219 research outputs found

    Next Steps for Access to Safe, Secure DNA Synthesis

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    The DNA synthesis industry has, since the invention of gene-length synthesis, worked proactively to ensure synthesis is carried out securely and safely. Informed by guidance from the U.S. government, several of these companies have collaborated over the last decade to produce a set of best practices for customer and sequence screening prior to manufacture. Taken together, these practices ensure that synthetic DNA is used to advance research that is designed and intended for public benefit. With increasing scale in the industry and expanding capability in the synthetic biology toolset, it is worth revisiting current practices to evaluate additional measures to ensure the continued safety and wide availability of DNA synthesis. Here we encourage specific steps, in part derived from successes in the cybersecurity community, that can ensure synthesis screening systems stay well ahead of emerging challenges, to continue to enable responsible research advances. Gene synthesis companies, science and technology funders, policymakers, and the scientific community as a whole have a shared duty to continue to minimize risk and maximize the safety and security of DNA synthesis to further power world-changing developments in advanced biological manufacturing, agriculture, drug development, healthcare, and energy

    Rapid creation and quantitative monitoring of high coverage shRNA libraries.

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    Short hairpin RNA libraries are limited by low efficacy of many shRNAs and by off-target effects, which give rise to false negatives and false positives, respectively. Here we present a strategy for rapidly creating expanded shRNA pools (approximately 30 shRNAs per gene) that are analyzed by deep sequencing (EXPAND). This approach enables identification of multiple effective target-specific shRNAs from a complex pool, allowing a rigorous statistical evaluation of true hits

    Structure-guided SCHEMA recombination generates diverse chimeric channelrhodopsins

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    Integral membrane proteins (MPs) are key engineering targets due to their critical roles in regulating cell function. In engineering MPs, it can be extremely challenging to retain membrane localization capability while changing other desired properties. We have used structure-guided SCHEMA recombination to create a large set of functionally diverse chimeras from three sequence-diverse channelrhodopsins (ChRs). We chose 218 ChR chimeras from two SCHEMA libraries and assayed them for expression and plasma membrane localization in human embryonic kidney cells. The majority of the chimeras express, with 89% of the tested chimeras outperforming the lowest-expressing parent; 12% of the tested chimeras express at even higher levels than any of the parents. A significant fraction (23%) also localize to the membrane better than the lowest-performing parent ChR. Most (93%) of these well-localizing chimeras are also functional light-gated channels. Many chimeras have stronger light-activated inward currents than the three parents, and some have unique off-kinetics and spectral properties relative to the parents. An effective method for generating protein sequence and functional diversity, SCHEMA recombination can be used to gain insights into sequence–function relationships in MPs

    Syndrome du croisement et ses liens avec le travail

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    RésuméLe syndrome du croisement est une pathologie peu fréquente, souvent méconnue par les non-spécialistes de la main, liée au frottement entre le long abducteur et court extenseur du pouce (tendons du premier compartiment de la face dorsale du carpe) et le court et long extenseurs du carpe (deuxième compartiment). Bien que ce syndrome soit connu depuis le xixe siècle, ses liens avec le travail ont été peu décrits, mais semblent exister, en particulier associés à une hypersollicitation des structures tendineuses lors des mouvements répétitifs ou à un traumatisme local avec choc direct. L’objectif de ce travail est de faire une mise au point sur le syndrome du croisement et ses liens avec le travail. Après un bref rappel historique, nous rappellerons la faible prévalence de cette pathologie, ses anatomie et physiopathologie (bien que toujours discutée). Le diagnostic reste avant tout clinique, associant douleur et œdème du bord radial du dos du poignet. Nous survolerons ensuite les aspects thérapeutiques et reverrons les études qui abordent ses liens avec le travail, en particulier un recensement des situations de travail impliquées dans sa genèse

    RepSeq-A database of amino acid repeats present in lower eukaryotic pathogens

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    BACKGROUND Amino acid repeat-containing proteins have a broad range of functions and their identification is of relevance to many experimental biologists. In human-infective protozoan parasites (such as the Kinetoplastid and Plasmodium species), they are implicated in immune evasion and have been shown to influence virulence and pathogenicity. RepSeq http://repseq.gugbe.com is a new database of amino acid repeat-containing proteins found in lower eukaryotic pathogens. The RepSeq database is accessed via a web-based application which also provides links to related online tools and databases for further analyses. RESULTS The RepSeq algorithm typically identifies more than 98% of repeat-containing proteins and is capable of identifying both perfect and mismatch repeats. The proportion of proteins that contain repeat elements varies greatly between different families and even species (3 - 35% of the total protein content). The most common motif type is the Sequence Repeat Region (SRR) - a repeated motif containing multiple different amino acid types. Proteins containing Single Amino Acid Repeats (SAARs) and Di-Peptide Repeats (DPRs) typically account for 0.5 - 1.0% of the total protein number. Notable exceptions are P. falciparum and D. discoideum, in which 33.67% and 34.28% respectively of the predicted proteomes consist of repeat-containing proteins. These numbers are due to large insertions of low complexity single and multi-codon repeat regions. CONCLUSION The RepSeq database provides a repository for repeat-containing proteins found in parasitic protozoa. The database allows for both individual and cross-species proteome analyses and also allows users to upload sequences of interest for analysis by the RepSeq algorithm. Identification of repeat-containing proteins provides researchers with a defined subset of proteins which can be analysed by expression profiling and functional characterisation, thereby facilitating study of pathogenicity and virulence factors in the parasitic protozoa. While primarily designed for kinetoplastid work, the RepSeq algorithm and database retain full functionality when used to analyse other species

    Systematic screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions: Still debatable

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assessing people's ability to drive has become a public health concern in most industrialized countries. Although age itself is not a predictive factor of an increased risk for dangerous driving, the prevalence of medical conditions that may impair driving increases with age. Because the implementation of a screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions is a public health issue, its usefulness should be judged using standardised criteria already proposed for screening for chronic disease. The aim of this paper is to propose standardised criteria suitable to assess the scientific validity of screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions, and identify potential issues to be clarified before screening can be implemented and effective.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Using criteria developed for screening for chronic diseases and published studies on driving with medical conditions, we specify six criteria to judge the opportunity of screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions. This adaptation was needed because of the complexity of the natural history of medical conditions and their potential consequences on driving and road safety. We then illustrate that published studies pleading for or against screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions fail to provide the needed documentation. Individual criteria were mentioned in 3 to 72% of 36 papers pleading for or against screening. Quantitative estimates of relevant indicators were provided in at most 42% of papers, and some data, such as the definition of an appropriate unsafe driving period were never provided.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>The standardised framework described in this paper provides a template for assessing the effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) of proposed measures for screening for unsafe driving due to medical conditions. Even if most criteria were mentioned in the published literature pleading for or against such a screening, the failure to find quantitative and evidence-based estimates of relevant indicators provides useful insight for further research.</p