139 research outputs found

    Guanabenz in the horse – A preliminary report on clinical effects and comparison to clonidine and other alpha-2 adrenergic agonists

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    In veterinary medicine, a number of alpha-2 receptor agonists are marketed as sedatives/hypnotics and analgesics, with their principal use being the chemical restraint of large and small animals. Guanabenz (Wytensin®) is an alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist marketed for use in humans as an anti-hypertensive agent. Recent reports indicate that guanabenz has been administered to horses in small doses (0.04 mg/kg) for its anti-hypertensive effects. While this offers both benefits of sedation of the horse as well as amelioration of pulmonary hypertension during running exercise and consequent Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH), guanabenz is currently proscribed in most racing jurisdictions and its administration to a racing horse can lead to penalties. The Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) lists guanabenz as an ARCI Class 3 agent; Class 3 agents include bronchodilators, anabolic steroids and other drugs with primary effects on the autonomic nervous system, procaine, antihistamines with sedative properties and diuretics and includes amitraz, clonidine, xylazine, detomidine, medetomidine, and romifidine. Guanabenz is unique among alpha-2 agonists in that it differentiates into E- and Z-forms (Fig. 1), with the Z-form lacking hypotensive properties, yet with both E- and Z-forms able to afford relief to cellular stresses related to inflammation or degenerative diseases. The objective of the study was a preliminary description of the pharmacological properties of guanabenz in comparison with clonidine and a number of other alpha-2 agonists. The goal was clinical evaluation of their sedative, analgesic and related activities with the goal of increasing our understanding of the clinical use of such medications and also as a possible prophylaxis for Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage. The clinical study of guanabenz and clonidine was performed in a complete crossover strategy using quantitative markers of sedation, antinociception, heart rate, blood and urine glucose following administration of each compound in five horses. Amitraz, detomidine, medetomidine, romifidine, and xylazine were studied in one horse each. The sedation was quantified by measuring head droop and locomotor activity, while antinociception was measured by Hoof Withdrawal Reflex Latency. Heart rates, urine glucose, urine production and urine specific gravities were also determined by standard clinical chemistry techniques. Guanabenz serum levels and related urinary guanabenz glucuronide levels were determined by established Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometric (LC-MS) methods. In result the clinically effective doses (0.2 mg/kg) of guanabenz produced a rapid and intense sedative effect, with sagging of the lower lip, sunken eyelids, and marked head droop corresponding to plasma guanabenz concentrations that peaked at 120 ng/mL at 2.5 min post-injection (Fig. 2). The initial head height above the ground is considered 100 %, and head heights fell to values ranging 18–40 % with guanabenz, all of which are greater than a 50 % reduction in head height, considered a full clinically useful sedative effect. Despite the intensity of the sedation, all horses remained standing and were able to walk, and the sedation and head droop responses were rapidly reversed by intravenous administration of the alpha-2 receptor antagonist yohimbine, reversals occurring within 10 min of administration. As a pilot investigation this study was extended to six other members of the alpha-2 agonist group, clonidine administered to five horses, and amitraz, detomidine, medetomidine, romifidine, and xylazine to one horse each. Hoof Withdrawal Reflex Latency evaluation demonstrated the considerable analgesic properties of guanabenz, greater than the corresponding potencies among clonidine, detomidine, romifidine, medetomidine and xylazine. Heart rate monitoring showed guanabenz as possessing capacity for prolonged bradycardia, with effects of a single dose lasting for up to 3.5 hr, in contrast with clonidine (1 hr), amitraz (2 hr), detomidine (<1 hr), medetomidine (1 hr), romifidine (2 hr), and xylazine (<1 hr). Peak urine production following guanabenz administration occurred between 1.5 and 3.0 hr after administration (Fig. 6), as indicated by the steeper decline of the urine volume curve during that period. Urine specific gravity dropped to a low of about 1.006 at 2.0 hr after administration and remained at this level for ~1.0 hr. Urine pH remained at 8, and urine protein was negative throughout testing. The other alpha-2 agonists evaluated also caused an increased urine production with a concomitant decrease in specific gravity. The effect of guanabenz had the longest duration on increased urine volume, lasting about 3.0 hr. Xylazine had the shortest diuretic effect, persisting for only about 1.0 hr. Guanabenz along with romifidine and detomidine induced glucosuria whereas other alpha-2 agonists did not. Hyperglycemia and the corresponding glucosuria resulted in a significant diuresis, as shown by the cumulative urine volume. Guanabenz along with amitraz, detomidine and xylazine also produced measurable sedation presenting as reduced locomotor activity (Table 1). While all alpha-2 agonists showed qualitatively similar pharmacological responses, only guanabenz produced an intense and relatively prolonged antinociceptive response. The study is limited by the number of horses examined (five each for guanabenz and clonidine, five for repeat studies that included yohimbine antagonism, and one each for the other agonists). Study design was focused on clinical evaluation of agonist similarities and differences and thus did not specifically generate data for detailed statistical evaluation. In conclusion these studies show that a 100 mg IV dose of guanabenz rapidly induces clinically useful sedation, analgesia and antinociception effects that are more intense and considerably longer-lasting than those produced by other alpha-2 receptor agonists evaluated. Guanabenz also remains detectable in serum up to 8-hours following administration at doses as low as 0.04 mg/kg. In the work reported here, guanabenz administered at 0.2 mg/kg IV showed peak concentrations in serum of 120 ng/mL at 2.5 min and was detectable for up to 4 hr with its glucuronide metabolite peaking at 120 min post-administration. Although we did not investigate the combination of guanabenz with opioid drugs such as butorphanol for pain management, guanabenz may well be a drug of choice among the other alpha-2 agonists evaluated in this study for administration with opioids for pain management based on maintaining maximum levels of analgesia for longer periods of time. These experiments suggest considerable clinical potential for guanabenz as a sedative and a relatively long-lasting analgesic in equine medicine. Based on these pharmacological properties, guanabenz and related alpha-2 agonists also have considerable potential for clinical use in equine medicin

