan yang akan dicapai di dalam Tri darma Perguruan tinggi Islam, tentunya  semua itu tidak terlepas dari peran dan eksistensi pimpinan dan manajemen perguruan tinggi Islam dalam mempertahankan yang telah baik dan mengambil serta memperbaiki apa yang  kurang sesuai  dengan  melakukan  inovasi kerjasama dengan lembaga lain  dalam mengelola lingkungan lembaga pendidikan untuk  membangun peradaban Islam, baik  dari dalam kampus maupun luar kampus bahkan luar negeri sekalipun.Lembaga pendidikan tinggi membutuhkan pengelolaan baik. Hal ini perlu dilakukan agar sistem pendidikan berlangsung secara efektif dan efesien dalam mencapai tujuan institusionalnya maka  Perguruan tinggi Islam harus dapat dikelola dengan baik  dan mampu   menentukan kebijakan untuk  memberikan dampak kemajuan dan perkembangan kampus ke depan serta  diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan berbagai  permasalahan dan tantangan sehingga apa yang dicita-citakan dapat  tercapai dan maksimal, serta mampu memotivasi tim atau bawahan dalam menyakinkan orang lain untuk melakukan rencana bersama dalam mengaktualisasikan  apa  yang diharapkan berdasarkan visi, misi dan tujuan yang akan dicapai di dalam Tri darma Perguruan tinggi Islam, tentunya  semua itu tidak terlepas dari peran dan eksistensi pimpinan dan manajemen perguruan tinggi Islam dalam mempertahankan yang telah baik dan mengambil serta memperbaiki apa yang  kurang sesuai  dengan  melakukan  inovasi kerjasama dengan lembaga lain  dalam mengelola lingkungan lembaga pendidikan untuk  membangun peradaban Islam, baik  dari dalam kampus maupun luar kampus bahkan luar negeri sekalipun


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    This research discuss about the impact of LBT and its anticipation. LGBT has many impacts. The health impact can be shown by 78% homosexuals infected with sexually transmitted diseases. LBGT also provide social impact. The research shown that a gay have 20-106 couple per year. Whereas, someone zina’s couple is not more than 8 peoples in his whole life. 43% of gay groups who has investigated declare that in their whole life they do homosexual more than 500 people. In education impact, the learners who believe they are homo faced dropout problem 5 times greater than normal students because they feel insecurity. Moreover, 28% of them were force to leave the school.  In the field of safety impact, homosexuals cause sexual abuse of children in United States; in fact their population just 2% of the total of America population. It can be concluded that 1 of 20 homosexual case is sexual abuse of children, whereas from 490 cases of adultery, one of that is the sexual abuse of children.This research discuss about the impact of LBT and its anticipation. LGBT has many impacts. The health impact can be shown by 78% homosexuals infected with sexually transmitted diseases. LBGT also provide social impact. The research shown that a gay have 20-106 couple per year. Whereas, someone zina’s couple is not more than 8 peoples in his whole life. 43% of gay groups who has investigated declare that in their whole life they do homosexual more than 500 people. In education impact, the learners who believe they are homo faced dropout problem 5 times greater than normal students because they feel insecurity. Moreover, 28% of them were force to leave the school.  In the field of safety impact, homosexuals cause sexual abuse of children in United States; in fact their population just 2% of the total of America population. It can be concluded that 1 of 20 homosexual case is sexual abuse of children, whereas from 490 cases of adultery, one of that is the sexual abuse of children
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