12 research outputs found

    PODUZETNIČKI MENADŽMENT I OBRAZOVANJE: Iskustva u primjeni poslovnih simulacija

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    Prihvaćanje odgovornosti, razvijanje strateške vizije i ciljeva te snažna motivacija za uspjeh temeljne su karakteristike poduzetnika 21. stoljeća. Izazovi poduzetničkog okruženja istovremeno su izazovi i visokoškolskog obrazovnog sustava, koji ima obvezu pripremiti studente za nepredvidivo i turbulentno tržište rada. Poslovne odluke ključne su za opstanak poduzeća, pri čemu se posebno naglašavaju poduzetničke funkcije planiranja, razvijanja i provedbe projekata, kao i vještine prilagodljivosti rada u timu, uz proaktivno djelovanje i sposobnost preuzimanja rizika. Sukladno tome, praćenje inovativnih i interaktivnih trendova u podučavanju, čini ključni element sveukupnog razvoja vještina i kompetencija budućih poduzetnika, ali i nastavnog procesa općenito. Svrha ovoga rada sadržana je u istraživanju zadovoljstva studenata u pogledu koristi primjene aktivnih metoda podučavanja na preddiplomskom sveučilišnom studiju Fakulteta za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Poslovna simulacija primijenjena u sklopu nastave kolegija „Poduzetnički menadžment i inovacije” predstavlja aktivnu metodu učenja, koja omogućuje eksperimentiranje s poslovnim strategijama u nerizičnoj okolini, a povezano sa strateškim područjima upravljanja ljudskim resursima, kapacitetima, investicijama, kvalitetom usluge, cijenom i marketingom. Istraživanje za potrebe ovoga rada provedeno je među redovitim studentima druge godine preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija uz pomoć prethodno kreiranog strukturnog upitnika korištenjem metode anketiranja. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja pokazuju visoku razinu zadovoljstva studenata u segmentu inovativnog pristupa izvođenju nastave i korisnosti primjene aktivnih metoda učenja kojima ispitanici daju izrazitu prednost u odnosu na klasičnu seminarsku nastavu. Utvrđeno je visoko zadovoljstvo korisnošću simulacija u procesu razvoja poduzetničkog duha i menadžerskih sposobnosti, ali istovremeno i niža razina zadovoljstva u segmentu kompleksnosti a povezano s prethodno stečenim znanjima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu pridonijeti unapređenju postojećih spoznaja i široj primjeni aktivnog učenja korištenjem hibridnog modela učenja čime se otvaraju mogućnosti za ostvarenje konačnog cilja kroz povećanje zapošljivosti studenata i rast njihove konkurentnosti.The key characteristics of entrepreneurs of the twenty-first century include the willingness to take responsibility, ability to develop strategic visions and objectives, and powerful motivation to succeed. The challenges of the entrepreneurial environment are mirrored in the higher education system that has the task of preparing students for the unpredictable and turbulent labour market. Business decisions are vital for the survival of an enterprise, together with the entrepreneurial functions of project planning, development and execution, as well as the ability to adapt to teamwork settings, be proactive and take risks. Accordingly, keeping abreast of innovative and interactive trends in teaching is a crucial element in the overall development of the skills and competencies of future entrepreneurs, in particular, and the teaching process, in general. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the satisfaction of students with regard to the benefits derived from the application of active teaching methods in an undergraduate university study programme at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the University of Rijeka. Using business simulations in teaching the course “Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation” is an active learning method that allows students to experiment with business strategies, in a risk-free setting, in the strategic areas of managing human resources, capacities, investments, service quality, prices and marketing. Research for the purposes of this paper was conducted among second-year, full-time students of the undergraduate university study programme, using the survey method and a pre-designed structured questionnaire. Research results point to a high level of student satisfaction with regard to the innovative approach to teaching and the benefits of active learning methods used, which the respondents distinctly prefer relative to traditional seminar-based teaching. The study indicates a high level of satisfaction with the benefits of simulations in the process of developing entrepreneurial spirit and managerial skills but also a lower level of satisfaction in the segment of complexity in connection with previously acquired knowledge. The results of this study can contribute to improving the existing knowledge and to expanding the use of active learning through the application of a hybrid learning model that opens up opportunities for achieving the ultimate goal of enhancing the employability of students and increasing their competitiveness

