27 research outputs found

    Diffusion of Alkali Metals in SiC

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    Intentional and unintentional channeling during implantation of p-dopants in 4h-sic

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    Channeling phenomena during ion implantation have been studied for 50 keV 11 B, 100 keV 27 Al and 240 keV 71 Ga in 4H-SiC by secondary ion mass spectrometry and medium energy ion backscattering. The same projected range are expected for the used energies while the channeling tails are shown to be substantially different, for example, channeled 71 Ga ions may travel 5 times as deep as 11 B. Ion implantation has been performed both at room temperature (RT) and 400 °C, where channeling effects are reduced for the 400 °C implantation compared to that of the RT due to thermal vibrations of lattice atoms. The temperature effect is pronounced for 71 Ga but nearly negligible for 11 B at the used energies. The channeling phenomena are explained by three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. For standard implantations, i.e. 4° off the c-direction, it is found that a direction in-between the [000-1] and the <11-2-3> crystal channels, results in deep channeling tails where the implanted ions follow the [000-1] and the <11-2-3> directions

    Manganese in 4H-SiC

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    Assessing trajectory-dependent electronic energy loss of keV ions by a binary collision approximation code

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    The inelastic energy deposition of energetic ions is a decisive quantity for numerous industrial-scale applications, such as sputtering and ion implantation, yet the underlying physics being governed by dynamic many-particle processes is commonly only qualitatively understood. Recently, transmission experiments on single-crystalline targets (Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 096601 & Phys. Rev. A 102, 062803) revealed a complex energy scaling of the inelastic energy loss of low-energy ions heavier than protons along different trajectories. We use a Monte Carlo like binary collision approximation code equipped with an impact-parameter-dependent modeling of the inelastic energy losses to assess the role of local contributions to electronic excitations in these cases. We compare angular intensity distributions of calculated trajectories with experimental results for 50-keV 4He and 100-keV 29Si ions transmitted in a time-of-flight setup through single-crystalline silicon (001) foils with nominal thicknesses of 200 and 50 nm, respectively. In these calculations, we employ different models of electronic energy loss, i.e., local and nonlocal forms for light and heavy projectiles. We find that the vast number of projectiles are eventually channeled along their trajectories, regardless of the alignment of the crystal with respect to the incident beam. It is, however, only when local electronic energy loss is considered that the simulated two-dimensional maps and energy distributions show excellent agreement with the experimental results, where channeling leads to significantly reduced stopping, especially for heavier projectiles. We demonstrate the relevance of these effects for ion implantations by assessing the nonlinear and nonmonotonic scaling of the ion range with the thickness of a random surface layer