54 research outputs found

    MAESTRO, CASTRO, and SEDONA -- Petascale Codes for Astrophysical Applications

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    Performing high-resolution, high-fidelity, three-dimensional simulations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) requires not only algorithms that accurately represent the correct physics, but also codes that effectively harness the resources of the most powerful supercomputers. We are developing a suite of codes that provide the capability to perform end-to-end simulations of SNe Ia, from the early convective phase leading up to ignition to the explosion phase in which deflagration/detonation waves explode the star to the computation of the light curves resulting from the explosion. In this paper we discuss these codes with an emphasis on the techniques needed to scale them to petascale architectures. We also demonstrate our ability to map data from a low Mach number formulation to a compressible solver.Comment: submitted to the Proceedings of the SciDAC 2010 meetin

    The possibility of reflect the on-road test on engine dynamic dynamomete

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    W artykule opisano ogólną zasadę działania silnikowego stanowiska hamownianego wyposażonego w hamulec dynamiczny oraz obecnie obowiązujące trendy badań na stacjonarnych stanowiskach hamownianych. Przedstawiono również możliwości odzwierciedlenia czynników występujących podczas rzeczywistego przejazdu w ruchu drogowym. Podjęto także analizę problemu związanego z stopniem odzwierciedlania badań drogowych na silnikowym stanowisku hamownianym wyposażonym w hamulec dynamiczny.The article describes the general architecture of engine dynamic dynamometer and the current research trends in engines dynamometer. It also presents possibility to reflect factors in actual travel on the road. Efforts have also been addressing the problem associated with the degree of reflectivity of road tests on a test bed for engine equipped with a dynamic brake

    The Analysis of Non-road Vehicle Engine Operating Conditions in Terms of Emission Regulations

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    W pracy przedstawiono analizę obecnie obowiązujących przepisów prawnych dotyczących emisji związków szkodliwych spalin dla pojazdów o zastosowaniach pozadrogowych (non-road). Przegląd ten obejmuje Europę i Stany Zjednoczone. Ponadto zaprezentowano charakterystyki gęstości czasowej pracy silników wybranych pojazdów o zastosowaniach pozadrogowych, ładowarek i wodzideł polowych i przeprowadzono ich analizę odniesieniu do obowiązującego testu homologacyjnego.The paper presents an analysis of legal regulations in force related to toxic emissions from non-road vehicles. This analysis covers Europe and The U.S. furthermore, time density characteristics of engines of selected non-road vehicles have been presented in the paper (loaders, tractors) and analyzed in reference to the homologation test

    Badania emisji związków toksycznych spalin w warunkach rzeczywistej eksploatacji w ruchu drogowym z samochodów wyposażonych w silniki ZI i ZS

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    The tests performed under real traffic conditions provide invaluable information on the relations between the engine parameters, vehicle parameters and traffic conditions (traffic congestion) on one side and the exhaust emissions on the other. The paper presents the result of road tests obtained in an urban and extra-urban cycles for vehicles fitted with different engines, spark ignition engine and compression ignition engine. For the tests a portable emission analyzer SEMTECH DS. by SENSORS was used. This analyzer provides online measurement of the concentrations of exhaust emission components on a vehicle in motion under real traffic conditions. The tests were performed in city traffic. A comparative analysis has been presented of the obtained results for vehicles with individual powertrains.Badania wykonywane w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacji dostarczają cenne informacje na temat zależności miedzy parametrami pracy silnika, parametrami jazdy samochodu, jak również warunkami drogowymi (natężeniem ruchu) a emisją związków toksycznych spalin. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań drogowych uzyskane w cyklu miejskim, wykonane dla pojazdów wyposażonych w silnik benzynowy i silnik o zapłonie samoczynnym. Do pomiarów tych wykorzystano mobilny analizator spalin SEMTECH DS firmy SENSORS. Jest to analizator, który umożliwia badanie stężeń związków szkodliwych spalin on-line podczas jazdy samochodem w rzeczywistych warunkach drogowych. Badania drogowe wykonano w ruchu miejskim. Przedstawiono analizę porównawczą uzyskanych wyników badań

