1,413 research outputs found

    Phototropic Responses of Bugula Larvae in the Presence of Stimulating and Anaesthetic Agents

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    Observations on phototropic responses of the larvae of Bugula neritina and of B. flabellata in the presence of stimulating and anaesthetic agents indicate that the light reactions of these organisms may have a diagnostic value for predicting acceleration or retardation of the rate of metamorphosis. Experiments on B. neritina were conducted at the Bureau of Fisheries, Beaufort, North Carolina; those on B. f labellata, and less extensive observations on B. turrita, were made at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

    Problems of the Mechanism Involved in the Metamorphosis of Bugula and Amaroecium Larvae

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    Various treatments which induce precocious fixation or inhibit attachment of Bugula and Amaroecium larvae are reviewed. Heilbrunn\u27s general theory of stimulation and anesthesia is thought to provide a fairly suitable explanation for the artificial induction or inhibition of metamorphosis of Bugula larvae, but the agents causing induced metamorphosis resemble those which affect cell division more than those which affect muscle contraction, a necessary correlate of the hypothesis. The hypothesis applied to Bugula larvae does not seem to offer a suitable explanation for induced metamorphosis in some ascidian tadpoles

    Probing the isospin dependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections with radioactive beams

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    Within a transport model we search for potential probes of the isospin dependence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon (NN) cross sections. Traditional measures of the nuclear stopping power are found sensitive to the magnitude but they are ambiguous for determining the isospin dependence of the in-medium NN cross sections. It is shown that isospin tracers, such as the neutron/proton ratio of free nucleons, at backward rapidities/angles in nuclear reactions induced by radioactive beams in inverse kinematics is a sensitive probe of the isospin dependence of the in-medium NN cross sections. At forward rapidities/angles, on the other hand, they are more sensitive to the density dependence of the symmetry energy. Measurements of the rapidity/angular dependence of the isospin transport in nuclear reactions will enable a better understanding of the isospin dependence of in-medium nuclear effective interactions.Comment: 19 pages including 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Analysis and modeling of broadband airgun data influenced by nonlinear internal waves

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (2004): 3404-3422, doi:10.1121/1.1819499.To investigate acoustic effects of nonlinear internal waves, the two southwest tracks of the SWARM 95 experiment are considered. An airgun source produced broadband acoustic signals while a packet of large nonlinear internal waves passed between the source and two vertical linear arrays. The broadband data and its frequency range (10–180 Hz) distinguish this study from previous work. Models are developed for the internal wave environment, the geoacoustic parameters, and the airgun source signature. Parabolic equation simulations demonstrate that observed variations in intensity and wavelet time–frequency plots can be attributed to nonlinear internal waves. Empirical tests are provided of the internal wave-acoustic resonance condition that is the apparent theoretical mechanism responsible for the variations. Peaks of the effective internal wave spectrum are shown to coincide with differences in dominant acoustic wavenumbers comprising the airgun signal. The robustness of these relationships is investigated by simulations for a variety of geoacoustic and nonlinear internal wave model parameters.This work was supported by an ONR Ocean Acoustics Graduate Traineeship Award and by ONR grants to Rensselaer, the University of Delaware, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Residential radon exposure and lung cancer: variation in risk estimates using alternative exposure scenarios

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    The most direct way to derive risk estimates for residential radon progeny exposure is through epidemiologic studies that examine the association between residential radon exposure and lung cancer. However, the National Research Council concluded that the inconsistency among prior residential radon case-control studies was largely a consequence of errors in radon dosimetry. This paper examines the impact of applying various epidemiologic dosimetry models for radon exposure assessment using a common data set from the Iowa Radon Lung Cancer Study (IRLCS). The IRLCS uniquely combined enhanced dosimetric techniques, individual mobility assessment, and expert histologic review to examine the relationship between cumulative radon exposure, smoking, and lung cancer. The a priori defined IRLCS radon-exposure model produced higher odds ratios than those methodologies that did not link the subject\u27s retrospective mobility with multiple, spatially diverse radon concentrations. In addition, the smallest measurement errors were noted for the IRLCS exposure model. Risk estimates based solely on basement radon measurements generally exhibited the lowest risk estimates and the greatest measurement error. The findings indicate that the power of an epidemiologic study to detect an excess risk from residential radon exposure is enhanced by linking spatially disparate radon concentrations with the subject\u27s retrospective mobility

