146 research outputs found

    The Energy Spectrum of the Membrane effective Model for Quantum Black Holes

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    We study first order fluctuations of a relativistic membrane in the curved background of a black hole. The zeroth-order solution corresponds to a spherical membrane tightly covering the event horizon. We obtain a massive Klein-Gordon equation for the fluctuations of the membrane's radial coordinate on the 2+1 dimensional world-volume. We finally suggest that quantization of the fluctuations can be related to black hole's mass quantization and the corresponding entropy is computed. This entropy is proportional to the membrane area and is related to the one-loop correction to the thermodynamical entropy AH/4A_H/4. With regards to the membrane model for describing effectively a quantum black hole, we connect these results with previous work on critical phenomena in black hole thermodynamics.Comment: 13 pages, RevTEX. Paper rewritten; energy levels and entropy recompute

    Radiation content of Conformally flat initial data

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    We study the radiation of energy and linear momentum emitted to infinity by the headon collision of binary black holes, starting from rest at a finite initial separation, in the extreme mass ratio limit. For these configurations we identify the radiation produced by the initially conformally flat choice of the three geometry. This identification suggests that the radiated energy and momentum of headon collisions will not be dominated by the details of the initial data for evolution of holes from initial proper separations L07ML_0\geq7M. For non-headon orbits, where the amount of radiation is orders of magnitude larger, the conformally flat initial data may provide a relative even better approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The imposition of Cauchy data to the Teukolsky equation I: The nonrotating case

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    Gravitational perturbations about a Kerr black hole in the Newman-Penrose formalism are concisely described by the Teukolsky equation. New numerical methods for studying the evolution of such perturbations require not only the construction of appropriate initial data to describe the collision of two orbiting black holes, but also to know how such new data must be imposed into the Teukolsky equation. In this paper we show how Cauchy data can be incorporated explicitly into the Teukolsky equation for non-rotating black holes. The Teukolsky function % \Psi and its first time derivative tΨ\partial_t \Psi can be written in terms of only the 3-geometry and the extrinsic curvature in a gauge invariant way. Taking a Laplace transform of the Teukolsky equation incorporates initial data as a source term. We show that for astrophysical data the straightforward Green function method leads to divergent integrals that can be regularized like for the case of a source generated by a particle coming from infinity.Comment: 9 pages, REVTEX. Misprints corrected in formulas (2.4)-(2.7). Final version to appear in PR

    Boulware state and semiclassical thermodynamics of black holes in a cavity

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    A black hole, surrounded by a reflecting shell, acts as an effective star-like object with respect to the outer region that leads to vacuum polarization outside, where the quantum fields are in the Boulware state. We find the quantum correction to the Hawking temperature, taking into account this circumstance. It is proportional to the integral of the trace of the total quantum stress-energy tensor over the whole space from the horizon to infinity. For the shell, sufficiently close to the horizon, the leading term comes from the boundary contribution of the Boulware state.Comment: 7 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Second order gauge invariant gravitational perturbations of a Kerr black hole

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    We investigate higher than the first order gravitational perturbations in the Newman-Penrose formalism. Equations for the Weyl scalar ψ4,\psi_4, representing outgoing gravitational radiation, can be uncoupled into a single wave equation to any perturbative order. For second order perturbations about a Kerr black hole, we prove the existence of a first and second order gauge (coordinates) and tetrad invariant waveform, ψI\psi_I, by explicit construction. This waveform is formed by the second order piece of ψ4\psi_4 plus a term, quadratic in first order perturbations, chosen to make ψI\psi_I totally invariant and to have the appropriate behavior in an asymptotically flat gauge. ψI\psi_I fulfills a single wave equation of the form TψI=S,{\cal T}\psi_I=S, where T{\cal T} is the same wave operator as for first order perturbations and SS is a source term build up out of (known to this level) first order perturbations. We discuss the issues of imposition of initial data to this equation, computation of the energy and momentum radiated and wave extraction for direct comparison with full numerical approaches to solve Einstein equations.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX. Some misprints corrected and changes to improve presentation. Version to appear in PR

    Reconstruction of inhomogeneous metric perturbations and electromagnetic four-potential in Kerr spacetime