    From classical to contemporary ecological economics theory

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    Global social and economic trends are marked by the increasing imbalance between production and consumption activities on one side, and the conditions of environment on the other. The consequences of such imbalance are numerous, so the environment, from the development aspect, is increasingly becoming a limiting factor. At the same time, just for this reason, economic theory assigns growing importance to research of the interrelationships between economics and the overall ecosystem. The greatest contribution of such research is within the framework of ecological economics, a relatively young scientific discipline. The purpose of the research was to present the basic features of the theoretical approaches which explain the importance of the environment from the aspect of economics as a science, and the management of specific ecological and economic policies. Using the relevant analytical approach, the authors highlighted the basic conceptual features of ecological economics at various stages of its development, and specifically explored the distinction between the starting points of environmental and ecological economics theory. The research results point to a successful affirmation of ecological economics as a scientific field, but at the same time to its scientific vulnerability, especially from the aspect of the existing methodological instrument. The authors conclude that in spite of the existing weaknesses, research in the field of ecological economics represents a particular challenge, especially in terms of contemporary global problems such as unequal food distribution, lack of some sources of energy, environmental pollution and degradation, or waste management


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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics and motivations of event visitors. The goals are to systematically identify socio-demographic characteristics of visitors to tourist events and identify key motivation for visiting tourist events. In addition, the research aims to investigate the correlation between the socio-demographic characteristics of visitors and their motivations for visiting a tourist event. The research was conducted among the visitors of a tourist event (103 respondents), using the survey method and a pre-designed structured questionnaire. The survey was conducted in April 2017, during the duration of an event which is held every year in the city of Zagreb in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the conducted research have shown significant differences between the different socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and their motivations. Thus, women are more highly motivated by a desire for cultural experiences (34%), while men are motivated the most by curiosity/desire for new experiences (45%). Furthermore, correlation analysis has led to the conclusion that there is a significant correlation between motivation domains and the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents (gender, age and education). Understanding the visitors’ characteristics and event motivations could serve as a useful tool for event managers. It could help them to develop and manage events, with the aim of improving the event offering to meet the needs and demands of different visitors. Given the growing importance of events as an enrichment element of the tourism offering, this research can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field.Svrha rada je ispitati obilježja i motivaciju posjetitelja događaja. Ciljevi uključuju sustavnu identifikaciju sociodemografskih obilježja posjetitelja turističkih događaja, te njihove ključne motivacije za posjet turističkih događaja.Osim toga, istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti povezanost između sociodemografskih obilježja posjetitelja i njihovih motivacija za obilazak turističkog događaja. Istraživanje je provedeno među posjetiteljima turističkog događaja (103 ispitanika) primjenom metode anketiranja te unaprijed pripremljenog strukturnog upitnika. Istraživanje je provedeno u travnju 2017., tijekom trajanja događaja koji se svake godine održava u gradu Zagrebu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazali su na postojanje signifikantnih razlika između različitih sociodemografskih karakteristika ispitanika te njihovih motivacija. Tako se kod žena javlja viša motiviranost za doživljajima u kulturi (34 %), dok su muškarci u najvećem udjelu motivirani doživljajem u kontekstu provoda slobodnog vremena (45 %). Nadalje, korelacijska analiza dovela je do zaključka da postoji značajna povezanost između domena motivacije i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika (spol, dob i obrazovanje). Razumijevanje karakteristika posjetitelja i motivacija događaja moglo bi poslužiti kao koristan alat za menadžere događaja. Moglo bi im pomoći da razviju i upravljaju događajima s ciljem poboljšanja ponude kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe i zahtjevi različitih posjetitelja. S obzirom na rastuću važnost događaja kao elementa obogaćivanja turističke ponude, ovo istraživanje može pridonijeti unapređenju znanja u ovome području


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    The redesigning of camping products based on a neo-comfort tourist trend is a new concept. This study aims to define glamping and identify glamping accommodation attributes according to camping experts’ opinions. A structured questionnaire was used to survey campsite managers and camping equipment producers. Results indicate that glamping accommodation is mostly seen as referring to treehouses, unusual forms of accommodation and fully equipped tents. The main features of a glamping accommodation are top-level equipment and amenities, high-quality services and a natural environment. Fully half of respondents do not consider a mobile home as being a glamping accommodation. Similar studies have not been conducted up to date, making the current study original. Because of its focus on understanding glamping from the perspective of camping experts rather than from the perspective of guests, this paper contributes to broadening the conceptual understanding of glamping and provides a platform for further research

