246 research outputs found

    Educating for enterpreunership: talent, innovation and risk

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    Creating entrepreneurial spirit: avoid excessive risk aversion, disproportionate punishment for failure and foster creativity and initiativ

    Educar per a l'emprenedoria: talent, innovació i risc

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    Configuració de l’esperit emprenedor:evitar excessiva aversió a risc, sanció desproporcionada al fracàs i saber promoure creativitat i iniciativa

    Determinants of science-based cooperation: evidence in a sample of small and micro firms

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    We study the determining factors of cience-based cooperation in the case of small and micro firms. In this research, we propose an analytical framework based on the resource-based view of the firm and we identify a set of organisational characteristics, which we classify as internal, external and structural factors. Each factor can be linked to at least one reason, from the firm¿s point of view, to cooperate with universities and public research centres. Each reason can, in turn, be used as an indicator of a firm¿s organisational needs or organisational capacities. In order to validate the theoretical model, we estimate a logistic regression that models the propensity to participate in science-based cooperation activities within a sample of 285 small and micro firms located in Barcelona. The results show the key role played by the absorptive capacity of new and small companies.Se estudian los factores determinantes de la ciencia basada en la cooperación en el caso de las pequeñas empresas y microempresas. En esta investigación, se propone un análisis marco basado en el punto de vista de los recursos de la empresa y que identifica un conjunto de características de la organización, que podemos clasificar como factores internos, externos y estructurales. Cada factor puede estar relacionado por lo menos con una razón, desde el punto de vista de la empresa, para cooperar con las universidades y centros públicos de investigación. Cada una de ellas, a su vez, se utilizará como un indicador de las necesidades organizativas de la empresa o su capacidad de organización. Con el fin de validar el modelo teórico, se estima una regresión logística que muestra la propensión a participar en las actividades de cooperación basadas en la ciencia de una muestra de 285 empresas pequeñas y microempresas ubicadas en Barcelona. Los resultados muestran el papel clave desempeñado por la capacidad de absorción de las empresas nuevas y pequeñas.S'estudien els factors determinants de la ciència basada en la cooperació en el cas de les petites empreses i microempreses. Aquesta investigació es proposa una anàlisi marc basada en el punt de vista dels recursos de l'empresa i que identifica un conjunt de característiques de la organització, que podem classificar amb factors interns, externs i estructurals. Cada factor pot estar relacionat com a mínim amb una raó, des del punt de vista de l'empresa, per cooperar amb universitats i centres públics d'investigació. Cada una d'aquestes, al seu torn, s'utilitzarà com un indicador de les necessitats organitzatives de l'empresa o la seva capacitat d'organització. Amb l'objectiu de validar el model teòric, es preveu una regressió logística que mostra la tendència a participar en les activitats de cooperació basades en la ciència d'una mostra de 285 empreses petites i microempreses ubicades a Barcelona. Els resultats mostren el paper clau dut a terme per la capacitat d'absorció de les noves i petites empreses

    Determinants of Science-Based Cooperation: Evidence in a Sample of Small and Micro Firms

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    We study the determining factors of science-based cooperation in the case of small and micro firms. In this research, we propose an analytical framework based on the resource-based view of the firm and we identify a set of organisational characteristics, which we classify as internal, external and structural factors. Each factor can be linked to at least one reason, from the firm’s point of view, to cooperate with universities and public research centres. Each reason can, in turn, be used as an indicator of a firm’s organisational needs or organisational capacities. In order to validate the theoretical model, we estimate a logistic regression that models the propensity to participate in science-based cooperation activities within a sample of 285 small and micro firms located in Barcelona. The results show the key role played by the absorptive capacity of new and small companies.science-based cooperation, determinants, absorptive capacity, small and micro firms

    e-Counterfeit: a mobile-server platform for document counterfeit detection

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    This paper presents a novel application to detect counterfeit identity documents forged by a scan-printing operation. Texture analysis approaches are proposed to extract validation features from security background that is usually printed in documents as IDs or banknotes. The main contribution of this work is the end-to-end mobile-server architecture, which provides a service for non-expert users and therefore can be used in several scenarios. The system also provides a crowdsourcing mode so labeled images can be gathered, generating databases for incremental training of the algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Entrepreneurship: New Challenges for Higher Education Institutions

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    Polinuclear metropolis and competitiveness : changes in industrial location and international trade in metropolitan Barcelona

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    Economic literature on endogenous growth has tried to capture Marshallian externalities from the notion of homogenous region. However, some applied researches have argued recently against the usefulness of the homogenous regions as analytical units because the irruption of several localized densifications of productive activity of intrametropolitan nature. As a consequence, the metropolitan industry-mix could hide a high degree of specialization in several urban poles inside the metropolis. This paper tries to identify agglomeration economies --both localization and urbanization-- from the recent economic literature on economic growth and cities. Moreover, it gives a particular emphasis to the contributions on the influence of specialization or diversification, urban structure and intrametropolitan sectoral localization. At the same time, this paper studies some consequences of globalization process on the conditions of productive specialization, firm size, technological intensity and industrial location inside the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, from the statistical data of foreign trade (1988-1997), local employment (1991 and 1996) and number of firms. Information has been distributed in 26 manufactured activities and in a wide range of territorial areas that try to identify poles and corridors inside the metropolitan region. The results show that in a metropolitan area as Barcelona there are several competitive systems with specialized companies, located in a polinucleated metropolitan space and with a flexible basis. Therefore, changes of regional foreign trade have been dramatic, with a growing share of mediumhigh technological intensity products. A diversified productive system, strong activity densifications in several urban cores and a small firm size are the main characteristic features of this area. In the same way, it's been identified an increasing role of corridors in location of productive activity and export performance, although concentration degree of several activities in the poles still remains high. So, the influence of urbanization economies in the evolution of medium-high industries seems to be progressively more significant

    The use of rapid prototyping techniques (RPT) to manufacture micro channels suitable for high operation pressures and uPIV

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    This paper aims to present a new methodology to manufacture micro-channels suitable for high operating pressures and micro particle image velocimetry (µPIV) measurements using a rapid-prototyping high-resolution 3D printer. This methodology can fabricate channels down to 250 µm and withstand pressures of up to 5 ± 0.2 MPa. The manufacturing times are much shorter than in soft lithography processes. The novel manufacturing method developed takes advantage of the recently improved resolution in 3D printers to manufacture an rapid prototyping technique part that contains the hose connections and a micro-channel useful for microfluidics. A method to assemble one wall of the micro-channel using UV curable glue with a glass slide is presented – an operation required to prepare the channel for µPIV measurements. Once built, the micro-channel has been evaluated when working under pressure and the grease flow behavior in it has been measured using µPIV. Furthermore, the minimum achievable channels have been defined using a confocal microscopy study. This technique is much faster than previous micro-manufacturing techniques where different steps were needed to obtain the micro-machined parts. However, due to current 3D printers ' resolutions (around 50 µm) and according to the experimental results, channels smaller than 250-µm2 cross-section should not be used to characterize fluid flow behaviors, as inaccuracies in the channel boundaries can deeply affect the fluid flow behavior. The present methodology is developed due to the need to validate micro-channels using µPIV to lubricate critical components (bearings and gears) in wind turbines. This novel micro-manufacturing technique overcomes current techniques, as it requires less manufacturing steps and therefore it is faster and with less associated costs to manufacture micro-channels down to 250-µm2 cross-section that can withstand pressures higher than 5 MPa that can be used to characterize microfluidic flow behavior using µPIV.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft