1,453 research outputs found

    Equation solving program for aerodynamic lifting surface theory

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    A description of and user's manual are presented for one of a group of FORTRAN programs which, together, can be used for the analysis and design of wings in steady, subsonic flow according to a kernel function method lifting surface theory. This particular program is the one which solves the sets of simultaneous, linear, algebraic equations arising from the thin wing analysis. This program has the capability of striking out rows and columns of the aerodynamic influence matrix and rows of the associated boundary condition vectors (right hand sides). This capability significantly enhances the effectiveness of the kernel function method of lifting surface theory because studies of the convergence of solutions with the number of control points can be done with the calculation of only a single influence matrix

    Laser velocimeter measurements of two-bladed helicopter rotor flow fields

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    Data from a wind tunnel investigation of the flow fields around helicopter rotors were presented. A two component laser velocimeter was used to measure the velocity fields of two 2.1 m diameter rotors. A minicomputer-based online data system is described which monitored, reduced, and plotted the results. Tip vortices constitute the primary disturbances in the flow field, but present theories do not predict vortex positions and velocity distributions with sufficient accuracy

    Ground State Energy of the One-Component Charged Bose Gas

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    The model considered here is the `jellium' model in which there is a uniform, fixed background with charge density eρ-e\rho in a large volume VV and in which N=ρVN=\rho V particles of electric charge +e+e and mass mm move --- the whole system being neutral. In 1961 Foldy used Bogolubov's 1947 method to investigate the ground state energy of this system for bosonic particles in the large ρ\rho limit. He found that the energy per particle is 0.402rs3/4me4/2-0.402 r_s^{-3/4} {me^4}/{\hbar^2} in this limit, where rs=(3/4πρ)1/3e2m/2r_s=(3/4\pi \rho)^{1/3}e^2m/\hbar^2. Here we prove that this formula is correct, thereby validating, for the first time, at least one aspect of Bogolubov's pairing theory of the Bose gasComment: 38 pages latex. Typos corrected.Lemma 6.2 change

    Анализ современных технологий заводнения при разработке нефтяных месторождений

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    Объектом исследования являются системы заводнения применяемые на месторождениях России Цель работы – анализ современных технологий заводнения при разработке нефтяных месторождений, а также обоснование применения технологий заводнения с целью увеличения темпов отбора, коэффициента нефтеизвлечения, технико-экономических показателей. В выпускной квалификационной работе приведены сведения о современных технологиях заводнения, применяемых на месторождениях России. Проведены расчеты экономической эффективности при внедрении нестационарного метода заводнения. Проанализирован процесс работы методов заводнения в условиях месторождений России. Бакалаврская работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word, и Microsoft Excel.The object of the study are the waterflooding systems used in the fields of Russia The aim of the work is the analysis of modern flooding technologies in the development of oil fields, as well as the rationale for using flooding technologies to increase the rate of selection, the oil recovery factor, and the technical and economic indicators. In the final qualification work information on modern water flooding technologies used in the fields of Russia is given. Calculations of economic efficiency are implemented in the introduction of the non-stationary flooding method. The process of work of flooding methods in the conditions of Russian deposits is analyzed. Bachelor's work is executed in the text editor Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel

    Evelopment of the model of diagnosis of the risk of bankruptcy

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    The article presents an overview of foreign and domestic models for the diagnosis of bankruptcy risk, and gives a brief description of them. Also considered the development of our own model of bankruptcy risk diagnostics for Russian enterprise

    Оптимизация процесса технического контроля

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    Объектом настоящего исследования является процесс технического контроля ПАО "ЗиО-Подольск". Предметом исследования являются теоретические и практические вопросы оптимизации технического контроля для улучшения производственной деятельности организации. Цель работы – оптимизация процесса технического контроля. В процессе работы проанализирован и структурирован материал по теме технического контроля. Исследован процесс "Оптимизация процесса оформления и учета актов о браке" предприятия, а также был предложен способ оптимизации данного процесса. Результатом работы является предложение по оптимизации процесса "Оформление и учет актов о браке".The object of this study is the process of technical control of ZiO-Podolsk PJSC. The subject of the study is the theoretical and practical issues of optimizing technical control to improve the production activities of the organization. The purpose of the work is to optimize the process of technical control. In the process, the material on the topic of technical control is analyzed and structured. The process "Optimization of the process of registration and registration of acts of marriage" of the enterprise was investigated, and a method for optimizing this process was also proposed. The result of the work is a proposal to optimize the process “Registration and registration of marriage certificates”

    f0(980) meson as a K bar K molecule in a phenomenological Lagrangian approach

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    We discuss a possible interpretation of the f0(980) meson as a hadronic molecule - a bound state of K and bar K mesons. Using a phenomenological Lagrangian approach we calculate the strong f0(980) to pi pi and electromagnetic f0(980) to gamma gamma decays. The compositeness condition provides a self-consistent method to determine the coupling constant between f0 and its constituents, K and bar K. Form factors governing the decays of the f0(980) are calculated by evaluating the kaon loop integrals. The predicted f0(980) to pi pi and f0(980) to gamma gamma decay widths are in good agreement with available data and results of other theoretical approaches.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Разработка основного оборудования получения металлического лития

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    Объектом исследования является выпарной аппарат установки получения металлического лития, находящейся в ОАО "НЗХК" (Новосибирский завод химконцентратов). Целью работы были проектирование и исследование выпарного аппарата с центральной циркуляционной трубой и подвесной греющей камерой. Преимущества аппарата с подвесной греющей камерой. Для достижения поставленной цели были решены следующие задачи: анализ конструкций аппаратов; произведен конструктивный и механический расчеты; сравнение полученных расчетов.The object of study is evaporating apparatus unit for production of lithium metal located in the Novosibirsk chemical concentrates plant (Novosibirsk chemical concentrates plant). The aim of this work was the design and study of evaporator with the Central circulation pipe and the suspended heating chamber. The advantages of the apparatus with overhead heating chamber. To achieve this goal have been resolved following tasks: analysis of equipment designs; produced structural and mechanical calculations; comparison of the calculations