828 research outputs found

    Costs of production and willingness to pay for potato produced with a lower amount of agrochemicals. A case study in Argentina

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    In Argentina, potato growing is carried out at different times of the year and regions. The Southeastern Buenos Aires Province (SEBA) is one of the most important areas. The main destination of the product for fresh consumption is the domestic market, and Spunta is the most commercialized variety. Conventional production is characterized by high cost and intensive use of agrochemicals. Several sectors of the population, concerned about the use of agrochemicals and their effects on health and the environment, are willing to pay a Premium for food produced with a lower environmental impact. This work is focused on analyzing if it is feasible to reduce the costs of production when a lower quantity of agrochemicals is employed, and to evaluate if consumers would be willing to pay a differential price for such product.Fil: Rodríguez, Julieta A. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Lupín, Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Lucca, Ana M. F. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina

    Deformation Sequence and Paleofluids in Carbonate Buckle Folds Under Transpression (Pag Anticline, External Dinarides, Croatia)

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    Contractional deformation structures at the front of transpressional orogens display complex three-dimensional geometries deviating from the interpretative templates commonly applied in thrust belts. Accordingly, detailed constraints on deformation patterns and associated paleofluid circulation are desirable, especially for fracture geometry and permeability predictive purposes. The Pag anticline, which is located in the Dinaric fold and thrust belt, provides an appropriate field site for studying fold- and fault-related deformation structures in a transpressive setting. We performed a multiscale structural analysis together with petrographic and stable isotope characterization of the deformation-related calcite cements. Structural mapping suggests that the Pag anticline is a detachment fold developed mainly by buckling, since large-scale thrust faults are absent. Fold tightening in a transpressive setting produced a complex deformational structure including two sets of N-S right-lateral and E-W left-lateral late-stage strike-slip fault sets trending oblique to the NW-SE fold axis. The pre-folding deformation pattern includes incipient normal faults likely related to the forebulge stage, veins and stylolites coherent with NE-SW layer parallel shortening contraction in a strike-slip regime, and metric to decametric scale conjugate thrusts coherent with layer parallel shortening in a compressive regime. Buckle folding preceded propagation of a series of accommodation structures during fold tightening. Petrographic and isotopic data indicate meteoric alteration of the Cretaceous platform carbonates in the prefolding stage, likely due to forebulge subaerial exposure. Layer parallel shortening and early syn-folding veins involved formational fluids resulting from mixed marine and meteoric fluids during folding at shallow burial conditions. Eventually, meteoric fluid infiltrated again along strike-slip faults, acting as cross-formational conduits in the postfolding stage

    RNA from LPS-stirnulated macrophages induces the release of tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1 by resident macrophages

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    The effect of exogenous RNA on many cellular functions has been studied in a variety of eukaryotic cells but there are few reports on macrophages. In the present study, it is demonstrated that cytoplasmatic RNA extracted from rat macrophages stimulated with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS), referred to as L-RNA, induced the release of TNF-α and IL-1 from monolayers of peritoneal resident macrophages. The activity of L-RNA was not altered by polymyxin B but was abolished by ribonuclease (RNase) pretreatment, indicating the absence of LPS contamination and that the integrity of the polynucleotide chain is essential for this activity. Both the poly A(−) and poly A(+) fractions obtained from L-RNA applied to oligo(dT)–cellulose chromatography induced TNF-α and IL-1 release. The L-RNA-induced cytokine release was inhibited by dexamethasone and seemed to be dependent on protein synthesis since this effect was abolished by cycloheximide or actinomycin-D. The LPS-stimulated macrophages, when pre-incubated with [5-3H]-uridine, secreted a trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitable material which was sensitive to RNase and KOH hydrolysis, suggesting that the material is RNA. This substance was also released from macrophage monolayers stimulated with IL-1β but not with TNF-α, IL-6 or IL-8. The substance secreted (3H-RNA) sediments in the 4–5S region of a 5–20% sucrose gradient. These results show that L-RNA induces cytokine secretion by macrophage monolayers and support the idea that, during inflammation, stimulated macrophages could release RNA which may further induce the release of cytokines by the resident cell population

    A review of water-energy-food-ecosystems Nexus research in the Mediterranean: evolution, gaps and applications

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    The water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus has gained recognition as an innovative approach for analysing the interconnectedness of global resource systems and achieving sustainability goals. In the Mediterranean, where water scarcity, climate change, and ecosystem degradation pose significant challenges, implementing an integrated WEFE Nexus approach is crucial. We conducted a comprehensive review of scientific literature through the lenses of Nexus ‘ideas’, ‘relationship’ and ‘practices’. A total of 142 research articles were selected and characterized in terms of WEFE interlinkages being investigated, explored topics, methods and scales of analysis, and contexts of operationalization. We found that water-energy interdependences dominate WEFE Nexus research in the Mediterranean, driven by the large presence of energy-intensive water abstraction and distribution systems to meet drinking and irrigation water demands. At the same time, the expansion of the Nexus approach to additional components is only partial, mostly focusing on assessing impacts on the physical environment and climate, without capturing feedback dynamics. Geographically, Nexus research in the Mediterranean is primarily conducted in isolated case studies, with few large scale assessments developed at the entire Mediterranean scale, and with some countries not yet represented, in particular the Western Balkans. Although WEFE Nexus research in the Mediterranean is recognizing the importance of transdisciplinarity moving beyond biophysical assessments to encompass societal and governance dynamics, further research is needed on understanding the economic implications of WEFE Nexus interactions. To advance Nexus implementation in the region, sustainable technology, and natural resources management, which are key fields of WEFE Nexus research operationalization, would benefit from harmonization in their design objectives. This would enable a more comprehensive and coherent approach towards achieving water, food, and energy security while preserving the environment in the Mediterranean region

    El Plan Estratégico y el Desarrollo Económico Local de la Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentinade

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    The Strategic Plan of Córdoba (PEC) is one of the few strategic urban development plans in Latin America which has actually been implemented in the majority of its components. The PEC was conceived as a collective and global project of the city as a whole without excessive protagonism or special ownership by a few. The PEC integrated a policy of public works – oriented at the “social debt” which existed in the city – with a work on urbanistic norms and directions and economic development. The PEC as a space for articulation achieved to organise a great number of representatives from civil society organisations, achieving legitimacy and representation in the work of the PEC