    Aleksandru Madgearu, Byzantine Military Organization on the Danube, 10th–12th Centuries, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2013, ss. 212 [= East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450–1450, vol. 22]

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    Acute pancreatitis is a common disease. Despite the frequent use of cannabis worldwide, only six reports have described cases of acute pancreatitis secondary to the use of tetrahydrocannabinoid (THC). Here we describe two cases of THC-induced pancreatitis. The first case occurred in a 38-year-old man with multiple admissions for THC-induced pancreatitis; the second case involved a 22-year-old man with no previous medical history. In both cases, other possible causes of acute pancreatitis were ruled out.Akutni pankreatitis (AP) je česta bolest. Unatoč raširenoj primjeni kanabisa diljem svijeta, prema dostupnoj literaturi do sada je prijavljeno samo šest slučajeva kanabisom izazvanog AP-a. U ovom radu prikazali smo dva slučaja akutnog pankreatitisa izazvanog tetrahidrokanabinolom (THC). Prvi slučaj zabilježen je kod 38-godišnjeg bolesnika s višestrukim hospitalizacijama zbog akutnog pankreatitisa izazvanog THC-om, a u drugom slučaju radilo se o 22-godišnjaku bez prethodne povijesti bolesti. U oba slučaja, isključeni su drugi mogući uzroci akutnog pankreatitisa. Budući da je AP čest poremećaj, a konzumacija marihuane raširena po cijelom svijetu, nužno je u svih bolesnika s nejasnom etiologijom AP-a razmišljati i o ovom, ne tako rijetkom uzroku AP-a

    Commercial diplomacy as a factor of internationalisation and value growth of small and medium-sized hotel enterprises

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    U eri globalne konkurencije, komercijalna diplomacija postaje važan čimbenik razvoja međunarodnog poslovanja i rasta vrijednosti malih i srednje velikih poduzeća. No, iako znanost sugerira važnost institucionalne podrške u procesu internacionalizacije, međuodnos državnih institucija i poslovnoga sektora u prilikama jačanja međunarodne vidljivosti i razvoja međunarodnoga poslovanja nije jasno definiran, dok se vrijednost, kao produkt njihove interakcije, obrađuje fragmentarno i bez integrirajućeg koncepta. Pritom su istraživački problemi postavljeni daleko iznad i znatno šire od razine stvarnog poslovanja poduzeća, dok se specifičnosti pojedinih djelatnosti rijetko uzimaju u obzir. Doktorski rad je navedenom problemu pristupio izravno iz (poslovne) perspektive poduzeća, fokusirajući istraživanje na mala i srednje velika poduzeća iz hotelijerske djelatnosti. Istraživački cilj bio je utvrditi čimbenike i procese stvaranja vrijednosti te načine mjerenja vrijednosti kao rezultata internacionalizacije malih i srednje velikih hotelskih poduzeća, realizirane alatima i mehanizmima komercijalne diplomacije, uvažavajući pretpostavke zadanih ekonomskih i institucionalnih uvjeta na mikro i makroekonomskoj razini. U tu svrhu, provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje kojim su utvrđeni oblici i razina suradnje državnih institucija i hotelskih poduzeća u kontekstu pozicioniranja na međunarodno turističko tržište. Istraživačkim uzorkom obuhvaćeno je 103 hotela koji djeluju u okvirima malih i srednje velikih hotelskih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Najveći udio hotela djeluje u okvirima mikro poduzeća (66%), smješteno je u Jadranskoj regiji - uz more (53,4%) te pripada generaciji mladih hotela, osnovanih nakon 2015. godine (36,9%). Primjenom metode analize puta utvrđen je međuodnos između komercijalne diplomacije, internacionalizacije i vrijednosti malih i srednje velikih hotelskih poduzeća. Raznovrsni aspekti doprinosa komercijalne diplomacije istraženi su kroz njezinu formalnu i neformalnu dimenziju, pri čemu je utvrđen njihov suprotan, ali statistički značajan efekt na internacionalizaciju i vrijednost. I dok hoteli s većim angažmanom na formalnoj dimenziji prijavljuju veću internacionalizaciju i vrijednost za poduzeće, hoteli s većim angažmanom na neformalnoj dimenziji prijavljuju manju internacionalizaciju i vrijednost. