837 research outputs found

    Image segmentation and analysis via multiscale gradient watershed hierarchies

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    ©1999 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Multiscale image analysis has been used successfully in a number of applications to classify image features according to their relative scales. As a consequence, much has been learned about the scale-space behavior of intensity extrema, edges, intensity ridges, and grey-level blobs. In this paper, we investigate the multiscale behavior of gradient watershed regions. These regions are defined in terms of the gradient properties of the gradient magnitude of the original image. Boundaries of gradient watershed regions correspond to the edges of objects in an image. Multiscale analysis of intensity minima in the gradient magnitude image provides a mechanism for imposing a scale-based hierarchy on the watersheds associated,vith these minima. This hierarchy can be used to label watershed boundaries according to their scale. This provides valuable insight into the multiscale properties of edges in an image without following these curves through scale-space. In addition, the gradient watershed region hierarchy can be used for automatic or interactive image segmentation. By selecting subtrees of the region hierarchy, visually sensible objects in an image can be easily constructed

    Magnetotransport in anisotropic Pb films and monolayers

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    The anisotropy induced by atomic steps of a Si(557) substrate in structure and magnetoconductance of ultrathin Pb films adsorbed on this surface is shown to be effectively shielded as a function of layer thickness, as found out by a combined study of low-energy electron diffraction and macroscopic four-point conductivity measurements as a function of Pb coverage, temperature, and magnetic field. In strong contrast to flat Si(111), substrate steps effectively compensate the lateral misfit (10%), leading to crystalline growth starting from the first monolayer. Multilayers already exceeding four physical monolayers (PML) form isotropic and percolated Pb islands even on this uniaxial surface. This structural anisotropy corresponds well to that found in dc conductivity measurements. As a function of temperature, strong localization effects with clear anisotropy become dominant for coverages below 4 PML. Strong anisotropic magnetotransport was found for Pb-wetting layers close to completion of the physical monolayer caused by an enhanced elastic scattering rate in the direction perpendicular to the step direction. While multilayers are characterized by weak localization, antilocalization is found for all monolayer structures due to strong spin-orbit coupling, which is effectively switched off around 1.3 ML (1 PML) below 78 K, where one-dimensional transport was seen along the step direction. © 2010 The American Physical Society.DF

    Automatic Classification of Text Databases through Query Probing

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    Many text databases on the web are "hidden" behind search interfaces, and their documents are only accessible through querying. Search engines typically ignore the contents of such search-only databases. Recently, Yahoo-like directories have started to manually organize these databases into categories that users can browse to find these valuable resources. We propose a novel strategy to automate the classification of search-only text databases. Our technique starts by training a rule-based document classifier, and then uses the classifier's rules to generate probing queries. The queries are sent to the text databases, which are then classified based on the number of matches that they produce for each query. We report some initial exploratory experiments that show that our approach is promising to automatically characterize the contents of text databases accessible on the web.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Unfolding the Hierarchy of Voids

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    We present a framework for the hierarchical identification and characterization of voids based on the Watershed Void Finder. The Hierarchical Void Finder is based on a generalization of the scale space of a density field invoked in order to trace the hierarchical nature and structure of cosmological voids. At each level of the hierarchy, the watershed transform is used to identify the voids at that particular scale. By identifying the overlapping regions between watershed basins in adjacent levels, the hierarchical void tree is constructed. Applications on a hierarchical Voronoi model and on a set of cosmological simulations illustrate its potential.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Structure of Higher Spin Gauge Interactions

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    In a previous paper, higher spin gauge field theory was formulated in an abstract way, essentially only keeping enough machinery to discuss "gauge invariance" of an "action". The approach could be thought of as providing an interface (or syntax) towards an implementation (or semantics) yet to be constructed. The structure then revealed turns out to be that of a strongly homotopy Lie algebra. In the present paper, the framework will be connected to more conventional field theoretic concepts. The Fock complex vertex operator implementation of the interactions in the BRST-BV formulation of the theory will be elaborated. The relation between the vertex order expansion and homological perturbation theory will be clarified. A formal non-obstruction argument is reviewed. The syntactically derived sh-Lie algebra structure is semantically mapped to the Fock complex implementation and it is shown that the recursive equations governing the higher order vertices are reproduced. Global symmetries and subsidiary conditions are discussed and as a result the tracelessness constraints are discarded. Thus all equations needed to compute the vertices to any order are collected. The framework is general enough to encompass all possible interaction terms. Finally, the abstract framework itself will be strengthened by showing that it can be naturally phrased in terms of the theory of categories.Comment: A few changes and additions made in the Introduction. Three references added. Typos corrected. Text agrees with published version in J. Math. Phys. except for minor journal specific proof-reading changes. 61 page