1,973 research outputs found

    Contributos ciganos para o povoamento do Brasil (séculos XVI-XIX)

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    [...]. O povo que é comum ser denominado cigano (se bem que hoje em dia seja designado, em geral, como Povo Rom) migrou em vagas distintas, em épocas diversas e por motivos ainda pouco explicados, desde a Índia até à Europa e terá alcançado o extremo ocidental europeu, com bastante probabilidade, por finais do século XV. E, dele bem se pode afirmar que a viagem continua a correr-lhe nas veias até aos nossos dias e, por certo, assim será no futuro. Os grupos de nómadas que chegavam eram constituídos por gente ligada entre si por laços sociais e culturais bastante fortes. Dominando uma língua desconhecida da população já instalada, trajavam de maneira característica, logo distinta, e tinham comportamentos peculiares, diferentes dos demais, não passando tais diferenças despercebidas. Acresce que também os ciganos nada faziam para disfarçar, ou mesmo mitigar, essa diversidade. [...

    A planície alentejana : um destino migratório de famílias açorianas em finais do século XVIII

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    Se bem que num outro contexto e referindo-se a um espaço geográfico distinto do que constitui o nosso escopo, Braudel, “um mestre da história mediterrânea” na feliz asserção do saudoso professor Orlando Ribeiro, escreveu há alguns anos que “o processo mais comum de relacionação das ilhas com o mundo é o da emigração”. Aqui, migrar no sentido de mudar de uma região para outra ou, numa das definições possíveis, como traduzindo “«a passagem de um espaço de vida para outro espaço de vida», cujas características evoluem com o tempo”. A mobilidade transoceânica dos açorenses vem sendo estudada por diversos investigadores e, com o correr do tempo, novas informações vão surgindo. Porém, outro tanto não pode ser afirmado, sem que se incorra em erro grosseiro, no que diz respeito à transmigração que nos interessa, realizada no último quartel de Setecentos. Tal não é estranhável dado que, por um lado o século XVIII português permanece pouco investigado, pese embora alguns esforços que visam inverter a situação e, por outro lado, a maior parte das fontes respeitantes a este assunto específico continuam inéditas. Estamos a referir-nos à deslocação, na época da governação de D. Maria I (mais precisamente nos anos oitenta), do arquipélago para a metrópole e com incidência especial na província trastagana, de alguns contingentes de pessoas para servirem de povoadores, podendo mesmo falar-se num tipo de colonização familiar. [...

    The “febrifuge principle” of cinchona barks

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    The antipyretic properties of cinchona barks were known since ancient times in South America, particularly in Peru. The use of these barks in medicines against “fevers” in Europe in the 17th century made the exploitation of cinchonas of Peru a highly productive process, and those cinchona trees became menaced. The Portuguese government aware of the problem searched an alternative in cinchona varieties existing in Brazil. By the beginning of 19th century, samples of different Brazilian barks were shipped to Portugal in order to evaluate their therapeutic properties, in particular their antipyretic properties. Clinical and chemical studies were carried out in Coimbra and Lisbon, by the most eminent scientists of that time, in order to find out the best way to use the barks and identify the “febrifuge principle”. During this research, Bernardino António Gomes isolated in 1810 the first known alkaloid – the cinchonine. This discovery raised international interest and led in 1820 to the isolation of quinine, by Caventou and Pelletier in France. This reinforced the interest in cinchona barks and the producing countries tried to establish a monopoly, forbidding the export of seeds and plants. Some European governments studied then possible solutions for the problem, namely acclimatizing cinchonas in their African and Asian colonies. Getting the plants was difficult, but finally, in Dutch and British colonies, large plantations of cinchonas were made, and so the import from South America was no longer needed. The Portuguese also tried to develop plantations in different regions in Africa. In São Tomé the culture of the cinchonas was economically sustainable and a small pharmaceutical industry was developed during some decades. In this communication we present a brief account of the isolation of cinchonine and of the development of the culture of cinchona trees in Portuguese colonies

