588 research outputs found


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    Perubahan kurikulum sering terjadi di Indonesia. mengenai perubahan kurikulum yang ada di Indonesia sebagai upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan baik dalam segi umum maupun agama dengan adanya peningkatan dalam hasil belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini: Untuk mengetahui hasil belajar bidang studi Agama siswa kelas IVD dan IVE serta mendeskripsikan perbedaan hasil belajar dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di MIN Kauman Utara Jombang Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis statistik uji t sampel saling bebas (Independent T-test), data diperoleh melalui angket,observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hasil dari prosentase tentang hasil belajar siswa kelas IVD dengan alternatif jawaban A yaitu 67.3%. maka hasil belajar siswa kelas IVD dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 dinyatakan cukup baik, karena berada diantara 56% - 75%. Dan Hasil dari prosentase tentang hasil belajar siswa kelas IVE dengan alternatif jawaban A yaitu 59.8%, maka hasil belajar siswa kelas IVE dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 dinyatakan cukup baik, karena berada diantara 56% - 75%. Serta Tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa kelas IVD dan IVE dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di MIN Kauman Utara Jombang. Hal initerlihat bahwa signifikansi sebesar 0.340 > 0.005, karena lebih besar dari 0.005, maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak, artinya bahwa tidak ada perbedaan orientasi antara siswa kelas IVD dan IVE MIN Kauman Utara Jombang


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran kontekstual model snow balling dengan media grafis terhadap hasil belajar siswa yang ditinjau dari tiga aspek, yaitu aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta semester genap tahun ajaran 2010/2011. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 171 siswa dan sampel diambil secara purposive sampling sebanyak 67 siswa yang dijadikan dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Metode pengumpulan data dengan metode tes, angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji-t (independent sample t-test), yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji prasyarat analisis yang menggunakan metode liliefors untuk uji normalitas dan metode Bartlett untuk uji homogenitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan α = 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tidak ada pengaruh pembelajaran kontekstual model snow balling dengan media grafis terhadap hasil belajar siswa aspek kognitif berdasarkan hasil hipotesis, dengan nilai thitung= 1,03 < ttabel= 1,997, (2) Ada pengaruh pembelajaran kontekstual model snow balling dengan media grafis terhadap hasil belajar siswa aspek afektif berdasarkan hasil hipotesis, dengan nilai thitung= 21,61 > ttabel= 1,997, (3) Ada pengaruh pembelajaran kontekstual model snow balling dengan media grafis terhadap hasil belajar siswa aspek psikomotor berdasarkan hasil hipotesis, dengan nilai thitung= 3,54 > ttabel= 1,997


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    Legal policy of development and the provision of law flight human resources belong to national transportation policy subs-system. Legal policy contained in Act No. 7 of 2007 about RPJP puts the development of air transportation as one of the parts of the national facilities and infrastructure development. In the regime of flight law, human resources management is arranged in separated sections that belong to the national system development. The scope of human resources development and setting provision are as follow, human resources planning (manpower planning), education and training, expansion of employment opportunities, as well as surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation. The politic of legislated development setting and the provision of human resources that are made through delegated legislation above require further policy in form of three ministerial regulations as follow, ministerial regulation of the human resources provision and development in flight field, ministerial regulation of education and training in flight training, and ministerial regulation of competency certificate, licensee and training program.The writer advices the transportation ministry to realize in short time those three ministerial regulations which already have basic delegated delegation as the solution to face ASEAN open sky policy


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    Kambang Iwak Palembang is one of the most public Open Space Open Space in Palembang city. This public space can be one of the potential objects to improve the quality of life of the community and also stimulate the creativity of the community. Its strategic location beraa in the middle of the city makes this area easy to access from all directions and supported by public transportation available to meuju to this area. Kambang Iwak Palembang, is one of the most visited by the people of Palembang, especially on holidays. The existence of a commercial function in a green open space environment in addition to providing attractiveness also provides financial benefits to the manager who works with the government. The existence of this function in the region such as Kambang Iwak Palembang, in addition to bring a positive impact but also will give birth to other questions. The purpose of this study is further, whether the excess function of commercial Area as a center of culinary tourism in the Kambang Iwak Palembang region will increasingly support the climate of the Public Sphere well in the region, or vice versa it causes new problems in the implementation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The results of the discussion that will be achieved in this research is to know the positive impact of additional commercial area Kambang Iwak area such as the increasing number of visitors and make this area as the icon of culinary tourism in the city of Palembang.Keywords : Open Space Green, Public Space, Commercial Area


