19 research outputs found
Läänemere idaosa litoraali kalakoosluste varieeruvus ja selle põhjused
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneLitoraalialad on vee-elustikule oluliseks sigimis-, kasvu- ja toitumisalaks. Muutlike abiootiliste ja biootiliste keskkonnategurite koosmõjul varieerub litoraalialade kalakoosluste liigiline koosseis väga suurel määral nii ajas kui ka ruumis. Käesoleva töö eesmärkideks oli välja selgitada: 1) Läänemere litoraali asustavate kalaliikide ööpäevaringseid ja aastasiseseid käitumismustreid; 2) litoraali kalastiku sesoonse toitumisökoloogia eripärad meritindi näitel; 3) anadroomsete kalade (lõhe ja meriforell) noorjärkude alternatiivseid rändestrateegiaid jõgede ja Läänemere litoraalialade vahel. Selgus, et: 1) Läänemere litoraali asustavate kalaliikide ööpäevaringne käitumine on seni kirjeldatust oluliselt mitmetahulisem. Seega, mingi konkreetse litoraali piirkonna ööpäevas muutuva liigilise koosseisu täielikuks kirjeldamiseks on vajalik proovipüükide tegemine nii hommikul, keskpäeval, õhtul kui ka öösel; 2) Läänemere idaosa litoraaliala asustava meritindi toitumiskäitumine erineb avamere elupaikades kirjeldatust; 3) Läänemere riimveelised litoraalialad võivad olla seni arvatust olulisemaks kasvualaks alternatiivseid rändestrateegiaid kasutavatele lõhilaste noorjärkudele; 4) läbi riimvee vooluveekogu vahetavad noorkalad võivad osaliselt olla ka anadroomsete lõhilaste populatsioonides esinevate „eksijate“ varem kirjeldamata tekkemehhanismiks; 5) Läänemere litoraali asustavatel kalaliikidel võib esineda nii piirkonnaspetsiifilisi ööpäevaringseid toitumisrändeid (meritint) kui ka elukäigumustreid (lõhe, meriforell).The shallow littoral is an important reproduction, nursery, and foraging area to coastal marine biota. Due to variability in abiotic and biotic environmental parameters, near-shore fish communities of the Baltic Sea are highly variable. Thus, the occurrence and abundance of fish species may be spatially and temporally highly variable. The objectives of the present thesis were to: 1) assess diel variations in the composition of the fish assemblage in the surf-zone of the non-tidal Baltic Sea; 2) estimate the predatory role of European smelt in a littoral habitat by describing seasonal variation of prey composition; 3) investigate whether littoral zone of the Baltic Sea also function as a habitat for early out-migrating Atlantic salmon and anadromous brown trout (ABT) fry and parr. The main results and conclusions are the following: 1) fine-scale variations in littoral fish assemblages are more complex and may take place within shorter time frame than previously known; 2) European smelt inhabiting littoral areas of the Baltic Sea occupy different ecological niche than smelt in offshore areas; 3) alternative migrations of juvenile salmonids between freshwater and brackish environments indicate that the shallow littoral zone of the Baltic Sea may play a significant role as a permanent or provisional nursery area to these species; 4) the phenomenon of stream shifting through the marine environment may constitute at least one possible mechanism behind the straying behaviour documented during the spawning runs of Atlantic salmon and ABT in the Baltic Sea basin; 5) some coastal fish species inhabiting the Baltic Sea might show sub-basin specific behaviour in terms of their regular diel movements and alternative life history pattern
Effect of incubation temperature on phenotype in mallard
The influence of incubation temperature on bird neonate phenotype is widely studied. In waterfowl (Anatidae), maternal effect can be divided to two main parts: clutch formation and its incubation. Therefore, waterfowl are a good model for this type of study. The egg temperature can strongly influence embryo development and survival of the hatchlings. The goal of this work was to examine the effect of incubation temperature on hatchability, incubation length, sex ratio and phenotype of European Mallard ducklings immediately after hatching. Eggs were randomly placed in one of six incubation temperatures, which ranged from 35 to 39 řC. This range corresponds with temperature range in natural mallard nests in the Czech Republic. Eggs were then artificially incubated. Newborn hatchlings were weighted and their structural size was measured, then they were killed. Some hatchlings from incubation temperatures 35.5, 36 and 37 řC were used to examine residual yolk sac mass and basic chemical composition of the yolk-free body. Hatchability was markedly lower in both extreme temperatures (35 and 39 řC). Incubation length significantly decreased with increasing incubation temperature. I failed to prove the influence of incubation temperature on hatchling body mass, but I found temperature-dependent changes of..
