23 research outputs found

    Basque Pig

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    Local pig breeds are adapted to the specific local environment and fed with various locally available feedstuffs. Besides their genetic merit for agro-biodiversity, they represent the basis for sustainable local pork chains. The present chapter aims to present history and current status of the Basque pig breed, its exterior phenotypic characteristics, geographical location, production system and main products. This French autochthonous breed of pigs, which almost disappeared few decades ago, seems now consolidated, thanks to a chain organization and recognised high-quality products (Protected Designation of Origin). Reproductive performance data reviewed from the literature and estimated from the LIGERAL database (herdbook) are presented. Available data on production traits including growth (early, middle, late and overall growth), feed intake, body composition and carcass traits are also summarized. Meat quality traits (pH, colour, intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition) and back fat tissue characteristics (fatty acid profile) are also described. Studies on the Basque pig breed are scarce. Different production systems, feeding regimes and feed composition used among studies can explain differences observed between studies, especially for productive traits. However, the current review gives insight into the reproduction, production and carcass and meat quality traits of this local pig breed

    Gascon Pig

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    The present chapter aims to present history and current status of Gascon pig breed, one of the local pig breeds investigated in the project TREASURE. This French autochthonous breed of pigs, which almost disappeared, now enjoys a new boom. The quality of its product is recognized by the consumers and by official quality labels (Protected Designation of Origin). Exterior phenotypic characteristics of the breed, geographical location, production system and main products are described. Reproductive performance data available in the literature and estimated from the LIGERAL database (herdbook) are presented. Literature data on production traits are also summarized for growth (early, middle, late and overall growth), feed intake, body composition and carcass traits. Meat quality traits (pH, colour, intramuscular fat content and composition) and fat tissue characteristics (fatty acid profile) are also described. Studies on Gascon pig breed are scarce and variability between studies, especially regarding productive traits, can be explained by differences in production systems, feeding regimes and feed composition according to studies. Nevertheless, the current review gives updated insights into the reproduction, production and quality traits of this local pig breed

    Etude consommateurs sur les produits traditionnels de porcs de race locale : attentes et évaluation hédonique

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    Assessing consumers’ acceptability of traditional pork products (TPP) from local breeds is part of evaluating the sustainability of local chains. Expectations and hedonic perception of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Noir de Bigorre (NB) dry-cured ham produced from the pure Gascon breed were assessed. The study was conducted in Toulouse (France), as an expanding market for TPP, with 124 consumers who regularly purchased TPP (quota sampling method). Three products were used: “NB-PDO dry-cured ham 24-month curing – local pig breed in extensive system” (NB24), “NB-PDO dry-cured ham 36-month curing – local pig breed in extensive system” (NB36) as an innovative TPP to enhance sensory quality, and “Iberian ham – 50% Iberian pig” (IB) as a competing product. Following the expectation disconfirmation theory, the sensory test included three phases: blind (tasting without information), expected (product description only) and actual liking (tasting with information), using a 9-point scale from 1 (extremely dislike) to 9 (extremely like). Data were analysed using a mixed linear model including the effects of product, phase, interaction between product and phase, consumer session as random, and considering repeated measures within consumer. The blind hedonic test showed no differences (P>0.05) among products, which all had high blind liking scores (6.7-6.8). Product description strongly influenced expected liking (P<0.001), with a higher score for NB36 than NB24 (7.8 vs 7.2, respectively, P<0.05) and the lowest score for IB (5.2). The informed hedonic test showed higher actual liking scores for NB36 and NB24, which were similar, than for IB (7.4 and 7.2 vs 5.9, respectively, P<0.001). Both NB hams had higher actual liking than blind liking scores (P<0.05), denoting a positive effect of information on acceptability. Actual liking was similar to expected liking for NB24, indicating fulfilment of hedonic expectations. In contrast, actual liking was lower than blind liking for IB (P<0.05). This study will be supplemented by a study of consumer preferences and willingness to pay.Postprint (published version

    Etude consommateurs sur les produits traditionnels de porcs de race locale : attentes et évaluation hédonique

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    Assessing consumers’ acceptability of traditional pork products (TPP) from local breeds is part of evaluating the sustainability of local chains. Expectations and hedonic perception of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Noir de Bigorre (NB) dry-cured ham produced from the pure Gascon breed were assessed. The study was conducted in Toulouse (France), as an expanding market for TPP, with 124 consumers who regularly purchased TPP (quota sampling method). Three products were used: “NB-PDO dry-cured ham 24-month curing – local pig breed in extensive system” (NB24), “NB-PDO dry-cured ham 36-month curing – local pig breed in extensive system” (NB36) as an innovative TPP to enhance sensory quality, and “Iberian ham – 50% Iberian pig” (IB) as a competing product. Following the expectation disconfirmation theory, the sensory test included three phases: blind (tasting without information), expected (product description only) and actual liking (tasting with information), using a 9-point scale from 1 (extremely dislike) to 9 (extremely like). Data were analysed using a mixed linear model including the effects of product, phase, interaction between product and phase, consumer session as random, and considering repeated measures within consumer. The blind hedonic test showed no differences (P>0.05) among products, which all had high blind liking scores (6.7-6.8). Product description strongly influenced expected liking (P<0.001), with a higher score for NB36 than NB24 (7.8 vs 7.2, respectively, P<0.05) and the lowest score for IB (5.2). The informed hedonic test showed higher actual liking scores for NB36 and NB24, which were similar, than for IB (7.4 and 7.2 vs 5.9, respectively, P<0.001). Both NB hams had higher actual liking than blind liking scores (P<0.05), denoting a positive effect of information on acceptability. Actual liking was similar to expected liking for NB24, indicating fulfilment of hedonic expectations. In contrast, actual liking was lower than blind liking for IB (P<0.05). This study will be supplemented by a study of consumer preferences and willingness to pay.Postprint (published version

