182 research outputs found

    Harto ir Fullerio diskusija dėl teisės ir moralės, nagrinėjant ją per senesnėje Vokietijos teismų praktikoje pagrįstos ir interpretuotos teisės į privatumą prizmę

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    The 1950s debate between the British and American legal philosophers, Lon Fuller and Herbert Hart, has been a clash between the positivist and natural theories of origination of law and jurisprudence, with the former method primarily suggesting that law and morality are not necessarily interconnected, though may coincide in some occurrences, while the latter sticks to development of law that is based upon the mores and values related to human nature, which creates the standards that society should follow in order to function properly. The former approach, as it is argued, is not actually deprived of moral factors. To examine how these debates could work on practice, I decided to choose the early developments of the general right to privacy as an example of “penumbral” rights and to review the positions of various courts within adjudicating cases in respect with the general right to privacy.Praėjusio šimtmečio penktojo dešimtmečio britų ir amerikiečių teisės filosofų Lono Fullerio ir Herberto Harto diskusijos buvo ginčas tarp pozityvistinės ir prigimtinės teisės teorijų ir taikomosios jurisprudencijos atšakų. Pirmoji teorija remiasi vizija, kad įstatymas ir moralė nebūtinai yra susiję, nors tam tikrais atvejais gali sutapti. Antroji teorija teigia, kad teisės raida yra grindžiama nuostatomis ir vertybėmis, susijusiomis su žmogaus prigimtimi, kuriomis visuomenė turėtų vadovautis kaip standartais, kad galėtų tinkamai veikti. Pirmoji vizija iš tiesų nėra visai nutolusi nuo moralinių veiksnių. Norėdamas pažinti šios diskusijos taikomąją reikšmę, autorius nusprendė pasirinkti ankstyvąją bendrosios teisės į privatumą raidą kaip „penumbralinių“ teisių pavyzdį ir apžvelgti įvairių teismų pozicijas sprendžiant bylas dėl bendrosios teisės į privatumą

    On the spatially periodic ordering in the system of electrons above the surface of liquid helium in an external electric field

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    A theory of equilibrium states of electrons above a liquid helium surface in the presence of an external clamping field is built based on the first principles of quantum statistics for the system of many identical Fermi-particles. The approach is based on the variation principle modified for the considered system and on Thomas-Fermi model. In terms of the developed theory we obtain the self-consistency equations that connect the parameters of the system description, i.e., the potential of a static electric field, the distribution function of electrons and the surface profile of a liquid dielectric. The equations are used to study the phase transition of the system to a spatially periodic state. To demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method, the characteristics of the phase transition of the system to a spatially periodic state of a trough type are analyzed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Būtinybė gauti teismo leidimą civilinėse bylose dėl nepagydomai sergančių pacientų gyvybės palaikymo nutraukimo

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the positions of the courts in respect with the necessity of a court’s authorization to terminate life-support. Some courts hold that it is mandatory in any case, while the other reduce the role of the tribunals only to disputes arising from the decision to withdraw life-support.Straipsnyje pateikiama lyginamoji teismų pozicijų analizė dėl būtinybės gauti teismo leidimą nutraukti gyvybės palaikymą. Kai kurie teismai mano, kad tai yra privaloma bet kuriuo atveju, o kiti sumažina teismų vaidmenį tik ginčuose, kylančiuose dėl sprendimo atsisakyti gyvybės palaikymo

    Kanados medicinos etikos kodeksai kaip teisės šaltinis

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    The article discusses the codes of medical ethics which are adopted in Canada. These acts are not ‘classical’ normative-legal acts, since they are adopted not by legislative bodies, but rather by medical associations, and are aimed at providing rules on the professional conduct of physicians and auxiliary medical personnel; occasionally, they also feature the rules concerning the rights and duties of patients. The article’s sources include the codes of medical ethics adopted in Canada, Canadian court judgments, and academic literature.Straipsnyje aptariami Kanadoje priimti medicinos etikos kodeksai. Šie aktai nėra „klasikiniai“ norminiai teisės aktai, nes juos priima ne įstatymų leidybos institucijos, o gydytojų asociacijos ir jais siekiama nustatyti gydytojų ir pagalbinio medicinos personalo profesinio elgesio taisykles; kartais jose taip pat pateikiamos pacientų teisių ir pareigų taisyklės. Straipsnio šaltiniai – Kanadoje priimti medicinos etikos kodeksai, Kanados teismų sprendimai ir akademinė literatūra

    Thermogravimetric Analysis of Indicators of the Paste Based on Sour Cream

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    For forming structural-mechanical properties of sour milk pastes and guaranteeing their stability at storage, it is promising to use non-fried buckwheat in their recipes that allows to raise the food value of products additionally. The aim of the researches was the study of features of the condition of moisture of sour milk pastes, based on sour cream with introducing non-fried buckwheat in the amount 5,0 % of the mixture mass. A sample with modified starch Е 1410 was taken as a control in the amount 1,3 %.The study of the moisture condition was realized by the thermogravimetric method using a derivatograph Q-1500D (Paulik-Erdey) (Hungry). It was established, that the content of adsorptive moisture of the sour milk paste was 34,0 %, whereas in the control – 34,5 %, that confirm the effectiveness of using non-fried buckwheat as a moisture-binding component. Such properties of non-fried buckwheat may be explained by the presence of starch compounds and easily accessible protein in its composition, able to hydration in the process of preparation of a component and to keeping moisture at further storage of a product

