176 research outputs found

    ¿Afecta la calidad del hábitat alimentario a la capacidad reproductiva de la garceta común, Egretta garzetta?

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    In order to understand the role of foraging habitat quality on fecundity parameters we measured habitat use, breeding parameters, and body condition of chicks in six colonies of Little Egrets in southern France. The foraging habitat available differed between colonies; it was mainly natural marshes around the Carrelet colony, agricultural lands (rice fields and dry crops) around the Agon colony, a mix of agricultural and natural lands around the Redon and Fiélouse colonies, a mix of natural and urbanised/industrial lands around the Palissade colony, and mainly cultivated and urbanised lands around the Chaumont colony. The habitat attractiveness to adult Little Egret breeding was higher for natural marshes than for other habitat types. Agricultural marshes (rice fields) came next. Other human–made habitats came last. Clutch size and body condition index of chicks did not differ between colonies. Brood size was influenced by both the association of the proportion of natural marshes in the foraging area and clutch size, and the association of clutch size and the total number of heron pairs in the colony. The effect of the proportion of natural marshes could not be distinguished from the effects of the colony size. The potential influence of other parameters not taken into account in this study is discussed.Con la finalidad de conocer el papel que ejerce la calidad del hábitat alimentario sobre los parámetros de fecundidad, se evaluaron el uso del hábitat, los parámetros reproductivos y las condiciones físicas de los polluelos de seis colonias de garceta común en el sur de Francia. El hábitat alimentario disponible variaba de unas colonias a otras, siendo principalmente marismas naturales en el entorno de la colonia de Carrelet, terrenos agrícolas (campos de arroz y cultivos de secano) alrededor de la colonia de Agon, una combinación de terrenos agrícolas y naturales alrededor de las colonias de Redon y Fiélouse, una combinación de terrenos naturales y urbanizados/industriales alrededor de la colonia de Palissade, y principalmente terrenos cultivados y urbanizados alrededor de la colonia de Chaumont. En la época de reproducción, los adultos de garceta común se sienten atraídos principalmente por las marismas naturales, en detrimento de otros tipos de hábitat. Las tierras agrícolas anegadas (campos de arroz) siguen en orden de preferencia, mientras los hábitats construidos por el hombre ocupan el último lugar. El tamaño de la puesta y el índice de estado físico de los polluelos no mostraron diferencias entre las colonias. El tamaño de la nidada estuvo influenciado tanto por la asociación de la proporción de marismas naturales en el hábitat alimentario y el tamaño de la puesta, como por la asociación del tamaño de la puesta y el número total de parejas de garzas de la colonia. El efecto de la proporción de marismas naturales no se puede diferenciar del ejercido por el tamaño de la colonia. Se discute también la influencia potencial de otros parámetros que no se han tenido en cuenta en este estudio

    Life's Joke: Bergson, Comedy, and the Meaning of Laughter

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    The present essay argues that Bergson’s account of the comic can only be fully appreciated when read in conjunction with his later metaphysical exposition of the élan vital in Creative Evolution and then by the account of fabulation that Bergson only elaborates fully three decades later in The Two Sources of Morality and Religion. The more substantive account of the élan vital ultimately shows that, in Laughter, Bergson misses his own point: laughter does not simply serve as a means for correcting human behavior but is rather the élan vital’s vital summons, the demand of life itself, that human beings challenge their obligations, question their societal forms, and thereby create new and, for Bergson, more ideal forms of life and community

    Green Consumers, Greenwashing and the Misperception of Environmental Quality

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    In this paper we analyse a setup where consumers are heterogeneous in the perception of environmental quality. The equilibrium is verified in a setting with horizontal and vertical (green) differentiation. Profits are increasing in the misperception of quality, while, the investment in green quality decreases the more the goods are substitutes. We further consider the introduction of either an emission tax or an environmental standard. The former rises the investment in environmental quality due to the higher cost of production, whereas in equilibrium quality always improves after the introduction of the latter. We show that an optimal environmental standard is an effective regulatory instrument against greenwashing and that the efficacy of the interventions is conditioned to the damage distribution and the aggregate level of emission

    Do birds of a feather flock together? Comparing habitat preferences of piscivorous waterbirds in a lowland river catchment