    The relevance of α-KLOTHO to the central nervous system: Some key questions

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    α-Klotho is well described as an anti-aging protein, with critical roles in kidney function as a transmembrane co-receptor for FGF23, and as a soluble factor in serum. α-Klotho is also expressed in the choroid plexus, where it is released into the cerebrospinal fluid. Nonetheless, α-Klotho is also expressed in the brain parenchyma. Accumulating evidence indicates that this pool of α-Klotho, which we define as brain α-Klotho, may play important roles as a neuroprotective factor and in promoting myelination, thereby supporting healthy brain aging. Here we summarize what is known about brain α-Klotho before focusing on the outstanding scientific questions related to its function. We believe there is a need for in vitro studies designed to distinguish between brain α-Klotho and other pools of α-Klotho, and for a greater understanding of the basic function of soluble α-Klotho. The mechanism by which the human KL-VS variant affects cognition also requires further elucidation. To help address these questions we suggest some experimental approaches that other laboratories might consider. In short, we hope to stimulate fresh ideas and encourage new research approaches that will allow the importance of α-Klotho for the aging brain to become clear

    Subcutaneous immunotherapy with aeroallergens - evaluation of adherence in real life

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    Introduction. Adherence in allergen immunotherapy is crucial for its efficacy. At least 3 years of treatment are recommended for achieving a long-term modifying effect. Objectives. To assess patient’s adherence and to identify determinant factors for allergen subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) suspension in patients with respiratory allergy. Methods. Retrospective analysis of the medical record of patients submitted to SCIT between January 2013 and December 2016 in our Department. Results. 323 patients were included: 52% female; mean age 30 ± 13 years; average treatment time 19 ± 13 months. 52 patients (16%) stopped SCIT: 54% female; mean age 30 ± 9 years; average treatment time 12 ± 6 months; 67% dropped the treatment during the 1st year, 27% in the 2nd and 6% during the 3rd year of treatment. Adherence rate determined was 77%. The most frequent reasons for withdrawal were due to economic reasons (47.9%), followed by patients’ perception of no clinical improvement (23%) and change to sublingual immunotherapy (11.6%). Conclusion. Adherence rate in our study was 77%. Economic reasons were the main cause of abandonment in the first year, while the perception of non-improvement was the main reason for abandonment in subsequent years. Adequate information on SCIT prescribing and rigorous monitoring of patients during the treatment can improve adherence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficacy of two traps and three different pheromone-based attractants to control the banana weevil adults Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in banana orchards on Terceira Island, Azores.

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    ABSTRACT: The banana borer weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (German) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is considered an important pest of bananas. It is extremely specific to Musaceae (Musaceae: Musa species). The efficacy of the different combination of traps and attractants on the banana weevil is important to been investigated to identify the best combination to use in banana orchards on Terceira Island (Azores). For that purpose, an essay was conducted during two years (2021 and 2022) to determine the efficiency of two traps (Cosmotrack and Stopweevil) and three attractants containing sordidin pheromone (Cosmogel NovAgrica, CosmoPlus Scyll’Agro and EcoSordidina 90K Ecobertura) to monitor C. sordidus populations in two banana orchards. The trap contents were collected every 15 days in 2021 for all the year (January to December). In 2022 the same two traps (Cosmotrack and Stopweevil) and only two different attractants (Cosmogel NovAgrica and CosmoPlus Scyll’Agro) were tested for 5 months (from January to May). The results from both essays suggest that Cosmotrack with Cosmoplus is the more suitable best combination trap and attractant for the control of C. sordidus. We also found significant differences in the banana weevil adult captures between the two traps and the three attractants considered in two orchards. Significant difference was found between Cosmotrack with Cosmoplus and Cosmotrack with Cosmogel, and when between Cosmotrack with Cosmoplus regarding all the other trap and attractant combinations tested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olimpíada paulista de matemática: quase quatro décadas de incentivo ao estudo da matemática

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    O objetivo deste artigo é preservar a memória da hoje denominada Olimpíada Paulista de Matemática que, há quase quarenta anos de existência, oferece anualmente desafios matemáticos aos estudantes paulistas e incentiva os interessados a prosseguir em seus estudos na área das ciências exatas. O pioneirismo da Academia Paulista de Ciências – ACIESP, liderada pelo Professor Shigueo Watanabe serviu de modelo a outras competições congêneres de caráter nacional e, hoje, estudantes paulistas e brasileiros têm tido a oportunidade de participar com destaque das competições internacionais em vários níveis de escolaridade. Os relatórios e documentos da ACIESP, foram as fontes documentais desta pesquisa, juntamente com entrevista realizada com o Professor Watanabe

