64 research outputs found

    Enhancing the tensor-to-scalar ratio in simple inflation

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    We show that in theories with a nontrivial kinetic term the contribution of the gravitational waves to the CMB fluctuations can be substantially larger than that is naively expected in simple inflationary models. This increase of the tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio leads to a larger B-component of the CMB polarization, thus making the prospects for future detection much more promising. The other important consequence of the considered model is a higher energy scale of inflation and hence higher reheating temperature compared to a simple inflation.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure and references are added, discussion is slightly extended, published versio

    Nongaussian Isocurvature Perturbations from Inflation

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    We present a class of very simple inflationary models of two scalar fields which leads to nongaussian isothermal perturbations with "blue" spectrum, n > 1. One of the models is inspired by supersymmetric theories where light scalar fields naturally acquire masses of the order of the Hubble constant H during inflation. Another model presumes that one of the fields has a nonminimal interaction with gravity. By a slight modification of parameters of these models one can obtain either gaussian isothermal perturbations, or nongaussian adiabatic perturbations with n > 1.Comment: Few misprints are corrected; results are not changed. It is noted that our results for the most natural range of parameters correspond to the spectral index of isothermal perturbations n ~1.

    Evolution of Cosmological Perturbations in the Universe dominated by Multiple Scalar Fields

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    By efforts of several authors, it is recently established that the dynamical behavior of the cosmological perturbation on superhorizon scales is well approximated in terms of that in the long wavelength limit, and the latter can be constructed from the evolution of corresponding exactly homogeneous universe. Using these facts, we investigate the evolution of the cosmological perturbation on superhorizon scales in the universe dominated by oscillating multiple scalar fields which are generally interacting with each other, and the ratio of whose masses is incommensurable. Since the scalar fields oscillate rapidly around the local minimum of the potential, we use the action angle variables. We found that this problem can be formulated as the canonical perturbation theory in which the perturbed part appearing as the result of the expansion of the universe and the interaction of the scalar fields is bounded by the negative power ot time. We show that by constructing the canonical transformations properly, the transformed hamiltonian becomes simple enough to be solved. As the result of the invetigation using the long wavelength limit and the canonical perturbation theory, under the sufficiently general conditions, we prove that for the adiabatic growing mode the Bardeen parameter stays constant and that for all the other modes the Bardeen parameter decays. From the viewpoint of the ergodic theory, it is discussed that as for the Bardeen parameter, the sigularities appear probabilistically. This analysis serves the understanding of the evolution of the cosmological perturbations on superhorizon scales during reheating.Comment: 31 Pages; Latex, No figure

    Post-Inflation Reheating in an Expanding Universe

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    An analytic means of studying the resonant decay of the inflaton field is developed for the case of background expansion, H0H \neq 0. It is shown that the parametric resonance in the inflaton's decay need not disappear when the expansion of the universe is taken into account, although the total number of particles produced is fewer than in the H0H \simeq 0 case.Comment: 18pp. Plain LaTeX; no figures. Final revised version. To appear in Physical Review D, 15 February 199

    Stationarity of Inflation and Predictions of Quantum Cosmology

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    We describe several different regimes which are possible in inflationary cosmology. The simplest one is inflation without self-reproduction of the universe. In this scenario the universe is not stationary. The second regime, which exists in a broad class of inflationary models, is eternal inflation with the self-reproduction of inflationary domains. In this regime local properties of domains with a given density and given values of fields do not depend on the time when these domains were produced. The probability distribution to find a domain with given properties in a self-reproducing universe may or may not be stationary, depending on the choice of an inflationary model. We give examples of models where each of these possibilities can be realized, and discuss some implications of our results for quantum cosmology. In particular, we propose a new mechanism which may help solving the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 30 pages, Stanford preprint SU-ITP-94-24, LaTe

    On classical anisotropies in models of Open Inflation

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    In the simplest model of open inflation there are two inflaton fields decoupled from each other. One of them, the tunneling field, produces a first stage of inflation which prepares the ground for the nucleation of a highly symmetric bubble. The other, a free field, drives a second period of slow roll inflation inside the bubble. However, the second field also evolves during the first stage of inflation, which to some extent breaks the needed symmetry. We show that this generates large supercurvature anisotropies which, together with the results of Tanaka and Sasaki, rule out this class of simple models (unless, of course, Ω0\Omega_0 is sufficiently close to one.) The problem does not arise in modified models where the second field does not evolve in the first stage of inflation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures. Factor 3/5 in figure labels. References adde

