21 research outputs found

    Wood - a carbon depot

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    V prispevku je predstavljeno globalno gibanje ogljikovega dioksida, ki je zaradi velikih količin najpomembnejši toplogredni plin. Preučevali smo ogljikov cikel in možnosti za njegovo podaljšanje, kjer smo analizirali mehanizme, ki ogljikov dioksid odstranjujejo iz ozračja in ga za daljše časovno obdobje vežejo v trdne substance. Osredotočili smo se na ponor ogljikovega dioksida v lesno biomaso in skladiščenje ogljika v lesu. Na osnovi podatkov za delež komponent lesa in s kemijsko analizo komponent smo izračunali delež ogljika v lesu in ekvivalentno količino ogljikovega dioksida, ki je bila v procesu fotosinteze porabljena za nastanek 1 kg lesne materije. Ugotovili smo, da se za nastanek 1,0 kg absolutno suhega lesa v procesu fotosinteze iz atmosfere povprečno porabi 1,8 kg ogljikovega dioksida.The article examines the global movement of carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas due to its large quantities. We studied the carbon cycle with possibilities of its extension, and analysed the mechanisms that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and bind it into solid substances for a longer period of time. The focus was on carbon dioxide sink into biomass and carbon deposit in wood. On the basis of wood component data and chemical analysis of the components, we calculated the share of carbon in wood and the equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide used in the process of photosynthesis for formation of 1.0 kg of wood matter. It was established that in the process of photosynthesis, approximately 1.8 kg of carbon dioxide is used on average from the atmosphere to form 1 kg of absolutely dry wood

    Intuitivno odločanje v modelu celostne zasnove odločanja

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    V raziskavi smo oblikovali model celostne zasnove odločanja, ki integrira dobre lastnosti sodobnih pristopov, pri čemer smo v model vgradili tudi intuitivno odločanje. S pomočjo analize, ki je bila opravljena v dvanajstih lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih v Sloveniji smo proučevali, na osnovi česa se managerji v slovenskih lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih odločajo in kakšno je njihovo poznavanje možnosti uporabe intuicije pri odločanju. Primerjava dobljenih rezultatov s trendi na področju odločanja v svetu je pokazala, da jeproces odločanja v lesnoindustrijskih podjetjih v Sloveniji dokaj konzervativen in da se lahko z dodatnim izobraževanjem sedanjega managementa procesi odločanja bistveno izboljšajo.A model of integral decision-making scheme is presented, combining positive attributes of contemporary approaches. Intuitive decision-making was integrated into the model as well. With the aid of analysis carried out in twelve wood industry enterprises in Slovenia, we tried to establish on what basis the managers of Slovene woodprocessing firms make their decisions and what is their knowledge as far as the possibility of using intuition in decision-making is concerned. A comparison of the obtained results with the current world trends in the sphere of decision-making has shown that the process of decision-making in Slovene woodworking companies is fairly conservative and that with additional training of the existing management the decision-making processes could be substantially improved

    Setup time reduction on four-side planing machine with the SMED method

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    Zaradi čedalje hitrejšega naraščanja raznolikosti proizvodov in manjšanja velikosti izdelavnih serij je skrajšanje nastavitvenih časov na strojih ključnega pomena za dobičkonosnost podjetja. V članku smo obravnavali problem dolgih nastavitvenih časov na strojih v lesnoindustrijskem podjetju in možnosti za reševanje tega problema z metodo SMED. Kot primer smo analizirali skrajšanje nastavitvenega časa na štiristranskem skobeljnem stroju.Due to the rapidly increasing diversity of products and smaller batch sizes, the setup time reduction is of crucial importance for the profitability of a company. The article deals with the problem of long setup times in a wood company and possibilities for the solution with the SMED method. On a practical case, the setup time reduction on four-side planing machine was analysed

    Lansiranje delovnih nalogov v proizvodnjo lesnega podjetja z metodo večkriterijskega odločanja