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    ABSTRACTThe breeding of ornamental plants through mutation induction has been applied to obtain the desired new characters. High diversity, such as brighter colors, more attractive shapes, and aromas, are needed for the assembly of new high-yielding varieties to increase sales value. Mutagens that can be used as agents for mutation induction are physical mutagens (gamma rays, x rays, beta rays, UV rays) and chemical mutagens (EMS, DES, colchicine, oryzalin). The mutagens have been implemented to obtain a superior character compared to its parents. Breeding of ornamental plants through mutation has been applied in various countries such as Japan, Thailand, Korea, the Netherlands, and Indonesia to produce many new varieties, comprising of chrysanthemums, roses, gladiolus, tulips, carnations, etc. The resulting new characteristics include a change in color to become more attractive according to market tastes, the shape and petals of a single flower that was originally single, becoming stacked, and not easily wither. The purpose of writing this review is to provide information about the role of mutations in the formation of new varieties in ornamental plants as well as mutagens that able to be utilized both physically and chemically.  ion has been applied to obtain the desired new characters. High diversity, such as brighter colors, more attractive shapes, and aromas, are needed for the assembly of new high yielding varieties to increase sales value. Mutagens that can be used as agents for mutation induction are physical mutagens (gamma rays, x rays, beta rays, UV rays) and chemical mutagens (EMS, DES, colchicine, oryzalin). The mutagens have been implemented to obtain a superior character compared to its parents. Breeding of ornamental plants through mutation has been applied in various countries such as Japan, Thailand, Korea, the Netherlands, and Indonesia to produce many new varieties, comprising of chrysanthemums, roses, gladiolus, tulips, carnations etc. The resulting new characteristics include a change in color to become more attractive according to market tastes, the shape and petals of a single flower that were originally single, become stacked, and not easily wither. The purpose of writing this review is to provide information about the role of mutations for the formation of new varieties in ornamental plants as well as mutagens that able to be utilized both physically and chemically. Key words: in vitro culture, somaclonal variation, mutase ABSTRAK Pemuliaan pada tanaman hias melalui induksi mutasi telah diaplikasikan untuk mendapatkan karakter baru yang diinginkan. Keragaman yang tinggi seperti warna menjadi lebih cemerlang, bentuk dan aroma lebih menarik sangat diperlukan untuk perakitan varietas unggul baru sehingga meningkatkan nilai jual. Mutagen yang dapat digunakan sebagai agen untuk induksi mutasi adalah mutagen fisik (sinar gamma, sinar x, sinar beta, UV) dan mutagen kimia (EMS, DES, kolkisin, oryzalin), mutagen tersebut telah diaplikasikan untuk mendapatkan karakter yang lebih unggul dibanding tetuanya. Pemuliaan pada tanaman hias melalui mutasi telah dilakukan diberbagai negara seperti Jepang, Tailand, Korea, Belanda termasuk di Indonesia untuk menghasilkan banyak varietas baru antara lain pada krisan, mawar, gladiol, tulip, anyelir dll. Sifat baru yang dihasilkan antara lain perubahan pada warna menjadi lebih menarik sesuai selera pasar, bentuk dan kelopak bunga yang semula tunggal, menjadi bertumpuk, serta menjadi tidak mudah layu. Tujuan penulisan review ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi peran mutasi untuk pembentukan varietas baru pada tanaman hias serta mutagen baik fisik maupun kimia yang dapat digunakan.

    The Delegation of State Sovereignty over Air Space in the Implementation of Air Navigation: The Analysis of the Agreement between Indonesia and Singapore on Management of the Batam and Natuna Flight Information Region

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    The state sovereignty over airspace with its complete and exclusive nature experiences a significant dynamic in both its concept and implementation in the international air law. Sovereignty over the airspace not only provides legislative, executive, and judicialauthorities of the state but also puts an obligation on the state to provide facilities for aviation safety. The reason for aviation safety airspace of a sovereign state can be delegated to other states to manage the service of navigation, for example, Indonesian air spaces in the Natuna and Batam, are maintained by Singapore for the sake of aviation safety. The taking over of the management of FIR in Batam and Natuna had been carried out through several steps. First, establishing Civil Military Aviation Coordination (CMAC) as outlined in the Government Regulation (Ministry of Transportation Regulation Number 55 on 2016) concerning the order of the national airspace. Second, evaluating the implementation of air navigation by reformulating the institutional of LPPNPI, evaluating the cooperation agreement between the Government of Indonesia and Singapore, and providing air navigation service during the transition period in Natuna Islands. Third, conducting the taking over concept phase by phase, in which the first phase, Singapore only provides air navigation service, while Indonesia only monitors. The second phase, Indonesia provides air navigation services, while Singapore only monitors, and for the third phase, as the final implementation, Indonesia provides air navigation services fully. Keywords: Delegation, Sovereignty, Air Space, Air Navigation, Agreemen

    Pengaruh konsentrasi Rootone F dan lama perendaman terhadap pertumbuhan stek batang poko (Mentha arvensis L.)