    Improvement of Carbon Dioxide Sweep Efficiency by Utilization of Microbial Permeability Profile Modification to Reduce the Amount of Oil Bypassed During Carbon Dioxide Flood

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    The objective of this project was to couple microbial permeability profile modification (MPPM), with carbon dioxide flooding to improve oil recovery from the Upper Cretaceous Little Creek Oil Field situated in Lincoln and Pike counties, MS. This study determined that MPPM technology, which improves production by utilizing environmentally friendly nutrient solutions to simulate the growth of the indigenous microflora in the most permeable zones of the reservoir thus diverting production to less permeable, previously unswept zones, increased oil production without interfering with the carbon dioxide flooding operation. Laboratory tests determined that no microorganisms were produced in formation waters, but were present in cores. Perhaps the single most significant contribution of this study is the demonstration that microorganisms are active at a formation temperature of 115⁰C (239⁰F) by using a specially designed culturing device. Laboratory tests were employed to simulate the MPPM process by demonstrating that microorganisms could be activated with the resulting production of oil in coreflood tests performed in the presence of carbon dioxide at 66˚C (the highest temperature that could be employed in the coreflood facility). Geological assessment determined significant heterogeneity in the Eutaw Formation, and documented relatively thin, variably-lithified, well-laminated sandstone interbedded with heavily-bioturbated, clay-rich sandstone and shale. Live core samples of the Upper Cretaceous Eutaw Formation from the Heidelberg Field, MS were quantitatively assessed using SEM, and showed that during MPPM permeability modification occurs ubiquitously within pore and throat spaces of 10-20 μm diameter. Testing of the MPPM procedure in the Little Creek Field showed a significant increase in production occurred in two of the five production test wells; furthermore, the decline curve in each of the production wells became noticeably less steep. This project greatly extends the number of oil fields in which MPPM can be implemented

    Interbasin Water Transfer, Riverine Connectivity, and Spatial Controls on Fish Biodiversity

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    BACKGROUND: Large-scale inter-basin water transfer (IBWT) projects are commonly proposed as solutions to water distribution and supply problems. These problems are likely to intensify under future population growth and climate change scenarios. Scarce data on the distribution of freshwater fishes frequently limits the ability to assess the potential implications of an IBWT project on freshwater fish communities. Because connectivity in habitat networks is expected to be critical to species' biogeography, consideration of changes in the relative isolation of riverine networks may provide a strategy for controlling impacts of IBWTs on freshwater fish communities. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using empirical data on the current patterns of freshwater fish biodiversity for rivers of peninsular India, we show here how the spatial changes alone under an archetypal IBWT project will (1) reduce freshwater fish biodiversity system-wide, (2) alter patterns of local species richness, (3) expand distributions of widespread species throughout peninsular rivers, and (4) decrease community richness by increasing inter-basin similarity (a mechanism for the observed decrease in biodiversity). Given the complexity of the IBWT, many paths to partial or full completion of the project are possible. We evaluate two strategies for step-wise implementation of the 11 canals, based on economic or ecological considerations. We find that for each step in the project, the impacts on freshwater fish communities are sensitive to which canal is added to the network. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Importantly, ecological impacts can be reduced by associating the sequence in which canals are added to characteristics of the links, except for the case when all 11 canals are implemented simultaneously (at which point the sequence of canal addition is inconsequential). By identifying the fundamental relationship between the geometry of riverine networks and freshwater fish biodiversity, our results will aid in assessing impacts of IBWT projects and balancing ecosystem and societal demands for freshwater, even in cases where biodiversity data are limited