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    Quality information is crucial for planning and running of production in wood industry companies. Information of crucial importance is the following: quality in the production process according to work orders and types of product, the information on the missing materials i.e. constituent parts according to projects i.e. work orders and the information on launching work orders into production. The method of multi-criteria decision-making was used for determining the order of launching group products into production. We studied three main criteria: market factors, organisation-production factors and economic factors. For computer support, we chose the computer programme DEXi, which represents the framework of the expert system for multi-criteria decision-making.Za planiranje in vodenje proizvodnje v lesnih podjetjih so ključne kakovostne informacije. Zelo pomembne so informacije o kakovosti v proizvodnem procesu glede na delovne naloge in vrste izdelkov, informacije o manjkajočih vrstah materialov oz. sestavnih delov glede na projekte oz. delovne naloge ter informacije o lansiranju delovnih nalogov v proizvodnjo. Metoda večkriterijskega odločanja nam je služila za določitev vrstnega reda lansiranja družin izdelkov v proizvodnjo. Proučevali smo tri glavne kriterije:trženjske dejavnike, organizacijsko-proizvodne dejavnike in ekonomske dejavnike. Za računalniško podporo smo izbrali programsko orodje DEXi, ki predstavlja lupino ekspertnega sistema za večkriterijsko odločanje

    Model for classification of wooden furniture products in view of environment threatening during the production process

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    Pri procesu proizvodnje kosovnega pohištva iz lesa vpliva na obremenjevanje okolja veliko parametrov. V raziskavi smo definirali ključne parametre in oblikovali model za razvrščanje teh izdelkov glede na obremenjevanje okolja. Za oblikovanje modela je bila uporabljena metoda večkriterijskega odločanja. Funkcije koristnosti so bile izračunane z metodo analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa (AHP). Podatke smo zbrali na osnovi ekspertnih mnenj, ki so bila predhodno statistično obdelana. Oblikovani matematični model omogoča kritično primerjavo izdelkov z vidika obremenjevanja okolja in prikaze izrazitih prednosti oziroma slabosti določenega izdelka.There are many parameters influencing environmental burdening in the process of wooden furniture production. The aim of this research was to ascertain the key parameters and to form a model for classifying these products regarding their environmental burdening. The multi-criteria decision-making method was used for the model formation. Utility functions were calculated with the analytic hierarchy processes method (AHP) on the basis of prior statistically processed expert finding. The mathematical model formation enables a critical comparison of products from the viewpoint of environment threatening as well as exposure of explicit advantages and disadvantages of a certain product

    Wood - a carbon depot

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    The article examines the global movement of carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas due to its large quantities. We studied the carbon cycle with possibilities of its extension, and analysed the mechanisms that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and bind it into solid substances for a longer period of time. The focus was on carbon dioxide sink into biomass and carbon deposit in wood. On the basis of wood component data and chemical analysis of the components, we calculated the share of carbon in wood and the equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide used in the process of photosynthesis for formation of 1.0 kg of wood matter. It was established that in the process of photosynthesis, approximately 1.8 kg of carbon dioxide is used on average from the atmosphere to form 1 kg of absolutely dry wood

    Life cycle assessment method

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    Intuitive decision-making in a model of integral decision-making scheme

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    A model of integral decision-making scheme is presented, combining positive attributes of contemporary approaches. Intuitive decision-making was integrated into the model as well. With the aid of analysis carried out in twelve wood industry enterprises in Slovenia, we tried to establish on what basis the managers of Slovene woodprocessing firms make their decisions and what is their knowledge as far as the possibility of using intuition in decision-making is concerned. A comparison of the obtained results with the current world trends in the sphere of decision-making has shown that the process of decision-making in Slovene woodworking companies is fairly conservative and that with additional training of the existing management the decision-making processes could be substantially improved

    Setup time reduction on four-side planing machine with the SMED method

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    Due to the rapidly increasing diversity of products and smaller batch sizes, the setup time reduction is of crucial importance for the profitability of a company. The article deals with the problem of long setup times in a wood company and possibilities for the solution with the SMED method. On a practical case, the setup time reduction on four-side planing machine was analysed