1,427 research outputs found

    Variscan sourcing of Westphalian (Pennsylvanian) sandstones in the Canobie Coalfield, UK

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    The zircon age spectrum in a sample from the Canonbie Bridge Sandstone Formation (Asturian) of southern Scotland contains two main peaks. One is Early Carboniferous in age (348– 318 Ma), and corresponds to the age of igneous activity during the Variscan Orogeny. The other is of late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian age (693–523 Ma), corresponding to the Cadomian. Together, these two groups comprise 70 % of the zircon population. The presence of these two peaks shows unequivocally that a significant proportion of the sediment was derived from the Variscides of western or central Europe. The zircon population also contains a range of older Proterozoic zircons and a small Devonian component. These could have been derived from the Variscides, but it is possible that some were locally derived through recycling of northerly derived sandstones of Devonian–Carboniferous age. The zircon age data confirm previous suggestions of Variscide sourcing to the Canonbie area, made on the basis of petrographical, heavy mineral and palaeocurrent evidence, and extend the known northward distribution of Variscan-derived Westphalian sediment in the UK

    An investigation of the formation and line properties of MgH in 3D hydrodynamical model stellar atmospheres

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    Studies of the isotopic composition of magnesium in cool stars have so far relied upon the use of one-dimensional (1D) model atmospheres. Since the isotopic ratios derived are based on asymmetries of optical MgH lines, it is important to test the impact from other effects affecting line asymmetries, like stellar convection. Here, we present a theoretical investigation of the effects of including self-consistent modeling of convection. Using spectral syntheses based on 3D hydrodynamical CO5^5BOLD models of dwarfs (4000KTeff5160K\lesssim T_\mathrm{eff}\lesssim5160K, 4.04.0\leqlog(g)4.5\leq4.5, 3.0[Fe/H]1.0-3.0\leq[\mathrm{Fe/H}]\leq-1.0) and giants (Teff4000T_\mathrm{eff}\sim4000K, log(g)=1.5=1.5, 3.0[Fe/H]1.0-3.0\leq[\mathrm{Fe/H}]\leq-1.0), we perform a detailed analysis comparing 3D and 1D syntheses. We describe the impact on the formation and behavior of MgH lines from using 3D models, and perform a qualitative assessment of the systematics introduced by the use of 1D syntheses. Using 3D model atmospheres significantly affect the strength of the MgH lines, especially in dwarfs, with 1D syntheses requiring an abundance correction of up to +0.69 dex largest for our 5000K models. The corrections are correlated with TeffT_\mathrm{eff} and are also affected by the metallicity. The shape of the strong 24^{24}MgH component in the 3D syntheses is poorly reproduced in 1D. This results in 1D syntheses underestimating 25^{25}MgH by up to 5\sim5 percentage points and overestimating 24^{24}MgH by a similar amount for dwarfs. This discrepancy increases with decreasing metallicity. 26^{26}MgH is recovered relatively well, with the largest difference being 2\sim2 percentage points. The use of 3D for giants has less impact, due to smaller differences in the atmospheric structure and a better reproduction of the line shape in 1D.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Effects of optogenetic stimulation of vasopressinergic retinal afferents on suprachiasmatic neurons

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    Physiological circadian rhythms are orchestrated by the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The activity of SCN cells is synchronised by environmental signals, including light information from retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). We recently described a population of vasopressin‐expressing RGCs (VP‐RGC) that send axonal projections to the SCN. To determine how these VP‐RGCs influence the activity of cells in the SCN, we used optogenetic tools to specifically activate their axon terminals within the SCN. Rats were intravitreally injected with a recombinant adeno‐associated virus to express the channelrhodopsin‐2 and the red fluorescent protein mCherry under the vasopressin promoter (VP‐ChR2mCherry). In vitro recordings in acute brain slices showed that approximately 30% of ventrolateral SCN cells responded to optogenetic stimulation with an increase in firing rate that progressively increased during the first 200 seconds of stimulation and which persisted after the end of stimulation. Finally, application of a vasopressin V1A receptor antagonist dampened the response to optogenetic stimulation. Our data suggest that optogenetic stimulation of VP‐RGC axons within the SCN influences the activity of SCN cells in a vasopressin‐dependent manner.The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at http://datashare.is.ed.ac.ukMedical Research Council. Grant Number: MR/M022838http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jne2020-12-01hj2020Immunolog


