2,294 research outputs found

    Polynomial filter dingonalization of large Floquet unitary operators

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    Periodically driven quantum many-body systems play a central role for our understanding of nonequilibrium phenomena. For studies of quantum chaos, thermalization, many-body localization and time crystals, the properties of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the unitary evolution operator, and their scaling with physical system size L are of interest. While for static systems, powerful methods for the partial diagonalization of the Hamiltonian were developed, the unitary eigenproblem remains daunting. In this paper, we introduce a Krylov space diagonalization method to obtain exact eigenpairs of the unitary Floquet operator with eigenvalue closest to a target on the unit circle. Our method is based on a complex polynomial spectral transformation given by the geometric sum, leading to rapid convergence of the Arnoldi algorithm. We demonstrate that our method is much more efficient than the shift invert method in terms of both runtime and memory requirements, pushing the accessible system sizes to the realm of 20 qubits, with Hilbert space dimensions >= 10(6)

    Information dynamics in a model with Hilbert space fragmentation

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    The fully frustrated ladder - a quasi-1D geometrically frustrated spin one half Heisenberg model - is non-integrable with local conserved quantities on rungs of the ladder, inducing the local fragmentation of the Hilbert space into sectors composed of singlets and triplets on rungs. We explore the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of this model through the entanglement entropy and out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOC). The post-quench dynamics of the entanglement entropy is highly anomalous as it shows clear non-damped revivals that emerge from short connected chunks of triplets. We find that the maximum value of the entropy follows from a picture where coherences between different fragments co-exist with perfect thermalization within each fragment. This means that the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis holds within all sufficiently large Hilbert space fragments. The OTOC shows short distance oscillations arising from short coupled fragments, which become decoherent at longer distances, and a sub-ballistic spreading and long distance exponential decay stemming from an emergent length scale tied to fragmentation

    Absence of slow particle transport in the many-body localized phase

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    We analyze the saturation value of the bipartite entanglement and number entropy starting from a random product state deep in the many-body localized (MBL) phase. By studying the probability distributions of these entropies we find that the growth of the saturation value of the entanglement entropy stems from a significant reshuffling of the weight in the probability distributions from the bulk to the exponential tails. In contrast, the probability distributions of the saturation value of the number entropy are converged with system size, and exhibit a sharp cutoff for values of the number entropy which correspond to one particle fluctuating across the boundary between the two halves of the system. Our results therefore rule out slow particle transport deep in the MBL phase and confirm that the slow entanglement entropy production stems uniquely from configurational entanglement

    Manipulating the magnetic state of a carbon nanotube Josephson junction using the superconducting phase

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    The magnetic state of a quantum dot attached to superconducting leads is experimentally shown to be controlled by the superconducting phase difference across the dot. This is done by probing the relation between the Josephson current and the superconducting phase difference of a carbon nanotube junction whose Kondo energy and superconducting gap are of comparable size. It exhibits distinctively anharmonic behavior, revealing a phase mediated singlet to doublet transition. We obtain an excellent quantitative agreement with numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo calculations. This provides strong support that we indeed observed the finite temperature signatures of the phase controlled zero temperature level-crossing transition originating from strong local electronic correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + supp. material

    Many-body hierarchy of dissipative timescales in a quantum computer

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    We show that current noisy quantum computers are ideal platforms for the simulation of quantum many-body dynamics in generic open systems. We demonstrate this using the IBM Quantum Computer as an experimental platform for confirming the theoretical prediction from Wang et al., [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 100604 (2020)] of an emergent hierarchy of relaxation timescales of many-body observables involving different numbers of qubits. Using different protocols, we leverage the intrinsic dissipation of the machine responsible for gate errors, to implement a quantum simulation of generic (i.e., structureless) local dissipative interactions

