14 research outputs found

    Carbon monoxide-ethene copolymerization catalyzed by [PdCl2(dppb)] in H2O-H(CH2)nCOOH (dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenyphosphino)butane; N = 0, 1, 2)

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    [PdCl2(dppb)] is highly active in the catalytic CO-ethene copolymerization in H2O-H(CH2)nCOOH (n = 0,1 or 2). The influence on the productivity, the limiting viscosity number and the average viscosity molecular weight MWv of the following reaction conditions is investigated: (i) solvent composition; (ii) temperature; (iii) CO and ethene partial pressure at a given pressure of one monomer; (iv) monomers ratio at a given total pressure; (v) total pressure at CO/ethene =1/1; (vi) reaction time. The productivity passes through a maximum with a H2O molar fraction of 0.55-0.70(14,800 gPK(g Pd h)-1 in H20-HCOOH, H20 molar fraction = 0.58, 45 bar, CO/ethene = 1/1, 90 C; LVN = 0.48 dLg-1, MWv = 21,194 Da). The productivity is in the order of the strength of the acid n = 0> n =1> a = 2, whereas the activation energy is in the opposite order. These findings suggest that the protonation of the resting states (3- and y-chelate rings destabilizes them, thus favoring the chain-growing process. Proposed power rate laws fit the productivity data obtained at different monomer pressures. The productivity lowers with time, but in the first hour the rate remains almost constant. The morphology and crystallinity of selected PKs determined by solid state NMR is also discusse

    A hybrid polyketone–SiO2 support for palladium catalysts and their applications in cinnamaldehyde hydrogenation and in 1-phenylethanol oxidation

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    An organic-inorganic hybrid material, PK-SiO2 (PK = polyketone), was employed as support for Pd catalysts. Their synthesis was carried out by MW irradiation of an ethanol solution of Pd(OAc)(2) in the presence of the support. The obtained systems were characterized by solid state NMR, SEM, TEM, ICP, XPS, BET, gas porosimetry and tested in two probe reactions: the selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde to hydrocinnamaldehyde carried out in decalin and the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone in water. For comparison, Pd/PK and Pd/SiO2 catalysts were also prepared by using the same procedure, characterized and tested in the same reactions. On the hybrid support the Pd nanoparticles resulted significantly smaller and with a more homogeneous size distribution compared to those on bare SiO2 or PK. The catalysts on the hybrid support allowed a higher performance and could be recycled up to five.times without loss of activity and metal leaching. These results were related to the improved surface area of the hybrid material (compared to the low surface area of bare PK) ascribable to silica introduction, combined with the stabilizing effect of the polymeric counterpart against Pd nanoparticles agglomeratio

    Studio sull’efficacia di un sistema di depurazione a ciclo chiuso su molluschi bivalvi

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    Obiettivo del presente studio è stato la messa a punto ed applicazione di protocolli per la depurazione microbiologica dei molluschi bivalvi (Chamelea gallina e Mitylus galloprovincialis). Lo studio è stato articolato nelle seguenti fasi: allestimento di n. 2 vasche a circuito chiuso, per la depurazione dei molluschi bivalvi, dotate di sistemi di filtrazione meccanica, chimica e biologica; contaminazione e la depurazione dei molluschi bivalvi; determinazioni analitiche sui molluschi bivalvi e sulle acque di depurazione (analisi biometriche e microbiologiche); l’elaborazione dei dati ottenuti nella fase sperimentale. Il challenge effettuato con Escherichia coli ha mostrato un’elevata efficacia del sistema di depurazione utilizzato e, di conseguenza, la possibilità di commercializzare i bivalvi in tempi relativamente brevi. Le prove di depurazione verso Salmonella Typhimurium, sono state efficaci solo dopo 72-84 ore. I risultati ottenuti utilizzando Vibrio parahaemolyticus hanno mostrato una scarsa diminuzione della carica batterica dei bivalvi durante tutto il periodo di osservazione. Di contro, nelle sperimentazioni condotte con i mitili, i tempi di depurazione sono stati più brevi. In particolar modo, sono stati rilevati valori assimilabili alla assenza di V. parahaemolyticus dopo 36-48 ore

    A case of GH deficiency and beta-thalassemia

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    A 23-year-old male patient, who suffers from beta-thalassemia major, came to us for an endocrine-metabolic evaluation. Medical history showed a diagnosis of heart disease with heart failure since the age of 16, type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed at the age of 18, treated with an intensive insulin therapy with a poor glycometabolic control. Patient performed regular blood transfusions and iron chelation with deferasirox. An echocardiogram revealed an enlarged left ventricle. Patient had undergone a comprehensive study of buoyancy both basal and hormone-stimulated and it was therefore carried out a diagnosis of GH deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. A recombinant GH replacement therapy was then prescribed. After six months of therapy, the patient reported a net improvement of asthenic symptoms. Physical examination showed a reduction in abdominal adiposity in waist and an increase of 5 cm in stature. Laboratory tests showed an amelioration of glycometabolic control, such as to justify a reduction in daily insulin dose. The stature observed was thought appropriate to begin the administration of testosterone. Moreover, the cardiological framework showed a reduction of left ventricular dilatation, good ventricular motility, global minimum persistent tricuspid but not mitral regurgitation and no alteration on ECG

