273 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric studies on some nitrosonaphthols

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    1018-1021The UV and visible absorption spectra of some nitrosonaphthol derivatives have been studied in organic solvents of varying polarities. The dependence of the band shift on the nature of substituent, dielectric effect and specific solvation has been studied. The absorption spectra have also been studied in buffer solutions of varying pH values and the acid dissociation constants of the different ionisable groups have been determined using the half-height and the modified limiting absorbance methods. It is found that the nitroso substituent leads to a decrease in ionisation constants of the naphthalenic OH group

    Unbekannte Objekte Transporter

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    Roboter sind Maschinen, die sich selbstständig bewegen und verschiedene Tätigkeiten erledigen können. Das unterscheidet Roboter von ferngesteuerten Maschinen ,die Befehle von Menschen brauchen. Diese Roboter werden vielfältig eingesetzt.[1] In der Industrie sind die Roboter häufig zu sehen, da sie Traglasten bewältigen können und bessere Prozessgeschwindigkeiten und Zykluszeiten als die Menschen haben.[2]Außerdem können die Roboter auch Zuhause eingesetztwerden, wie zum Beispiel Sauger Roboter, die komplett eigenständig die Reinigung von Böden aller Arten übernehmen können. Die Roboter können das Leben vereinfachen und die Produktivität beschleunigen. Heutzutage können Roboter auch gefährliche Aufgaben eines Menschen ausführen, die besonders wichtig sein können, um Menschenleben zu beschützen, wie zum Beispiel beim Entschärfen einer Bombe. Mit Hilfe von Robotern kann der Bombenentschärfer unbekannte Objekte aus sicherer Entfernung aufheben und zu einem sicheren Ort bringen, und so dabei helfen, das Leben vor Gefahr zu schützen.[3] Das Problem eines solchen Roboters ist, dass der Roboter nur von einer erfahrenen Person ferngesteuert werden kann. Aus diesem Grund könnte es bei Notfällen noch nicht hilfreich sein. Das Ziel dieses Projekts war, einen Roboter zu erbauen , der autonom Objekte finden und sie nach ihre Farbe sortieren kann, ohne dass der Roboter ferngesteuert werden muss. Schnellere Reaktionszeiten und effektivere Resultate zählen zu den Vorteilen eines solchen Roboter, da für die Menschen nicht viele Zeit bleibt und die Spezialisten lange brauchen, um kommen zu können. Dieses Projekt wurde im Zeitraum vom 11. Februar bis 22. Februar 2019 in LEGO Mindstorms aufgebaut, in Zusammenarbeit von Laith Aladwan und Mahmoud Mqboul

    Combined Cisplatin Treatment and Photobiomodulation at High Fluence Induces Cytochrome c Release and Cytomorphologic Alterations in HEp-2 Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Photochemotherapy is thought to be a novel therapeutic modality for cancer. The photobiomodulation (PBM), applied through high fluence low-level laser irradiation (HF-LLLI), can be combined with the chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin to gain the benefit of potentiating its cytotoxic effect at possibly lower doses. AIM: The study aimed at investigation of the apoptotic effect of PBM, through LLLI (at HF), alone and in combination with cisplatin on cultured laryngeal cancer (HEp-2) cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the current experimental in vitro research, cultured laryngeal cancer cell line (HEp-2) was treated with the half maximal inhibitory concentration of cisplatin, with and without LLLI. The study design consisted of four groups: Control (untreated), cisplatin-alone-treated, PBM-alone-treated, and combination cisplatin + PBM treated groups. Cells were irradiated once with diode laser (wavelength 808 nm, energy output 350 mW, 3 min, fluence 190.91 J/cm2, and continuous wave mode). Cytotoxicity was assessed by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay and the potential apoptotic effect was evaluated by cytochrome c (CYC) release through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in conjunction with visualization of cytomorphologic alterations by light microscopic examination, followed by digital morphometric analysis of nuclear changes through estimation of nuclear area factor (NAF). Analysis of variance and post hoc multiple-comparison tests were used for statistical analysis of the data of cytotoxicity assay, ELISA, and nuclear morphometric analysis. RESULTS: PBM alone had a neutral effect on viability of HEp-2 cells, but it induced CYC release and lowered NAF mean value, significantly. When PBM was combined with cisplatin, more conspicuous deterioration in bioavailability of HEp-2 cells was observed, a higher amount of CYC was liberated and NAF value dropped in HEp-2 cells, compared to those which received separate treatments with cisplatin alone or PBM alone. CONCLUSION: Based on the current findings, low-level laser photochemotherapy might be a promising adjunctive anticancer treatment for laryngeal cancer, as PBM at HF was able to augment the apoptotic effect of cisplatin on HEp-2 cancer cells


