14 research outputs found

    The World Wide Web and its potential for corporate environmental communication : a study into present practices in the Australian minerals industry

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    This study considers the use of the web for corporate environmental communication, which involves engagement with stakeholders in addiction to environmental disclosure. It is highlighted that the web provides numerous benefits for communication of environmental information. These benefits have been conceptualised througth Media Richness Theory and operationalised through a study into de web based environmental communication practice of companies in an environmentally sensitive industry, the Australian Minerals Industry. The findings of this research indicate that currently, the potencial of the web not extensively utilised by companies for environmental communication.Este estudio considera el uso de una página web para la comunicación ambiental corporativa, lo que supone el compromiso con los inversores, además de una divulgación ambiental. Se ha destacado que la web aporta numerosos beneficios para este tipo de comunicación. Estos beneficios se han conceptualizados a través de la teoría de la riqueza de los medios, y se han aplicado mediante un estudio sobre la web, basado en la práctica de la comunicación ambiental de las compañías en una industria sensible ambientalmente: la industria minera australiana. Los hallazgos de esta investigación indican que actualmente, el potencial de la web no se utiliza extensivamente por empresas para comunicación ambiental

    Corporate Environmental Reporting Media: A Case for the World Wide Web

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    Advantages and disadvantages of various reporting media for disseminating environmental information

    Current environmental accounting problematic: a shift from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism

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    This study goes beyond celebration of catalogue of achievements in voluntary environmental disclosures in corporate annual reports, into actual commitment by the industrialised world in tackling environmental degradation. It critically evaluates the\ud mainstream theoretical arguments, and contributions made by critical theory literature. Discussion then shifts to the failed promises of Marx and Habermas on ecological crisis. As a way forward, an ecocentric perspective is introduced, one that\ud draws upon an ecologically informed philosophy of internal relatedness to narrow the gap between ‘good news’ environmental disclosures and actual commitment to\ud environmental protection. The paper ends with some limitations of ecocentrism, followed by discussion and conclusion

    Using social impact assessment to achieve better outcomes for communities and mining companies

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    Joyce, S., Sairinen, R. & Vanclay, F. 2018 “Using social impact assessment to achieve better outcomes for communities and mining companies”, in Lodhia, S. (ed.) Mining and Sustainable Development: Current Issues. London: Routledge, 65-86

    Assessment of electric vehicle adoption policies and practices in Australia: Stakeholder perspectives

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    Transitioning from internal combustion power to passenger electric vehicles presents a highly complex problem for governments. During the past decade, there has been a slow uptake of passenger electric vehicle sales in Australia, a mere 3.6% per annum. This study explores the electric vehicle adoption policies and practices in Australia through an analysis of various stakeholder perspectives. A mixed methods approach comprising program analytics and vector-algebraic study of vehicular stakeholders was used to interrogate a range of electric vehicle stakeholders' data sets with 1, 317 stakeholder statements being analysed. The results of this study reinforce the critical importance of direct financial incentives and economic support measures valued up to A 21,000pervehicle.Inaddition,theanalysisexposedstrongelectricvehicleconsumersentimenttoinstallupto5800newfastchargingstations(151kmofroadrouteperunit)by2040atacostofA21,000 per vehicle. In addition, the analysis exposed strong electric vehicle consumer sentiment to install up to 5800 new fast charging stations (151 km of road route per unit) by 2040 at a cost of A1.2 Billion, while ensuring provision of vehicle model performance data and charging network information programs. Importantly, governments must show leadership with cooperative revisions to national vehicular standards, public fleet electrifications, and setting national passenger electric vehicle purchase targets. The study posits important actions that suborn passenger electric vehicle transition as a foundation for future forms of electric mobility

    The sustainability agenda of the minerals and energy supply and demand network: an integrative analysis of ecological, ethical, economic, and technological dimensions (Call for papers)

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    The supply of minerals and energy is critical to the maintenance and growth of human and environmental wellbeing. However, the necessarily disruptive processes can create collateral negative impacts that result in trade-offs with the benefits of supply. Individual companies that undertake these activities have taken steps to minimise any negative impacts and legacies. Similarly, companies have joined in various associations to coordinate the development of policies and the principles that underpin them. The International Council on Mining and Metals is the most globally-prominent industry association. This special volume will explore the changes in light of Rio20+ against the backdrop of the potential for change as articulated by ICMM and other organisations. Publications and guidelines on many topics have been published, e.g., human rights, mine closure, social development, operating in a carbon constrained world, resource endowment etc. The special volume will analyse the achievements that the mining sector has made, take a critical look at areas where progress has been less than what might have been hoped, identify barriers to progress and highlight opportunities for future progress. Papers are invited on all aspects of operating sustainably and how this relates to sustainable development at regional and national levels