12 research outputs found

    Within-group decoding accuracy in Healthy Controls (HC) and Depressed Patients (DP).

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    *<p>Overall Accuracy is the mean between emotional accuracy (emotional correctly classified as emotional) and neutral accuracy (neutral correctly classified as neutral).</p

    Summary of results from pattern recognition analyses.

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    <p>A. Decision boundary and individual predictive probabilities. B. GPC weights overlaid on an anatomical template. The color code shows the relative weight of each voxel for the decision boundary (red scales: higher weights for healthy bipolar offspring and blue scales: higher weights for healthy controls). The discriminating pattern included clusters with higher weights for healthy bipolar offspring in the superior temporal sulcus (STS; x, y, z: -50, 11, -5) and in a posterior region of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC(p); x, y, z,: 0, 29, -14) and a cluster with higher weights for healthy controls in the anterior region of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC (a); x, y, z: -2, 51, -19) (x, y, z, are in Talairach coordinates).</p

    Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Healthy Offspring Having a Parent with Bipolar Disorder and Age- and Sex- Matched Control Offspring of Healthy Parents.

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    <p>Abbreviations: HBO = healthy offspring having a parent diagnosed with bipolar disorder; HC = healthy control offspring of healthy parents; MFQ, Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (range, 0–68); SCARED, Screen for Childhood Anxiety and Related Disorders (range, 0–82); CALS, Child Affect Lability Scale (range, 0–80).</p

    Summary of pattern recognition analyses.

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    <p>(1) Feature Extraction: the information from the beta images were transformed into an input vector. (2) Nested leave one out (LOO) Approach. We employed a nested (3-way) cross-validation, where we first excluded one matched pair of subjects to comprise the test set (test loop in light blue). We then performed a second split (validation loop in dark blue), where we removed 5000 voxels each iteration and repeatedly repartitioned the remaining 15 subject pairs into a validation set (1 pair) and training set (14 pairs) to compute the mean accuracy on the validation set. This procedure (removing voxels and computing mean accuracy) was repeated until all voxels were removed. We then selected the number of voxels that produced maximal accuracy on the validation set before applying it to the test set. The final accuracy was the mean accuracy over all test subjects (outer test loop in light blue). (3) We then generated a map training the GPC with all subjects and removing voxels until we obtained the mean number of voxels.</p

    We used the predictive probabilities from the classifier at-risk adolescents vs. controls as a score for the at-risk adolescents.

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    <p>An ROC curve was used to evaluate if this score could be used to predict which of at-risk adolescents developed a future mood disorder. Each point on the ROC curve represents a sensitivity/specificity pair corresponding to a particular decision threshold. A test with perfect discrimination has a ROC curve that passes through the upper left corner (100% sensitivity, 100% specificity). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.78 (p<0.05).</p

    Interference of warnings on the manipulation of cigarette packs.

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    <p>(A) The participant grabs a holder with his/her dominant hand. Unseen by the participant, the experimenter places a cigarette pack on the holder, exposing either the brand face or the warning face. Upon illumination, the participant quickly flexes the arm. The latency between illumination and action (reaction time) is measured. (B) Reaction times for smokers. Reaction time when the warning face is exposed (left column of the graph) is significantly longer compared to when the brand face is exposed (right column). The results reveal that warnings impose a significant cost to the manipulation of the pack.</p