    Dissipation-Induced Order: The S=1/2 Quantum Spin Chain Coupled to an Ohmic Bath

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    We consider an S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg chain where each site is coupled to an independent bosonic bath with ohmic dissipation. The coupling to the bath preserves the global SO(3) spin symmetry. Using large-scale, approximation-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we show that any finite coupling to the bath suffices to stabilize long-range antiferromagnetic order. This is in stark contrast to the isolated Heisenberg chain where spontaneous breaking of the SO(3) symmetry is forbidden by the Mermin-Wagner theorem. A linear spin-wave theory analysis confirms that the memory of the bath and the concomitant retarded interaction stabilize the order. For the Heisenberg chain, the ohmic bath is a marginal perturbation so that exponentially large system sizes are required to observe long-range order at small couplings. Below this length scale, our numerics is dominated by a crossover regime where spin correlations show different power-law behaviors in space and time. We discuss the experimental relevance of this crossover phenomena

    Symmetry protected exceptional points of interacting fermions

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    Non-Hermitian quantum systems can exhibit spectral degeneracies known as exceptional points, where two or more eigenvectors coalesce, leading to a nondiagonalizable Jordan block. It is known that symmetries can enhance the abundance of exceptional points in noninteracting systems. Here we investigate the fate of such symmetry protected exceptional points in the presence of a symmetry preserving interaction between fermions and find that (i) exceptional points are stable in the presence of the interaction. Their propagation through the parameter space leads to the formation of characteristic exceptional "fans." In addition, (ii) we identify a new source for exceptional points which are only present due to the interaction. These points emerge from diagonalizable degeneracies in the noninteracting case. Beyond their creation and stability, (iii) we also find that exceptional points can annihilate each other if they meet in parameter space with compatible many-body states forming a third order exceptional point at the endpoint. These phenomena are well captured by an "exceptional perturbation theory" starting from a noninteracting Hamiltonian

    Random matrix theory for quantum and classical metastability in local Liouvillians

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    We consider the effects of strong dissipation in quantum systems with a notion of locality, which induces a hierarchy of many-body relaxation timescales as shown by K. Wang, F. Piazza, and D. J. Luitz [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 100604 (2020)]. If the strength of the dissipation varies strongly in the system, additional separations of timescales can emerge, inducing a manifold of metastable states, to which observables relax first, before relaxing to the steady state. Our simple model, involving one or two "good" qubits with dissipation reduced by a factor alpha < 1 compared to the other "bad" qubits, confirms this picture and admits a perturbative treatment

    C and S induces changes in the electronic and geometric structure of Pd(533) and Pd(320)

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    We have performed ab initio electronic structure calculations of C and S adsorption on two vicinal surfaces of Pd with different terrace geometry and width. We find both adsorbates to induce a significant perturbation of the surface electronic and geometric structure of Pd(533) and Pd(320). In particular C adsorbed at the bridge site at the edge of a Pd chain in Pd(320) is found to penetrate the surface to form a sub-surface structure. The adsorption energies show almost linear dependence on the number of adsorbate-metal bonds, and lie in the ranges of 5.31eV to 8.58eV for C and 2.89eV to 5.40eV for S. A strong hybridization between adsorbate and surface electronic states causes a large splitting of the bands leading to a drastic decrease in the local densities of electronic states at the Fermi-level for Pd surface atoms neighboring the adsorbate which may poison catalytic activity of the surface. Comparison of the results for Pd(533) with those obtained earlier for Pd(211) suggests the local character of the impact of the adsorbate on the geometric and electronic structures of Pd surfaces.Comment: 14 pages 9 figs, Accepted J. Phys: Conden

    Prethermalization without Temperature

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    While a clean, driven system generically absorbs energy until it reaches "infinite temperature," it may do so very slowly exhibiting what is known as a prethermal regime. Here, we show that the emergence of an additional approximately conserved quantity in a periodically driven (Floquet) system can give rise to an analogous long-lived regime. This can allow for nontrivial dynamics, even from initial states that are at a high or infinite temperature with respect to an effective Hamiltonian governing the prethermal dynamics. We present concrete settings with such a prethernial regime, one with a period-doubled (time-crystalline) response. We also present a direct diagnostic to distinguish this prethermal phenomenon from its infinitely long-lived many-body localized cousin. We apply these insights to a model of the recent NMR experiments by Rovny et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 180603 (2018)] which, intriguingly, detected signatures of a Floquet time crystal in a clean three-dimensional material. We show that a mild but subtle variation of their driving protocol can increase the lifetime of the time-crystalline signal by orders of magnitude
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