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja čine važan izvor informacija te znanstveno utemeljenu podlogu pri donošenju odluka u sektoru hotelskog menadžmenta. Osim što oblikuju, nadograđuju i upotpunjuju teorijske pojmove i fenomene ovog područja znanja, rezultati istraživanja doktorskog rada nude nove spoznaje o ulozi i važnosti formalnih i neformalnih alata komercijalne diplomacije u praksi gospodarske zbilje procesa internacionalizacije i stvaranja vrijednosti u sektoru malog hotelskog poduzetništva.In the age of global competition, commercial diplomacy is becoming an important factor in the development of the international business and in increasing the value of small and mediumsized enterprises. Although scholars point out the importance of institutional support in the internationalisation process, the relationship between state institutions and the business sector in the context of strengthening international visibility and developing international business is not clearly defined, while value as a product of their interaction is treated fragmentarily and without an integrating concept. At the same time, the research problems are defined far beyond the level of actual business activity and much more broadly, while the specificities of individual industries are hardly taken into account. The doctoral thesis approached the aforementioned problem directly from the (business management) perspective of the enterprise, with the research focussing on small and mediumsized enterprises in the hotel industry. The research goal was to determine the factors and processes of value creation and the possibilities of value measurement as a result of the internationalisation of small and medium-sized hotel enterprises, which is realised with the instruments and mechanisms of commercial diplomacy, taking into account the given economic and institutional conditions at micro- and macroeconomic levels. To this end, an empirical study was conducted to determine the forms and levels of co-operation between state institutions and hotel enterprises in relation to positioning in the international tourism market. The research sample comprised 103 hotels operating within the framework of small and medium-sized hotel enterprises in the Republic of Croatia. The largest proportion of hotels operate as micro-enterprises (66%), are located in the Adriatic region - by the sea (53.4%) and belong to the generation of young hotels established after 2015 (36.9%). By applying the Path analysis method, the relationship between commercial diplomacy, internationalisation and the value of the enterprises mentioned was established. Different aspects of the contribution of commercial diplomacy were examined based on their formal and informal dimensions and their contrasting but statistically significant effect on internationalisation and value was identified. While hotels with greater engagement in the formal dimension report greater internationalisation and value for the enterprise, hotels with greater engagement in the informal dimension report lower internationalisation and value. The findings of this research are an important source of information and a scientifically sound basis for decision-making in the hotel management sector. In addition to shaping, building and completing the theoretical concepts and phenomena of this field of knowledge, the results of the research offer new insights into the role and importance of formal and informal commercial diplomacy instruments in the practical economic reality of the internationalisation and value creation process in the small hotel industry


