1,840 research outputs found

    Statewide LANDSAT inventory of California forests

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    Six forest cover categories were mapped, along with 10 general land cover classes. To map the state's 100 million acres, 1.6 acre mapping units were utilized. Map products were created. Standing forest acreage for the state was computed to be 26.8 million acres

    Data-link alternatives for the NASA pilot data systems

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    There are several preliminary, or pilot, efforts for developing data systems for supporting NASA science research. The Pilot Data Systems consist of the Pilot Land Data System (PLDS), the Pilot Ocean Data System (PODS), the Pilot Climate Data System (PCDS), and the Pilot Planetary Data System (PPDS). The PLDS is likely to have the greatest communication needs of the various pilots. Communications issues and requirements are examined in the context of the mature PLDS as it may exist by 1990. The PLDS is seen as a distributed processing system linking resources at a number of NASA research centers and outside universities. Large image data sets, including LANDSAT scenes, are a major data type to be moved along the PLDS communications network. The unusually large size of these data files requires examining new technologies that may allow efficient and affordable communication at rates of up to 60 megabits per second. Potentially useful developments include portable satellite ground stations, and time division multiple access for sharing high-speed satellite links. Further pooling of communications for the various data systems into a single network would reduce costs and may make economic justification of access to the required data rates possible

    Impact of LANDSAT MSS sensor differences on change detection analysis

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    Some 512 by 512 pixel subwindows for simultaneously acquired scene pairs obtained by LANDSAT 2,3 and 4 multispectral band scanners were coregistered using LANDSAT 4 scenes as the base to which the other images were registered. Scattergrams between the coregistered scenes (a form of contingency analysis) were used to radiometrically compare data from the various sensors. Mode values were derived and used to visually fit a linear regression. Root mean square errors of the registration varied between .1 and 1.5 pixels. There appear to be no major problem preventing the use of LANDSAT 4 MSS with previous MSS sensors for change detection, provided the noise interference can be removed or minimized. Data normalizations for change detection should be based on the data rather than solely on calibration information. This allows simultaneous normalization of the atmosphere as well as the radiometry

    LANDSAT land cover analysis completed for CIRSS/San Bernardino County project

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    The LANDSAT analysis carried out as part of Ames Research Center's San Bernardino County Project, one of four projects sponsored by NASA as part of the California Integrated Remote Sensing System (CIRSS) effort for generating and utilizing digital geographic data bases, is described. Topics explored include use of data-base modeling with spectral cluster data to improve LANDSAT data classification, and quantitative evaluation of several change techniques. Both 1976 and 1979 LANDSAT data were used in the project

    The Impact of Domestic Violence on Mental Health

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    Abstract This research paper examines the issues of domestic violence on mental health. The paper will provide helpful information for a caseworker to follow as a guideline and structure for understanding and addressing domestic violence issues. There are numerous types of domestic violence, and this is a general list. Each area that is identified provides a description of the violence, as well as the issues that can be raised due to domestic violence. In addition to background, it also has numerous factors that influence how people make decisions, resources for the victim, and legal protections

    Hysteresis in visual search.

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    People perform complex visual tasks. Airplane pilots land planes safely on the ground and baseball players swing bats at speeding fastballs. Drivers weave through traffic and sports fans skillfully track the movements of their favorite team. These are examples of visual search, the process of looking for something. Classic experiments have provided much information about characteristics affecting search efficiency (i.e., efficiency =display size/speed; Treisman & Gelade, 1980), but visual search literature is split on the underlying mechanisms involved in visual search. Visual search may be random (Wolfe, 2007), memory-driven (Zelinsky, 2008), or self-similar over time (Aks, Zelinsky, & Sprott, 2002). These standpoints assign memory at least some role in determining search behavior-the current work explores this possibility by looking for evidence of nonlinearity in visual search response times. Participants performed 250 visual search trials in one of three conditions, ascending-first, descending-first, or random. Ascending-first participants performed 125 searches increasing in difficulty, then 125 searches decreasing in difficulty. Descending-first participants completed 125 searches decreasing in difficulty, then 125 searches increasing in difficulty. Random participants completed 250 searches pseudo-randomly varying in difficulty. We constructed hysteresis plots for each condition and nonlinearity emerged in the data that does not fit traditional concepts of memory, practice, and fatigue. The findings suggest that the term memory may not be a useful concept for describing the visual search process. Hysteresis in visual behavior indicates history-dependence-we suggest the term history as a replacement for memory

    Wildland inventory and resource modeling for Douglas and Carson City Counties, Nevada, using LANDSAT and digital terrain data

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    The potential of using LANDSAT satellite imagery to map and inventory pinyon-juniper desert forest types in Douglas and Carson City Counties, Nevada was demonstrated. Specific map and statistical products produced include land cover, mechanical operations capability, big game winter range habitat, fire hazard, and forest harvestability. The Nevada Division of Forestry determined that LANDSAT can produce a reliable and low-cost resource data. Added benefits become apparent when the data are linked to a geographical information system (GIS) containing existing ownership, planning, elevation, slope, and aspect information