    PEMS-based investigations into exhaust emissions from non-road and rail vehicles

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    At the beginning of the twenty-first century, one of the major challenges of humanity was to reduce the negative effects of civilization development. Besides the engines used in road vehicles there is a large group of engines for non-road applications. This group includes motor propelled vehicles not used on the road NRMM (Non-Road Mobile Machinery). Engines of these vehicles, among all of the non-road applications, are characterized by very specific working conditions that do not allow for them to be qualified for propulsion engines. The main problem with these vehicles is the particulate matter and nitrogen oxides emission. Rail vehicles operating conditions these requirements take by the similar way, as having a wide range of rolling stock markedly alters the environmental impact of these vehicles. Thus it becomes necessary to consider the issue of the method of evaluation of engine emissions in rail vehicles in terms of their actual operating conditions. Thus, efforts to assess the actual level of emissivity for rail vehicles and attempts to improve it are necessary and justified

    The measurement of exhaust emissions from the engines fitted in agricultural tractors under real operating conditions

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    The exhaust emissions tests from non-road vehicles including machines used in agriculture are currently performed on engine dynamometers in NRSC and NRTC tests. Such tests do not entirely reflect the real machine operating conditions. Real operating conditions are characterized by variable loads and variable engine speeds and to a large extent they depend on other factors that occur under operation (variable weather conditions). In light of the growing emission requirements in relation to transport it seems justified to determine the real emissions under real operating conditions. This testing method is one of the main trends in the development of the emission testing methodology worldwide. The tests performed under real operating conditions should be used for the optimization of future powertrains used in both road and non-road vehicles. The results of such tests should also be included in the works on the improvement of the emissions legislation. The paper presents the results of the emission tests from the engines fitted in agricultural tractors (plowing). For the measurement of the emissions a portable exhaust emissions analyzer SEMTECH DS. by SENSORS was used. Based on the obtained results an analysis was developed of selected engine parameters. The performed analysis is a comparison of two tractors performing similar field work. In the final part of the paper the authors present the possibilities and trends in further works related to the emissions measurements under real operating conditions from vehicles used in agriculture

    The measurement of exhaust emissions from the engines fitted in agricultural tractors under real operating conditions

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    The exhaust emissions tests from non-road vehicles including machines used in agriculture are currently performed on engine dynamometers in NRSC and NRTC tests. Such tests do not entirely reflect the real machine operating conditions. Real operating conditions are characterized by variable loads and variable engine speeds and to a large extent they depend on other factors that occur under operation (variable weather conditions). In light of the growing emission requirements in relation to transport it seems justified to determine the real emissions under real operating conditions. This testing method is one of the main trends in the development of the emission testing methodology worldwide. The tests performed under real operating conditions should be used for the optimization of future powertrains used in both road and non-road vehicles. The results of such tests should also be included in the works on the improvement of the emissions legislation. The paper presents the results of the emission tests from the engines fitted in agricultural tractors (plowing). For the measurement of the emissions a portable exhaust emissions analyzer SEMTECH DS. by SENSORS was used. Based on the obtained results an analysis was developed of selected engine parameters. The performed analysis is a comparison of two tractors performing similar field work. In the final part of the paper the authors present the possibilities and trends in further works related to the emissions measurements under real operating conditions from vehicles used in agriculture

    Trends in the type-approval regulations in terms of exhaust gas emissions for vehicles of category PC and LDV