    Initial condition of scalar perturbation in inflation

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    A formula for the power spectrum of curvature perturbations having any initial conditions in inflation is obtained. Based on the physical conditions before inflation, the possibility exists that the initial state of scalar perturbations is not only the Bunch-Davies state, but also a more general state (a squeezed state). For example, the derived formula for the power spectrum is calculated using simple toy cosmological models. When there exists a radiation-dominated period before inflation, the behavior of the scalar perturbation is revealed not to vary greatly; however, from large scales to small scales the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations oscillates around the normal value. In addition, when inflation has a large break and the breaking time is a radiation- dominated period, a large enhancement is revealed to occur which depends on the length of the breaking time.Comment: 24 pages,3 figue

    The Trans-Planckian Problem of Inflationary Cosmology

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    In most current models of inflation based on a weakly self-coupled scalar matter field minimally coupled to gravity, the period of inflation lasts so long that, at the beginning of the inflationary period, the physical wavelengths of comoving scales which correspond to the present large-scale structure of the Universe were smaller than the Planck length. Thus, the usual computations of the spectrum of fluctuations in these models involve extrapolating low energy physics (both in the matter and gravitational sector) into regions where this physics is not applicable. In this paper we demonstrate that the usual predictions of inflation for the spectrum of cosmological fluctuations do indeed depend on the hidden assumptions about super-Planck scale physics. We introduce a class of modified dispersion relations to mimic possible effects of super-Planck scale physics, and show that in some cases important deviations from the usual predictions of inflation are obtained. Some implications of this result for the unification of fundamental physics and early Universe cosmology are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. One important correction in the Corley/Jacobson case with b_m>0 and some misprints corrected. Version published in PR

    Bubble fluctuations in Ω<1\Omega<1 inflation

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    In the context of the open inflationary universe, we calculate the amplitude of quantum fluctuations which deform the bubble shape. These give rise to scalar field fluctuations in the open Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe which is contained inside the bubble. One can transform to a new gauge in which matter looks perfectly smooth, and then the perturbations behave as tensor modes (gravitational waves of very long wavelength). For (1Ω)<<1(1-\Omega)<<1, where Ω\Omega is the density parameter, the microwave temperature anisotropies produced by these modes are of order δT/TH(R0μl)1/2(1Ω)l/2\delta T/T\sim H(R_0\mu l)^{-1/2} (1-\Omega)^{l/2}. Here, HH is the expansion rate during inflation, R0R_0 is the intrinsic radius of the bubble at the time of nucleation, μ\mu is the bubble wall tension and ll labels the different multipoles (l>1l>1). The gravitational backreaction of the bubble has been ignored. In this approximation, GμR0<<1G\mu R_0<<1, and the new effect can be much larger than the one due to ordinary gravitational waves generated during inflation (unless, of course, Ω\Omega gets too close to one, in which case the new effect disappears).Comment: 17 pages, 3 figs, LaTeX, epsfig.sty, available at ftp://ftp.ifae.es/preprint/ft/uabft387.p

    Metric Perturbations in Dilaton-Driven Inflation

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    We compute the spectrum of scalar and tensor metric perturbations generated, as amplified vacuum fluctuations, during an epoch of dilaton-driven inflation of the type occurring naturally in string cosmology. In the tensor case the computation is straightforward while, in the scalar case, it is made delicate by the appearance of a growing mode in the familiar longitudinal gauge. In spite of this, a reliable perturbative calculation of perturbations far outside the horizon can be performed by resorting either to appropriate gauge invariant variables, or to a new coordinate system in which the growing mode can be "gauged down". The simple outcome of this complicated analysis is that both scalar and tensor perturbations exhibit nearly Planckian spectra, whose common "temperature" is related to some very basic parameters of the string-cosmology background.Comment: 34 pages, latex, no figure