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    Waterbirds can move into and exploit new areas of suitable habitat outside of their native range. One such example is the little egret (Egretta garzetta), a piscivorous bird which has colonised southern Britain within the last 30 years. Yet, habitat use by little egrets within Britain, and how such patterns of habitat exploitation compare with native piscivores, remains unknown. We examine overlap in habitat preferences within a river catchment between the little egret and two native species, the grey heron (Ardea cinerea) and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). All species showed strong preferences for river habitat in all seasons, with other habitat types used as auxiliary feeding areas. Seasonal use of multiple habitat types is consistent with egret habitat use within its native range. We found strong egret preference for aquatic habitats, in particular freshwaters, compared with pasture and arable agricultural habitat. Egrets showed greater shared habitat preferences with herons, the native species to which egrets are most morphologically and functionally similar. This is the first study to quantify little egret habitat preferences outside of its native range

    Remote assessment of disease and relapse in major depressive disorder (RADAR-MDD): recruitment, retention, and data availability in a longitudinal remote measurement study

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    BACKGROUND: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is prevalent, often chronic, and requires ongoing monitoring of symptoms to track response to treatment and identify early indicators of relapse. Remote Measurement Technologies (RMT) provide an opportunity to transform the measurement and management of MDD, via data collected from inbuilt smartphone sensors and wearable devices alongside app-based questionnaires and tasks. A key question for the field is the extent to which participants can adhere to research protocols and the completeness of data collected. We aimed to describe drop out and data completeness in a naturalistic multimodal longitudinal RMT study, in people with a history of recurrent MDD. We further aimed to determine whether those experiencing a depressive relapse at baseline contributed less complete data. METHODS: Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Major Depressive Disorder (RADAR-MDD) is a multi-centre, prospective observational cohort study conducted as part of the Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Central Nervous System (RADAR-CNS) program. People with a history of MDD were provided with a wrist-worn wearable device, and smartphone apps designed to: a) collect data from smartphone sensors; and b) deliver questionnaires, speech tasks, and cognitive assessments. Participants were followed-up for a minimum of 11 months and maximum of 24 months. RESULTS: Individuals with a history of MDD (n = 623) were enrolled in the study,. We report 80% completion rates for primary outcome assessments across all follow-up timepoints. 79.8% of people participated for the maximum amount of time available and 20.2% withdrew prematurely. We found no evidence of an association between the severity of depression symptoms at baseline and the availability of data. In total, 110 participants had > 50% data available across all data types. CONCLUSIONS: RADAR-MDD is the largest multimodal RMT study in the field of mental health. Here, we have shown that collecting RMT data from a clinical population is feasible. We found comparable levels of data availability in active and passive forms of data collection, demonstrating that both are feasible in this patient group. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12888-022-03753-1

    S -Adenosyl- l -homocysteine in brain

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    Administration of methionine sulfoximine (MSO) to rats and mice significantly decreased cerebral levels of S -adenosyl- l -homocysteine (AdoHcy). Concurrent administration of methionine prevented this decrease and, when methionine was given alone, significantly elevated AdoHcy levels resulted in both species. Regionally, AdoHcy levels varied from 20 nmol/g in rat cerebellum and spinal cord to about 60 nmol/g in hypothalamus and midbrain. MSO decreased AdoHcy in all regions tested except striatum, midbrain, and spinal cord. AdoMet/AdoHcy ratios (methylation index) varied from 0.48 in hypothalamus to 2.4 in cerebellum, and MSO administration decreased these ratios in all regions except hypothalamus. AdoHcy hydrolase activity was lowest in hypothalamus, highest in brainstem and, generally, varied inversely with regional AdoHcy levels. MSO decreased AdoHcy hydrolase activity in all regions except hypothalamus and spinal cord. Cycloleucine administration resulted in significantly decreased levels of mouse brain AdoHcy, whereas the administration of dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) failed to affect AdoHcy levels. It is concluded that (a) cerebral AdoHcy levels are more tightly regulated than are those of AdoMet after MSO administration, (b) slight fluctuations of AdoHcy levels may be important in regulating AdoHcy hydrolase activity and hence AdoHcy catabolism in vivo, (c) the AdoMet/AdoHcy ratio reflects the absolute AdoMet concentration rather than the transmethylation flux, (d) the decreased AdoMet levels in midbrain, cortex, and striatum after MSO with no corresponding decrease in AdoHcy suggest an enhanced AdoMet utilization, hence an increased transmethylation in the MSO preconvulsant state.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45411/1/11064_2004_Article_BF00966019.pd