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    We present a procedure that allows the construction of the metric perturbations and electromagnetic four-potential, for gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations produced by sources in Kerr spacetime. This may include, for example, the perturbations produced by a point particle or an extended object moving in orbit around a Kerr black hole. The construction is carried out in the frequency domain. Previously, Chrzanowski derived the vacuum metric perturbations and electromagnetic four-potential by applying a differential operator to a certain potential Ψ\Psi . Here we construct Ψ\Psi for inhomogeneous perturbations, thereby allowing the application of Chrzanowski's method. We address this problem in two stages: First, for vacuum perturbations (i.e. pure gravitational or electromagnetic waves), we construct the potential from the modes of the Weyl scalars ψ0\psi_{0} or ϕ0\phi_{0}. Second, for perturbations produced by sources, we express Ψ\Psi in terms of the mode functions of the source, i.e. the energy-momentum tensor TαβT_{\alpha \beta} or the electromagnetic current vector JαJ_{\alpha}.Comment: 20 pages; few typos corrected and minor modifications made; accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Reconstruction of Black Hole Metric Perturbations from Weyl Curvature

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    Perturbation theory of rotating black holes is usually described in terms of Weyl scalars ψ4\psi_4 and ψ0\psi_0, which each satisfy Teukolsky's complex master wave equation and respectively represent outgoing and ingoing radiation. On the other hand metric perturbations of a Kerr hole can be described in terms of (Hertz-like) potentials Ψ\Psi in outgoing or ingoing {\it radiation gauges}. In this paper we relate these potentials to what one actually computes in perturbation theory, i.e ψ4\psi_4 and ψ0\psi_0. We explicitly construct these relations in the nonrotating limit, preparatory to devising a corresponding approach for building up the perturbed spacetime of a rotating black hole. We discuss the application of our procedure to second order perturbation theory and to the study of radiation reaction effects for a particle orbiting a massive black hole.Comment: 6 Pages, Revtex

    The Fourth Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    We show that black holes fulfill the scaling laws arising in critical transitions. In particular, we find that in the transition from negative to positive values the heat capacities CJQC_{JQ}, CΩQC_{\Omega Q} and CJΦC_{J\Phi} give rise to critical exponents satisfying the scaling laws. The three transitions have the same critical exponents as predicted by the universality Hypothesis. We also briefly discuss the implications of this result with regards to the connections among gravitation, quantum mechanics and statistical physics.Comment: 19 pages (two figures), Plain Tex. Preprint KONS-RGKU-93-11. To appear in Nucl. Phys. B (1993

    On the stability of black hole event horizons

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    In this work we study a {\it gedanken} experiment constructed in order to test the cosmic censorship hypothesis and the second law of black hole thermo-dynamics. Matter with a negative gravitating energy is imagined added to a near extremal U(1)U(1)-charged static black hole in Einstein-Maxwell theory. The dynamics of a similar process is studied and the thermo-dynamical properties of the resulting black hole structure is discussed. A new mechanism which stabilizes black hole event horizons is shown to operate in such processes.Comment: 16, grammatical errors corrected and two references adde

    Spacetime Virasoro algebra from strings on zero radius AdS_3

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    We study bosonic string theory in the light-cone gauge on AdS_3 spacetime with zero radius of curvature (in string units) R/\sqrt{\alpha^\prime}=0. We find that the worldsheet theory admits an infinite number of conserved quantities which are naturally interpreted as spacetime charges and which form a representation of (two commuting copies of) a Virasoro algebra. Near the boundary of AdS_3 these charges are found to be isomorphic to the infinite set of asymptotic Killing vectors of AdS_3 found originally by Brown and Henneaux. In addition to the spacetime Virasoro algebra, there is a worldsheet Virasoro algebra that generates diffeomorphisms of the spatial coordinate of the string worldsheet. We find that if the worldsheet Virasoro algebra has a central extension then the spacetime Virasoro algebra acquires a central extension via a mechanism similar to that encountered in the context of the SL(2,R) WZW model.Our observations are consistent with a recently proposed duality between bosonic strings on zero radius AdS_d+1 and free field theory in d dimensions.Comment: 23 pages, uses JHEP.cls. References adde