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    Durante el año 2008, una de las compañías comercializadoras de productos más importantes del país sufrió una crisis económica que estuvo a punto de llevarlos a la quiebra, ¿el motivo? Apostar a la volatilidad del dólar estadounidense (USD) frente al peso mexicano (MXN) en el mercado de derivados (MEXDER). En esta tesina identificamos y señalamos la importancia de la administración de riesgos en las corporaciones frente a contextos económicos y sociales que complican los desafíos que estas enfrentan. Planteamos que las actividades relacionadas a la administración de riesgos no son suficientes para mitigarlos contundentemente, pues para lograrlo es necesaria una adecuada ejecución y valoración de los mismos, evitando que la evaluación sea viciada por intereses personales. Para comprenderlos y emprender acciones concretas en favor de la salud financiera de las corporaciones es necesario contar con dos virtudes esenciales: a) tener el conocimiento matemático y de riesgo financiero necesario para entender los problemas a los que se expone la compañía; y b) una buena gobernanza corporativa que impida actos de corrupción y evite favorecer intereses personales al interior y exterior de la organización. De esta forma podemos generar un modelo de bienestar social y económico que beneficie, además, a la sociedad civil. En esta investigación hablaremos del riesgo financiero, su funcionamiento, y el impacto del gobierno corporativo. Analizaremos mediante un modelo multivariable y de regresión lineal la evolución de la implementación del gobierno corporativo en algunas compañías que operan en México, y concluiremos señalando los beneficios de las prácticas anti-corrupción al interior de estas organizaciones

    Identifying the Cytotoxic Effects of Mycobacteriophage Genes

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    A bacteriophage is a virus that infects and reproduces in bacteria. During productive infections—those that result in construction and release of infectious phage particles—key host cell metabolic processes are modified by the infecting phage and redirected toward making new phage particles. Protein-protein interactions are likely involved in this process. In this work, gene 80 of mycobacteriophage Vix, a gene cytotoxic to host strain Mycobacterium smegmatis, was studied. Our hypothesis was that an interaction between the Vix80 gene product and a host cell protein caused growth inhibition. Comparative analysis of the Vix80 protein sequence shows a conserved domain of unknown function 2786 (DUF2786) near the N-terminus. The Vix80 gene was dissected, and the N-terminal 66 residues, encompassing the entire DUF2786 domain, was found to be cytotoxic to M. smegmatis. DUF2786 was found to be homologous to a region of three M. smegmatis ORFs, two of which are related by alternate initiation points of the same sequence. Using in vitro protein pull-down and in vivo two-hybrid analyses, efforts are underway to look for possible interactions of Vix80 with itself and the three host proteins. As part of this process, different constructs of the Vix80 protein were expressed in Escherichia coli. We have determined that certain Vix80 constructs are also lethal to the E.coli host cell, while others permit growth, suggesting a conservation of cytotoxic function. Identifying the relevant phage and host gene products and understanding how phage exploit their host’s weaknesses could lead to new therapeutic options for many bacterial illnesses

    Joint effects of storm surge and sea-level rise on US Coasts: new economic estimates of impacts, adaptation, and benefits of mitigation policy

