13,719 research outputs found

    A model for Faraday pilot waves over variable topography

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    Couder and Fort discovered that droplets walking on a vibrating bath possess certain features previously thought to be exclusive to quantum systems. These millimetric droplets synchronize with their Faraday wavefield, creating a macroscopic pilot-wave system. In this paper we exploit the fact that the waves generated are nearly monochromatic and propose a hydrodynamic model capable of quantitatively capturing the interaction between bouncing drops and a variable topography. We show that our reduced model is able to reproduce some important experiments involving the drop-topography interaction, such as non-specular reflection and single-slit diffraction

    Asymptotic behaviour for a class of non-monotone delay differential systems with applications

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    The paper concerns a class of nn-dimensional non-autonomous delay differential equations obtained by adding a non-monotone delayed perturbation to a linear homogeneous cooperative system of ordinary differential equations. This family covers a wide set of models used in structured population dynamics. By exploiting the stability and the monotone character of the linear ODE, we establish sufficient conditions for both the extinction of all the populations and the permanence of the system. In the case of DDEs with autonomous coefficients (but possible time-varying delays), sharp results are obtained, even in the case of a reducible community matrix. As a sub-product, our results improve some criteria for autonomous systems published in recent literature. As an important illustration, the extinction, persistence and permanence of a non-autonomous Nicholson system with patch structure and multiple time-dependent delays are analysed.Comment: 26 pages, J Dyn Diff Equat (2017

    Harmonic density interpolation methods for high-order evaluation of Laplace layer potentials in 2D and 3D

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    We present an effective harmonic density interpolation method for the numerical evaluation of singular and nearly singular Laplace boundary integral operators and layer potentials in two and three spatial dimensions. The method relies on the use of Green's third identity and local Taylor-like interpolations of density functions in terms of harmonic polynomials. The proposed technique effectively regularizes the singularities present in boundary integral operators and layer potentials, and recasts the latter in terms of integrands that are bounded or even more regular, depending on the order of the density interpolation. The resulting boundary integrals can then be easily, accurately, and inexpensively evaluated by means of standard quadrature rules. A variety of numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique when used in conjunction with the classical trapezoidal rule (to integrate over smooth curves) in two-dimensions, and with a Chebyshev-type quadrature rule (to integrate over surfaces given as unions of non-overlapping quadrilateral patches) in three-dimensions

    Parametric Competition in non-autonomous Hamiltonian Systems

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    In this work we use the formalism of chord functions (\emph{i.e.} characteristic functions) to analytically solve quadratic non-autonomous Hamiltonians coupled to a reservoir composed by an infinity set of oscillators, with Gaussian initial state. We analytically obtain a solution for the characteristic function under dissipation, and therefore for the determinant of the covariance matrix and the von Neumann entropy, where the latter is the physical quantity of interest. We study in details two examples that are known to show dynamical squeezing and instability effects: the inverted harmonic oscillator and an oscillator with time dependent frequency. We show that it will appear in both cases a clear competition between instability and dissipation. If the dissipation is small when compared to the instability, the squeezing generation is dominant and one can see an increasing in the von Neumann entropy. When the dissipation is large enough, the dynamical squeezing generation in one of the quadratures is retained, thence the growth in the von Neumann entropy is contained

    Theory of weakly nonlinear self sustained detonations

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    We propose a theory of weakly nonlinear multi-dimensional self sustained detonations based on asymptotic analysis of the reactive compressible Navier-Stokes equations. We show that these equations can be reduced to a model consisting of a forced, unsteady, small disturbance, transonic equation and a rate equation for the heat release. In one spatial dimension, the model simplifies to a forced Burgers equation. Through analysis, numerical calculations and comparison with the reactive Euler equations, the model is demonstrated to capture such essential dynamical characteristics of detonations as the steady-state structure, the linear stability spectrum, the period-doubling sequence of bifurcations and chaos in one-dimensional detonations and cellular structures in multi- dimensional detonations
