193 research outputs found

    Los Menores bajo la lupa : La infancia en disputa : La historia de la infancia es la historia de su control

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    El siguiente ensayo se presenta como una primera aproximación a la compleja cuestión minoril de nuestros días, contradictoria y ambivalente, a partir de la problematización de la categoría de ‘infancia’ en relación al sistema de control socio-penal que se instala formalmente en la Argentina a comienzos del Siglo XX y que abre las puertas al mundo de la ‘legislación de menores’. En este sentido, lo que se pretende es poner al descubierto el proceso de construcción social de estas categorías sobre las cuales se apoyan y legitiman los dispositivos para el gobierno de la niñez, en tanto grupo población particular, en determinados contextos históricos. Para tal fin, se realiza un análisis comparativo de aquellas legislaciones y normativas plasmadas jurídicamente tanto en el plano socio-asistencial como penal. Concretamente, se toma la Ley de Patronazgo 10.093-conocida como Ley Agote - y la Ley 26.061 - de promoción y protección de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescente- como representativas de los principales paradigmas penales, cuya puesta en relación se basa en la identificación de los conceptos y fundamentos centrales, sus rasgos propios sobresalientes y las articulaciones, continuidades existentes que las atraviesan. A la vez, que se hace referencia a sus debates parlamentarios, en clave de indagar en las condiciones en que estas leyes se sancionaron e implementaron históricamente. En pocas palabras, por su parte, la Ley Agote de 1919 legitimada como pilar fundamental de lo tutelar pretende abarcar a la infancia en su totalidad. Como señala Donzelot (1979), a través de la intervención del Estado busca cubrir los dos aspectos en que se manifiesta la ‘infancia patológica’: aquellos niños “en peligro” y la “infancia peligrosa. Así, el Estado se ocupa brindar asistencia en términos de protección al mismo tiempo que garantiza el control social y la ‘cura’ de los ‘menores desviados’ con el desarrollo de estrategias correccionales. Por el contrario, la Ley 26.061 de promoción Nueva Ley se centra puntualmente en el costado socioasistencial con la promesa de velar por el interés superior del niño. Se apoya en la consideración de los niños/as y adolescentes como sujetos de derecho, rompiendo con el aislamiento y segregación que implica la denominación de los ‘menores tutelables’ como meros objetos de intervención.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Los Menores bajo la lupa : La infancia en disputa

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    El siguiente ensayo se presenta como una primera aproximación a la compleja cuestión minoril de nuestros días, contradictoria y ambivalente, a partir de la problematización de la categoría de ‘infancia’ en relación al sistema de control socio-penal que se instala formalmente en la Argentina a comienzos del Siglo XX y que abre las puertas al mundo de la ‘legislación de menores’. En este sentido, lo que se pretende es poner al descubierto el proceso de construcción social de estas categorías sobre las cuales se apoyan y legitiman los dispositivos para el gobierno de la niñez, en tanto grupo población particular, en determinados contextos históricos. Para tal fin, se realiza un análisis comparativo de aquellas legislaciones y normativas plasmadas jurídicamente tanto en el plano socio-asistencial como penal. Concretamente, se toma la Ley de Patronazgo 10.093-conocida como Ley Agote - y la Ley 26.061 - de promoción y protección de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescente- como representativas de los principales paradigmas penales, cuya puesta en relación se basa en la identificación de los conceptos y fundamentos centrales, sus rasgos propios sobresalientes y las articulaciones, continuidades existentes que las atraviesan. A la vez, que se hace referencia a sus debates parlamentarios, en clave de indagar en las condiciones en que estas leyes se sancionaron e implementaron históricamente. En pocas palabras, por su parte, la Ley Agote de 1919 legitimada como pilar fundamental de lo tutelar pretende abarcar a la infancia en su totalidad. Como señala Donzelot (1979), a través de la intervención del Estado busca cubrir los dos aspectos en que se manifiesta la ‘infancia patológica’: aquellos niños “en peligro” y la “infancia peligrosa. Así, el Estado se ocupa brindar asistencia en términos de protección al mismo tiempo que garantiza el control social y la ‘cura’ de los ‘menores desviados’ con el desarrollo de estrategias correccionales. Por el contrario, la Ley 26.061 de promoción Nueva Ley se centra puntualmente en el costado socioasistencial con la promesa de velar por el interés superior del niño. Se apoya en la consideración de los niños/as y adolescentes como sujetos de derecho, rompiendo con el aislamiento y segregación que implica la denominación de los ‘menores tutelables’ como meros objetos de intervención.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Occurrence of Legionella spp. in thermal environments: Virulence factors and biofilm formation in isolates from a spa☆ , ☆☆

