1,874 research outputs found

    Phase transition dynamics in the hot Abelian Higgs model

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    We present a detailed numerical study of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics of the phase transition in the finite-temperature Abelian Higgs model. Our simulations use classical equations of motion both with and without hard-thermal-loop corrections, which take into account the leading quantum effects. From the equilibrium real-time correlators, we determine the Landau damping rate, the plasmon frequency and the plasmon damping rate. We also find that, close to the phase transition, the static magnetic field correlator shows power-law magnetic screening at long distances. The information about the damping rates allows us to derive a quantitative prediction for the number density of topological defects formed in a phase transition. We test this prediction in a non-equilibrium simulation and show that the relevant time scale for defect formation is given by the Landau damping rate.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    A possible origin of superconducting currents in cosmic strings

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    The scattering and capture of right-handed neutrinos by an Abelian cosmic string in the SO(10) grand unification model are considered. The scattering cross-section of neutrinos per unit length due to the interaction with the gauge and Higgs fields of the string is much larger in its scaling regime than in the friction one because of the larger infrared cutoff of the former.The probability of capture in a zero mode of the string accompanied by the emission of a gauge or Higgs boson shows a resonant peak for neutrino momentum of the order of its mass. Considering the decrease of number of strings per unit comoving volume in the scaling epoch the cosmological consequences of the superconducting strings formed in this regime will be much smaller than those which could be produced already in the friction one.Comment: 14 pages Latex, 4 figues/ep

    Decay of Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe

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    We study the evolution of a stochastic helical magnetic field generated in the early Universe after the electroweak phase transition, using standard magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). We find how the coherence length xi, magnetic energy E_M and magnetic helicity H evolve with time. We show that the self-similarity of the magnetic power spectrum alone implies that xi ~ t^{1/2}. This in turn implies that magnetic helicity decays as H ~ t^{-2s}, and that the magnetic energy decays as E_M ~ t^{-0.5-2s}, where s is inversely proportional to the magnetic Reynolds number Re_M. These laws improve on several previous estimates.Comment: 5pp LaTeX + World Sci procs class, 3 eps figs. Talk given at Strong and Electroweak Matter, Oct 2-5 2002, Heidelber

    Cosmological Perturbations from Cosmic Strings

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    Some aspects of the theory of cosmological perturbations from cosmic strings and other topological defects are outlined, with particular reference to a simple example: a spatially flat CDM-dominated universe. The conserved energy-momentum pseudo-tensor is introduced, and the equation for the density perturbation derived from it. It is shown how the scaling hypothesis for defect evolution results in a Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum for wavelengths well inside the horizon.Comment: LaTeX, 6pp. From Proceedings of `Trends in Astroparticle Physics', Stockholm, Sweden 22-25 September 1994, edited by L. Bergstr\"om, P. Carlson, P.O. Hulth and H. Snellman (to be published in Nucl.~Phys~B, Proceedings Supplements Section

    Low-cost fermions in classical field simulations

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    We discuss the possible extension of the bosonic classical field theory simulations to include fermions. This problem has been addressed in terms of the inhomogeneous mean field approximation by Aarts and Smit. By performing a stochastic integration of an equivalent set of equations we can extend the original 1+1 dimensional calculations so that they become feasible in higher dimensions. We test the scheme in 2 + 1 dimensions and discuss some classical applications with fermions for the first time, such as the decay of oscillons.Comment: 13 pages, revtex

    Scaling in a SU(2)/Z_3 model of cosmic superstring networks

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    Motivated by recent developments in superstring theory in the cosmological context, we examine a field theory which contains string networks with 3-way junctions. We perform numerical simulations of this model, identify the length scales of the network that forms, and provide evidence that the length scales tend towards a scaling regime, growing in proportion to time. We infer that the presence of junctions does not in itself cause a superstring network to dominate the energy density of the early Universe.Comment: 12pp, 3 fig

    The Thermodynamics of Cosmic String densities in U(1) Scalar Field Theory

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    We present a full characterization of the phase transition in U(1) scalar field theory and of the associated vortex string thermodynamics in 3D. We show that phase transitions in the string densities exist and measure their critical exponents, both for the long string and the short loops. Evidence for a natural separation between these two string populations is presented. In particular our results strongly indicate that an infinite string population will only exist above the critical temperature. Canonical initial conditions for cosmic string evolution are show to correspond to the infinite temperature limit of the theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Correlations in Cosmic String Networks

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    We investigate scaling and correlations of the energy and momentum in an evolving network of cosmic strings in Minkowski space. These quantities are of great interest, as they must be understood before accurate predictions for the power spectra of the perturbations in the matter and radiation in the early Universe can be made. We argue that Minkowski space provides a reasonable approximation to a Friedmann background for string dynamics and we use our results to construct a simple model of the network, in which it is considered to consist of randomly placed segments moving with random velocities. This model works well in accounting for features of the two-time correlation functions, and even better for the power spectra.Comment: 20pp Plain LaTeX, 11 EPS figures, uses epsf.st

    Classical theory of radiating strings

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    The divergent part of the self force of a radiating string coupled to gravity, an antisymmetric tensor and a dilaton in four dimensions are calculated to first order in classical perturbation theory. While this divergence can be absorbed into a renormalization of the string tension, demanding that both it and the divergence in the energy momentum tensor vanish forces the string to have the couplings of compactified N = 1 D = 10 supergravity. In effect, supersymmetry cures the classical infinities
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