    16S rRNA gene based analysis of Enterobacter sakazakii strains from different sources and development of a PCR assay for identification

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    BACKGROUND: E. sakazakii is considered to be an opportunistic pathogen, implicated in food borne diseases causing meningitis or enteritis especially in neonates and infants. Cultural standard identification procedures for E. sakazakii include the observation of yellow pigmentation of colonies and a positive [Image: see text] glucosidase activity. Up to now, only one PCR system based on a single available 16S rRNA gene sequence has been published for E. sakazakii identification. However, in our hands a preliminary evaluation of this system to a number of target and non-target strains showed significant specificity problems of this system. In this study full-length 16S rRNA genes of thirteen E. sakazakii strains from food, environment and human origin as well as the type strain ATCC 51329 were sequenced. Based on this sequence data a new specific PCR system for E. sakazakii was developed and evaluated. RESULTS: By phylogenetic analysis of the new full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence data obtained we could show the presence of a second phylogenetic distinct lineage within the E. sakazakii species. The newly developed 16S rRNA gene targeting PCR system allows identification of E. sakazakii strains from both lineages. The assay's ability to correctly identify different E. sakazakii isolates as well as to differentiate E. sakazakii from other closely related Enterobacteriaceae species and other microorganisms was shown on 75 target and non-target strains. CONCLUSION: By this study we are presenting a specific and reliable PCR identification system, which is able to correctly identify E. sakazakii isolates from both phylogenetic distinct lines within the E. sakazakii species. The impact of this second newly described phylogenetic line within the E. sakazakii species in view of clinical and food safety aspects need further investigation

    Resistance profiles and genetic diversity of Escherichia coli strains isolated from acute bovine mastitis

