2,730 research outputs found

    Integral Picard group of moduli of polarized K3 surfaces

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    We compute the integral Picard group of the moduli stack of polarized K3 surfaces of fixed degree whose singularities are at most rational double points, and of its coarse moduli space. We also compute the integral Picard group of the stack of quasi‐polarized K3 surfaces, and of the stacky period domain.Peer Reviewe

    Integral Picard group of moduli of polarized K3 surfaces

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    We compute the integral Picard group of the moduli stack of polarized K3 surfaces of fixed degree whose singularities are at most rational double points, and of its coarse moduli space. We also compute the integral Picard group of the stack of quasi-polarized K3 surfaces, and of the stacky period domain

    Stable cuspidal curves and the integral Chow ring of M2,1\overline{\mathscr{M}}_{2,1}

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    In this paper we introduce the moduli stack M~g,n\widetilde{\mathscr{M}}_{g,n} of nn-marked stable at most cuspidal curves of genus gg and we use it to determine the integral Chow ring of M2,1\overline{\mathscr{M}}_{2,1}. Along the way, we also determine the integral Chow ring of M1,2\overline{\mathscr{M}}_{1,2}.Comment: 47 pages, comments welcome! V2: some mistakes corrected, some new figures added. To appear on Geometry & Topolog

    Understanding corporate entrepreneurship in the digital age: a review and research agenda

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    In a digital world increasingly characterized by new business opportunities and challenges driven by the proliferation of pervasive digital technologies, companies are more than ever called to act entrepreneurially. This scenario has raised important questions at the intersection of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and digital technologies, as we currently lack a comprehensive understanding on the implications of digital technologies in CE strategy, related antecedents, processes, and outcomes. To fill this gap, our study takes stock of the extant literature on CE in the digital age. Through a review of 54 studies, we craft an integrative framework of CE in the digital age, articulated across six building blocks. Building on the proposed framework, we elaborate a research agenda for future research

    Urinary exosomal shuttle RNA: Promising cancer diagnosis biomarkers of lower urinary tract.

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    Background: Prostate and bladder cancers continue to be the first and fourth most common cancers in men worldwide; thus there is an urgent need for more accurate biomarkers that can detect these types of cancer in a non-invasive way. Liquid biopsy is a new non-invasive tool for diagnosis and with a virtually unlimited supply urine is even more attractive resource since urinary exosomes have been discovered to contain RNAs that are hallmarks of cancer. It is challenging to assay those secreting lower amounts of molecules. Methods: This review, based on articles identified through a PubMed/MEDLINE search, comprehensively summarizes state of the art approaches used in the discovery and validation of exosomal RNA biomarkers purified from the urine for lower urinary tract cancer. Results: The combination of PCA3 and ERG has shown a relatively good improvement in diagnostic performance; examples of other potential biomarkers and the methods utilized in their discovery are also discussed in this review. Conclusions: Of these last markers, to date there are still few data to implement these for routine diagnosis

    Critical Review of the Pivotal Studies of Four rFVIII Products for the Treatment of Hemophilia A Patients: The Role of Octocog Alfa

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    INTRODUCTION: Hemophilia A is a rare congenital bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of clotting factor VIII (FVIII). The severe form of the disease is characterized by spontaneous bleeds, especially into the joints. Prophylaxis, based on regularly intravenous administration of the missing factor to avoid hemorrhages, represents the gold standard of treatment. In recent years, new products that significantly improve the treatment management options for patients with hemophilia have become available in the market.OBJECTIVE: To critically evaluate the pivotal studies of recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) products, approved in Europe within the first half of 2018 having obtained the indication for a prophylaxis dosing regimen based also on a twice weekly infusion frequency or even less, highlighting their limitations or strengths.METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted, and several databases (PubMed and Embase) were consulted.RESULTS: Nine clinical trials involving patients with severe hemophilia A without inhibitor were included in this analysis. Four rFVIII products (Elocta®, Biogen, Cambridge, MA, USA; Kovaltry®, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Germany; Afstyla®, CSL Behring GmbH, Germany; Adynovi®, Baxalta Innovation GmbH, Austria) with different pharmacokinetic profiles were evaluated. The trials included in this analysis had different designs and heterogeneous methods were utilized to assess the study outcomes. The baseline characteristics of the patients enrolled in the studies were also often different and sometimes not adequately described. LEOPOLD II, a trial to compare prophylaxis to on-demand therapy with an unmodified rFVIII product (Kovaltry®, octocog alfa), was the only completely randomized trial that enrolled a more critical patient population in terms of compromised joint condition than the other studies. Based on these side-by-side comparison, Octocog alfa reported similar efficacy, in terms of annualized bleeding rate, to the other rFVIII products, including extended half-life.CONCLUSIONS: Even without structural modifications, octocog alfa may be considered a useful treatment option for two times a week prophylaxis in a selected population of haemophilia patients