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    Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of Legionella spp. in the water system of a spa in the city of Naples by analyzing water, air and surface samples. On the whole, 312 samples were collected and analyzed in the course of 10 months. Legionella CYE Agar Base and Legionella Latex Test (Oxoid©) were used to identify and serotype presumptive Legionella pneumophila strains. A further identification was carried out by rDNA16S and ITS region amplification followed by a sequence analysis by DNA Sequencing Analysis software (Applied Biosystems). Similarity search was performed using BLAST algorithm against the GenBank database (NCBI GenBank). Specific in-vitro tests aimed to evaluate the production of esoenzymes (hemolysins, collagenases, mucinases, lipases, proteinases, DNAses, elastases) on GC-FC Agar were also carried out. Finally, a crystal violet staining method (absorbance at 570 nm) was used to evaluate the ability of the strains to produce biofilm in a 96-multiwell polyethylene plate. All samples were negative for L. pneumophila. Six different Legionella strains were isolated from water samples and identified as Legionella londiniensis and Legionella spp. A significant (from 1000 to 10,000 CFU/L) and a low to moderate (from 100 to 1000 CFU/L) contamination were detected respectively in the 5% and 4% of samples; 91% of water samples showed a Legionella spp. amount less than 100 CFU/L. Two Legionella londiniensis isolates showed collagenases, caseinases, proteinases and gelatinases activities, being classified as potentially pathogenic bacteria. None of the isolates were classified as strong biofilm producer but they showed a moderate to weak ability to form biofilm on polyethylene. This result is significant because large part of the spa pipelines is plastic-coated. The highest frequency of isolation of Legionella spp. was detected in the unit for Thermal Mud Therapy, which showed a relative risk value equal to 1.69 (CI 95% 0.60–4.70). Although our results proved a moderate contamination in different water samples, the presence of potentially pathogenic environmental strains of Legionella spp. should not be underestimated because most part of costumers attending the spa are old and sick people, and Legionella strains can represent a real risk