    Consumers' expectations and liking of traditional and innovative pork products from European autochthonous pig breeds

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    The aim of the study was to ascertain the acceptability of Traditional (T) and Innovative (IT) pork products by European consumers considering also the influence of the sensory properties. The tests were performed in Barcelona, Bologna, Toulouse and Zagreb, with products from autochthonous pig breeds Porc Negre MallorquĂ­ (patties), Cinta Senese (dry-fermented sausages), Gascon-Noir de Bigorre (dry-cured hams) and Turopolje (dry-cured hams), respectively. The methodological approach relied on the expectancy-disconfirmation model and the assimilation theory (blind, expected and informed tests). All consumers had a similar behaviour: higher expectations of T and IT differentiating them significantly from the remaining products, except in Barcelona test, because consumers in this city were not acquainted with the production system. Innovation in T products focusing on healthy and process innovation highlighted the need to provide information about the breed and the production system, but we can conclude that the sensory quality had a significant role on the preferences of consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Survey of demographic and phenotypic data of local pig breeds of TREASURE project

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    The paper reports the results of a survey on the demographic and phenotypic characterization of 20 European local pig breeds involved in the H2020 TREASURE project including information on: demographic parameters, main morphological features, reproductive information, additional information collected at herd-level (i.e. temperament, holding, mating practices), origins and development of the breeds. Almost all the breeds (18 out of 20) possess a herd book even if the starting year is highly variable (from 1980 to 2006). Number of breeding females ranged from 24 (Moravka) to over 200,000 heads (Ibérico). Male/female ratio varied greatly with the highest values for the Italian breeds probably due to the different policy of animal recording. Almost all the breeds undergo a conservation program whereas really few are interested by other conservation techniques and for less than five breeds data related to effective number and inbreeding coefficient are easily available. Average values for teat number, litter size and weaned piglets are 12, 8 and 6 respectively with a great potential for their improvement. The depicted scenario is highly diversified and the data collected represent the starting point for the achievement of a collective trademark under the umbrella of the TREASURE project

    Première expérience d'utilisation de semence de la Cryobanque Nationale comme outil de gestion de la variabilité génétique en race locale porcine

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    National audiencePreservation of genetic variability of local pig breeds lies on a rigorous management of matings. Semen stocks preserved in the national cryobank constitute a patrimonial safeguard intended to reconstitute breeds in case of extinction. The goal of the present experience is to use frozen semen of the national cryobank to manage genetic diversity in farms, thus showing the complementarities of in situ maintaining of local breeds and ex situ cryopreservation. Sows of Porc Blanc de l’Ouest (PBO) and Bayeux breeds have been herded together to be inseminated with semen from the cryobank. Animals have been chosen according to the coefficients of coancestry in order to give birth to animals lowly related to the active population. Four PBO sows farrowed 28 piglets of which 14 males. Four boars and 9 gilts born from frozen semen have been kept for reproduction on farms and 2 boars entered an AI centre to complete the national cryobank. On the other hand, only one Bayeux out of 7 farrowed. This poor performance can be linked to parity (multiparous) and sow’s behaviour in group, to inbreeding of sows and to sanitary problems. As far as breeding conditions are well controlled, frozen semen can be used to manage genetic variability of breeds in conservation.Le maintien de la variabilité génétique des races locales porcines repose sur une gestion rigoureuse des accouplements. Le stock de semences conservées dans la Cryobanque Nationale constitue une sauvegarde du patrimoine destiné à permettre la reconstitution d'une race en cas d'extinction. L’expérience concerne l’utilisation des stocks de la Cryobanque Nationale pour gérer la variabilité en élevage, montrant ainsi la complémentarité des outils de conservation in situ et ex situ. Quatre truies Porc Blanc de l'Ouest (PBO) et 7 truies Bayeux ont été regroupées sur un site pour être inséminées avec de la semence conservée dans la cryobanque. Les reproducteurs ont été choisis sur des critères de parenté de façon à recréer des animaux faiblement apparentés avec la population active. Les quatre truies PBO ont mis bas 28 porcelets dont 14 mâles. Quatre verrats et neuf cochettes nés à partir de semence congelée sont partis en élevages pour la reproduction et deux verrats sont entrés en CIA pour compléter les stocks de semence de la cryobanque. En revanche, en race Bayeux, une seule truie sur sept a mis bas. Pour cette race, les mauvais résultats de reproduction peuvent être attribués à la parité (multipares) des truies et à leur comportement après regroupement, à leur consanguinité élevée ainsi qu’à des problèmes sanitaires. La semence congelée peut donc être utilisée pour gérer la variabilité génétique dans le cadre de la conservation de races sous réserve de maîtrise des conditions d’élevage