    The integral Chow ring of the stack of smooth non-hyperelliptic curves of genus three

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    We compute the integral Chow ring of the stack of smooth, non-hyperelliptic curves of genus three. We obtain this result by computing the integral Chow ring of the stack of smooth plane quartics, by means of equivariant intersection theory.Comment: 40 pages, comments are welcome! To appear on Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    Investigating plant micro‐remains embedded in dental calculus of the Phoenician inhabitants of Motya (Sicily, Italy)

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    Plant records reveal remarkable evidence about past environments and human cultures. Exploiting dental calculus analysis and using a combined approach of microscopy and gas chromatography mass spectrometry, our research outlines dietary ecology and phytomedicinal practices of the ancient community of Motya (Sicily, eight to sixth century BC), one of the most important Phoenician settlements in the Mediterranean basin. Micro‐remains suggest use or consumption of Triticeae cereals, and animal‐derived sources (e.g., milk and aquatic birds). Markers of grape (or wine), herbs, and rhizomes, endemic of Mediterranean latitudes and the East, provide insight into the subsistence of this colony, in terms of foodstuffs and phytotherapeutic products. The application of resins and wood of Gymnosperms for social and cultural purposes is hypothesized through the identification of Pinaceae secondary metabolites and pollen grains. The information hidden in dental calculus discloses the strong human‐plant interaction in Motya’s Phoenician community, in terms of cultural traditions and land use

    Tradisi Panen Raya Guna Menunjang Branding Beras Organik di Desa Gentungan, Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Desa Gentungan merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Mojogedang, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Desa Gentungan memiliki potensi pertanian organik yang sangat besar. Desa Gentungan memiliki lahan pertanian organik 22 ha yang dikelola oleh Kelompok Tani Mulyo 1 yang beranggotakan 80 orang. Areal pertanaman padi organik telah memiliki sertifikasi organik sejak tahun 2010. Areal pertanaman padi organik dilengkapi dengan berbagai gazebo dan Wisata Pertanian Embung Setumpeng. Faktor pendukung lainnya yang sangat kuat yaitu modal sosial anggota Kelompok Tani Mulyo 1 yang senang gotong royong dan melestarikan tradisi lokal pertanian. Tradisi panen raya menjadi salah satu kearifan lokal Desa Gentungan. Tradisi panen raya akan menunjang branding pertanian organik Desa Gentungan. Kegiatan panen raya yang dilakukan meliputi pertunjukan reog, kirab gunungan tumpeng, pertunjukan wayang kisah pertanian organik, methik padi, dan kirab Mbok Sri kembali. Rangkaian panen raya dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi menggunakan metode participatory rural appraisal yang melibatkan seluruh anggota Kelompok Tani Mulyo 1 dari perencanaan hingga evaluasi kegiatan. Panen raya ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan branding beras organik Desa Gentungan dan meningkatkan daya tarik wisata pertanian Desa Gentungan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu peningkatan branding beras organik Desa Gentungan ke area Solo Raya melalui penawaran dalam kegiatan pameran UMKM dan pemasaran digital serta terjadi peningkatan pengunjung di Wisata Pertanian Embung Setumpeng menjadi 40 rombongan setiap pekannya