14 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to analyze the fundamental kinematic parameters and the technique used in RSG to perform the ‘leap jump’, the ‘leap jump with trunk extension and foot at head’, the ‘corso jump with trunk extension and foot at head’, and the ‘lateral removal jump’. These jumps are the basic jumps in RSG and the most usual in the routines of high level RSG gymnasts. METHODS: Twenty-nine junior high level RSG gymnasts aged 12.9±1.1years, 36.4±6.4 Kg weight and 152.8±8.2 cm height, and seventeen senior high level RSG gymnasts aged 15.7±1.1 years, 47.6±5.5 Kg weight and 165.0±6.2 cm height were observed. Each gymnast performed the four different jumps of their routines, and an international judge selected the best of three attempts. The jumps were filmed and analyzed using the Peak 5 System (Peak Performance Technologies Inc. – Video and Analog Motion Measurement Systems), and the different kinematics parameters observed were: duration of the take off, flight phase and total time of the jumps; horizontal distance traveled; height of the center of mass (CM) at take off, highest point, and the total height of the jumps; linear velocity of CM at take off (horizontal, vertical and resultant); angle of outlet at take off; angle of maximal removal of lower legs during the flight phase; trunk/thigh angle at the highest point of the jump and finally the minimal trunk/thigh angle reached during the flight phase. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The main results of the kinematics parameters show that in both groups of gymnasts the kinematic structure of the basic jumps in RSG may be described solely according to the following parameters: duration of the take off, duration of the flight phase, height of the CM on take off, height of the CM at the highest point, linear velocity of CM at take off (horizontal and vertical), angle of outlet on take off and angle of maximal removal of lower legs during the flight phase. The angle of outlet at take off was the kinematic parameter with the greatest influence on the performance of the junior and senior high gymnasts during the execution of these jumps. REFERENCES: Lisitkaja, T.S. (1985). Ginnastica Ritmica. Societa’ Stampa Sportiva, Rome, Italy. Manoni, L. (1986). Analisi Biomeccanica Computerizzata con Metodo Cinematografico della Doppia Enjambèe. Gymnica, Primo Semestre. Micheles, C.; Ruat, M. (1997). Classification des Sauts à partir de l’étude des Actions Motrices Déclenchées pendant la Phase Aérienne. GRS: Le Sens d’une Évolution. Insep-Publications 18-19,123-129


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    Swallow is a strength hold element performed on rings routines by the world best gymnasts. The competitive value and the elements intrinsic difficulty are the main reasons to study it from the biomechanical point of view. The aim of this study was to characterize the swallow element in order to identify the muscular activation of the different muscles to create strategies of progression to learn this skill. Surface electromyography was used to evaluate 8 muscles during swallow performance in competitive contest. Results suggest that to perform the swallow element is necessary to stabilize the shoulder joint by activating infraspinatus, serratus anterior and trapezius inferior muscles, which will allow the anterior muscles to support the body mass in balance

    Força explosiva de membros inferiores em ginastas da ginástica rítmica de diferentes níveis competitivos

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    The explosive power in Rhythmic Gymnastics shows itself in the great majority of movements and elements performed by the gymnasts, particularly in the jumps, which are essential corporal movements in this sport. The training directed to the development of jumping capacity presents a large quantity of exercises which aim to improve muscular power in the lower limbs and therefore the impulsion capacity. The vertical impulsion is an important measure used to calculate the explosive power of the lower limbs and is directly connected to the success that the gymnast will be able to achieve. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the height of two jumps in the RG (stag jump and Cossack jump) in contact mat Ergojump, which calculates the jump height in connection with the flight timing, executed by national level junior gymnasts and to compare them to the results of the Junior National Team - in total 30 junior gymnasts with 13.73 ± 0.17 years old. Furthermore, to compare the levels of explosive power of preferred lower limb (PLL) and non-preferred lower limb (NPLL) of all gymnasts in the study, in order to verify eventual functional asymmetries. For the statistical analysis we used Parametric Tests (t Test) and Nonparametric (Mann-Whitney Test and Wilcoxon Test). The gymnasts of the National Team achieved superior marks in 33.3% of the tests and 83.3% of the gymnasts of our sample did not present explosive power asymmetries. We conclude that the gymnasts of the National Team did not show the expected superiority in the tests, and the most of gymnasts presented a harmonious development of explosive power for both lower limbs, since they did not show functional asymmetries.A força na Ginástica Rítmica manifesta-se na grande maioria dos movimentos e elementos realizados pelas ginastas, especialmente nos saltos, que são elementos corporais indispensáveis na prática da modalidade. O treino voltado para o desenvolvimento da habilidade de salto apresenta uma grande quantidade de exercícios que visam aumentar o grau de potência muscular de membros inferiores, e portanto, a capacidade de impulsão. A impulsão vertical é uma importante medida utilizada para mensurar a força explosiva de membros inferiores e está diretamente ligada ao sucesso que a ginasta poderá atingir. Deste modo, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a altura de dois saltos da Ginástica Rítmica (salto de corça e salto cossaco) através da plataforma de contato Ergojump, que calcula a altura do salto em função do tempo de voo, executados por ginastas juniores de nível nacional e comparar com resultados da Seleção Nacional Júnior – no total 30 ginastas, com idade média de 13,73 ± 0,17 anos. Além disso, comparar os níveis de força explosiva do membro inferior preferido (MIP) e membro inferior não preferido (MINP) de todas as ginastas do estudo, de modo a verificar possíveis assimetrias funcionais. Para a análise estatística recorremos aos Testes Paramétricos (Teste T) e não Paramétricos (Teste Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon). As ginastas da Seleção Nacional alcançaram melhores resultados em 33% dos testes, deste modo concluímos que não conseguiram mostrar a superioridade esperada nos testes realizados. Além disso, verificamos que a maior parte das ginastas apresentaram um harmonioso desenvolvimento da força explosiva em ambos os membros inferiores, dado que e 83,3% das ginastas da amostra não demonstraram assimetrias funcionais