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    Objective: Scaevola taccada. (Gaertn.) Roxb. is widely dispersed all along the coasts of Africa. It is used in folk medicine for diversity of ailments. This study aims to investigate the major phytoconstituents and biological activities of the leaves of S. taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. Methods: In vitro biological examination viz. antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract of the leaves (EE) and its fractions; (petroleum ether (PE), methylene chloride (MC), ethyl acetate (EA) and n-butanol(BuOH)) were carried out. Estimation of the phytochemicals of biologically active fractions was done. Results: n-butanol fraction displayed remarkable antimycobacterium activity. Petroleum ether as well as n-butanol fractions evidenced a cytotoxic effect on breast carcinoma cell line (MCF7) and colon carcinoma cell line (HCT) with IC50 11.7 and 15.04 µg/ml respectively. Moreover, ethyl acetate fraction exhibits an antioxidant effect with EC50 476.7±0.57 µg/ml. n-tetradecane 1, α-amyrin palmitate 2, α-amyrin acetate 3, α-amyrin 4, stigmasterol 5, luteolin-7-O-β-glucoside 6, rutin 7 and alidyjosioside 8 were identified in S. taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. leaves. Conclusion: Petroleum ether fraction is a cytotoxic candidate, especially against (MCF-7). It exhibited a moderate antifungal and antibacterial against certain Gram-positive bacteria. Ethyl acetate showed an antioxidant effect along with moderate antifungal activity. n-butanol fraction exerted potential antimycobacterial, significant cytotoxic activity against (HCT), good antifungal and antibacterial against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Stigmasterol, luteolin-7-O-β-glucoside, rutin and alidyjosioside were isolated for the first time from S. taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. Leaves

    Robusno neizrazito prilagođavanje pojačanja RST regulatora za WECS dvostruko napajani asinkroni generator

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    This paper proposes a new robust fuzzy gain scheduling of RST controller for a Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). First, a designed fuzzy gain scheduling of RST controller is investigated, in which fuzzy rules are utilized on-line to adapt the RST controller parameters based on the error and its first time derivative. The aim of the work is to apply and compare the dynamic performances of two types of controllers (namely, Polynomial RST and Fuzzy-RST) for the WECS. A vector control with stator flux orientation of the DFIG is also presented in order to achieve control of active and reactive power of the wind turbine transmitted to the grid and to make the wind turbine adaptable to different constraints. The results obtained by simulation prove the effectiveness of the proposed controller in terms of decoupling, robustness and dynamic performance for different operating conditions.U radu je predloženo novo robusno prilagođavanje pojačanja RST regulatora za sustav za pretvorbu energije vjetra (WECS) s dvostruko napajanim asinkronim generatorom (DFIG). Prije svega istražena je sinteza neizrazitog prilagođavanja pojačanja RST regulatora u kojem su neizrazita pravila iskorištena on-line za adaptaciju parametara RST regulatora koji koristi signal pogreške i njegovu prvu vremensku derivaciju. Cilj rada primjena je i usporedba dinamičkih svojstava dva tipa regulatora (polinomski RST i neizraziti RST) za WECS. Također je prikazano vektorsko upravljanje s orijentacijom statorskog toka DFIG-a za postizanje upravljanja aktivnom i reaktivnom snagom vjetroagregata koja se predaje mreži te za prilagodbu vjetroagregata za različita ograničenja. Rezultati prikupljeni provedenim simulacijama pokazuju efektivnost predloženog regulatora kroz rasrpegnutost, robusnost i dinamičke performanse za različite uvjete rada

    Study of the Electrical Properties and Swelling Mechanism in Compressed Butyl Rubber Loaded with Carbon Black

