482 research outputs found

    Survey of finance companies, 1996

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    Finance companies are major suppliers of credit to consumers and businesses. The sector is made up of roughly 1,250 nondepository financial institutions, with 20 firms accounting for three-fourths of the receivables. The Federal Reserve System has been surveying the assets and liabilities of finance companies, typically at five-year intervals, since June 1955. This article summarizes the results of the 1996 survey. Special features of that survey are a breakdown of automobile leases into consumer and business components and, relative to previous surveys, greater detail on the composition of real estate credit and more information on securitized loans and leases.Finance companies

    Advance care planning in 21st century Australia: a systematic review and appraisal of online advance care directive templates against national framework criteria

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    Objectives A drive to promote advance care planning at a population level has led to a proliferation of online advance care directive (ACD) templates but little information to guide consumer choice. The current study aimed to appraise the quality of online ACD templates promoted for use in Australia. Methods A systematic review of online Australian ACD templates was conducted in February 2014. ACD templates were identified via Google searches, and quality was independently appraised by two reviewers against criteria from the 2011 report A National Framework for Advance Care Directives. Bias either towards or against future medical treatment was assessed using criteria designed to limit subjectivity. Results Fourteen online ACD templates were included, all of which were available only in English. Templates developed by Southern Cross University best met the framework criteria. One ACD template was found to be biased against medical treatment – the Dying with Dignity Victoria Advance Healthcare Directive. Conclusions More research is needed to understand how online resources can optimally elicit and record consumers’ individual preferences for future care. Future iterations of the framework should address online availability and provide a simple rating system to inform choice and drive quality improvement

    Systems to identify potentially inappropriate prescribing in people with advanced dementia: A systematic review

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Background: Systems for identifying potentially inappropriate medications in older adults are not immediately transferrable to advanced dementia, where the management goal is palliation. The aim of the systematic review was to identify and synthesise published systems and make recommendations for identifying potentially inappropriate prescribing in advanced dementia. Methods: Studies were included if published in a peer-reviewed English language journal and concerned with identifying the appropriateness or otherwise of medications in advanced dementia or dementia and palliative care. The quality of each study was rated using the STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist. Synthesis was narrative due to heterogeneity among designs and measures. Medline (OVID), CINAHL, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2005 - August 2014) and AMED were searched in October 2014. Reference lists of relevant reviews and included articles were searched manually. Results: Eight studies were included, all of which were scored a high quality using the STROBE checklist. Five studies used the same system developed by the Palliative Excellence in Alzheimer Care Efforts (PEACE) Program. One study used number of medications as an index, and two studies surveyed health professionals' opinions on appropriateness of specific medications in different clinical scenarios. Conclusions: Future research is needed to develop and validate systems with clinical utility for improving safety and quality of prescribing in advanced dementia. Systems should account for individual clinical context and distinguish between deprescribing and initiation of medications

    Multidisciplinary perspectives on medication-related decision-making for people with advanced dementia living in long-term care: a critical incident analysis.

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    PURPOSE:This study aimed to explore medication-related decision-making by health professionals from different disciplines and specialties caring for people with advanced dementia living in long-term care facilities, focusing on dilemmas associated with starting, continuing or deprescribing medications commonly regarded as potentially inappropriate. METHODS:Four focus groups were undertaken, each on a different medication type (antibiotics, lipid-lowering agents, opioids and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors). Transcripts underwent qualitative analysis using line by line inductive coding and then a person-centred framework to highlight themes across medication types. RESULTS:Sixteen participants participated in focus groups. Regardless of medication type or dilemma, results suggested decision-making for residents with advanced dementia should begin with discussing goals of care and engaging with families, and be viewed as an iterative process involving regular monitoring and adjustment. Decision-making was seen as requiring a dialectical approach involving multiple perspectives, with an emphasis on establishing communication between health professionals, family and the person with dementia to better understand goals/preferences for care. CONCLUSION:Inter-professional collaboration enables sharing of clinical experience/expertise, differing disciplinary perspectives and knowledge about the resident. Continuing a medication should be considered an active decision that carries as much responsibility as starting or deprescribing

    Characterisation of glutenin subunits in spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta L)