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    W artykule przedstawiono tendencje zmian przepisów homologacyjnych w aspekcie emisji gazów wylotowych dla pojazdów kategorii PC i LDV. Przepisy te, są jednym z wyznaczników rozwoju układów napędowych współczesnych pojazdów samochodowych. Każda ich zmiana wiąże się ze zmianami konstrukcyjnymi silników spalinowych i ich osprzętu, a także rozbudową pozasilnikowych układów oczyszczania gazów wylotowych. Wprowadzenie normy Euro 6 dla pojazdów kategorii PC i LDV będzie wiązać się ze zmianami limitów związków szkodliwych i toksycznych oraz wdrożeniem nowych metod pomiarowych. W 2017 r. planowane jest zastąpienie obowiązującego testu jezdnego NEDC testami WLTC, które będą obowiązywały w Unii Europejskiej, Stanach Zjednoczonych i Japonii. Ma to na celu standaryzację procedur badawczych w wymiarze globalnym. Nowością w przepisach homologacyjnych będzie opracowanie i wdrożenie procedur RDE dotyczących pomiarów emisji zanieczyszczeń w warunkach rzeczywistej eksploatacji przy wykorzystaniu mobilnych przyrządów z grupy PEMS. Oprócz wprowadzenia normy Euro 6 zmodyfikowano również limity emisji drogowej CO2 z floty pojazdów danego producenta pojazdów samochodowych.The article presents trends approval regulations in terms of exhaust gas emissions for vehicles of category PC and LDV. These provisions are one of the indicators of the development of modern drive systems of motor vehicles. Any variation is associated with structural changes in internal combustion engines and their accessories, as well as the expansion of afterteatment systems. The introduction of the Euro 6 for category PC (Passenger Car) and LDV (Light Duty Vehicles) will involve changes to the limits of exhaust emission as well as the implementation of new measurement methods. In 2017. It is planned to replace the existing driving test NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) on WLTC (Worldwide Harmonized Light duty driving Test Cycle), which will apply in the European Union, the United States and Japan. The aim is to standardize testing procedures on a global scale. New to the type-approval legislation will be to develop and implement procedures RDE (Real Driving Emission) regarding the measurement of emissions in real operating conditions with the use of mobile devices from a group of PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System). In addition to the introduction of the Euro 6 emission limits also modified road emission of CO2 from vehicle fleet a given manufacturer of motor vehicles

    Badania emisji związków toksycznych spalin z pojazdów o zastosowaniach pozadrogowych z wykorzystaniem analizatorów PEMS

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    The paper discusses the issue of exhaust emissions from non-road vehicle engines. In the first part of the paper American regulations on the procedures of engine testing in operation were briefly characterized. The said regulations are a novel solution and were introduced as one of the first of this type worldwide. In the next part of the paper the authors presented the results of the exhaust emission tests from a farm tractor performed under actual operating conditions during fieldwork. For this purpose PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement System) was used. The tests were carried out for different test procedures such as the NTE (NotTo-Exceed) procedure. The analysis of the test results was performed chiefly in the aspect of the NTE test applicable in the U.S. The analysis pertains chiefly to the engine operating conditions and exhaust emissions. European legislation currently does not require such tests and that is why the presented tests are related to the American procedures. The performed tests and their analysis led to a formulation of conclusions related to the engine operating conditions and its exhaust emissions.Artykuł dotyczy problemu badań emisji związków toksycznych spalin z silników pojazdów o zastosowaniach pozadrogowych (nonroad). W pierwszej części artykułu krótko scharakteryzowano przepisy amerykańskie nt. procedur badań silników w eksploatacji. Przepisy te są nowatorskim rozwiązaniem i zostały wprowadzone jako jedne z pierwszych tego typu rozwiązań na świecie. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki badań emisji związków toksycznych spalin silnika ciągnika rolniczego, wykonane w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacji, podczas wykonywania prac polowych. Do tego celu wykorzystano aparaturę PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement System). Badania te wykonano dla różnych procedur badawczych, m.in. w teście NTE (NotTo-Exceed). Analizę wyników badań przeprowadzono głównie w aspekcie testu NTE, obowiązującego w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Analiza ta dotyczy przede wszystkim warunków pracy silników oraz emisji związków szkodliwych. Europejskie regulacje prawne w chwili obecnej nie nakładają obowiązku wykonywania takich badań, dlatego w zaprezentowane badania odnoszą się do procedur amerykańskich. Wykonane badania i ich analiza pozwoliły na sformułowanie wniosków dotyczących warunków pracy i emisji z silnika