    Los menores bajo la lupa: la infancia en disputa

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    El siguiente ensayo se presenta como una primera aproximación a la compleja cuestión minoril de nuestros días, contradictoria y ambivalente, a partir de la problematización de la categoría de ‘infancia’ en relación al sistema de control socio-penal que se instala formalmente en la Argentina a comienzos del Siglo XX y que abre las puertas al mundo de la ‘legislación de menores’. En este sentido, lo que se pretende es poner al descubierto el proceso de construcción social de estas categorías sobre las cuales se apoyan y legitiman los dispositivos para el gobierno de la niñez, en tanto grupo población particular, en determinados contextos históricos. Para tal fin, se realiza un análisis comparativo de aquellas legislaciones y normativas plasmadas jurídicamente tanto en el plano socio-asistencial como penal. Concretamente, se toma la Ley de Patronazgo 10.093-conocida como Ley Agote - y la Ley 26.061 - de promoción y protección de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescente- como representativas de los principales paradigmas penales, cuya puesta en relación se basa en la identificación de los conceptos y fundamentos centrales, sus rasgos propios sobresalientes y las articulaciones, continuidades existentes que las atraviesan. A la vez, que se hace referencia a sus debates parlamentarios, en clave de indagar en las condiciones en que estas leyes se sancionaron e implementaron históricamente. En pocas palabras, por su parte, la Ley Agote de 1919 legitimada como pilar fundamental de lo tutelar pretende abarcar a la infancia en su totalidad. Como señala Donzelot (1979), a través de la intervención del Estado busca cubrir los dos aspectos en que se manifiesta la ‘infancia patológica’: aquellos niños “en peligro” y la “infancia peligrosa. Así, el Estado se ocupa brindar asistencia en términos de protección al mismo tiempo que garantiza el control social y la ‘cura’ de los ‘menores desviados’ con el desarrollo de estrategias correccionales. Por el contrario, la Ley 26.061 de promoción Nueva Ley se centra puntualmente en el costado socioasistencial con la promesa de velar por el interés superior del niño. Se apoya en la consideración de los niños/as y adolescentes como sujetos de derecho, rompiendo con el aislamiento y segregación que implica la denominación de los ‘menores tutelables’ como meros objetos de intervención.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Microbiological evaluation of the efficacy of two new biodetergents on multidrug-resistant nosocomial pathogens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last few years, several outbreaks of nosocomial infections caused by multidrug-resistant pathogenic agents have been observed, and various biocides products were developed in order to control this phenomenon. We investigated the efficacy of two natural biodetergents composed of plants and kelps extracts, BATT1 and BATT2, against multidrug-resistant strains.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>In-vitro </it>antibacterial efficacy of BATT1 and BATT2 against nosocomial multidrug-resistant isolates was assessed using a suspension-inhibition test, with and without bovine serum albumin (BSA). The test was also carried out on glass surfaces with and without BSA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>In vitro </it>tests with both biocidal disinfectants at 25% concentration demonstrated an overall drop in bacterial, mould and yeast counts after 10 min of contact with or without organic substances. For <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</it>, it was necessary to use undiluted disinfectants with and without an organic substance. The same results were obtained in tests carried out on glass surfaces for all strains.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The natural products BATT1 and BATT2 behave like good biocides even in presence of organic substances. The use of both disinfectants may be beneficial for reducing hospital-acquired pathogens that are not susceptible to disinfectants.</p> <p>However, it has to be stressed that all these experiments were carried out <it>in vitro </it>and they still require validation from use in clinical practice.</p

    Environmental microbial contamination in dental setting: a local experience

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    ntroduction. Patients and operators are exposed during dental practice to an infective risk, which derives especially from micro- organisms suspended in aerosols. Environmental microbiologi- cal monitoring in dental settings represents a good instrument to detect critical situations. Methods. In order to investigate environmental microbial contami- nation level in a local reality, we analyzed water, air and surfaces samples of a community-based dental facility by using protocol and threshold values proposed in a recent multicenter study carried out by the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (S.It.I.) working group ?Hygiene in Dentistry?. Microbial contamination was assessed in the same room for 4 non-consecu- tive weeks during all the five working days, before and at the end of the daily activity. Air was sampled also during clinical activity, through both active and passive sampling systems. Results. Contamination of water showed a decrease during activ- ities, while a decrease in air contamination was registered only at the end of the day. Passive sampling values resulted more often above threshold values adopted. At the same time, surfaces con- tamination increases at the end of the activity. It seems that in the dental clinic analyzed microbial buildup represents the higher critical element. No differences have been registered among the different days of the week. Discussion. Our study highlights the need to improve disinfection procedures and air treatment systems in the considered environ- ment. Microbiological monitoring could represent an important element to detect the presence of risk factors and to adopt control measures

    Automated cleaning of fan coil units with a natural detergent-disinfectant product

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Air conditioning systems represent one important source of microbial pollutants for indoor air. In the past few years, numerous strategies have been conceived to reduce the contamination of air conditioners, mainly in hospital settings. The biocidal detergent BATT2 represents a natural product obtained through extraction from brown seaweeds, that has been tested previously on multidrug-resistant microorganisms.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>BATT2 has been utilized for the disinfection of fan coil units from four air conditioning systems located in hospital environments with a mean degree of risk. Samples were collected from the air supplied by the conditioning systems and from the surfaces of fan coil units, before and after sanitization procedures. Total microbial counts at 37°C and 22°C and mycotic count at 32°C were evaluated. <it>Staphylococci</it> and <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>were also detected on surfaces samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The biodetergent was able to reduce up 50% of the microbial pollution of fan coil units surfaces and air supplied by the air conditioners.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BATT2 could be considered for cleaning/disinfection of air conditioning systems, that should be performed on the basis of accurate and verifiable sanitization protocols.</p

