2,307 research outputs found

    Acoustic-Phonetic Features for the Automatic Classification of Stop Consonants

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    In this paper, the acoustic–phonetic characteristics of American English stop consonants are investigated. Features studied in the literature are evaluated for their information content and new features are proposed. A statistically guided, knowledge-based, acoustic–phonetic system for the automatic classification of stops, in speaker independent continuous speech, is proposed. The system uses a new auditory-based front-end processing and incorporates new algorithms for the extraction and manipulation of the acoustic–phonetic features that proved to be rich in their information content. Recognition experiments are performed using hard decision algorithms on stops extracted from the TIMIT database continuous speech of 60 speakers (not used in the design process) from seven different dialects of American English. An accuracy of 96% is obtained for voicing detection, 90% for place articulation detection and 86% for the overall classification of stops

    Robust Classification of Stop Consonants Using Auditory-Based Speech Processing

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    In this work, a feature-based system for the automatic classification of stop consonants, in speaker independent continuous speech, is reported. The system uses a new auditory-based speech processing front-end that is based on the biologically rooted property of average localized synchrony detection (ALSD). It incorporates new algorithms for the extraction and manipulation of the acoustic-phonetic features that proved, statistically, to be rich in their information content. The experiments are performed on stop consonants extracted from the TIMIT database with additive white Gaussian noise at various signal-to-noise ratios. The obtained classification accuracy compares favorably with previous work. The results also showed a consistent improvement of 3% in the place detection over the Generalized Synchrony Detector (GSD) system under identical circumstances on clean and noisy speech. This illustrates the superior ability of the ALSD to suppress the spurious peaks and produce a consistent and robust formant (peak) representation

    Robust Auditory-Based Speech Processing Using the Average Localized Synchrony Detection

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    In this paper, a new auditory-based speech processing system based on the biologically rooted property of the average localized synchrony detection (ALSD) is proposed. The system detects periodicity in the speech signal at Bark-scaled frequencies while reducing the response’s spurious peaks and sensitivity to implementation mismatches, and hence presents a consistent and robust representation of the formants. The system is evaluated for its formant extraction ability while reducing spurious peaks. It is compared with other auditory-based and traditional systems in the tasks of vowel and consonant recognition on clean speech from the TIMIT database and in the presence of noise. The results illustrate the advantage of the ALSD system in extracting the formants and reducing the spurious peaks. They also indicate the superiority of the synchrony measures over the mean-rate in the presence of noise

    Using Web-Based Technology in Laboratory Instruction to Reduce Costs

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    The authors report the results of a project to reemphasize high quality, hands-on laboratory courses in the engineering curriculum while reducing their costs through the application of web-based teaching tools. The project resulted in substantial gains in productivity of faculty and staff, increased utilization of laboratory space, cost reductions in equipment, and improved quality of learning for our students

    Image Sensor with General Spatial Processing in a 3D Integrated Circuit Technology

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    An architectural overview of an image sensor with general spatial processing capabilities on the focal plane is presented. The system has been fabricated on two separate tiers, implemented on silicon-on-insulator technology with vertical interconnect capabilities. One tier is dedicated to imaging, where photosensitivity and pixel fill have been optimized. The subsequent layers contain noise suppression and digitally controlled analog processing elements, where general spatial filtering is computed. The digitally controlled aspect of the processing unit allows generic receptive fields to be computed on read out. The image is convolved with four receptive fields in parallel. The chip provides parallel readout of the filtered results and the intensity image

    Tools to support the self assessment of the performance of Food Safety Management Systems

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    Changes in food supply chains, health and demographic situations, lifestyle and social situations, environmental conditions, and increased legislative requirements have led to significant efforts in the development of quality and safety management systems in agribusiness and food industry worldwide (Ropkins and Beck, 2000; Efstratiadis, Karirti, and Arvanitoyannis, 2000; Jacxsens, et al, 2009a, Luning and Marcelis, 2009a). Nowadays, companies have implemented various quality assurance (QA) guidelines and standards, such as GMP and HACCP guidelines (like General Principles of food hygiene (Codex Alimentarius 2003), GFSI guidance document (GFSI (2007), and quality assurance standards (like ISO 9001:2008 (2008), ISO22000:2005 (2005), BRC (2008), and IFS (2007) into their company own food safety management system. The performance of such systems in practice is, however, still variable. Moreover, the continuous pressure on food safety management system (FSMS) performance and the dynamic environment wherein the systems operate (such as emerging pathogens, changing consumer demands, developments in preservation techniques) require that they can be systematically analysed to determine opportunities for improvement (Wallace, et al, 2005; Manning et al, 2006; Van der Spiegel et al, 2006; Cornier et al, 2007; Luning et al, 2009a). Within the European project entitled ‘PathogenCombat- EU FOOD-CT-2005-007081’ various tools have been developed to support food companies and establishments in systematically analysing and judging their food safety management system and its microbiological performance as basis for strategic choices on interventions to improve the FSMS performance. This chapter describes briefly principles of the major tools that have been developed and some others, which are still under still under construction

