173 research outputs found

    Anticommutativity Equation in Topological Quantum Mechanics

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    We consider topological quantum mechanics as an example of topological field theory and show that its special properties lead to numerous interesting relations for topological corellators in this theory. We prove that the generating function F\mathcal{F} for thus corellators satisfies the anticommutativity equation (DF)2=0(\mathcal{D}- \mathcal{F})^2=0. We show that the commutativity equation [dB,dB]=0[dB,dB]=0 could be considered as a special case of the anticommutativity equation.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, Late

    Drift of domain walls in a harmonic magnetic field

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    It is shown that a two-step form of the dynamic magnetization curve (and the hysteresis loop) established for a multiaxial ferrite-garnet wafer with a low quality factor (Q < 1) and considerable anisotropy in the plane (K p /K u = 14) in the frequency range of 25-1000 Hz is explained by the reconstruction of the dynamic domain structure, particularly by the established features of the drift of domain boundaries in the harmonic magnetic field. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Fluid Super-Dynamics from Black Hole Superpartners

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    Recently the Navier-Stokes equations have been derived from the duality with the black branes in AdS_5. The zero modes of black branes are reinterpreted as dynamical degrees of freedom of a conformal fluid on the boundary of AdS_5. Here, we derive the corrections to the Navier-Stokes equations due to fermionic zero modes of the black branes. We study only the contributions due to bilinears in the fermionic zero modes in the first order of the parameter expansion. The need of a superextension of the fluid dynamics is a consequence of the full AdS/CFT correspondence and yet to be investigated.Comment: 15 pages, LaTex2

    New pathomorphological approaches to study of appendicitis in children

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    The modern setting of indications to surgical treatment of appendicitis is still complex problem in spite of reached success and wide usage of modern diagnostic methods. The researches of erythrocytes of venous blood of children with superficial (catarrhal) (10) and phlegmonic(destructive) (35) appendicitis were performed. The cells were explored with help of atomic power microscopy. The removed appendixes were explored with help of light microscopy, scanning probe microscopy as well as atomic power microscop

    The pH Level Influence on Hydroxyapatite Phase Composition Synthesized with Hydrothermal Method

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    This paper reports the pH level influence on hydroxyapatite phase composition synthesized with hydrothermal method in Ca(OH)2-H3PO4, Ca(NO3)2-(NH4)2HPO4-NH[4]OH, Ca(OH)[2]-NH[4]H[2]PO[4].The obtained samples were studied with X-Ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy. The one phase Ca[5]H[2]O[13]P[3] high crystallinity hydroxyapatite was synthesized with hydrothermal method at pH equal to 11. The crystallinity degree was calculated from the X-Ray diffraction pattern and became 0.96. The increasing pH level from 7 to 11 provides obtaining one phase hydroxyapatite at pH level 11 instead the two phase Ca[9.04](PO[4])6(OH)[1.68], CaHPO[4] at pH level 9 and CaPO[3](OH), Ca(OH)[2] at pH level 7

    The pH Level Influence on Hydroxyapatite Phase Composition Synthesized with Hydrothermal Method

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    This paper reports the pH level influence on hydroxyapatite phase composition synthesized with hydrothermal method in Ca(OH)2-H3PO4, Ca(NO3)2-(NH4)2HPO4-NH[4]OH, Ca(OH)[2]-NH[4]H[2]PO[4].The obtained samples were studied with X-Ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy. The one phase Ca[5]H[2]O[13]P[3] high crystallinity hydroxyapatite was synthesized with hydrothermal method at pH equal to 11. The crystallinity degree was calculated from the X-Ray diffraction pattern and became 0.96. The increasing pH level from 7 to 11 provides obtaining one phase hydroxyapatite at pH level 11 instead the two phase Ca[9.04](PO[4])6(OH)[1.68], CaHPO[4] at pH level 9 and CaPO[3](OH), Ca(OH)[2] at pH level 7

    Casimir Energy of the Universe and the Dark Energy Problem

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    We regard the Casimir energy of the universe as the main contribution to the cosmological constant. Using 5 dimensional models of the universe, the flat model and the warped one, we calculate Casimir energy. Introducing the new regularization, called {\it sphere lattice regularization}, we solve the divergence problem. The regularization utilizes the closed-string configuration. We consider 4 different approaches: 1) restriction of the integral region (Randall-Schwartz), 2) method of 1) using the minimal area surfaces, 3) introducing the weight function, 4) {\it generalized path-integral}. We claim the 5 dimensional field theories are quantized properly and all divergences are renormalized. At present, it is explicitly demonstrated in the numerical way, not in the analytical way. The renormalization-group function (\be-function) is explicitly obtained. The renormalization-group flow of the cosmological constant is concretely obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, Proceedings of DSU2011(2011.9.26-30,Beijin

    On Pure Spinor Superfield Formalism

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    We show that a certain superfield formalism can be used to find an off-shell supersymmetric description for some supersymmetric field theories where conventional superfield formalism does not work. This "new" formalism contains even auxiliary variables in addition to conventional odd super-coordinates. The idea of this construction is similar to the pure spinor formalism developed by N.Berkovits. It is demonstrated that using this formalism it is possible to prove that the certain Chern-Simons-like (Witten's OSFT-like) theory can be considered as an off-shell version for some on-shell supersymmetric field theories. We use the simplest non-trivial model found in [2] to illustrate the power of this pure spinor superfield formalism. Then we redo all the calculations for the case of 10-dimensional Super-Yang-Mills theory. The construction of off-shell description for this theory is more subtle in comparison with the model of [2] and requires additional Z_2 projection. We discover experimentally (through a direct explicit calculation) a non-trivial Z_2 duality at the level of Feynman diagrams. The nature of this duality requires a better investigation