143 research outputs found

    Pilinszky Jånos színhåzesztétikåja

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    Mi a referencialitĂĄsa a „Pilinszky JĂĄnos” kifejezĂ©snek? Mire utal a szĂ­nhĂĄzesztĂ©tika szĂł? Mi a szĂ­nhĂĄz? És mi az esztĂ©tika? És egyĂĄltalĂĄn a cĂ­mben rejlƑ Ă­gĂ©ret szerint összekapcsolhatĂł-e a kĂ©t kifejezĂ©s: Pilinszkynek van-e szĂ­nhĂĄzesztĂ©tikĂĄja

    Mire jó a nyelvmƱvelés?

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    Az iskolai anyanyelvtanĂ­tĂĄs termĂ©szetes rĂ©sze a nyelvmƱvelĂ©s. NyelvĂ©sz körökben azonban folyamatos vitĂĄk kapcsolĂłdnak hozzĂĄ, s vannak, akik megkĂ©rdƑjelezik a lĂ©tjogosultsĂĄgĂĄt is. Az anyanyelvpedagĂłgiĂĄval kapcsolatos szĂĄmos gond között valĂłszĂ­nƱleg nem ez a legĂ©getƑbb, de a vita tĂŒkrĂ©ben mĂ©gis megkerĂŒlhetetlen a kĂ©rdĂ©s: kell-e egyĂĄltalĂĄn az iskolĂĄban nyelvmƱvelĂ©ssel foglalkoznunk vagy, mint egyesek vĂ©lik, ez egyenesen ĂĄrtalmas tevĂ©kenysĂ©g. A vĂĄlasz keresĂ©sĂ©hez szeretnĂ©k hozzĂĄjĂĄrulni ebben a tanulmĂĄnyban, amely a kĂ©t tĂĄbor szövegeinek mögöttes megközelĂ­tĂ©seit igyekszik feltĂĄrni

    Új episztemolĂłgiĂĄk kihĂ­vĂĄsa a nevelĂ©studomĂĄnyban

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    A magyar nevelĂ©studomĂĄnyban az utĂłbbi idƑben elƑtĂ©rbe kerĂŒltek a kutatĂĄsmĂłdszertanhoz kapcsolĂłdĂł problĂ©mafelvetĂ©sek, ritkĂĄbban esik azonban szĂł a mĂ©lyebben rejlƑ tudomĂĄnyelmĂ©leti alapokrĂłl Ă©s alapkĂ©rdĂ©sekrƑl. Ezzel ellentĂ©tben a kĂŒlföldi (pĂ©ldĂĄul angolszĂĄsz) pedagĂłgiĂĄban igen nagy irodalma van az episztemolĂłgiai jellegƱ kĂ©rdĂ©seknek, vitĂĄknak. A tĂĄrsadalomtudomĂĄnyokban az utĂłbbi Ă©vtizedekben ismĂ©t komoly kĂ©rdĂ©ssĂ© vĂĄlt, hogy mit Ă©rtĂŒnk tudomĂĄnyon Ă©s tudomĂĄnyossĂĄgon. SokfĂ©le Ășj hang jelent meg, s ezzel összefĂŒggĂ©sben több Ășj episztemolĂłgia tƱnt fel Ă©s követel helyet magĂĄnak a pedagĂłgiai kutatĂĄsok vilĂĄgĂĄban is, mint pĂ©ldĂĄul a posztstrukturalizmus vagy az Ășjmarxizmus. Ezek az elmĂ©letek szĂĄmos kihĂ­vĂĄst hoznak a nevelĂ©studomĂĄny szĂĄmĂĄra

    IfjĂșsĂĄgi szubkultĂșrĂĄk Ă©s „szubkulturĂĄlis pedagĂłgia” egy iskolai etnogrĂĄfia fĂ©nyĂ©ben

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    Ez a tanulmĂĄny nĂ©hĂĄny nĂ©mileg ĂĄtdolgozott rĂ©szletet tartalmaz egy, az IskolakultĂșra könyvek sorozatban nemsokĂĄra megjelenƑ könyvbƑl, amely egy doktori kutatĂĄs eredmĂ©nye: SzubkultĂșrĂĄk Ă©s iskolai nevelĂ©s: NarratĂ­v, kritikai pedagĂłgiai etnogrĂĄfia. A tanulmĂĄny a szubkultĂșrĂĄk Ă©s szubkulturĂĄlis pedagĂłgia tĂ©makörĂ©t emeli ki a disszertĂĄciĂł Ă©s a könyv egy elmĂ©leti fejezetĂ©nek közreadĂĄsĂĄval, melyet kiegĂ©szĂ­t az empirikus kutatĂĄs nyomĂĄn szĂŒletett szöveg nĂ©hĂĄny rĂ©szlete is

    An Observational Evidence for the Difference Between the Short and Long Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The intrinsic fluence and duration distributions of gamma-ray bursts are well represented by log-normal distributions. This allows a bivariate log-normal distribution fit to be made to the BATSE short and long bursts separately. A statistically significant difference between the long and short groups is found. We argue that the effect is probably real. Applying the CramĂ©r’s theorem these results lead to some predictions for models of long and short bursts

    Anisotropy of the sky distribution of gamma-ray bursts

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    The isotropy of gamma-ray bursts collected in current BATSE catalog is studied. It is shown that the quadrupole term being proportional to \sim sin 2b sin l is non-zero with a probability of 99.9%. The occurrence of this anisotropy term is then confirmed by the binomial test even with the probability of 99.97 %. Hence, the sky distribution of all known gamma-ray bursts is anisotropic. It is also argued that this anisotropy cannot be caused exclusively by instrumental effects due to the nonuniform sky exposure of BATSE instrument. Separating the GRBs into short and long subclasses, it is shown that the short ones are distributed anisotropically, but the long ones seem to be distributed still isotropically. The character of anisotropy suggests that the cosmological origin of short GRBs further holds, and there is no evidence for their Galactical origin

    Isotropic and anisotropic pointing models

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    This paper describes an alternative approach for generating pointing models for telescopes equipped with serial kinematics, esp. equatorial or alt-az mounts. Our model construction does not exploit any assumption for the underlying physical constraints of the mount, however, one can assign various effects to the respective components of the equations. In order to recover the pointing model parameters, classical linear least squares fitting procedures can be applied. This parameterization also lacks any kind of parametric singularity. We demonstrate the efficiency of this type of model on real measurements with meter-class telescopes where the results provide a root mean square accuracy of 1.5-2 arcseconds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Exp. Astro