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    Between March 2011 and February 2012 83 E. coli strains were isolated from mastitis milk samples from 83 different animals (67 farms) and tested for their sensitivity to various antibiotics by means of disk diffusion method and genotyped by determination of the phylogenetic groups as well as by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The antibiotics were chosen on the basis of their licenses for intramammary application in Switzerland. As many as 16.9 % of the isolates were resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, gentamicin and third generation cephalosporins proved effective against the majority of these strains. Nevertheless, one blaCTX-M-14 harbouring extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase producing strain was found. Genetic analysis grouped most of the strains (87 %) into phylogenetic groups A and B1. PFGE genotyping demonstrated that E. coli from cows with mastitis even from the same farm were genotypically very diverse. = Entre mars 2011 et février 2012, 83 souches d'E. coli issues de 83 vaches différentes provenant de 67 exploitations ont été collectées et testées quant à leur sensibilité vis-à-vis de divers antibiotiques. Ces antibiotiques ont été choisis sur la base de leurs autorisations pour l'application intra mammaire en Suisse et le test a été effectué par diffusion sur gel d'agar. En outre toutes les souches ont été typisées quant à leur appartenance aux groupes phylogénétiques. 16.9 % des souches présentaient une résistance à un ou plusieurs antibiotiques. L'amoxicilline-acide clavulanique, la gentamicine et les céphalosporines de troisièmes générations se montraient efficaces contre la majorité des souches d'E. coli. On a toutefois trouvé une souche fabriquant un extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase qui portait le gène blaCTX-M-14. L'analyse génétique groupait la majorité des souches (87 %) dans les groupes phylogénétiques A et B1. La génotypisation par PFGE montrait une grande diversité entre les souches, même si elles provenaient de la même exploitation. = Zwischen März 2011 und Februar 2012 wurden 83 E. coli Stämme von 83 verschiedenen Kühen aus 67 Betrieben gesammelt und auf ihre Empfindlichkeit gegenüber verschiedenen Antibiotika getestet. Die Antibiotika wurden aufgrund der Zulassung für eine intramammäre Applikation in der Schweiz ausgesucht und die Empfindlichkeitstestung mittels Agardiffusions-Methode durchgeführt. Zudem wurden alle Stämme hinsichtlich ihrer Zugehörigkeit zu den phylogenetischen Gruppen wie auch mittels Pulsfeldgelelektrophorese (PFGE) genotypisiert. 16.9 % aller Stämme zeigten Resistenzen gegenüber einem oder mehreren Antibiotika. Amoxicillin-Clavulansäure, Gentamicin und Cephalosporine der dritten Generation erwiesen sind als wirksam gegen die Mehrheit der E. coli Stämme. Jedoch wurde ein extended-Spectrum-beta-Lactamase Bildner, welcher das blaCTX-M-14-Gen trägt, gefunden. Die genetische Analyse gruppierte das Gros der Stämme (87 %) in die phylogentischen Guppen A und B1. Die weitere Genotypisierung mittels PFGE zeigte eine grosse Diversität unter den E. coli Stämmen, auch wenn diese vom selben Betrieb stammten

    Comparison of two chromogenic media and evaluation of two molecular based identification systems for Enterobacter sakazakii detection

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    BACKGROUND: Enterobacter sakazakii is a foodborne pathogen that has been associated with sporadic cases and outbreaks causing meningitis, necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis especially in neonates. The current FDA detection method includes two enrichment steps, the subculturing of the second enrichment broth on a selective agar (VRBG), a further subculturing of selected grown colonies on TSA and the subsequent biochemical identification of yellow-pigmented colonies by API20E. However, there is a strong need for simplified methods for isolation and identification of E. sakazakii. In this study, two chromogenic media, which allow to indicate presumptive E. sakazakii colonies by the alpha glucosidase activity, as well as a newly developed 1,6-alpha-glucosidase based conventional PCR assay and a rRNA oligonucleotide probe based commercial test system for identification of presumptive E. sakazakii were evaluated on 98 target and non-target strains. The methods were compared with respect to specificity aspects. RESULTS: A total of 75 presumptive E. sakazakii and 23 non-target strains were analysed by using chromogenic media, alpha-glucosidase based PCR assay, and the VIT assay. For most presumptive E. sakazakii strains on the chromogenic media, the PCR and VIT assay confirmed the identification. However, for a number of presumptive E. sakazakii isolates from fruit powder, the alpha-glucosidase PCR and VIT assay did not correspond to the typical E. sakazakii colonies on DFI and ESIA. Further characterization by API32E identification, phylogenetic analysis of partial 16S rRNA sequences and ribotyping strongly suggested, that these strains did not belong to the species E. sakazakii. The newly developed alpha-glucosidase based PCR assay as well as the commercially available VIT Enterobacter sakazakii identification test showed an excellent correlation with the 16S rRNA data, and are thus well suited for identification of E. sakazakii. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that presumptive colonies on ESIA and DFI media need further species identification. Both evaluated molecular methods, the alpha-glucosidase PCR and the 16S RNA in situ hybridisation test (VIT), although based on completely different target regions and methodologies performed equally well in terms of specificity

