781 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Bungkil Kelapa Fermentasi dengan Trichoderma Harzianum dalam Ransum untuk Performa Broiler

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    Biaya pakan di peternakan ayam broiler adalah komponen terbesar, sehingga peternak harus dapat memanfaatkan nilai gizi dan kualitas bahan, seperti bungkil kelapa. Bungkil kelapa memiliki 22,41% protein dan serat kasar 15,15%, setelah fermentasi, protein meningkat menjadi 35,27% dan serat kasar lebih rendah menjadi 10,24%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan campuran dalam ransum sebagai pakan fermentasi dengan Trichoderma harzianum. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dalam dua periode. Periode pertama bulan September 2016 - Oktober 2016, periode kedua November 2016 - Desember 2016 yang diselenggarakan di kandang ayam ras UPT Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam pemeliharaan ayam pedaging adalah: kabel, bola lampu, isolasi, tirai plastik, timbangan, spayer tangan, tali, ember, baskom, kompor. Bahan yang digunakan adalah DOC, bungkil kelapa fermentasi, ransum komersial, vaksin ND, plastik, kertas koran, rodalon, sekam padi dan kapur. Penggunaan bungkil kelapa yang difermentasi dapat meningkatkan berat badan ayam pedaging. Konsumsi, konversi pakan, penambahan berat badan perlakuan lebih baik daripada kontrol

    EST2Prot: Mapping EST sequences to proteins

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    BACKGROUND: EST libraries are used in various biological studies, from microarray experiments to proteomic and genetic screens. These libraries usually contain many uncharacterized ESTs that are typically ignored since they cannot be mapped to known genes. Consequently, new discoveries are possibly overlooked. RESULTS: We describe a system (EST2Prot) that uses multiple elements to map EST sequences to their corresponding protein products. EST2Prot uses UniGene clusters, substring analysis, information about protein coding regions in existing DNA sequences and protein database searches to detect protein products related to a query EST sequence. Gene Ontology terms, Swiss-Prot keywords, and protein similarity data are used to map the ESTs to functional descriptors. CONCLUSION: EST2Prot extends and significantly enriches the popular UniGene mapping by utilizing multiple relations between known biological entities. It produces a mapping between ESTs and proteins in real-time through a simple web-interface. The system is part of the Biozon database and is accessible at

    Pengelolaan Mangrove Berdasarkan Tipe Substrat di Perairan Negeri Ihamahu Pulau Saparua

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    Mangrove merupakan salah satu dari tiga ekosistem penting yang memiliki berbagai manfaat dan fungsi baik fisik, ekologis maupun ekonomis. Tingginya aktifitas masyarakat di sekitar ekosistem mangrove di Negeri Ihamahu dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan mangrove, sehingga menyebabkan Perubahan komposisi substrat yang berdampak pada tekanan pertumbuhan mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tipe subsrat berdasarkan jenis-jenis mangrove, zonasi mangrove berdasarkan tipe substrat serta menganalisis strategi pengelolaan mangrove di perairan Negeri Ihamahu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Negeri Ihamahu pada bulan Juli-September 2013 dengan menggunakan Metode Transek Garis. Metode pengambilan sampel substrat menggunakan boring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan substrat yang paling dominan adalah lumpur pada famili Rhizophoraceae, pasir halus pada famili Rhizophoraceae, Avicenniaceae, dan Sonneratiaceae, sedangkan pasir sedang terdapat pada family Sonneratiaceae. Zonasi pada hutan mangrove di Negeri Ihamahu, yaitu pada zona yang paling dekat dengan laut ditumbuhi jenis A. alba dan S. alba. Zona tengah ditumbuhi jenis R.stylosa, R.apiculata dan R.mucronata, C.tagal, A.corniculatum, X.granatum dan B.gymorrhiza dan B.Parviflora, sedangkan zona yang dekat dengan darat ditumbuhi jenis Nypa fruticans. Empat Arahan pengelolaan mangrove berdasarkan tipe substrat yang sesuai bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mangrove Negeri Ihamahu, Strategi pengelolaan mangrove berdasarkan hasil analisis pendapat pakar memperhitungkan tiga faktor utama yaitu¸ faktor ekologi, sosial, dan ekonomi, sedangkan penentuan terhadap pilihan strategi pengelolaan mangrove yang berkelanjutan dengan menganalisis pendapat para pakar terhadap tiga pilihan yaitu ekosiwata, minawisata, dan lokasi penelitian atau studi. Kata Kunci :  pengelolaan, mangrove, substrat, Ihamahu, Saparu

    Penerimaan Masyarakat dan Cakupan Pengobatan Massal Filariasis di Kecamatan Kodi Balaghar

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    Background: Mass Drugs Administration (MDA) of Filariasis is the effort for filariasis elimination. The first round of MDA is a reference for implementation future rounds of MDA. Coverage of treatment, community compliance and knowledge about filariasis are some things that need to be considered in implementation of the first round of MDA and is an indicator the success of filariasis elimination. Kodi Balaghar is a sub-district in South West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara province which has Mf- rate 4.2% and received MDA for first round in 2013.Objective: to see how the acceptance of Kodi Balaghar community on the first round implementation of MDA. Methods: Descriptive study was conducted from April- November 2014 at five villages in Kodi Balaghar Sub-District which received MDA in 2013. The number of samples are 216 that calculating with estimated proportion. Two hundred and four respondens were success interview using structure questionnaires consisting of people who taking (100 respondens) and did not taking the drug (104) based on data from primary health care. Results: Coverage of MDA 2013 in Kodi Balaghar Sub-District was 3% from total eligible population. There were 152 respondents did not know the implementation of MDA, 149 respondents were did not obtain information about MDA. All respondents who taking drugs, admitted to ingested the drug. The main reason of respondents for not taking drugs is they did not know there was implementation of MDA programe (71 respondents). The second reason of respondents is absent at the time of drugs distribution (33 respondents).Conclusion: Lack of knowledge and information of respondents about MDA and followed by very low coverage.Recommendation: increased socialization as an effort to increase knowledge and information about MDA