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    ENDANG SRI LESTARI. J213096078. Pengaruh Konsentrasi Rootone-F dan Lama Perendankan terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Batang Poko (Mentha arvensis L.) (di bawah bimbingan Hj. Rini Budi Hastuti dan Erma Prihastanti). Pertumbuhan akar merupakan faktor terpenting pada teknik perbanyakan secara stek karena setelah terbentuk akar dengan baik, maka kemampuan stek untuk membentuk tunas akan lebih baik. Rootone-F sering digunakan untuk usaha pembibitan dengan stek batang karena dapat merangsang pembentukan akar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi Rootone-F dan lama perendaman terhadap pertumbuhan stek batang poko dan mengetahui interaksi antara keduanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November sampai dengan Desember 2000 di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat Tawangmangu„ Karanganyar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan secara faktorial 4 X 3 dengan pola dasar Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor dan diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi Rootone-F yang terdiri dari empat taraf yaitu 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm dan 300 ppm. Faktor kedua adalah lama perendaman yang terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu 1 jam, 10 jam dan 20 jam. Parameter yang diamati meliputi jumlah akar, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan berat basah tanaman. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan anova pada taraf signifikan 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian konsentrasi Rootone-F 200 dan 300 ppm dengan lama perendaman 20 jam memberikan rata-rata terbaik terhadap jumlah akar, tinggi, jumlah daun dan berat basah tanaman poko serta tidak terdapat interaksi antara konsentrasi dan lama perendaman

    How Does the Environmental Approach Work in Learning Materials Responding to an Issue About the Covid-19 Pandemic?

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    Language is something important that we always use in our daily life. Language is increasingly developing along with the progress of the times, as well as in Indonesian which is increasingly advanced and developing. In the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom, of course, they must refer to and be guided by the applicable curriculum. However, this seems to be something that feels heavy for educators because it requires a qualified understanding and ability to apply it. Learning methods and media are strategic combat tools for teachers in implementing the teaching and learning process. Learning methods tend to be prescriptive, which is relatively difficult to distinguish from learning strategies. Students are asked to be more sensitive to events or phenomena that occur in the surrounding environment, then make the learning material. One of the basic competencies that grade V students must achieve is being able to respond to an event or phenomenon. In order to understand more quickly, teachers can guide students by providing renewable themes, for example about the pandemic currently hitting the world, namely Coronavirus or COVID-19. &nbsp; Keywords: environmental approach, responding to problems, the COVID-19 pandemic &nbsp; &nbsp; Abstrak &nbsp; Bahasa adalah sesuatu hal yang penting yang selalu kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bahasa semakin berkembang seiring dengan laju kemajuan zaman, begitupun dalam bahasa Indonesia yang kian maju dan berkembang. Dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas tentunya harus mengacu dan berpedoman kepada kurikulum yang berlaku. Namun, hal ini sepertinya menjadi suatu hal yang terasa berat bagi para pendidik karena hal itu memerlukan pemahaman dan kemampuan yang mumpuni untuk menerapkannya. Metode dan media pembelajaran adalah alat tempur dalam berstrategi bagi pengajar dalam pelaksaan proses belajar-mengajar. Metode pembelajaran cenderung preskriptif, yang relatif sulit dibedakan dengan strategi pembelajaran. Siswa diminta lebih peka terhadap peristiwa atau fenomena yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitarnya, lalu menjadikan bahan pelajarannya. Salah satu kompetensi dasar yang harus dicapai siswa kelas V adalah mampu menanggapi suatu peristiwa atau fenomena. Agar lebih cepat memahami, guru bisa membimbing siswa dengan memberikan tema yang terbarukan, misalnya tentang pandemi yang sedang melanda dunia, yaitu Coronavirus atau COVID-19. Kata kunci: pendekatan lingkungan, menanggapi persoalan, pandemi COVID-1
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