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    Este estudo tem como objecto uma prática profissional de design gráfico, sistemática e continuada e, nesse sentido, a escolha e a reflexão teórica sobre as opções tomadas em cada um dos projectos apresentados servirão o objectivo de demonstrar que aliada a uma prática autoral, cada um destes trabalhos foi executado para servir os objectivos de uma encomenda, ponto de partida essencial em todos eles. São analisadas as diferentes estratégias de abordagem, quer do ponto de vista da formulação e da fundamentação teóricas, quer do ponto de vista da sua materialização. O estudo procura entender em que medida as diferentes abordagens conceptuais e metodológicas respondem aos programas dos diferentes projectos no sentido de tornar claras as mensagens que eles procuram veicular. A investigação divide-se em três partes e uma conclusão. A primeira parte caracteriza o momento da história do design gráfico que corresponde ao nascimento do estúdio. Trata das ideias e das personalidades, da herança e da novidade, da partilha de conhecimentos. Na segunda, são descritas as condições locais que levaram à constituição do estúdio e o seu percurso. Caracteriza-se o espaço físico, o volume de projectos e a sua distribuição por diferentes áreas de actuação e também, os mecanismos de criação de uma cultura do estúdio. Na terceira parte, é analisada uma selecção de projectos que se distinguem pela qualidade dos programas e das equipas e pelos resultados obtidos. O estudo realizado revela que a prática do estúdio fba. assenta no princípio de que o design é encarado como uma forma de clarificação e ilustra o modo como esta posição influencia o processo de design. Adicionalmente, a síntese dos resultados do trabalho, demonstra a utilidade desta tese para a compreensão da prática do estúdio e do seu futuro.Tese de doutoramento em Arte Contemporânea, no ramo de Linguística, apresentada ao Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbr

    Identification of QTLs associated with resistance to Phomopsis pod blight (Diaporthe toxica) in Lupinus albus

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    Phomopsis blight in Lupinus albus is caused by a fungal pathogen, Diaporthe toxica. It can invade all plant parts, leading to plant material becoming toxic to grazing animals, and potentially resulting in lupinosis. Identifying sources of resistance and breeding for resistance remains the best strategy for controlling Phomopsis and reducing lupinosis risks. However, loci associated with resistance to Phomopsis blight have not yet been identified. In this study, quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified genomic regions associated with resistance to Phomopsis pod blight (PPB) using a linkage map of L. albus constructed previously from an F8 recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between Kiev-Mutant (susceptible to PPB) and P27174 (resistant to PPB). Phenotyping was undertaken using a detached pod assay. In total, we identified eight QTLs for resistance to PPB on linkage group (LG) 3, LG6, LG10, LG12, LG17 and LG27 from different phenotyping environments. However, at least one QTL, QTL-5 on LG10 was consistently detected in both phenotyping environments and accounted for up to 28.2% of the total phenotypic variance. The results of this study showed that the QTL-2 on LG3 interacts epistatically with QTL-5 and QTL-6, which map on LG10 and LG12, respectively

    Content and quality of websites supporting self-management of chronic breathlessness in advanced illness: A systematic review

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    Chronic breathlessness is a common, burdensome and distressing symptom in many advanced chronic illnesses. Self-management strategies are essential to optimise treatment, daily functioning and emotional coping. People with chronic illness commonly search the internet for advice on self-management. A review was undertaken in June 2015 to describe the content and quality of online advice on breathlessness self-management, to highlight under-served areas and to identify any unsafe content. Google was searched from Sydney, Australia, using the five most common search terms for breathlessness identified by Google Trends. We also hand-searched the websites of national associations. Websites were included if they were freely available in English and provided practical advice on self-management. Website quality was assessed using the American Medical Association Benchmarks. Readability was assessed using the Flesch-Kincaid grades, with grade 8 considered the maximum acceptable for enabling access. Ninety-one web pages from 44 websites met the inclusion criteria, including 14 national association websites not returned by Google searches. Most websites were generated in the USA (n=28, 64%) and focused on breathing techniques (n=38, 86%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n=27, 61%). No websites were found to offer unsafe advice. Adherence to quality benchmarks ranged from 9% for disclosure to 77% for currency. Fifteen (54%) of 28 written websites required grade ≈ 3/49 reading level. Future development should focus on advice and tools to support goal setting, problem solving and monitoring of breathlessness. National associations are encouraged to improve website visibility and comply with standards for quality and readability

    Phytosterol, tocopherol and carotenoid retention during commercial processing of brassica napus (canola) oil

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    Brassica napus (canola) seed is a rich source of phytosterols, tocopherols and carotenoids, which all have recognized health benefits, although these are reduced or lost during crude oil refinement. Many studies are now outdated, so new research to monitor bioactive retention through current processing techniques is warranted. In this work, canola seed, in-process seed, and oil samples were collected from the major stages of five commercial canola oil processes. Analysis of phytosterols, tocopherols and carotenoids indicated seed pre-treatment enhanced bioactive concentrations in the crude oil. Although the bleaching step in each process eliminated all carotenoids, high concentrations of phytosterols and tocopherols remained in the refined oil across all processes, with losses notably lower than those found in previous reports. Moreover, crude oil samples from a two-stage cold pressing process showed greatly enriched concentrations of tocopherols (+122%), sterols (+140%) and carotenoids (+217%). The results show that modern Australian canola oil processing retains high phytosterol and tocopherol concentrations and warrants further investigation into bioactive enrichment strategies. Given the growing interest in health-enhanced foods, this study provides opportunities for nutrition and health-enhanced oil products and the potential for adding value in the edible oil industry
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