    Field evaluation of selected cassava genotypes for cassava brown streak disease based on symptom expression and virus load

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    Background Production of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a food security crop in sub-Saharan Africa, is threatened by the spread of cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) which manifests in part as a corky necrosis in the storage root. It is caused by either of two virus species, Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), resulting in up to 100% yield loss in susceptible varieties. Methods This study characterized the response of 11 cassava varieties according to CBSD symptom expression and relative CBSV and UCBSV load in a field trial in Uganda. Relative viral load was measured using quantitative RT-PCR using COX as an internal housekeeping gene. Results A complex situation was revealed with indications of different resistance mechanisms that restrict virus accumulation and symptom expression. Four response categories were defined. Symptom expression was not always positively correlated with virus load. Substantially different levels of the virus species were found in many genotypes suggesting either resistance to one virus species or the other, or some form of interaction, antagonism or competition between virus species. Conclusions A substantial amount of research still needs to be undertaken to fully understand the mechanism and genetic bases of resistance. This information will be useful in informing breeding strategies and restricting virus spread.Background Production of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a food security crop in sub-Saharan Africa, is threatened by the spread of cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) which manifests in part as a corky necrosis in the storage root. It is caused by either of two virus species, Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), resulting in up to 100% yield loss in susceptible varieties. Methods This study characterized the response of 11 cassava varieties according to CBSD symptom expression and relative CBSV and UCBSV load in a field trial in Uganda. Relative viral load was measured using quantitative RT-PCR using COX as an internal housekeeping gene. Results A complex situation was revealed with indications of different resistance mechanisms that restrict virus accumulation and symptom expression. Four response categories were defined. Symptom expression was not always positively correlated with virus load. Substantially different levels of the virus species were found in many genotypes suggesting either resistance to one virus species or the other, or some form of interaction, antagonism or competition between virus species. Conclusions A substantial amount of research still needs to be undertaken to fully understand the mechanism and genetic bases of resistance. This information will be useful in informing breeding strategies and restricting virus spread.Background Production of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a food security crop in sub-Saharan Africa, is threatened by the spread of cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) which manifests in part as a corky necrosis in the storage root. It is caused by either of two virus species, Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), resulting in up to 100% yield loss in susceptible varieties. Methods This study characterized the response of 11 cassava varieties according to CBSD symptom expression and relative CBSV and UCBSV load in a field trial in Uganda. Relative viral load was measured using quantitative RT-PCR using COX as an internal housekeeping gene. Results A complex situation was revealed with indications of different resistance mechanisms that restrict virus accumulation and symptom expression. Four response categories were defined. Symptom expression was not always positively correlated with virus load. Substantially different levels of the virus species were found in many genotypes suggesting either resistance to one virus species or the other, or some form of interaction, antagonism or competition between virus species. Conclusions A substantial amount of research still needs to be undertaken to fully understand the mechanism and genetic bases of resistance. This information will be useful in informing breeding strategies and restricting virus spread.Background Production of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a food security crop in sub-Saharan Africa, is threatened by the spread of cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) which manifests in part as a corky necrosis in the storage root. It is caused by either of two virus species, Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), resulting in up to 100% yield loss in susceptible varieties. Methods This study characterized the response of 11 cassava varieties according to CBSD symptom expression and relative CBSV and UCBSV load in a field trial in Uganda. Relative viral load was measured using quantitative RT-PCR using COX as an internal housekeeping gene. Results A complex situation was revealed with indications of different resistance mechanisms that restrict virus accumulation and symptom expression. Four response categories were defined. Symptom expression was not always positively correlated with virus load. Substantially different levels of the virus species were found in many genotypes suggesting either resistance to one virus species or the other, or some form of interaction, antagonism or competition between virus species. Conclusions A substantial amount of research still needs to be undertaken to fully understand the mechanism and genetic bases of resistance. This information will be useful in informing breeding strategies and restricting virus spread

    Identification of F1 cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) progeny using microsatellite markers and capillary electrophoresis

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    Generation of genetic diversity is necessary in improving on the potential of cassava when faced with various biotic and abiotic challenges. Presently, cassava breeders are breeding for a number of traits, such as drought tolerance, early root bulking, yield, starch, beta-carotene, protein, dry matter, pest and disease resistance, by relying on genetic diversity that exists in manihot esculenta germplasm. Controlled pollination is one of the main methods used to generate genetic diversity in cassava. However, the process of controlled pollination especially in an open field is prone to contamination by illegitimate pollen right from the time of pollination, seed collection, nursery bed establishment to planting of the trials. Therefore, authentication of the progeny obtained from cas-sava crosses is very important for genetic studies. Twelve informative microsatellite markers were used to verify the authenticity of 364 F1 progeny thought to come from four controlled parental crosses. The transmission of each allele at nine microsatellite loci was tracked from parents to progeny in each of the four Namikonga-derived F1 cassava families. Out of the 364 F1 progeny, 317 (87.1%) were true-to-type, 44 (12.1%) were a product of self-pollination and 3 (0.8%) were a product of open pollination. The consistency of the results obtained using microsatellite markers makes this technique a reliable tool for assessing the purity of progeny generated from cassava crosses
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