208 research outputs found

    L'univers mediàtic del País dels Pirineus

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    Changing Conceptions and Uses of Computer Technologies in the Everyday Literacy Practices of Sixth and Seventh Graders

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    This study focused on 189 sixth and seventh graders in two large suburban schools and their use of computer technologies as part of their everyday literacy practices. We were especially interested in the students\u27 conceptions of computer technologies and how computer use varied across grade and reading levels. The study included a survey completed by all 189 students that provided an overview of students\u27 uses of computer technologies and other literacy practices. Interviews with 24 students provided more detailed information on how sixth- and seventh-grade students at different reading levels used and conceptualized computer technologies in and out of school. Findings showed that many students, especially sixth graders, were far less interested in computer technologies than is suggested by common conceptions. Findings also showed an important shift between sixth and seventh graders toward more interest in practices that provided social interaction or entertainment. Some of the conceptions these students held about computer technologies could be attributed to changing social and developmental needs, but a variety of factors, such as literacy skills and contexts of use, influenced these students as well

    The grumpy bin:reducing food waste through playful social interactions

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    Domestic food waste is a world-wide problem that is complex and difficult to tackle as it touches diverse habits and social behaviors. This paper introduces the Grumpy Bin, a smart food waste bin designed for the context of student housing. The Grumpy Bin1 contributes to the state of the art of food waste prevention solutions by challenging the traditional approach on pervasive technology, which is commonly based on system-driven judgements and persuasive data representations. Instead, this design empowers users and their social acquaintances to collectively judge their actions, hence adding a layer of social mediation that is likely to increase the chance for behavior change.</p

    The Future of Human-Food Interaction

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    There is an increasing interest in food within the HCI discipline, with many interactive prototypes emerging that augment, extend and challenge the various ways people engage with food, ranging from growing plants, cooking ingredients, serving dishes and eating together. Grounding theory is also emerging that in particular draws from embodied interactions, highlighting the need to consider not only instrumental, but also experiential factors specific to human-food interactions. Considering this, we are provided with an opportunity to extend human-food interactions through knowledge gained from designing novel systems emerging through technical advances. This workshop aims to explore the possibility of bringing practitioners, researchers and theorists together to discuss the future of human-food interaction with a particular highlight on the design of experiential aspects of human-food interactions beyond the instrumental. This workshop extends prior community building efforts in this area and hence explicitly invites submissions concerning the empirically-informed knowledge of how technologies can enrich eating experiences. In doing so, people will benefit not only from new technologies around food, but also incorporate the many rich benefits that are associated with eating, especially when eating with others

    Aprenentatge actiu de química a diferents nivells (ensenyament secundari i 1r curs universitari)

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    A diferents nivells d’estudis i en el context de l’assignatura de química, es pretén propiciar un aprenentatge més significatiu. En aquest sentit, proposem activitats que impliquen la participació molt activa de l’estudiant amb l’objectiu de que en un ambient favorable senti motivació per aprendre i desenvolupi la capacitat creativa, fonamental per qualsevol futur àmbit professional i alhora transcendental pels enginyers. Si bé els elements susceptibles de potenciar la creativitat són nombrosos, inicialment ens plantejarem aplicar i seguir-ne dos o tres com a màxim: motivació, iniciativa i innovació. En l’actual curs (2011/2012) hem dissenyat i hem implementat a mode de “pla pilot” en assignatures de química de Batxillerat i de primer curs universitari, una activitat per potenciar la creativitat. En la mateixa es proposa als alumnes que a partir de consultes bibliogràfiques dissenyin un experiment per obtenir un producte (un indicador àcid-base) i que un cop obtingut en valorin la seva eficiència. Les activitats, de tipus experimental, es realitzen majoritàriament en el laboratori de química, i es modulen a diferents nivells de continguts específics de química i d’aprenentatge segons la taxonomia de Bloom. El fet d’aplicar-ho a diferents edats de l’alumnat, i suposadament diferents graus de maduresa, ens ha de permetre potenciar i estudiar elements que contribueixin a generar la “Creativitat”. Aquest aspecte és l’element que ens hem plantejat potenciar el professorat actiu del grup GENCAD (Grup d’ENginy i Creativitat a l’Aula Docent).Peer Reviewe

    ¡Descubriendo el paisaje!: propuesta didáctica para 3er ciclo de Primaria y 1o de ESO

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    La preocupación por la pérdida de paisajes europeos sufrió un punto de inflexión en el año 2000, gracias a la celebración del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje. En este encuentro se establecieron objetivos para lograr una adecuada gestión y protección de los paisajes y se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de sensibilizar y formar a la ciudadanía en este sentido. Una vía para alcanzar esta alfabetización paisajística es la implementación de cursos escolares en contextos formales y no formales. En este artículo se presenta una propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza del paisaje en 3er ciclo de Primaria y 1º de ESO

    Mapping FoodHCI Futures

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    Recognizing the significant potential impact that HCI has on food practices and experiences, researchers and practitioners are undertaking a growing number of explorations of novel computing technology and food combinations. These explorations have so far primarily emphasized technology-driven systems and taken a human-centric perspective. We propose a Special Interest Group (SIG) in "foodHCI futures"that creates a space for researchers to discuss the boundaries of food incorporating HCI, and with the simultaneous aims of reconciling food with technology and extending our visions for human-food interactions towards anthropocentrism. Specifically, the SIG will be a beginning of developing a structured conceptual map of the possibilities for future technology interventions in food systems. In developing this map, we hope to encourage democratized debate, provoke new and divergent thoughts on the opportunities for foodHCI, and ultimately gain unique insights that contribute to preferable food futures