232 research outputs found

    Global Europe

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    Nicolas Levrat realiza un recorrido histórico por la conformación del Instituto Europeo y su relación con el proyecto de integración de la Unión Europea, primero Comunidad Económica y posteriormente ampliada a Unión Política. Los principales trazos del Instituto hasta su integración en la Universidad de Ginebra propician un conjunto de actividades tendientes a un proyecto intelectual-político y cultural más amplio

    Impact of biexcitons on the relaxation mechanisms of polaritons in III-nitride based multiple quantum well microcavities

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    We report on the direct observation of biexcitons in a III nitride based multiple quantum well microcavity operating in the strong light-matter coupling regime by means of nonresonant continuous wave and time-resolved photoluminescence at low temperature. First, the biexciton dynamics is investigated for the bare active medium (multiple quantum wells alone) evidencing localization on potential fluctuations due to alloy disorder and thermalization between both localized and free excitonic and biexcitonic populations. Then, the role of biexcitons is considered for the full microcavity: in particular, we observe that for specific detunings the bottom of the lower polariton branch is directly fed by the radiative dissociation of either cavity biexcitons or excitons mediated by one LO-phonon. Accordingly, minimum polariton lasing thresholds are observed, when the bottom of the lower polariton branch corresponds in energy to the exciton or cavity biexciton first LO-phonon replica. This singular observation highlights the role of excitonic molecules in the polariton condensate formation process as being a more efficient relaxation channel when compared to the usually assumed acoustical phonon emission one.This work was supported by the NCCR Quantum Photonics, research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation, through Grant No. 129715 and Grant No. 200020-113542, and by the EU-project Clermont4 (Grant No. FP7-235114)

    High-temperature Mott transition in wide-band-gap semiconductor quantum wells

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    The crossover from an exciton gas to an electron-hole plasma is studied in a GaN/(Al,Ga)N single quantum well by means of combined time-resolved and continuous-wave photoluminescence measurements. The two-dimensional Mott transition is found to be of continuous type and to be accompanied by a characteristic modification of the quantum well emission spectrum. Beyond the critical density, the latter is strongly influenced by band-gap renormalization and Fermi filling of continuum states. Owing to the large binding energy of excitons in III-nitride heterostructures, their injection-induced dissociation could be tracked over a wide range of temperatures, i.e., from 4 to 150K. Various criteria defining the Mott transition are examined, which, however, do not lead to any clear trend with rising temperature: the critical carrier density remains invariant around 1012cm−2

    Exciton localization on basal stacking faults in a-plane epitaxial lateral overgrown GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy

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    We present a detailed study of the luminescence at 3.42 eV usually observed in a-plane epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) GaN grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy on r-plane sapphire. This band is related to radiative recombination of excitons in a commonly encountered extended defect of a-plane GaN: I-1 basal stacking fault. Cathodoluminescence measurements show that these stacking faults are essentially located in the windows and the N-face wings of the ELO-GaN and that they can appear isolated as well as organized into bundles. Time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence, supported by a qualitative model, evidence not only the efficient trapping of free excitons (FXs) by basal plane stacking faults but also some localization inside I-1 stacking faults themselves. Measurements at room temperature show that FXs recombine efficiently with rather long luminescence decay times (360 ps), comparable to those encountered in high-quality GaN epilayers. We discuss the possible role of I-1 stacking faults in the overall recombination mechanism of excitons

    Intrinsic dynamics of weakly and strongly confined excitons in nonpolar nitride-based heterostructures

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    Both weakly and strongly confined excitons are studied by time-resolved photoluminescence in a nonpolar nitride-based heterostructure grown by molecular beam epitaxy on the a-facet of a bulk GaN crystal, with an ultralow dislocation density of 2 × 105 cm-2. Strong confinement is obtained in a 4 nm thick Al0.06Ga0.94N/GaN quantum well (QW), whereas weakly confined exciton-polaritons are observed in a 200 nm thick GaN epilayer. Thanks to the low dislocation density, the effective lifetime of strongly confined excitons increases between 10 and 150 K, proving the domination of radiative recombination processes. Above 150 K the QW emission lifetime diminishes, whereas the decay time of excitons in the barriers increases, until both barrier and QW exciton populations become fully thermalized at 300 K. We conclude that the radiative efficiency of our GaN QW at 300 K is limited by nonradiative recombinations in the barriers. The increase of exciton-polariton coherence lengths caused by low dislocation densities allows us to observe and model the quantized emission modes in the 200 nm nonpolar GaN layer. Finally, the low-temperature phonon-assisted relaxation mechanisms of such center-of-mass quantized exciton-polaritons are described