    Artificial intelligence methods in diagnostics of coal-biomass blends co-combustion in pulverised coal burners

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    The paper presents technologies being developed in the Institute of Electronics and Information Technologies at Lublin University of Technology. They use optical sensors and artificial intelligence methods for process supervision and diagnostics. Research is aimed to develop a system allowing a parametric evaluation of the quality of pulverized coal burner operation. Due to the highly nonlinear nature of dependencies and lack of an analytical model, the artificial intelligence methods were used to estimate and classify the selected parameter, including a relatively new class of classification methods – artificial immunology algorithms. The article shows results for coal-shredded straw blends, yet the methodology may be applied for other types of blends.У роботі представлені технології, розроблені в Інституті електроніки та інформаційних технологій Люблінського технологічного університету. Вони використовують оптичні датчики та методи штучного інтелекту для контролю та діагностики процесу. Дослідження спрямовано на розробку системи, що дозволяє провести параметричну оцінку якості роботи пиловугільного пальника. Через високу нелінійну природу залежностей та відсутність аналітичної моделі для оцінки та класифікації обраного параметра були використані методи штучного інтелекту, включаючи відносно новий клас методів класифікації - алгоритми штучної імунології. У статті наведені результати для солом'яно-вугільних сумішей, але методологія може застосовуватися і для інших типів сумішей

    Production of Biobank Data for the Needs of Civil and Criminal Proceedings: Jurisprudence from the EU States

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    CC BY 4.0The purposes of retaining biological material may be diverse. Biorepositories, which are containers of biological materials, are referred to as biobanks in English-language scholarship or biotheques in French. There is no uniform agreement in legal and medical scholarship as to the scope of biological material to be maintained in order for an institution to be called a “biobank”, or the actual aim of such maintenance. At present, special techniques are already able to determine the identity of the individual whose biological material is retained; thus, in case such data is identifiable using various techniques, they should be considered as personal data in accordance with the recent judgment of the Latvian Senate, No. SKA-166/2020. Such an inference is quite apparent, but this issue requires the resolution of the situation whereby biobank data could legitimately be produced for the necessity of administering justice, and whether this would be possible in principle. The court practice of the Nordic States already holds that a court may allow the production of biobank records, but this heavily depends upon the circumstances of the case: such situations may arise in civil litigation relating to paternity claims or to the right to know one’s origin, and prosecution offices may opt to request biobank data for investigating suspicious deaths. In some other instances, biobanks, cryobanks, and medical institutions governing biobanks may be sued for illegitimate collection and maintenance of biological samples without the notification of the party involved – which are known in the United States of America, as well as one outstanding case in Iceland. The current situation concerning litigation relating to legitimate biobank data disclosure is evolving, and the legislation relating to it is either frequently absent, or lacks clarification. In this paper, the author calls for the clarification of legitimate instances where biobank data could be disclosed for the needs of court proceedings upon the examples of Latvian law, and highlights the current jurisprudential developments in respect to litigation against biobanks and the institutions governing them in respect to an alleged privacy violation

    May the Patient’s Will, Expressed by Means of Assistive Communication Technologies, be Admissible as Evidence in Court Proceedings?

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    The article is dedicated to hallmark the problem of accepting evidence of a patient’s will by a court in diverse proceedings, and it being communicated by non-classical means. Modern technologies allow patients to communicate utilizing various electrified appliances, in case the disabled person suffers from an ailment, or a health disorder affecting speech and mental abilities. Such appliances may truly enhance the patient’s quality of life; however, it is uncertain whether such patient may be found to be a competent witness, or the information reflecting their will obtained in a non-classical method may be found to be as convincing evidence by the court. Currently, there is very little judicial precedent dealing with obtaining evidence of the patient’s will by means of assistive communication technologies, though recent Italian legacy has shown such evidence may be accepted by the court, in case forensic-psychiatric examination approves adequacy of the cognitive abilities of the patient, rendering their will competent. Diverse legal systems render the question of patient’s competence differently, and the issue of accepting information as evidence obtained by means of assistive communication technologies will surely become more frequent in disputes relating to testament validity or determining the patient’s will to undergo or forego medical treatment. Such cases may be of high relevance in civil proceedings on withdrawal of life-supporting treatment, which will ultimately result in the patient’s demise

    Analysis of image segmentation methods

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    В даній роботі розглянуті методи сегментації зображень. Проведений їх порівняльний аналіз.In this work reviewed the methods of image segmentation. Their comparative analysis was carried out