    Superando ruídos comunicacionais com equipes colaborativas

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Secretariado ExecutivoO presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo a apresentação dos resultados de uma pesquisa de campo cujo foco central foi analisar a relação da comunicação com o desenvolvimento de uma organização, além de destacar de que forma o profissional de secretariado executivo contribui para a eficácia da comunicação no ambiente organizacional. Para tanto, foi primeiramente empreendida uma pesquisa teórica sobre o processo de comunicação, a importância da comunicação no ambiente organizacional, os ruídos que ocorrem nesse processo, além de sua vantagem quando eficaz. Foi empreendida também uma pesquisa teórica sobre a atuação do profissional de secretariado executivo nas organizações e a relação desse profissional com a comunicação eficaz nas organizações. Por fim, foi feito, a partir de uma metodologia qualitativa, um levantamento de dados empíricos a partir de uma pesquisa de campo no Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, em que foram anotados em diário de campo os casos em que a comunicação não se mostrou eficaz. Após a realização da pesquisa teórica e da pesquisa de campo, foi levantada uma possível solução para minimizar os problemas causados pela comunicação interna e externa apoiada no aplicativo TRELLO.This paper aims to present the results of a field research whose central focus was to analyze the relationship of communication with the development of an organization and highlight how the executive secretary contributes to the effectiveness of communication in the organizational environment. To this end, a theoretical research was first undertaken on the communication process, the importance of communication in the organizational environment, the problems that occur in this process, and its advantage when effective. A theoretical research was also conducted on the performance of the executive secretary professional in organizations and their relationship with effective communication in organizations. Finally, a survey was carried out in a field research in the Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras in the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, in which cases with not effective communication were noted in a field diary. After conducting theoretical research and field research, a solution was raised to minimize the problems caused by internal and external communication using TRELLO

    The contribution of risk perception and social norms to reported preventive behaviour against selected vector-borne diseases in Guyana

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    Preventing vector-borne diseases (VBDs) mainly relies on effective vector control tools and strategies, which in turn depend on population acceptance and adherence. Inspired by the abundant recent literature on SARS-COV-2, we investigate the relationship between risk perception and preventive behaviour for selected VBDs and the extent to which risk perception is determined by social norms. We use cross-sectional data collected from 497 individuals in four regions of Guyana in 2017. We use a conditional mixed process estimator with multilevel coefficients, estimated through a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) framework, applying a simultaneous equation structure. We find robust results on malaria: risk perception was significantly influenced by the risk perception of the reference group across different definitions of the reference group, hinting at the existence of social norms. Risk perception significantly increased the likelihood of passive behaviour by 4.48%. Less clear-cut results were found for dengue. This study applies quantitative social science methods to public health issues in the context of VBDs. Our findings point to the relevance of tailoring communications on health risks for VBDs to groups defined at the intersection of socio-economic and demographic characteristics. Such tailored strategies are expected to align risk perception among reference groups and boost preventive behaviour

    Ludicidade com recursos visuais: uma proposta para a educação escolar indígena Krahô

