621 research outputs found

    Adaptive guidance and control for future remote sensing systems

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    A unique approach to onboard processing was developed that is capable of acquiring high quality image data for users in near real time. The approach is divided into two steps: the development of an onboard cloud detection system; and the development of a landmark tracker. The results of these two developments are outlined and the requirements of an operational guidance and control system capable of providing continuous estimation of the sensor boresight position are summarized

    Experimental and simulation study results for video landmark acquisition and tracking technology

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    A synopsis of related Earth observation technology is provided and includes surface-feature tracking, generic feature classification and landmark identification, and navigation by multicolor correlation. With the advent of the Space Shuttle era, the NASA role takes on new significance in that one can now conceive of dedicated Earth resources missions. Space Shuttle also provides a unique test bed for evaluating advanced sensor technology like that described in this report. As a result of this type of rationale, the FILE OSTA-1 Shuttle experiment, which grew out of the Video Landmark Acquisition and Tracking (VILAT) activity, was developed and is described in this report along with the relevant tradeoffs. In addition, a synopsis of FILE computer simulation activity is included. This synopsis relates to future required capabilities such as landmark registration, reacquisition, and tracking

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Volume 2, Part 2: Appendixes B, C, D and E

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    The derivation of the equations is presented, the rate control algorithm described, and simulation methodologies summarized. A set of dynamics equations that can be used recursively to calculate forces and torques acting at the joints of an n link manipulator given the manipulator joint rates are derived. The equations are valid for any n link manipulator system with any kind of joints connected in any sequence. The equations of motion for the class of manipulators consisting of n rigid links interconnected by rotary joints are derived. A technique is outlined for reducing the system of equations to eliminate contraint torques. The linearized dynamics equations for an n link manipulator system are derived. The general n link linearized equations are then applied to a two link configuration. The coordinated rate control algorithm used to compute individual joint rates when given end effector rates is described. A short discussion of simulation methodologies is presented

    Oceanic basalt magnetic properties and the Vine and Matthews Hypothesis

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    Konigsberger ratios of DSDP basalts were rather low (mean value around 7) but were usually high enough to justify interpreting oceanic anomalies with a remanent magnetization model. Natural remanent magnetizations were considerably lower than in dredged basalts but were strong enough to account for amplitudes of oceanic magnetic anomalies. Both stable and unstable remanent types were encountered. The observed stable inclinations showed a large scatter when compared to expected inclinations, largely due to non-cancellation of secular variation. All the basalts were categorized in deuteric oxidation Class I by opaque petrology observations. Extensive maghemitization, inferred from thermomagnetic analyses, may explain the low NRM intensities. Unstable specimens easily acquired large viscous remanent magnetizations, in some cases as large as the NRM. The basalt magnetic properties were in general accord with the expectations of the Vine and Matthews hypothesis.           ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y075179 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/103 &nbsp

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation, volume 2, part 1. Appendix A: Software documentation

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    Documentation of the preliminary software developed as a framework for a generalized integrated robotic system simulation is presented. The program structure is composed of three major functions controlled by a program executive. The three major functions are: system definition, analysis tools, and post processing. The system definition function handles user input of system parameters and definition of the manipulator configuration. The analysis tools function handles the computational requirements of the program. The post processing function allows for more detailed study of the results of analysis tool function executions. Also documented is the manipulator joint model software to be used as the basis of the manipulator simulation which will be part of the analysis tools capability

    Evidence of widespread Cretaceous remagnetisation in the Iberian Range and its relation with the rotation of Iberia

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    A palaeomagnetic investigation has been carried out at 13 sites of Jurassic age in the Iberian Range (northern Spain). Two components of remanent magnetisation have been found at each site. A primary high-temperature component shows an average counterclockwise rotation with respect to the north of 33 2º clockwise about a vertical axis corresponding to the absolute rotation of the Iberian plate since the Jurassic. A secondary low-temperature component shows a systematic declination difference of 16 4º with respect to the primary component. This indicates that a rotation of Iberia must have occurred between the two acquisition times. Comparison of the magnetisation directions with previous palaeomagnetic data and with sea-floor spreading data, constrains the age of the remagnetisation between 95 and 125 Ma. The remagnetisation may be associated with the extensional phases in the Iberian Basin in the Early Cretaceous (Barremianearly Albian) or Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian). A principal characteristic of the remagnetisation is its widespread character in the Iberian Range. Ó 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Study and simulation results for video landmark acquisition and tracking technology (Vilat-2)

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    The results of several investigations and hardware developments which supported new technology for Earth feature recognition and classification are described. Data analysis techniques and procedures were developed for processing the Feature Identification and Location Experiment (FILE) data. This experiment was flown in November 1981, on the second Shuttle flight and a second instrument, designed for aircraft flights, was flown over the United States in 1981. Ground tests were performed to provide the basis for designing a more advanced version (four spectral bands) of the FILE which would be capable of classifying clouds and snow (and possibly ice) as distinct features, in addition to the features classified in the Shuttle experiment (two spectral bands). The Shuttle instrument classifies water, bare land, vegetation, and clouds/snow/ice (grouped)

    Application of advanced technology to space automation

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    Automated operations in space provide the key to optimized mission design and data acquisition at minimum cost for the future. The results of this study strongly accentuate this statement and should provide further incentive for immediate development of specific automtion technology as defined herein. Essential automation technology requirements were identified for future programs. The study was undertaken to address the future role of automation in the space program, the potential benefits to be derived, and the technology efforts that should be directed toward obtaining these benefits