6 research outputs found

    Growth and Carcass Physical Components of Thin Tail Rams Fed on Different Levels of Rice Bran

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    This experiment was aimed to investigate the effect of rice bran supplementation on live weight gain (LWG), the proportion of carcass meat, bone and fat of Thin Tail Rams. Twelve thin tail rams, aged about 12 months, weighed 20.95 ± 1.52 kg (CV = 7.26%) were allocated into a Randomized Block Design with 2 blocks and 3 treatments. The treatments applied were levels of rice bran supplementation, i.e. Napier grass ad libitum without rice bran (T1), Napier grass ad libitum and 200 g rice bran (T2) and Napier grass ad libitum and 400 g rice bran (T3). The results showed that rice bran supplementation highly significantly (P0.05) influence the percentage of carcass meat and bone percentage. It was concluded that rice bran supplementation increased slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage, carcass meat and bone weight, and carcass fat percentage, but did not influence the percentage of carcass meat and carcass bone. (Animal Production 8(1): 28-33 (2006

    Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Keselamatan Penerbangan di Bandar Udara SM. Badaruddin II Palembang

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    Safety is a major factor every flight. National aviation safety oversight is one of the functions that are the responsibility of coaching the Derectorate General of Civil Aviation to encure compliance with the standards, procedures and regulations, in order to see the fulfillment of the terms and condition in general aviation safety standards and safe operation of airports in particular that carried out by the organizers airports and other stakeholders. The method of analisys used to determine the operational supervision airport is gap analysis between the observation and collection of primary data from airport managers with operational safety performance indicator airport contained in KM, 24 2009 on Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 139 on the airport (aerodrome) issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The analysis showed that the safety oversight of the airport operation in airport Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang in the surveillance system consists of four systems which are airport management system, air side system control, the airport environment systems, inspection systems and reporting systems and safety management system has been appropriate and meets CASR 139.Pengawasan keselamatan penerbangan nasional merupakan salah satu fungsi pembinaan yang menjadi tanggung jawab Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara memastikan kesesuaian standar, prosedur dan peraturan terkait, guna melihat pemenuhan peraturan dan ketentuan standar dan keselamatan penerbangan pada umumnya dan keselamatan operasi bandar udara pada khususnya yang dilaksanakan oleh penyelenggara bandar udara dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pengawasan operasional bandar udara adalah metode analisis kesenjangan (gap analysis)antara hasil observasi dan pengumpulan data primer dari pengelola bandar udara dengan performance indicator keselamatan operasional bandar udara yang terdapat dalam KM. 24 Tahun 2001 tentang Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Bagian 139 (Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Part 139) tentang Bandar Udara (Aerodrome). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengawasan keselamatan operasi Bandar udara di Bandar udara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang dalam sistem pengawasan terdiri dari 4 sistem yaitu sistem manajemen bandar udara, sistem control sisi udara, sistem lingkungan bandar udara, sistem pemeriksaan dan sistem pelaporan dan sistem Manajemen keselamatan sudah sesuai dan sudah memenuhi referensi CASR 139

    Growth and Carcass Physical Components of Thin Tail Rams Fed on Different Levels of Rice Bran

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    This experiment was aimed to investigate the effect of rice bran supplementation on live weight gain (LWG), the proportion of carcass meat, bone and fat of Thin Tail Rams. Twelve thin tail rams, aged about 12 months, weighed 20.95 ± 1.52 kg (CV = 7.26%) were allocated into a Randomized Block Design with 2 blocks and 3 treatments. The treatments applied were levels of rice bran supplementation, i.e. Napier grass ad libitum without rice bran (T1), Napier grass ad libitum and 200 g rice bran (T2) and Napier grass ad libitum and 400 g rice bran (T3). The results showed that  rice bran supplementation highly significantly (P0.05) influence the percentage of carcass meat and bone percentage. It was concluded that rice bran supplementation increased slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage, carcass meat and bone weight, and carcass fat percentage, but did not influence the percentage of carcass meat and carcass bone. (Animal Production 8(1): 28-33 (2006) Key Words : Thin Tail Rams, rice bran, carcass physical components

    Evaluasi Finansial Kinerja Angkutan Udara Perintis Sumatera Utara

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    Angkutan udara pelintis diselenggarakan untuk melayani daerah-daerah terpencil, sehingga diharapkan dapat membuka keterisolasian daerah-daerah pedalaman. Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara terdapat 2 rute penerbangan perintis dengan meng-gunakan pesawat udara jenis Casa C-212.Berdasarkan analisis data dari 2 rute penerbangan perintis tersebut penilaian kinerja operasional menggunakan parameter load factor atau faktor muat yang mengukur tingkat muatan yang diangkut terhadap kapasitas angkut terpakai. Untuk rute Gn. Sitoli — Pulau 2 Batu tahun 2004 sebesar 73,45% naik menjadi 74,730% tahun 2005 , dan Turun menjadi 48,25% tahun 2006 dikamakan keterbatasan dana oleh pemerintah. Sedangkan rute Pulau 2 Batu — Padang tahun 2004 sebesar 65,92% naik nenjadi 66,26% tahun 2005 dan tahun 2006 turun 49,66 % dikamakan keterbatasan dana oleh pemerintah.Penilaian kinerja finansial angkutan udara perintis tahun 2004 sempai dengan 2006 Rute Gn. Sitoli — Pulau 2 Batu (pp) laba yang terbesar didapat pada tahun 2005 sebesar Rp. dengan biaya operasi Rp.1.313.363.506 dan subsidi Rp.,60,-. Untuk Rute Pulau 2 Batu - Gn. Sitoli (pp) laba yang tabesar didapat pada tahun 2004 sebesar Rp,153.036.88120,- dengan biaya operasi Rp. 1828.992.612 Rp.1.698.209.493,20,- Total pendapatan rute Gn. Sitoli — Pulau2 Batu (pp) tahun 2004 sebesar Rp. 233.740.000.- tahun 2005 sebesar Rp. dan tahun 2006 sebesar Rp. 121.210.000. Sedangkan pendapatan rute Pulau 2 Batu — Padang (pp) tahun 2004 sebesar Rp. 283,820.000,- tahun 2005 sebesar Rp. 265.315.000,- tahun 2006 sebesar Rp. 152.145.000,