    Application of Nonparametric Multivariate Analyses to the Authentication of Wild and Farmed European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Results of a Survey on Fish Sampled in the Retail Trade

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    The aim of this study was to apply biometric measurements and analyses of proximate composition, fatty acid composition, and ratios of stable isotopes of carbon (\u3b4(13)C) and nitrogen (\u3b4(15)N) in muscle tissue to reliably differentiate between wild and farmed European sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax ). Farmed (n = 20) and wild (n = 19) European sea bass were purchased between March and May 2008 and used as standard samples. In the same months, a survey was conducted to evaluate the truthfulness of the statements on the labels of European sea bass sold in retail markets (declared farmed n = 34 and declared wild n = 33). In addition, data from the literature (reference) were employed to build the profile type of wild and farmed European sea bass. Primarily, an exploration and comparison of the analytical data of the standard data set based on principal component analysis and permutation test were performed. Afterward, an inferential statistical approach based on nonparametric combination test methodology (NPC) was applied on standard samples to check its suitability in discriminating the production method. This multivariate statistical analysis selected 30 variables on a total of 36 available. The validation of standard fish data set was accomplished by a novel nonparametric rank-based method according to profile type (just 1 misclassification over 39 samples). Both the NPC test and nonparametric rank-based method were then applied to survey fishes using the selected variables with the aim to classify the individual European sea bass as "true farmed" or "true wild". The former test segregated 10 fishes over 33 declared wild, whereas the results obtained by the nonparametric rank-based method showed that 11 of 33 declared wild European sea bass samples could be unquestionably attributed to the wild cluster. Moreover, considering the comparative contribution of profile type, a few surveyed farmed samples were ascribed to the wild cluste

    A hybrid polyketone\u2013SiO2 support for palladium catalysts and their applications in cinnamaldehyde hydrogenation and in 1-phenylethanol oxidation

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    none8siAn organic-inorganic hybrid material, PK-SiO2 (PK = polyketone), was employed as support for Pd catalysts. Their synthesis was carried out by MW irradiation of an ethanol solution of Pd(OAc)2 in the presence of the support. The obtained systems were characterized by solid state NMR, SEM, TEM, ICP, XPS, BET, gas porosimetry and tested in two probe reactions: the selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde to hydrocinnamaldehyde carried out in decalin and the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone in water. For comparison, Pd/PK and Pd/SiO2 catalysts were also prepared by using the same procedure, characterized and tested in the same reactions. On the hybrid support the Pd nanoparticles resulted significantly smaller and with a more homogeneous size distribution compared to those on bare SiO2 or PK. The catalysts on the hybrid support allowed a higher performance and could be recycled up to five times without loss of activity and metal leaching. These results were related to the improved surface area of the hybrid material (compared to the low surface area of bare PK) ascribable to silica introduction, combined with the stabilizing effect of the polymeric counterpart against Pd nanoparticles agglomeration. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.mixedAntonetti, Claudia; Toniolo, Luigi; Cavinato, Gianni; Forte, Claudia; Ghignoli, Chiara; Ishak, Randa; Cavani, Fabrizio; Raspolli Galletti, Anna MariaAntonetti, Claudia; Toniolo, Luigi; Cavinato, Gianni; Forte, Claudia; Ghignoli, Chiara; Ishak, Randa; Cavani, Fabrizio; Raspolli Galletti, Anna Mari

    New protocols to improve the deposition and hatching of Sepia officinalis' eggs

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    The objective of this study was the development of hatching protocols in controlled conditions to obtain juveniles, in order to restock and increase the resource of Sepia officinalis. The study was divided into the following phases: development and application of artificial surfaces at specific sites of the Molise coast in Italy; induction of eggs hatching and juveniles maintenance under controlled condition; juveniles introduction into specific sites and assessment their increment; experimental data elaboration. The obtained results concerned both the effectiveness of the artificial surfaces tasted during the study and the importance of the recovery of the eggs laid on artificial surfaces (artefacts and fishing gear) for preservation and the management of the Sepia officinalis resource. The induction tests conducted on eggs hatching under controlled conditions confirmed what described in the extant literature. Water salinity was detected as the only limiting factor, with values ≤ 20% related to the absence of hatching. The described practices for harvesting and induction of hatching for the production of juvenile cuttlefish may be endorsed by the operators at relatively low cost and throughout the year, with obvious economic benefits

    Viral colonization in exhaled breath condensate of lung cancer patients: Possible role of EBV and CMV

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    Today, an increasing interest is being addressed to the viral etiology of lung tumors. As a consequence, research efforts are currently being directed to the identification of the new viruses involved in lung carcinogenesis toward which the screening programs could be directed