    Strong interferon-gamma mediated cellular immunity to scrub typhus demonstrated using a novel whole cell antigen ELISpot assay in rhesus macaques and humans

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    Scrub typhus is a febrile infection caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Orientia tsutsugamushi, which causes significant morbidity and mortality across the Asia-Pacific region. The control of this vector-borne disease is challenging due to humans being dead-end hosts, vertical maintenance of the pathogen in the vector itself, and a potentially large rodent reservoir of unclear significance, coupled with a lack of accurate diagnostic tests. Development of an effective vaccine is highly desirable. This however requires better characterization of the natural immune response of this neglected but important disease. Here we implement a novel IFN-γ ELISpot assay as a tool for studying O. tsutsugamushi induced cellular immune responses in an experimental scrub typhus rhesus macaque model and human populations. Whole cell antigen for O. tsutsugamushi (OT-WCA) was prepared by heat inactivation of Karp-strain bacteria. Rhesus macaques were infected intradermally with O. tsutsugamushi. Freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from infected (n = 10) and uninfected animals (n = 5) were stimulated with OT-WCA, and IFN-γ secreting cells quantitated by ELISpot assay at five time points over 28 days. PBMC were then assayed from people in a scrub typhus-endemic region of Thailand (n = 105) and responses compared to those from a partially exposed population in a non-endemic region (n = 14), and to a naïve UK population in UK (n = 12). Mean results at Day 0 prior to O. tsutsugamushi infection were 12 (95% CI 0-25) and 15 (2-27) spot-forming cells (SFC)/106 PBMC for infected and control macaques respectively. Strong O. tsutsugamushi-specific IFN-γ responses were seen post infection, with ELISpot responses 20-fold higher than baseline at Day 7 (mean 235, 95% CI 200-270 SFC/106 PBMC), 105-fold higher at Day 14 (mean 1261, 95% CI 1,097-1,425 SFC/106 PBMC), 125-fold higher at Day 21 (mean 1,498, 95% CI 1,496-1,500 SFC/106 PBMC) and 118-fold higher at Day 28 (mean 1,416, 95% CI 1,306-1,527 SFC/106 PBMC). No significant change was found in the control group at any time point compared to baseline. Humans from a scrub typhus endemic region of Thailand had mean responses of 189 (95% CI 88-290) SFC/106 PBMC compared to mean responses of 40 (95% CI 9-71) SFC/106 PBMC in people from a non-endemic region and 3 (95% CI 0-7) SFC/106 PBMC in naïve controls. In summary, this highly sensitive assay will enable field immunogenicity studies and further characterization of the host response to O. tsutsugamushi, and provides a link between human and animal models to accelerate vaccine development

    Legal Empowerment and Horizontal Inequalities after Conflict

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    This article explores whether legal empowerment can address horizontal inequalities in post-conflict settings, and, if so, how. It argues that legal empowerment has modest potential to reduce these inequalities. Nevertheless, there are risks that legal empowerment might contribute to a strengthening of group identities, reduction of social cohesion, and, in the worst case, triggering of conflict. It looks at how two legal empowerment programmes in Liberia navigated the tensions between equity and peace

    Transmethylation inhibitors decrease chemotactic sensitivity and delay cell aggregation in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    In Dictyostelium discoideum, extracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) induces chemotaxis and cell aggregation. Suspensions of cAMP-sensitive cells respond to a cAMP pulse with a rapid, transient increase of protein carboxyl methylation. The transmethylation inhibitors cycloleucine, L-homocysteine thiolactone, and coformycin decrease chemotactic sensitivity and delay cell aggregation when administered in concentrations which do not influence cAMP binding to cell surface receptors or the activity of total phosphodiesterase. The ability of the drugs to inhibit chemotaxis could be correlated with their capacity to convert the initial transient positive response of carboxyl methylation to cAMP into a negative one. This suggests that both protein O-methyltransferase and protein methylesterase are activated after stimulation of aggregative cells with cAMP, the net effect being a transient, positive response of methylation. In the presence of a sufficiently large dose of inhibitor, methyltransferase is inhibited, whereas methylesterase activity is much less affected, so that a transient negative response of methylation to cAMP is observed. The slow, positive response of carboxyl methylation to cAMP which occurs ca. 2.5 to 5 min after stimulus administration is not affected by inhibitors of transmethylation. These results suggest that methylation reactions are involved in the chemotactic response of D. discoideum cells to cAMP
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