Managing the leadership change and related activities during work with long-term clients on a helpline for elderly people in crisis
BORECKÁ, Jana. Managing the leadership change and related activities during work with long-term clients on a helpline for elderly people in crisis. Prague, 2010. Thesis. Charles University of Prague. Faculty of humanities. Department of management and supervision in social and health organisations. The supervisor: Prim. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, PhD. Key words: helpline, intervention into crisis, elderly people, changes in old age, mothodics of work with seniors on the help line, managing the change, permanent clients, ethics, teamwork, supervision, case study. The thesis concentrates on managing the leadership change dutiny work with long-term clients on a helpline for elderly people in crisis. The first part represents important theoretical base for understanding the second, practical part. The first part is engaged in specification of professional help on a help line - main principals of intervention into crisis that social worker must follow. It also considers problems of old age and the changes that come during this stage of lifetime. First part also introduces permanent clients as a specific group that needs the helpline for an assistance and brings special ethical questions not only for workers who have direkt contact with clients, but also for their superiors. The second part brings reader to..
Additional file 9: of Evolutionary triangulation: informing genetic association studies with evolutionary evidence
PBS analysis using CEU and YRI as the pre-selected populations and other available HapMap III populations as the outlier populations genes associated with diseases that are appropriately distributed between CEU and YRI genes associated with diseases that are appropriately distributed among CEU, YRI and GIH and identifed with ET genes show up across all PBS analysis. (XLSX 14 kb
Additional file 10: Table S8. of Evolutionary triangulation: informing genetic association studies with evolutionary evidence
SNP-based iHS score of CEU-GIH-YRI ET SNPs under 95th/5th percentile cutoff. (DOCX 15 kb
Additional file 8: Table S6. of Evolutionary triangulation: informing genetic association studies with evolutionary evidence
Genetic associations of 85th/15th cutoff ET genes with diseases other than index diseases based on CEU-YRI-GIH comparisons1. (DOCX 145 kb
Additional file 3: Table S3a. of Evolutionary triangulation: informing genetic association studies with evolutionary evidence
SNPs and genes identified using the 95th/5th percentile ET cutoffs among CEU-TSI-CHB. Table S3b. SNPs and genes identified using the 90th/10th percentile ET cutoffs among CEU-TSI-CHB. Table S3c. SNPs and genes identified using the 85th/15th percentile ET cutoffs among CEU-TSI-CHB. Table S3d. SNPs and genes identified using the 80th/20th percentile ET cutoffs among CEU-TSI-CHB. (DOCX 26 kb
Additional file 3: of Systems biology evaluation of cell-free amniotic fluid transcriptome of term and preterm infants to detect fetal maturity
Alternative exons detected through a reciprocal junction analysis of percent spliced in values from AltAnalyze among a panel of adult tissues and placenta by RNA-Seq. (XLSX 110 kb
Maternal Characteristics, Ohio Birth Cohort 2006–2010.
<p>Dichotomous variables for first 2 columns are presented as percent of total for each characteristic. Stillbirth rate is presented as number of stillbirths per 1000 total births per each characteristic.</p><p>Maternal Characteristics, Ohio Birth Cohort 2006–2010.</p
Birth Characteristics, Ohio 2006–2010.
<p>Dichotomous variables for first 2 columns are presented as percent of total for each category. Stillbirth rate is presented as number of stillbirths per 1000 total births per each category.</p><p>Birth Characteristics, Ohio 2006–2010.</p