    Transparant afwegen; Waarden en risico's beoordelen van voedselkwaliteit

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    Transparante beleidsafwegingen en bredere risicobeoordelingen lijken cruciaal voor het waarmaken van de maatschappelijke aspiraties die het ministerie van LNV zich op het gebied van voedselkwaliteit heeft gesteld. De implementatie van instrumenten die dergelijke afwegingen ondersteunen blijkt echter problematisch. In dit rapport wordt ingegaan op de toepassing van een TRansparant Afwegingskader (TRAK) en het instrument van een Brede Risicobeoordeling (BRB). Deze instrumenten bieden zeker kansen, maar een succesvolle implementatie zal tijd en energie vergen gezien de knelpunten die er tegenover staan. Transparent policy decisions and broader risk assessments seem to be crucial for fulfilling the social aspirations established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality with regard to food quality. However, the use of instruments which support such decision(making seems to be encountering problems. This report discusses the application of a Transparent Consideration Framework (TRansparant AfwegingsKader, TRAK) and a Broad Risk Assessment (Brede Risicobeoordeling, BRB). These instruments certainly offer potential, but successful implementation will take time and energy in view of the problems facing them

    Linear Current-Mode Active Pixel Sensor

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    A current mode CMOS active pixel sensor (APS) providing linear light-to-current conversion with inherently low fixed pattern noise (FPN) is presented. The pixel features adjustable-gain current output using a pMOS readout transistor in the linear region of operation. This paper discusses the pixel’s design and operation, and presents an analysis of the pixel’s temporal noise and FPN. Results for zero and first-order pixel mismatch are presented. The pixel was implemented in a both a 3.3 V 0.35 µm and a 1.8 V 0.18 µm CMOS process. The 0.35 µm process pixel had an uncorrected FPN of 1.4%/0.7% with/without column readout mismatch. The 0.18 µm process pixel had 0.4% FPN after delta-reset sampling (DRS). The pixel size in both processes was 10 X 10 µm2, with fill factors of 26% and 66%, respectively

    Diermeel in diervoeders? : een methodische discussie met stakeholders

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    In dit rapport wordt verslag gedaan van een workshop die ten doel had een beter inzicht te krijgen in de belangen van de Nederlandse samenleving met betrekking tot de vraag of het beleid ten aanzien van dierlijke eiwitten in diervoeders versoepeld kan worden. Daarbij is gebruik maakt van een nieuwe, brede afwegingsmethodiek (TRAK) waarmee het mogelijk is verschillende beleidsscenario's' aan de hand van verschillende waarden te beoordelen en te scoren

    Ontwikkeling en vermarkting van nieuwe eiwitten : ervaren belemmeringen en oplossingen

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    Het ministerie van EL&I heeft Wageningen UR gevraagd te inventariseren welk belemmeringen bedrijven ervaren bij het ontwikkelen en vermarkten van nieuwe eiwitbronnen en wat oplossingen daarvoor zijn. Er zijn elf bedrijven geïnterviewd, die nieuwe eiwitbronnen in Nederland ontwikkelen of produceren. Daarnaast zijn zes organisaties geïnterviewd, die te maken hebben met wettelijke en juridische aspecten van de productie van nieuwe eiwitten. De projectgroep heeft de interviewresultaten veralgemeniseerd en geordend in belemmeringen en oplossingen. De belangrijkste belemmeringen die bedrijven ervaren bij de ontwikkeling en vermarkting van nieuwe eiwitten zijn: complexe en ondoorzichtige procedures binnen de Novel Food Verordening; onvoldoende acceptatie door consumenten en producenten
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