67 research outputs found

    Sugars and organic acids contents of European Pyrus comminus L. and Asian (Pyrus serotina Rehd.) pear cultivars

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    The content of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, sorbitol) and organic acids (citric, malic, fumaric, tartaric) was analysed with HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) in pear fruits of 18 European (Pyrus communis L.) and 4 Asian (Pyrus serotina Rehd.) cultivars. The cultivars differed in the content of different sugars and organic acids. Fructose varied in the European pear cultivars from 23.7 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šConferenceā„¢ to 66.1 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šClapp Favoriteā„¢ and in the Asian cultivars from 27.9 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šShinseikiā„¢ to 45.7 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šKoshuiā„¢. Sorbitol varied in the European pear cultivars from 12.5 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šConferenceā„¢ to 24.9 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šBeurrĆ© Boscā„¢ and in the Asian cultivars from 5.0 g kg Ś1 in cv ā€šShinseikiā„¢ to 19.0 g kg Ś1 in cv. ā€šKumoiā„¢. The Asian pear cultivars contained more total sugars than the European ones. The early cultivars of pears contained more than 1.0 g kg Ś1 of citric acid and the late ones less than 1.0 g kg Ś1 . The cvs. ā€šWilliams Bon ChrĆ©tienā„¢, ā€šEarly Morettiniā„¢, ā€šPrincess Marianeā„¢, ā€šKoshuiā„¢ and ā€šHoshuiā„¢ contained more citric than malic acid. In the cvs. ā€šConcordeā„¢, ā€šConferenceā„¢ and ā€šBeurrĆ© Alexandre Lucasā„¢ no citric acid was traced. The content of tartaric acid was traced only in cv. ā€šHardyā„¢

    Askaridoza - stalno prisutan problem intenzivne svinjarske proizvodnje

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    Ascaridosis presence mast frequent, and most important, with global distribution with prevalence, dependent of bruding condition, were 5-95%. Chronical development of diseases induce permanent lasses at swine production through by low growth, weakly product results and by condemned of organs when presence larvar migration. At our parers we give outline on most important moment connected with swine askaridosis spread of parasites in our countries, pathogenesis and pathology changes and measure to prevention and eradication of diseases.Askaridoza predstavlja najčeŔću i najrasprostranjeniju parazitsku infekciju svinja, globalne distribucije, čija se prevalenca zavisno od uslova držanja kreće 5- 95%. Protičući u hroničnom obliku uzrokuje gubitke u svinjarskoj proizvodnji koji se manifestuju u vidu umanjenog prirasta, slabije konverzije hrane i odbacivanja organa kroz koje se odvija migratorna faza parazita. U naÅ”em radu dajemo kratak osvrt na najvažnije momente vezane za askaridozu svinja - raÅ”irenost ove parazitoze kod nas, patogenezu i patoloÅ”ke promene kao i mere preventive i suzbijanja oboljenja

    Å uga - stalno prisutan problem intenzivne svinjarske proizvodnje

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    Scabies caused by Sarcoptes scabei var. suis presence most frequent, and most important health problem in farm breeding swine with global distribution with prevalence, dependent of bruding condition, were 5-95%. Chronical development of diseases induce permanent lasses at swine production through by low growth, weakly product results and by condemned of organs when presence larvar migration. At our papers we give outline on most important moment connected with swine scabies spread of parasites in our countries pathogenesis and pathology changes and measure to prevention and eradication of diseases.Å uga uzrokovana sa Sarcoptes scabei var. suis predstavlja jednu od najčeŔćih i najrasprostranjenijih parazitsku infekciju svinja, globalne distribucije čija se prevalenca zavisno od uslova držanja kreće 5-95%. Protičući u akutnom a potom hroničnom obliku uzrokuje rapidne gubitke svinjarskoj proizvodnji kroz umanjen prirast i slabije proizvodne rezultate. U naÅ”em radu dajemo kratak osvrt na najvažnije momente vezane za Å”ugu svinja raÅ”irenost ove parazitoze kod nas, patogenezu i patoloÅ”ke promene kao i mere preventive i suzbijanja obolenja

    LCā€“DADā€“MS phenolic characterisation of six invasive plant species in Croatia and determination of their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity