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    The dependence of both electrical conductivity "σ" and dielectric constant "ε" for samples containing different carbon black concentrations were studied at different loads. It was found that, "σ" and "ε" are nearly load independent at low concentration, however, they change at higher concentration of carbon black. Swelling of the samples in both benzene and kerosene was measured, and found to be dependent on both carbon black concentration and the type of solvent used. The diffusion coefficient, penetration rate and the molecular mass were calculated

    Comparing Fracture Resistance of Monolithic Zirconia Crowns Designed with three Different Thicknesses: An In Vitro Study : Három különböző vastagságú monolit cirkónium korona törési ellenállásnak in vitro összehasonlító vizsgálata

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    A limited available inter-occlusal space has always been a challenge for many dental practitioners, which hinders acquiring aesthetic restorations while conserving the remaining dental structure. This research aims to analyze the relationship between the occlusal thickness of second-generation CAD/CAM monolithic zirconia restorations, and their fracture resistance, in order to determine the feasibility of reducing the occlusal thickness – particularly in the posterior oral area, where a limited inter-occlusal space is usually available, and high biting forces are usually applied. Thirty monolithic zirconia crowns were made using second generation zirconia block with different design settings that divided them into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the occlusal thickness of the restorations: Group A: 2 mm, Group B: 1.5 mm, Group C: 1 mm. Thirty designed crowns were cemented to extracted prepared natural upper premolars using glass ionomer cement, then they were tested. Fracture resistance of the monolithic zirconia crowns was significantly influenced by the occlusal thickness, the resistance improved steadily as the thickness increased. Nevertheless, the occlusal thickness could be reduced down to 1 mm and the monolithic zirconia restoration would still own sufficient resistance to tolerate the maximum natural human biting loads of the posterior oral regions

    Cytotoxicity of Nubein6.8 peptide isolated from the snake venom of Naja nubiae on melanoma and ovarian carcinoma cell lines

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    This study was conducted to examine the cytotoxic effects of Nubein6.8 isolated from the venom of the Egyptian Spitting Cobra Naja nubiae on melanoma (A375) and ovarian carcinoma cell lines and to reveal its mode of action. The size of Nubein6.8 (6801.8 Da) and its N-terminal sequence are similar to cytotoxins purified from the venom of other spitting cobras. Nubein6.8 showed a high significant cytotoxic effect on A375 cell line and moderate effect on A2780. A clonogenic assay showed that Nubein6.8 has a significant long-term potency on A375 cell survival when compared to A2780. The molecular intracellular signaling pathways of Nubein6.8 have been investigated using Western blotting analysis, flow cytometry, and microscale protein labeling. This data revealed that Nubein6.8 has DNA damaging effects and the ability to activate apoptosis in both tumor cell lines. Cellular uptake recordings revealed that the labeled-Nubein6.8 was intracellularly present in A375 cells while A2780 displayed resistance against it. SEM examination showed that Nubein6.8 was found to have high accessibility to malignant melanoma cells. The apoptotic effect of Nubein6.8 was confirmed by TEM examination that revealed many evident characteristics for Nubein6.8 apoptotic efficacy on A375 cell sections. Also, TEM reflected many resistant characteristics that faced Nubein6.8 acquisition through ovarian carcinoma cell sections. Accordingly, the snake venom peptide of Nubein6.8 is a promising template for developing potential cytotoxic agents targeting human melanoma and ovarian carcinoma

    Myelodysplasia-related acute myeloid leukemia and acute promyelocytic leukemia: concomitant occurrence of two molecularly distinct diseases

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    Concurrent presentation of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) with other hematologic diseases in the absence of previous chemotherapy or ionizing radiotherapy treatment is very rare. We present a case of simultaneous occurrence of APL with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)-related acute myeloid leukemia (AML). A 43-yearold female presented with 3 month of history fatigue, night sweats, chills and pancytopenia. Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy demonstrated 20% myeloid blasts with dysplastic changes admixed with abnormal promyelocytes. Cytogenetic analysis showed tetraploidy and deletion in chromosomes 5q and 7q and polymerase chain reaction showed presence of PML/RARA mRNA transcripts, confirming the presence of concurrent APL and MDS-related AML. Induction chemotherapy with cytarabine and daunorubicin was initiated along with all-trans retinoic acid. This is the first case to be reported in the literature of concurrent occurrence of APL with MDS-related AML. Treatment with 7 + 3 regimen and ATRA was successful in inducing complete remission