68 research outputs found

    Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in England are at increased risk of death from COVID-19: indirect standardisation of NHS mortality data [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background: International and UK data suggest that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups are at increased risk of infection and death from COVID-19. We aimed to explore the risk of death in minority ethnic groups in England using data reported by NHS England. / Methods: We used NHS data on patients with a positive COVID-19 test who died in hospitals in England published on 28th April, with deaths by ethnicity available from 1st March 2020 up to 5pm on 21 April 2020. We undertook indirect standardisation of these data (using the whole population of England as the reference) to produce ethnic specific standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) adjusted for age and geographical region. / Results: The largest total number of deaths in minority ethnic groups were Indian (492 deaths) and Black Caribbean (460 deaths) groups. Adjusting for region we found a lower risk of death for White Irish (SMR 0.52; 95%CIs 0.45-0.60) and White British ethnic groups (0.88; 95%CIs 0.86-0.0.89), but increased risk of death for Black African (3.24; 95%CIs 2.90-3.62), Black Caribbean (2.21; 95%CIs 2.02-2.41), Pakistani (3.29; 95%CIs 2.96-3.64), Bangladeshi (2.41; 95%CIs 1.98-2.91) and Indian (1.70; 95%CIs 1.56-1.85) minority ethnic groups. / Conclusion: Our analysis adds to the evidence that BAME people are at increased risk of death from COVID-19 even after adjusting for geographical region. We believe there is an urgent need to take action to reduce the risk of death for BAME groups and better understand why some ethnic groups experience greater risk. Actions that are likely to reduce these inequities include ensuring adequate income protection (so that low paid and zero-hours contract workers can afford to follow social distancing recommendations), reducing occupational risks (such as ensuring adequate personal protective equipment), reducing barriers in accessing healthcare and providing culturally and linguistically appropriate public health communications

    Design and development of a complex narrative intervention delivered by text messages to reduce binge drinking among socially disadvantaged men

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    Background: Socially disadvantaged men are at high risk of suffering from alcohol-related harm. Disadvantaged groups are less likely to engage with health promotion. There is a need for interventions that reach large numbers at low cost and which promote high levels of engagement with the behaviour change process. The aim of this study was to design a theoretically and empirically based text message intervention to reduce binge drinking by socially disadvantaged men. Results: Following MRC guidance, the intervention was developed in four stages. Stage 1 developed a detailed behaviour change strategy based on existing literature and theory from several areas. These included the psychological theory that would underpin the intervention, alcohol brief interventions, text message interventions, effective behaviour change techniques, narratives in behaviour change interventions and communication theory. In addition, formative research was carried out. A logic model was developed to depict the pathways between intervention inputs, processes and outcomes for behaviour change. Stage 2 created a narrative which illustrated and modelled key steps in the strategy. Stage 3 rendered the intervention into a series of text messages and ensured that appropriate behavioural change techniques were incorporated. Stage 4 revised the messages to ensure comprehensive coverage of the behaviour change strategy and coherence of the narrative. It also piloted the intervention and made final revisions to it. Conclusions: The structured, systematic approach to design created a narrative intervention which had a strong theoretical and empirical basis. The use of a narrative helped make the intervention realistic and allowed key behaviour change techniques to be modelled by characters. The narrative was intended to promote engagement with the intervention. The intervention was rendered into a series of short text messages, and subsequent piloting showed they were acceptable in the target group. Delivery of an intervention by text message offers a low-cost, low-demand method that can reach large numbers of people. This approach provides a framework for the design of behaviour change interventions which could be used for interventions to tackle other health behaviours

    Improving hospital-based opioid substitution therapy (iHOST): protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation

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    Background Opioid substitution therapy is associated with improved health and social outcomes for people who use heroin and other illicit opioids. It is typically managed in the community and is not always continued when people are admitted to hospital. This causes opioid withdrawal, discharge against medical advice, and increased costs. We are establishing a project called iHOST (improving hospital opioid substitution therapy) to address these problems. This is an applied health research project in which we will develop and evaluate an intervention that aims to improve opioid substitution therapy in three acute hospitals in England. The intervention was developed in collaboration with stakeholders including people who use opioids, hospital staff, and other professionals who work with this group. It includes five components: (1) a card that patients can use to help hospital clinicians confirm their opioid substitution therapy, (2) a helpline for patients and staff, (3) an online training module for staff, (4) a clinical guideline for managing opioid withdrawal in hospital, and (5) ‘champion’ roles at each hospital. Methods We will do a mixed-methods study including a quasi-experimental quantitative study and a qualitative process evaluation. The primary outcomes for the quantitative study are discharge against medical advice and emergency readmission within 28 days. We will do a difference-in-difference analysis comparing changes in these outcomes for patients at iHOST sites with changes for patients at control hospitals. The process evaluation will use in-depth interviews, focus groups, and site observations with people who use opioids and staff. We will assess acceptability of the intervention, barriers and facilitators to implementation, and contextual factors impacting outcomes. Impact We anticipate that iHOST will improve care for hospital patients who use illicit opioids and/or are receiving community-based opioid substitution therapy. Depending on the results, we will promote the intervention at hospitals across the UK. Dissemination, including through publication, will inform hospital-based services for people who use drugs both in the UK and other countries