    Overgangen til foreldreskap; en «integrative review» som syntetiserer førstegangsforeldres positive faktorer og erfaringer i overgangen fra par til foreldreskapsrelasjon

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    Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Par opplever i gjennomsnitt en signifikant nedgang i relasjonstilfredshet i overgangen fra par til foreldreskapsrelasjon. Kvaliteten foreldrenes parforhold er av stor betydning for både paret og parets barn. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å syntetisere positive faktorer og erfaringer i overgangen fra par til foreldreskapsrelasjon. Metode: Det ble gjennomført et integrative review, som fulgte metodebeskrivelsen til Whittemore & Knafl. Systematiske søk ble utført i tre databaser; Academic Search Premier, Medline, and Chinal. Artiklene ble kvalitetsvurdert ved hjelp av JBI Critical Appraisal Checklists. Relevant data fra de inkluderte artiklene ble ekstrahert til en litteraturmatrise. I analysen ble dataene kodet, kategorisert og summert, og nye tema og undertema ble identifisert. Funn: Resultatene fra analysen viste at positive erfaringer og faktorer i overgangen fra par til foreldreskap kunne syntetiseres i temaet «teamarbeid.» For å bli et godt team krevdes det evner og intensjonell innsats over tid. Syv undertema ble identifisert: 1) Både korttids og langtids investering er nyttig, 2) Forpliktelse, 3) Være støttende, 4) Fordeling av ansvar og oppgaver, 5) Evne til å emosjonelt sett forstå og regulere seg etter den andre, 6) Møte utfordringene sammen og 7) Omstendigheter. Konklusjon: De ulike faktorene som fremmet en positiv foreldreskapsrelasjon påvirket hverandre, og det ble dannet positive sirkler når paret investerte i forholdet. Parets omstendigheter påvirket ressurser og evner til å investere intensjonelt i foreldreskapsforholdet. Helsestasjonstjenesten kan være en viktig støttespiller i overgangsfasen. Nøkkelord: Overgangen til foreldreskap, førstegangsforeldre, kvalitet på parforholdet, kvalitet på coparenting relasjonen, positive faktorer og erfaringer, integrative review.Background: The transition to parenthood is described as one of the most challenging transitions in life and is a major life stressor for couples. On average, couples experience a significant decline in relationship satisfaction, however the quality of the relationship is found to be a determining factor for the individual, the couple, and their children. In this integrative review, the aim was to synthesize which factors and experiences first-time parents report as contributing to a positive transition from a couple relationship to a parenting relationship.Methods: An integrative review was conducted to summarize and synthesize the available evidence regarding the aim of the review, adapting to the Whittemore and Knafl’s methode. A systematic search was conducted in three databases: Academic Search Premier, Medline, and Chinal. The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist were applied to assess the risk of bias. Relevant data from the included studies were extracted and analyzed using a data matric, and the data were coded, categorized, and summarized. Results: 14 studies were included in the final sample. Teamwork was found to be the overarching theme representing factors and experiences contributing to a positive transition to a parenting relationship. The essential meaning was elaborated in the following seven constitutes: 1) Both short-term and long-term efforts matters, 2) Commitment, 3) Being supportive, 4) Sharing responsibilities, 5) Ability and willingness to emotionally understand and regulate to each other, 6) Meeting challenges together, and 7) Circumstances. Conclusion: A positive transition to parenthood requires ability and intentional effort, which rely on the couple´s resources. Keywords: Transition to parenthood, First-time parents, Couple relationship quality, Coparenting quality, Positive factors, Integrative revie

    Modeling Spatial Asymmetry in Visuomotor Coordination

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    Coordination is foundational to human movement. One prominent model of coordination is the Haken-Kelso-Bunz which predicts change in relative phase between two oscillators during movement. Use of this model has shown that the body has a natural tendency to prefer certain coordination patterns over others. The generalizability of the model has sparked its use throughout the scientific community to observe movement through the lens of dynamical systems theory. We contend that this model can be advanced further through incorporation of visually perceived spatial asymmetries, a component not currently accounted for by the model. That is, we sought to find if spatial arrangements of coordinated elements impacts preferred coordination patterns. Participants coordinated their arm movements with a visually displayed sinusoidally oscillating stimulus. A user controlled visual stimulus was displayed on a screen that oscillated due to their arm movement. The subjects performed elbow extension moving the user-controlled marker on the screen in a symmetrical or asymmetrical fashion to the computer-generated oscillating marker. To alter the spatial asymmetry, the computer-controlled marker was shifted from the midline of the subject three incremental amounts on both the left and right side. Results suggest that, in the current context, spatial asymmetries can be captured by a modified HKB model