    Cloning and characterization of Enterobacter sakazakii pigment genes and in situ spectroscopic analysis of the pigment

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    Enterobacter sakazakii is considered an opportunistic foodborne pathogen that is characterized by formation of yellow-pigmented colonies. Because of the lack of basic knowledge about Enterobacter sakazakii genetics, the BAC approach and the heterologous expression of the pigment in Escherichia coli were used to elucidate the molecular structure of the genes responsible for pigment production in Enterobacter sakazakii strain ES5. Sequencing and annotation of a 33.025 bp fragment revealed seven ORFs that could be assigned to the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. The gene cluster had the organization crtE-idi-XYIBZ, with the crtE-idi-XYIB genes putatively transcribed as an operon and the crtZ gene transcribed in the opposite orientation. The carotenogenic nature of the pigment of Enterobacter sakazakii wt was ascertained by in situ analysis using visible microspectroscopy and resonance Raman microspectroscop

    Oligonucleotide microarray for identification of Enterococcus species

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    For detection of most members of the Enterococcaceae, the specificity of a novel oligonucleotide microarray (ECC-PhyloChip) consisting of 41 hierarchically nested 16S or 23S rRNA gene-targeted probes was evaluated with 23 pure cultures (including 19 Enterococcus species). Target nucleic acids were prepared by PCR amplification of a 4.5-kb DNA fragment containing large parts of the 16S and 23S rRNA genes and were subsequently labeled fluorescently by random priming. Each tested member of the Enterococcaceae was correctly identified on the basis of its unique microarray hybridization pattern. The evaluated ECC-PhyloChip was successfully applied for identification of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis in artificially contaminated milk samples demonstrating the utility of the ECC-PhyloChip for parallel identification and differentiation of Enterococcus species in food sample

    Endophytic root colonization of gramineous plants by Herbaspirillum frisingense

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    Herbaspirillum frisingense is a diazotrophic betaproteobacterium isolated from C4-energy plants, for example Miscanthus sinensis. To demonstrate endophytic colonization unequivocally, immunological labeling techniques using monospecific polyclonal antibodies against two H. frisingense strains and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fluorescence tagging were applied. The polyclonal antibodies enabled specific in situ identification and very detailed localization of H. frisingense isolates Mb11 and GSF30T within roots of MiscanthusĂ—giganteus seedlings. Three days after inoculation, cells were found inside root cortex cells and after 7 days they were colonizing the vascular tissue in the central cylinder. GFP-tagged H. frisingense strains could be detected and localized in uncut root material by confocal laser scanning microscopy and were found as endophytes in cortex cells, intercellular spaces and the central cylinder of barley roots. Concerning the production of potential plant effector molecules, H. frisingense strain GSF30T tested positive for the production of indole-3-acetic acid, while Mb11 was shown to produce N-acylhomoserine lactones, and both strains were able to utilize 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC), providing an indication of the activity of an ACC-deaminase. These results clearly present H. frisingense as a true plant endophyte and, although initial greenhouse experiments did not lead to clear plant growth stimulation, demonstrate the potential of this species for beneficial effects on the growth of crop plant

    The taxonomy of Enterobacter sakazakii: proposal of a new genus Cronobacter gen. nov. and descriptions of Cronobacter sakazakii comb. nov. Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. sakazakii, comb. nov., Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. malonaticus subsp. nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp. nov., Cronobacter muytjensii sp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov. and Cronobacter genomospecies 1

