2 research outputs found

    Direct block scheduling technology: Analysis of Avidity

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    <div><p>Abstract This study is focused on Direct Block Scheduling testing (Direct Multi-Period Scheduling methodology) which schedules mine production considering the correct discount factor of each mining block, resulting in the final pit. Each block is analyzed individually in order to define the best target period. This methodology presents an improvement of the classical methodology derived from Lerchs-Grossmann's initial proposition improved by Whittle. This paper presents the differences between these methodologies, specially focused on the algorithms' avidity. Avidity is classically defined by the voracious search algorithms, whereupon some of the most famous greedy algorithms are Branch and Bound, Brutal Force and Randomized. Strategies based on heuristics can accentuate the voracity of the optimizer system. The applied algorithm use simulated annealing combined with Tabu Search. The most avid algorithm can select the most profitable blocks in early periods, leading to higher present value in the first periods of mine operation. The application of discount factors to blocks on the Lerchs-Grossmann's final pit has an accentuated effect with time, and this effect may make blocks scheduled for the end of the mine life unfeasible, representing a trend to a decrease in reported reserves.</p></div

    Classical and stochastic mine planning techniques, state of the art and trends

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    <div><p>Abstract Determination of the best possible ultimate pit for an open pit mine is a fundamental subject that has undergone a highly evolutionary process, reviewed in this study, since the correct choice carries substantial economic impact for the industry. The correct choice can be very beneficial for project analysis, whereas an incorrect choice has the potential to mask huge financial and economic future losses that could render a project unfeasible. The advent of computers in the 1960s allowed sophisticated analysis for the selection of the best ultimate pit determination, under specific modifying factors such as economic, social, environmental, and political, but only in deterministic situations, i.e., when the problem and variables for the ultimate pit determinations were considered deterministically and almost always based on average values. Techniques such as the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm and mixed-integer programming are among many standard tools now used by the mineral industry. Geological uncertainty and the associated risks as well as the need to consider the appropriate time to mine a block during a mine operation have a significant impact on the net present value of the resulting ultimate pits. Stochastic aspects embed a probabilistic component that varies in time and are now under intense investigation by researchers, who are creating algorithms that can be experimented with and tested in real mine situations. One can expect that once these algorithms demonstrate their efficiency and superior results, they will readily dominate the industry.</p></div