3 research outputs found

    The state of psychological treatments for social anxiety disorder in children and adolescents: An Umbrella Review

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    Estado de los tratamientos psicol贸gicos para el Trastorno de Ansiedad Social en poblaci贸n infanto-juvenil: Revisi贸n de revisiones. El Trastorno de Ansiedad Social (TAS) es un trastorno muy com煤n en la infancia y adolescencia. Muchos estudios han analizado los diferentes tipos de Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC) para dicho trastorno, pero ello hace necesario estudiar la eficacia de TCC. El objetivo de esta revisi贸n de revisiones es determinar que tratamientos y que factores son m谩s eficaces para el TAS en poblaci贸n infanto-juvenil. Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de revisiones sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones psicol贸gicas para tratar el TAS en ni帽os y adolescentes. Para ello, se realiz贸 una b煤squeda en nueve bases de datos utilizando una combinaci贸n de palabras clave. El riesgo de sesgo se evalu贸 mediante la herramienta AMSTAR-2. Se seleccionaron y analizaron seis revisiones sistem谩ticas y meta-an谩lisis. Todos los estudios seleccionados evaluaron la eficacia de la TCC en ni帽os y adolescentes con SAD, demostrando su efectividad a corto y largo plazo. Los componentes que parecen ser m谩s efectivos son la exposici贸n en cualquier modalidad y el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales. Otras consideraciones a tener en cuenta se abordan en la discusi贸nSocial Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a very common disorder in childhood and adolescence. Many studies have examined various types of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), meaning there is a need for a study exploring the efficacy of CBT. The objectives of this study are to determine what treatments and factors can improve treatment outcomes for SAD. We performed an umbrella review of the effectiveness of psychological interventions in treating SAD in children and adolescents. Nine databases were searched using a combination of keywords. Risk of bias was assessed using AMSTAR-2. Six systematic reviews and meta-analysis were selected and reported. All of those studies assessed the efficacy of CBT in children and adolescents with SAD, demonstrating its short- and long-term effectiveness. The components that seem to be most effective are exposure in any modality and social skills training. Other considerations to take into account are addressed in the discussio

    Status of psychological treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder in children and adolescents: Umbrella Review.

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    Social anxiety is an anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent fear of one or more social situations, in which the person fears being evaluated and ridiculed. This fear can affect work, school, and other daily activities. For this reason, a wide variety of treatments have been applied. Although treatments have mainly been developed for the adult population, there are different programs for the child and adolescent population. But at present there are a variety of treatments in the child and adolescent population. Therefore, our goal is to carry out an umbrella review that provide a summary of effective treatments for SAD in children and adolescents, show which treatment may be most useful in this type of population and finally provide guidelines for health professionals and researchers