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    The present thesis reports the development of a research directed to Krahô Indigenous School Education, carried out at the 19 de Abril Indigenous School, located in the Manoel Alves Pequeno Village (Goiatins municipality, northeast of the state of Tocantins). The justification for conducting the research has as pillars of support the importance of the vision so that the teaching-learning process can take place in a significant way and the idea that the alternative visual resources constitute a possibility of use of the visual language without the need to use information technology, either by choice or by lack of access. On this basis is established the premise that playful education provided by the use of alternative visual resources can contribute to the development of the teaching-learning process of students Krahô, helping to achieve an intercultural, differentiated, bilingual and specific teaching, as advocated by National Curricular Parameters - PCN (1998), the National Curriculum Referential for Indigenous Schools - RCNEI (1998) and other documents related to the subject. Thus, the objective of this thesis is centred on the proposal of insertion of playfulness with alternative visual resources in the teaching practices of Krahô indigenous school education, by means of a mini-course of training for local teachers (indigenous and non-indigenous), with a view to improving students learning in the various disciplines. Considering the focus on the sphere of teaching practice, the qualitative approach based on phenomenology was chosen as the best methodological option, and action research was chosen as a form of project implementation, which was carried out in four phases that included: initial diagnosis, obtained by means of observation and interviews, period of intervention, second diagnosis and final reflection. The research strategies are grounded on Bicudo and Espósito (1994), Lüdke and André (1986), Thiollent (1986), Minayo (2002), Chizzotti (2006), Angrosino (2009), Silveira and Córdova, Flick (2009a, 2009b), among others. The theoretical foundations for playfulness in teaching include: Comenius (2001), Brougère (1998) Freinet (2010), Santos (2001), Luckesi (1998, 2014), Lauand (2003, 2006) and Almeida (2007, 2013). Among the defenders of visual resources are Parra (1973, 1975), Comenius (2001), Neves (2005), Bordenave and Pereira (1982), Piletti (2004), Ribeiro, Dias and Relvas (1999), Schmidt e Pazin Filho (2007), Alves (2011) and Haydt (2011). The theoretical foundations for teaching ludicity include: Comenius (2001), Brougère (1998) Freinet (2010), Santos (2001), Luckesi (1998, 2014), Lauand (2003, 2006) and Almeida. All ten school teachers participated in mini-course workshops, receiving theoretical information, making materials and learning how to use them. As a consequence of the application of the research, it was verified the inclusion of visual resources in the teaching practice of the majority of the teachers of the 19 de Abril Indigenous School.A presente tese relata o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa direcionada à Educação Escolar Indígena Krahô, levada a efeito na Escola Indígena 19 de Abril, localizada na Aldeia Manoel Alves Pequeno, (município de Goiatins, ao nordeste do estado do Tocantins). A justificativa para a realização da pesquisa tem como pilares de sustentação a importância da visão para que o processo ensino-aprendizagem possa se desenrolar de modo significativo e a ideia de que os recursos visuais alternativos constituem-se em uma possibilidade de uso da linguagem visual no ensino sem a necessidade de se valer das tecnologias da informação, seja por escolha ou por falta de acesso. Sobre esta base se estabelece a premissa de que a educação lúdica proporcionada pela utilização de recursos visuais alternativos pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento do processo ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes Krahô, auxiliando na efetivação de um ensino intercultural, diferenciado, bilíngue e específico, conforme preconizam os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN (1998), o Referencial Curricular Nacional para as Escolas Indígenas – RCNEI (1998) e outros documentos relacionados ao assunto. Assim sendo, o objetivo desta tese centra-se na proposta de inserção da ludicidade com recursos visuais alternativos nas práticas de ensino da educação escolar indígena Krahô, por meio da realização de um minicurso de formação para os professores locais (indígenas e não indígenas), com vistas a uma melhora no aprendizado dos alunos nas diversas disciplinas. Considerando o foco na esfera da prática docente, a abordagem qualitativa de base fenomenológica foi eleita como a melhor opção metodológica, sendo escolhida a pesquisa-ação como forma de concretização do projeto, o qual foi realizado em quatro fases que incluíram: diagnóstico inicial, obtido por meio de observação e entrevistas, período de intervenção, segundo diagnóstico e reflexão final. As estratégias de pesquisa fundamentam-se em autores como Bicudo e Espósito (1994), Lüdke e André (1986), Thiollent (1986), Minayo (2002), Chizzotti (2006), Angrosino (2009), Silveira e Córdova (2009), Flick (2009a, 2009b), entre outros. As bases teóricas a respeito da ludicidade no ensino incluem: Comenius (2001), Brougère (1998) Freinet (2010), Santos (2001), Luckesi (1998, 2014), Lauand (2003, 2006) e Almeida (2007, 2013). Entre os defensores dos recursos visuais encontram-se Parra (1973, 1975), Comenius (2001), Neves (2005), Bordenave e Pereira (1982), Piletti (2004), Ribeiro, Dias e Relvas (1999), Schmidt e Pazin Filho (2007), Alves (2011) e Haydt (2011). Todos os dez professores da escola participaram das oficinas do minicurso, recebendo informações teóricas, confeccionando materiais e aprendendo a utilizá-los. Como consequência da aplicação da pesquisa, verificou-se a inclusão dos recursos visuais na prática docente da maioria dos professores da Escola Indígena 19 de Abril