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    BACKGROUND: Enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause infections such as necrotizing enterocolitis, bacteraemia, meningitis and brain abscess/lesions. When the species was defined in 1980, 15 biogroups were described and it was suggested that these could represent multiple species. In this study the taxonomic relationship of strains described as E. sakazakii was further investigated. RESULTS: Strains identified as E. sakazakii were divided into separate groups on the basis of f-AFLP fingerprints, ribopatterns and full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences. DNA-DNA hybridizations revealed five genomospecies. The phenotypic profiles of the genomospecies were determined and biochemical markers identified. CONCLUSION: This study clarifies the taxonomy of E. sakazakii and proposes a reclassification of these organisms

    Complete genome sequences and genomic characterization of five plasmids harbored by environmentally persistent Cronobacter sakazakii strains ST83 H322 and ST64 GK1025B obtained from powdered infant formula manufacturing facilities

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    Background: Cronobacter sakazakii is a foodborne pathogen that causes septicemia, meningitis, and necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates and infants. The current research details the full genome sequences of two extremely persistent C. sakazakii strains (H322 and GK1025B) isolated from powdered infant formula (PIF) manufacturing settings. In addition, the genetic attributes associated with five plasmids, pH322_1, pH322_2, pGK1025B_1, pGK1025B_2, and pGK1025B_3 are described. Materials and Methods: Using PacBio single-molecule real-time (SMRT®^{®}) sequencing technology, whole genome sequence (WGS) assemblies of C. sakazakii H322 [Sequence type (ST)83, clonal complex [CC] 83) and GK1025B (ST64, CC64) were generated. Plasmids, also sequenced, were aligned with phylogenetically related episomes to determine, and identify conserved and missing genomic regions. Results: A truncated ~ 13 Kbp type 6 secretion system (T6SS) gene cluster harbored on virulence plasmids pH322_2 and pGK1025B_2, and a second large deletion (~ 6 Kbp) on pH322_2, which included genes for a tyrosine-type recombinase/integrase, a hypothetical protein, and a phospholipase D was identified. Within the T6SS of pH322_2 and pGK1025B_2, an arsenic resistance operon was identified which is in common with that of plasmids pSP291_1 and pESA3. In addition, PHASTER analysis identified an intact 96.9 Kbp Salmonella SSU5 prophage gene cluster in pH322_1 and pGK1025B_1 and showed that these two plasmids were phylogenetically related to C. sakazakii plasmids: pCS1, pCsa767a, pCsaC757b, pCsaC105731a. Plasmid pGK1025B_3 was identified as a novel conjugative Cronobacter plasmid. Furthermore, WGS analysis identified a ~ 16.4 Kbp type 4 secretion system gene cluster harbored on pGK1025B_3, which contained a phospholipase D gene, a key virulence factor in several host–pathogen diseases. Conclusion: These data provide high resolution information on C. sakazakii genomes and emphasizes the need for furthering surveillance studies to link genotype to phenotype of strains from previous investigations. These results provide baseline data necessary for future in-depth investigations of C. sakazakii that colonize PIF manufacturing facility settings and genomic analyses of these two C. sakazakii strains and five associated plasmids will contribute to a better understanding of this pathogen's survival and persistence within various “built environments” like PIF manufacturing facilities

    The response of foodborne pathogens to osmotic and desiccation stresses in the food chain

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    peer-reviewedIn combination with other strategies, hyperosmolarity and desiccation are frequently used by the food processing industry as a means to prevent bacterial proliferation, and particularly that of foodborne pathogens, in food products. However, it is increasingly observed that bacteria, including human pathogens, encode mechanisms to survive and withstand these stresses. This review provides an overview of the mechanisms employed by Salmonella spp., Shiga toxin producing E. coli, Cronobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter spp. to tolerate osmotic and desiccation stresses and identifies gaps in knowledge which need to be addressed to ensure the safety of low water activity and desiccated food products
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