    Candida albicans identification: comparison among nine phenotypic systems and a multiplex PCR

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    Background. Candida albicans is the most common fungal pathogen isolated from clinical samples and is also the most common yeast species carried as a commensal by healthy individuals although some non-C. albicans species account for an important number of infections. Objectives. To compare nine phenotypic systems for C. albicans identification [API 20C AUX; RapID Yeast Identification panel (RYIP); Vitek2 ID-YST system; chromogenic media, CHROMagar, Oxoid Chromogenic Candida Agar (OCCA), Candida ID2, Candida Identification Agar, CandiSelect 4, and Chromalbicans Agar] with multiplex PCR. Patients/Methods. A collection of 390 yeast strains was obtained by routine isolation from oral and vaginal swabs. All of the yeasts isolated were tested for germ tube formation, and then submitted to a multiplex PCR protocol tested in previous studies, and to nine phenotypical commercial methods, together with the reference ATCC strains. Comparison was limited to the ability of the tests to identify C. albicans. Results. 253 isolates were provisionally identified as C. albicans by germ tube, and their identities were further confirmed with the multiplex PCR. Sensitivity of phenotypical systems ranged from 81.9% (Vitek2) to 87.7% (Candida ID2 e CHROMagar). For specificity, the highest value was 96.8% for Candida ID2, and the lowest value (75.1%) was for Chromalbicans Agar. Conclusions. Although with differences in discriminatory power, the methods tested showed overall acceptable levels of sensitivity and specificity respect to the multiplex PCR; therefore, all could be useful for C. albicans identification where molecular differentiation is not available

    Screening and isolation of microbes from a Mud Community of Ischia Island Thermal Springs: preliminary analysis of a bioactive compound

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    Introduction: Balneotherapy centers of Ischia island (Italy) offer treatments for different dermatological diseases (psoriasis, acne, atopic dermatitis) and upper respiratory tract infections. In this study, we integrated morphological and molecular approaches to give bacterial diversity of microbial mat samples collected from the thermae of Ischia. Methods: Samples were collected during 2019 at four sites. Some bacterial strains ATCC for antibacterial and antibiofilm Activity were tested. After morphological characterization, screening for antagonistic isolates was made. The colonies isolated from thermal mud samples were submitted to molecular characterization. Susceptibility testing by dilution spotting was carried out and antibacterial efficacies of most active isolate were evaluated with a Minimal inhibition concentration assay. Biofilm formation, inhibition, eradication were examined. Statistical analyses were carried out utilizing Microsoft® Excel 2016/XLSTAT©-Pro. Results: We isolated a natural compound with antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities. Conclusions: The results obtained in this study are discussed in the context of how hydrothermal systems are important environmental source of uncharted antimicrobial and antibiofilm compounds. This is, to our knowledge, the first view of a spring water microbiome analysis of Ischia

    Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of spirulina in exercise and sport: A systematic review

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    Arthrospira platensis, also known as spirulina, is currently one of the most well-known algae supplements, mainly due to its high content of bioactive compounds that may promote human health. Some authors have hypothesized that spirulina consumption could protect subjects from exercise-induced oxidative stress, accelerate recovery by reducing muscle damage, and stimulate the immune system. Based on this, the main goal of this review was to critically analyze the effects of spirulina on oxidative stress, immune system, inflammation and performance in athletes and people undergoing exercise interventions. Of the 981 articles found, 428 studies were considered eligible and 13 met the established criteria and were included in this systematic review. Most recently spirulina supplementation has demonstrated ergogenic potential during submaximal exercise, increasing oxygen uptake and improving exercise tolerance. Nevertheless, spirulina supplementation does not seem to enhance physical performance in power athletes. Considering that data supporting benefits to the immune system from spirulina supplementation is still lacking, overall evidence regarding the benefit of spirulina supplementation in healthy people engaged in physical exercise is scarce and not consistent. Currently, spirulina supplementation might be considered in athletes who do not meet the recommended dietary intake of antioxidants. Further high-quality research is needed to evaluate the effects of spirulina consumption on performance, the immune system and recovery in athletes and active people.Systematic review registration[https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=262896], identifier [CRD42021262896]