10,219 research outputs found

    On the Herbrand content of LK

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    We present a structural representation of the Herbrand content of LK-proofs with cuts of complexity prenex Sigma-2/Pi-2. The representation takes the form of a typed non-deterministic tree grammar of order 2 which generates a finite language of first-order terms that appear in the Herbrand expansions obtained through cut-elimination. In particular, for every Gentzen-style reduction between LK-proofs we study the induced grammars and classify the cases in which language equality and inclusion hold.Comment: In Proceedings CL&C 2016, arXiv:1606.0582

    There Goes the Neighborhood? Estimates of the Impact of Crime Risk on Property Values From Megan's Laws

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    We combine data from the housing market with data from the North Carolina Sex Offender Registry to estimate how individuals value living in close proximity to a convicted criminal. We use the exact location of sex offenders to exploit variation in the threat of crime within small homogenous groupings of homes, and we use the timing of sex offenders' arrivals to control for baseline property values in the area. We find statistically and economically significant negative effects of sex offenders' locations that are extremely localized. Houses within a one-tenth mile area around the home of a sex offender fall by 4 percent on average (about 5,500).Wealsofindevidencethattheeffectvarieswithdistancewithinthisrangehousesnexttoanoffendersellforabout12percentlesswhilethoseatenthofamileawayormoreshownodecline.Wecombineourwillingnesstopayestimateswithdataonsexualcrimesagainstneighborstoestimatethecoststovictimsofsexualoffenses.Weestimatecostsofover5,500). We also find evidence that the effect varies with distance within this range -- houses next to an offender sell for about 12 percent less while those a tenth of a mile away or more show no decline. We combine our willingness-to-pay estimates with data on sexual crimes against neighbors to estimate the costs to victims of sexual offenses. We estimate costs of over 1 million per victim -- far in excess of estimates taken from the criminal justice literature. However, we cannot reject the alternative hypotheses that individuals overestimate the risk posed by offenders or view living near an offender as having costs exclusive of crime risk.

    Penalized or Privileged? Sexual Identity, Gender, and Postsecondary Educational Attainment

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    Citation: Fine, L. E. (2015). Penalized or Privileged? Sexual Identity, Gender, and Postsecondary Educational Attainment. American Journal of Education, 121(2), 271-297. doi:10.1086/679393Prior literature on educational attainment indicates that there is both a female advantage and an LGB bonus: women are more likely to have earned bachelor's degrees than men, and lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) persons are more likely to have earned a bachelor's degree than heterosexuals. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, I run logistic regressions on respondents' likelihood of having a bachelor's degree as a function of both gender and sexuality. I find that the female advantage and LGB bonus do not hold for sexual minority women, who are the gender and sexuality group least likely to have completed college

    Large Pore Ion and Metabolite-Permeable Channel Regulation of Postnatal Ventricular Zone Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells: Interplay between Aquaporins, Connexins, and Pannexins?

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    The birth of new neurons from unspecialized neural stem and progenitor cells surrounding the lateral ventricles occurs throughout postnatal life. This process, termed neurogenesis, is complex and multistepped, encompassing several types of cellular behaviours, such as proliferation, differentiation, and migration. These behaviours are influenced by numerous factors present in the unique, permissive microenvironment. A major cellular mechanism for sensing the plethora of environmental cues directing this process is the presence of different channel forming proteins spanning the plasma membrane. So-called large pore membrane channels, which are selective for the passage of specific types of small molecules and ions, are emerging as an important subgroup of channel proteins. Here, we focus on the roles of three such large pore channels, aquaporin 4, connexin 43, and pannexin 1. We highlight both their independent functions as well as the accumulating evidence for crosstalk between them

    Listening in on the Conversations: An Overview of Digital Humanities Pedagogy

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    The Power of the Puff: Mary Robinson’s Celebrity and the Success of Walsingham

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    The influence of early questions on learning from text

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    In this research we explored the use of short-answer questions to improve learning from chapter-like texts (3395 words). Experiment 1 investigated the influence of pre-questions on recall from a text passage when tested a week later; two question sets were counterbalanced within the experimental group. Participants with pre-questions scored higher both overall (d = 3.6, 95%CI [2.4, 4.8]) and on novel questions (d = 2.0 [1.6, 2.4]). In Experiment 2, questions were made available immediately after studying the text either alongside the text, open-book, or closed-book with the opportunity to check answers, or not at all with additional study time. Learning was tested after a week. Although the immediate test scores were substantially higher for open- than closed-book tests, week-delayed performance on the same items was much worse for open-book tests and was moderately improved for closed-book tests. For seen questions, closed-book tests led to better delayed recall than did open-book tests, d = 0.7 [0.02, 1.5]. For novel questions, observed differences were small; ds = .2 [-0.6, 0.9] for both comparisons

    Safe Is Not Enough: Better Schools for LGBTQ Students

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    Citation: Fine, L. E. (2017). Safe Is Not Enough: Better Schools for LGBTQ Students. American Journal of Education, 123(3), 517-521. Retrieved from ://WOS:000399665200007The preponderance of literature related to LGBTQ youth prior to the mid-2000s tended to focus on the ways in which claiming a minority sexual or gender identity led to persistent disadvantage in American society. Schools in particular were found to be spaces where homophobia and transphobia were omnipresent, leaving queer young people with low self-esteem, high levels of fear, and numerous reports of vicitimization (D’Augelli et al. 2001; van Wormer and McKinney 2003). Since the mid-2000s, though, a new stream of literature has begun to explore the ways in which LGBTQ youth are resilient and in what contexts they thrive (McCormack 2012; Savin-Williams 2005). Michael Sadowski’s book Safe Is Not Enough: Better Schools for LGBTQ Students is an important contribution to the latter tradition

    Brazil\u27s Informatics Bargaining Chip: Playing The Third World Card

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