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    Invasive plantsā€™ phytochemicals are important for their invasiveness, enabling them to spread in new environments. However, these chemicals could offer many pharmaceutical compounds or active ingredients for herbal preparations. This study provides the first LCā€“MS phytochemical screening of six invasive alien plant species (IAPS) in the Istria region (Croatia): Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Conyza canadensis, Dittrichia viscosa, Erigeron annuus, and Xanthium strumarium. The study aims to identify and quantify the phenolic content of their leaf extracts and assess their antimicrobial and cytotoxic potential. A total of 32 species-specific compounds were recorded. Neochlorogenic, chlorogenic, and 5-p-coumaroylquinic acids, quercetin-3-glucoside, and kaempferol hexoside were detected in all the tested IAPS. Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives were the main components in all the tested IAPS, except in E. annuus, where flavanones dominated with a share of 70%. X. strumarium extract had the best activity against the tested bacteria, with an average MIC value of 0.11 mg/mL, while A. altissima and X. strumarium extracts had the best activity against the tested fungi, with an average MIC value of 0.21 mg/mL in both cases. All the plant extracts studied, except X. strumarium, were less cytotoxic than the positive control. The results provided additional information on the phytochemical properties of IAPS and their potential for use as antimicrobial agents.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS : Figure S1: Heat map presenting the representations of phenolic groups in different invasive plants; Figure S2: Chromatogram of the acetone extracts of the plant species leaves developed in ethyl acetate/methanol/water (EMW) solvent system sprayed with vanillinā€“ sulphuric acid and TLC bioautograms; Table S1: Spectrum, mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) values of the molecular masses, and main fragments (MS2ā€”second-generation product ion, MS3ā€”thirdgeneration product ion) in negative ion mode ((M-H)āˆ’) identified with ESIā€“MS and the distribution of individual compounds in different invasive plants.The Croatian Science Foundation, the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the University of Pretoria, South Africa.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plantsdm2022Paraclinical Science

    Early life differences in behavioral predispositions in two Alligatoridae species

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    Behavioral predispositions are innate tendencies of animals to behave in a given way without the input of learning. They increase survival chances and, due to environmental and ecological challenges, may vary substantially even between closely related taxa. These diferences are likely to be especially pronounced in long-lived species like crocodilians. This order is particularly relevant for comparative cognition due to its phylogenetic proximity to birds. Here we compared early life behavioral predispositions in two Alligatoridae species. We exposed American alligator and spectacled caiman hatchlings to three different novel situations: a novel object, a novel environment that was open and a novel environment with a shelter. This was then repeated a week later. During exposure to the novel environments, alligators moved around more and explored a larger range of the arena than the caimans. When exposed to the novel object, the alligators reduced the mean distance to the novel object in the second phase, while the caimans further increased it, indicating diametrically opposite ontogenetic development in behavioral predispositions. Although all crocodilian hatchlings face comparable challenges, e.g., high predation pressure, the effectiveness of parental protection might explain the observed pattern. American alligators are apex predators capable of protecting their offspring against most dangers, whereas adult spectacled caimans are frequently predated themselves. Their distancing behavior might be related to increased predator avoidance and also explain the success of invasive spectacled caimans in the natural habitats of other crocodilians

    Influence of foliar nutrition on apple production

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    On the basis of different experiments the technology of intensive foliar nutrition was studied in apple orchards in the period from 1996 until 2000. Yearly apple nutrition programs based on soil analyses. The foliar nutrition program was prepared in accordance with the soil, fruit analyses and climatic conditions. If needed, certain improvements were made according to the analyses of leaves and precipitation in the current year. The richness of the soil and ratios between individual nutrients gradually improved. The foliar nutrition influenced the yield quantity, quality and flower bud differentiation. The yield was doubled and the mean of five years reached 70 tons per hectare. In spite of high yields there were no problems with alternative bearing. The analyses of soluble solids, firmness, fructose, glucose, sucrose, malic acid, citric acid in the fruits and mineral soil composition indicated that the produced fruits were of high quality despite greater yields

    Influence of foliar nutrition on apple production

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    On the basis of different experiments the technology of intensive foliar nutrition was studied in apple orchards in the period from 1996 until 2000. Yearly apple nutrition programs based on soil analyses. The foliar nutrition program was prepared in accordance with the soil, fruit analyses and climatic conditions. If needed, certain improvements were made according to the analyses of leaves and precipitation in the current year. The richness of the soil and ratios between individual nutrients gradually improved. The foliar nutrition influenced the yield quantity, quality and flower bud differentiation. The yield was doubled and the mean of five years reached 70 tons per hectare. In spite of high yields there were no problems with alternative bearing. The analyses of soluble solids, firmness, fructose, glucose, sucrose, malic acid, citric acid in the fruits and mineral soil composition indicated that the produced fruits were of high quality despite greater yields

    Does foliar nutrition influence the pear fruit quality?

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    The influence of the foliar nutrition on the pear fruit quality (Pyrus communis L.) cv. 'Williams' was studied in years 1997 and 1998. We determined the contents of individual sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose and sorbitol) and organic acids (malic, citric, fumaric and shikimic) by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). The sizes of the fruits (diameter, length, weight) were measured as well as the amounts of soluble solids and titrable acids. The experiment comprised two treatments: the foliar nutrition and the control. In the treatment of foliar nutrition the trees were sprayed five times (from May 22 to July 7) with a foliar fertilizer, which contained 15% of P205, 20% of K20, 0.1% of Mn, 0.1% of B and 0.1% of Mo. The foliar nutrition influenced higher quantities of sugars (glucose, sorbitol, soluble solids) and organic acids (malic, citric) but had no effect on the contents of shikimic acid, pH juice and titrable acids. At the treatment of foliar nutrition a trend of decrease in the contents of fructose, sucrose, fumaric acid, boron, and zinc was noticed
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