286 research outputs found

    Rational use and protection of subsurface resources in the underground mining of ore deposits in conditions of technogenesis

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    The basic scientific and practical results of rational use and protection of subsoil under underground mining of ore deposits in the conditions of technogenesis are based on reliable geological and surveying and geomechanical support, taking into account the stability of rock masses and the dimensions of the contour energy zone. It is recommended to build ore contours based on the data of advanced exploration (drilling of explorers through 25 m, test wells – after 5-6 m and explosive wells – through 1,2-1,5 m)

    Enhancement of confined blasting of ore

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    Underground mining of ore deposits features worsening of geological and geotechnical conditions, exclusive standards of environmental protection and subsoil conservation as well as more stringent requirements of life safety in the influence zones of mining. This study focuses on higher efficiency of confined blasting through justification of blast design with regard to a required grain-size composition of broken ore (average linear size of ore particle after confined blasting) and safety of guarded objects in terms of industrial and residential infrastructure in the influence zone of mining (the Ingul River underflow, domestic buildings and social framework objects in the settlement of Kizelgur in the suburb of the Kropyvnytskyi city, Ukraine, etc.). The study used analytical, mathematical, in-mine, laboratory and experimental research methods, mathematical and physical modeling, as well as the analysis and assessment of the confined blasting technologies, implementation analysis of pilot confined blasting at the preset grain-size composition, and the analysis of geological and geomechanical conditions on Level 280–210 m in the Michurin deposit (Ukraine) by standard and new procedures (developed with participation of the present article authors). The novelty of this study is justification of the ratio of fragmentation by confined blasting as 1.2–1.3. The fragmentation ratio is one of the main parameters in calculation of length of a section composed of layers (rows). After confined blasting in such section, fragmentation is limiting and equals on average 3.0 kg/m3 at rock hardness of 12–18 and more on Protodyakonov’s scale. As a result of the implemented research, a seismically safe confined blasting technology was developed to be applied in extraction of ore bodies 1, 4, 5 and 10, as well as residual reserves on level 280–210 m of the Michurin deposit. The ecological and social efficiency of the engineering solutions is evaluated

     Hypocrisy as a form of social behaviour represented by idioms in the English language

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    The article deals with English idioms covering the semantic area of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is seen as a specific form of social behavior and communication. Idioms are examined as a linguistic representation of hypocrisy as well as an effective means of creating pragmatic impact and thus revealing the social attitude of English native speakers to hypocrisy as a form of behaviour. The research is carried out within the boundary of cognitive-pragmatic approach. The authors apply contextual analysis in order to define the key factors affecting social attitude to hypocrisy in various communicative situation

    Динаміка електричної активності головного мозку при активації сенсорного апарата швколових каналів

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    For an estimation of dynamics of electrical activity of human brain the EEG record was carried out in a background régime (conducted at closed eyes of inspected persons) and at superposition of afferent irritant agents by the way of stimulations of semicircular channels and light stimulation (eye discovering). The relation between amplitude and frequency of cérébral rhythms in condition of relative physiological rest and at boring of vestibular and Visual receptors was revealedДля оцінки динаміки електричної активності головного мозку проводився запис ЕЕГ у фоновому режимі (при закритих очах обстежуваних) і при пред'явленні аферентних подразників у виді стимуляції півколових каналів і світлової стимуляції (відкриття очей). Виявлено залежність між амплітудою і частотою мозкових ритмів у стані відносного фізіологічного спокою та при подразненні вестибулярних і зорових рецепторівДля оцінки динаміки електричної активності головного мозку проводився запис ЕЕГ у фоновому режимі (при закритих очах обстежуваних) і при пред'явленні аферентних подразників у виді стимуляції півколових каналів і світлової стимуляції (відкриття очей). Виявлено залежність між амплітудою і частотою мозкових ритмів у стані відносного фізіологічного спокою та при подразненні вестибулярних і зорових рецепторі

    Increase of ores mining safety based on combined backfilling of mining chambers space

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    Main research and practical results presented devoted to increase of ores mining safety, based on combined backfilling of mining space. An actuality of the solid stowing usage for backfilling of stoped excavation space shown, when combined with loose stowing during underground mining of deposits. A methodology of research and peculiarities of mining blocks chambers isolation presented when using loose mixture in the combined stowing

    Linguo-pragmatic features of elliptic constructions in media discourse

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    The article is devoted to a linguistic research of the impact of social media texts on modern society. The article considers the linguistic and pragmatic features of ellipsis in mass media texts and their influence on readers. The argument of the article is illustrated through the discourse analysis of media texts. The object of the present paper is to analyze ellipsis as a particular characteristic of media text

    Dynamic model of elastoplastic normal collision of spherical particles under nonlocal plasticity

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    The problem of normal collision of a spherical particle with a half-space is considered with allowance for nonlocal plastic deformation in the case where the strength limit depends on the contact radius, as well as for the strengthening effect in the deformed material. The dimensionless coefficient of normal velocity restitution has been calculated numerically as a function of the initial velocity of the spherical particle. The obtained data coincide well with experimental results available in the literature


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    The scientific and practical results are given concerning the investigation and development of new processes of reject material recovery after the hydrometallurgical production into goafs and tailing dumps on the basis of their fixation (hardening). The formulas of hardening mixtures are determined and tested and the estimation of their strength is carried out. The strength rising rate is shown to grow when slag input and holding time of hardening mixture increases.Приведены научные и практические результаты исследования и разработки новых технологий утилизации хвостов гидрометаллургического производства в выработанные пространства и хвостохранилища на основе их иммобилизации (отвердения). Определены и испытаны рецептуры твердеющих смесей, выполнена оценка их прочности. Показано, что скорость повышения прочности растет при увеличении расхода шлака и времени выдержки твердеющей смеси