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    Recent literature, the US Global Change Research Program’s National Climate Assessment, and recent events, such as Hurricane Sandy, highlight the need to take better account of both storm surge and sea-level rise (SLR) in assessing coastal risks of climate change. This study combines three models—a tropical cyclone simulation model; a storm surge model; and a model for economic impact and adaptation—to estimate the joint effects of storm surge and SLR for the US coast through 2100. The model is tested using multiple SLR scenarios, including those incorporating estimates of dynamic ice-sheet melting, two global greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation policy scenarios, and multiple general circulation model climate sensitivities. The results illustrate that a large area of coastal land and property is at risk of damage from storm surge today; that land area and economic value at risk expands over time as seas rise and as storms become more intense; that adaptation is a cost-effective response to this risk, but residual impacts remain after adaptation measures are in place; that incorporating site-specific episodic storm surge increases national damage estimates by a factor of two relative to SLR-only estimates, with greater impact on the East and Gulf coasts; and that mitigation of GHGs contributes to significant lessening of damages. For a mid-range climate-sensitivity scenario that incorporates dynamic ice sheet melting, the approach yields national estimates of the impacts of storm surge and SLR of 990billionthrough2100(netofadaptation,cumulativeundiscounted2005990 billion through 2100 (net of adaptation, cumulative undiscounted 2005); GHG mitigation policy reduces the impacts of the mid-range climate-sensitivity estimates by 84to84 to 100 billion.United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change Division (Contract EP-D-09-054)United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change Division (Contract EP-BPA-12-H-0024

    Thoughts about the optimum data acquisition geometry and time resolution of monochromatic beam x-ray diffraction microscopy experiments

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    International audienceSo far, 3D X-ray diffraction microscopy (3DXRD) and X-ray diffraction contrast tomography (DCT) experiments have typically been performed in forward scattering geometry, the detector intercepting diffraction cones up to limited opening angles below 30°. The extension of the current synchrotron–based methodology towards 3D orientation mapping of deformed microstructures with down to (sub-)micrometer spatial resolution will require a reduction of the pixel and hence sample size by one order of magnitude. This in turn relaxes the need for high energy beams and opens interesting possibilities for new acquisition geometries, taking advantage of improved spatial resolution and strain sensitivity at high diffraction angles. First results obtained in this acquisition geometry will be discussed and a comparison to polychromatic micro-diffraction experiments is drawn

    [La microstructure 3D des matériaux polycristallins vue sous la lumière synchrotron]

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    International audienceSynchrotron radiation X-ray imaging and diffraction techniques offer new possibilities for non-destructive bulk characterization of polycrystalline materials. Minute changes in electron density (different crystallographic phases, cracks, porosities) can be detected using 3D imaging modes exploiting Fresnel diffraction and the coherence properties of third generation synchrotron beams. X-ray diffraction contrast tomography, a technique based on Bragg diffraction imaging, provides access to the 3D shape, orientation and elastic strain state of the individual grains from polycrystalline sample volumes containing several hundred up to a few thousand grains. Combining both imaging modalities allows a comprehensive description of the microstructure of the material at the micrometer length scale. Repeated observations during (interrupted) mechanical tests provide unprecedented insight into crystallographic and grain microstructure related aspects of polycrystal deformation and degradation mechanisms in materials, fulfilling some conditions on grain size and deformation state.Les techniques d'imagerie et de diffraction au rayonnement synchrotron offrent de nouvelles possibilités pour la caractérisation tridimensionnelle et non destructive des matériaux polycristallins. De faibles variations de densité électronique (phases secondaires, fissures, porosités) peuvent êtres détectées grâce à des modes d'imagerie qui exploitent la diffraction de Fresnel ainsi que la cohérence des faisceaux issus des sources synchrotron de troisième génération. La tomographie par contraste de diffraction, autre technique d'imagerie 3D basée sur la diffraction de Bragg, donne accès à la forme, l'orientation et l'état de déformation élastique des grains dans des volumes polycristallins contenant jusqu'à mille grains. La combinaison de ces deux modes d'imagerie permet de caractériser des matériaux polycristallins à l'échelle du micron. Des observations répétées lors d'essais mécaniques (interrompus) permettent d'analyser le rôle de la cristallographie locale sur les mécanismes de déformation et de dégradation dans des matériaux polycristallins, respectant certaines conditions sur la taille de grains, et/ou leur état de déformation