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    U ovom završnom radu, opisan je i napravljen redizajn web-sjedišta studentskog zbora Veleučilišta u Rijeci. Detaljno je napravljena analiza postojećeg web-sjedišta, opisane su njezine prednosti i nedostatci. Postavljeni su zahtjevi koje novo web-sjedište mora ispuniti, biti će prikazan svaki korak izrade web-sjedišta, implementacija funkcionalnosti, te će biti opisani problemi koju su nastali prilikom izrade novog web-sjedišta

    Commercial diplomacy as a factor of internationalisation and value growth of small and medium-sized hotel enterprises

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    U eri globalne konkurencije, komercijalna diplomacija postaje važan čimbenik razvoja međunarodnog poslovanja i rasta vrijednosti malih i srednje velikih poduzeća. No, iako znanost sugerira važnost institucionalne podrške u procesu internacionalizacije, međuodnos državnih institucija i poslovnoga sektora u prilikama jačanja međunarodne vidljivosti i razvoja međunarodnoga poslovanja nije jasno definiran, dok se vrijednost, kao produkt njihove interakcije, obrađuje fragmentarno i bez integrirajućeg koncepta. Pritom su istraživački problemi postavljeni daleko iznad i znatno šire od razine stvarnog poslovanja poduzeća, dok se specifičnosti pojedinih djelatnosti rijetko uzimaju u obzir. Doktorski rad je navedenom problemu pristupio izravno iz (poslovne) perspektive poduzeća, fokusirajući istraživanje na mala i srednje velika poduzeća iz hotelijerske djelatnosti. Istraživački cilj bio je utvrditi čimbenike i procese stvaranja vrijednosti te načine mjerenja vrijednosti kao rezultata internacionalizacije malih i srednje velikih hotelskih poduzeća, realizirane alatima i mehanizmima komercijalne diplomacije, uvažavajući pretpostavke zadanih ekonomskih i institucionalnih uvjeta na mikro i makroekonomskoj razini. U tu svrhu, provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje kojim su utvrđeni oblici i razina suradnje državnih institucija i hotelskih poduzeća u kontekstu pozicioniranja na međunarodno turističko tržište. Istraživačkim uzorkom obuhvaćeno je 103 hotela koji djeluju u okvirima malih i srednje velikih hotelskih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Najveći udio hotela djeluje u okvirima mikro poduzeća (66%), smješteno je u Jadranskoj regiji - uz more (53,4%) te pripada generaciji mladih hotela, osnovanih nakon 2015. godine (36,9%). Primjenom metode analize puta utvrđen je međuodnos između komercijalne diplomacije, internacionalizacije i vrijednosti malih i srednje velikih hotelskih poduzeća. Raznovrsni aspekti doprinosa komercijalne diplomacije istraženi su kroz njezinu formalnu i neformalnu dimenziju, pri čemu je utvrđen njihov suprotan, ali statistički značajan efekt na internacionalizaciju i vrijednost. I dok hoteli s većim angažmanom na formalnoj dimenziji prijavljuju veću internacionalizaciju i vrijednost za poduzeće, hoteli s većim angažmanom na neformalnoj dimenziji prijavljuju manju internacionalizaciju i vrijednost. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja čine važan izvor informacija te znanstveno utemeljenu podlogu pri donošenju odluka u sektoru hotelskog menadžmenta. Osim što oblikuju, nadograđuju i upotpunjuju teorijske pojmove i fenomene ovog područja znanja, rezultati istraživanja doktorskog rada nude nove spoznaje o ulozi i važnosti formalnih i neformalnih alata komercijalne diplomacije u praksi gospodarske zbilje procesa internacionalizacije i stvaranja vrijednosti u sektoru malog hotelskog poduzetništva.In the age of global competition, commercial diplomacy is becoming an important factor in the development of the international business and in increasing the value of small and mediumsized enterprises. Although scholars point out the importance of institutional support in the internationalisation process, the relationship between state institutions and the business sector in the context of strengthening international visibility and developing international business is not clearly defined, while value as a product of their interaction is treated fragmentarily and without an integrating concept. At the same time, the research problems are defined far beyond the level of actual business activity and much more broadly, while the specificities of individual industries are hardly taken into account. The doctoral thesis approached the aforementioned problem directly from the (business management) perspective of the enterprise, with the research focussing on small and mediumsized enterprises in the hotel industry. The research goal was to determine the factors and processes of value creation and the possibilities of value measurement as a result of the internationalisation of small and medium-sized hotel enterprises, which is realised with the instruments and mechanisms of commercial diplomacy, taking into account the given economic and institutional conditions at micro- and macroeconomic levels. To this end, an empirical study was conducted to determine the forms and levels of co-operation between state institutions and hotel enterprises in relation to positioning in the international tourism market. The research sample comprised 103 hotels operating within the framework of small and medium-sized hotel enterprises in the Republic of Croatia. The largest proportion of hotels operate as micro-enterprises (66%), are located in the Adriatic region - by the sea (53.4%) and belong to the generation of young hotels established after 2015 (36.9%). By applying the Path analysis method, the relationship between commercial diplomacy, internationalisation and the value of the enterprises mentioned was established. Different aspects of the contribution of commercial diplomacy were examined based on their formal and informal dimensions and their contrasting but statistically significant effect on internationalisation and value was identified. While hotels with greater engagement in the formal dimension report greater internationalisation and value for the enterprise, hotels with greater engagement in the informal dimension report lower internationalisation and value. The findings of this research are an important source of information and a scientifically sound basis for decision-making in the hotel management sector. In addition to shaping, building and completing the theoretical concepts and phenomena of this field of knowledge, the results of the research offer new insights into the role and importance of formal and informal commercial diplomacy instruments in the practical economic reality of the internationalisation and value creation process in the small hotel industry


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    U ovom završnom radu, opisan je i napravljen redizajn web-sjedišta studentskog zbora Veleučilišta u Rijeci. Detaljno je napravljena analiza postojećeg web-sjedišta, opisane su njezine prednosti i nedostatci. Postavljeni su zahtjevi koje novo web-sjedište mora ispuniti, biti će prikazan svaki korak izrade web-sjedišta, implementacija funkcionalnosti, te će biti opisani problemi koju su nastali prilikom izrade novog web-sjedišta