    Estudo comparativo das exigências técnicas e morfofuncionais em ginástica rítmica desportiva

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência do Desporto, área de especialização em Treino Desportivo, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do Port

    Flexibilitat en gimnàstica rítmica: asimetria funcional en gimnastes júnior portugueses

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    Una de les principals capacitats físiques exigida per a la pràctica de la gimnàstica rítmica és la flexibilitat. En aquest sentit aquest estudi té com a objectiu comprovar els nivells de flexibilitat de les extremitats inferiors i els possibles índexs d’asimetria de les gimnastes júnior de la Primera Divisió de Portugal. La mostra està constituïda per 30 gimnastes amb una edat mitjana de 13,73 ± 0,17 anys. Per a l’avaluació s’utilitza una bateria de tests en què es recullen les imatges de les gimnastes executant cada element de l’estudi per a una posterior anàlisi i classificació en una escala de cinc nivells (0-4). Per a l’anàlisi estadística de les dades es recorre a proves no paramètriques (Test de Mann-Whitney i Test de Wilcoxon). D’acord amb els principals resultats obtinguts es constata que un 86,7 % de les gimnastes presenten índexs d’asimetria de flexibilitat entre l’extremitat dominant i la no dominant de diferents magnituds

    Flexibilidad en gimnasia rítmica: asimetría funcional en gimnastas júnior portuguesas

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    Una de las principales capacidades físicas exigida para la práctica de la gimnasia rítmica es la flexibilidad. En este sentido este estudio tiene como objetivo comprobar los niveles de flexibilidad de las extremidades inferiores y los posibles índices de asimetría de las gimnastas júnior de la Primera División de Portugal. La muestra está constituida por 30 gimnastas con una edad media de 13,73 ± 0,17 años. Para la evaluación se utiliza una batería de test en la que se recogen las imágenes de las gimnastas ejecutando cada elemento del estudio para un posterior análisis y clasificación en una escala de cinco niveles (0-4). Para el análisis estadístico de los datos se recurre a pruebas no paramétricas (Test de Mann-Whitney y Test de Wilcoxon). De acuerdo con los principales resultados obtenidos se constata que un 86,7 % de las gimnastas presentan índices de asimetría de flexibilidad entre la extremidad dominante y la no dominante de diferentes magnitudes

    Estudo comparativo das exigências técnicas e morfofuncionais em ginástica rítmica desportiva

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência do Desporto, área de especialização em Treino Desportivo, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do Port

    Explosive power of lower limbs in rhythmic gymnastics athletes in different competitive levels

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    Abstract The explosive power in Rhythmic Gymnastics shows itself in the great majority of movements and elements performed by the gymnasts, particularly in the jumps, which are essential corporal movements in this sport. The training directed to the development of jumping capacity presents a large quantity of exercises which aim to improve muscular power in the lower limbs and therefore the impulsion capacity. The vertical impulsion is an important measure used to calculate the explosive power of the lower limbs and is directly connected to the success that the gymnast will be able to achieve. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the height of two jumps in the RG (stag jump and Cossack jump) in contact mat Ergojump, which calculates the jump height in connection with the flight timing, executed by national level junior gymnasts and to compare them to the results of the Junior National Team - in total 30 junior gymnasts with 13.73 ± 0.17 years old. Furthermore, to compare the levels of explosive power of preferred lower limb (PLL) and non-preferred lower limb (NPLL) of all gymnasts in the study, in order to verify eventual functional asymmetries. For the statistical analysis we used Parametric Tests (t Test) and Nonparametric (Mann-Whitney Test and Wilcoxon Test). The gymnasts of the National Team achieved superior marks in 33.3% of the tests and 83.3% of the gymnasts of our sample did not present explosive power asymmetries. We conclude that the gymnasts of the National Team did not show the expected superiority in the tests, and the most of gymnasts presented a harmonious development of explosive power for both lower limbs, since they did not show functional asymmetries

    Estudi del valor artístic dels exercicis de conjunt de Gimàstica Rítmica de la Copa del Món de Portimão 2007 i 2008

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar la composició artística dels exercicis de competició dels conjunts participants en la Copa del Món 2007 i 2008 de gimnàstica rítmica (GR) de Portimão. La mostra es va basar en conjunts sèniors de GR, 19 el 2007 i 16 el 2008. Cada conjunt va executar dos exercicis, un amb cinc cordes i un altre amb tres cèrcols/quatre maces. A través dels resultats obtinguts vam poder verificar que: en mestria hi ha un predomini en la utilització dels llançaments, en els dos tipus d’exercicis ana¬litzats; predominen la utilització de col•laboracions sense llançament i les RR1 (amb llançament i risc, amb pèrdua visual de l’aparell, amb passatge per dins o sobre l’aparell), en els exercicis de corda i en els exercicis de cèrcol/maces predominen les col•laboracions simples amb llançament; els CAP (característiques artístiques particulars) en corda, podem observar que els salts per dins de la corda, les escapades i els maneigs van ser els elements més utilitzats en les composicions dels exercicis de corda tant el 2007 com el 2008. En el cas dels CAP de cèrcol, van ser els maneigs els elements més utilitzats tant el 2007 com el 2008. En relació als CAP de maces, van ser els molins els elements tècnics més utilitzats el 2007 i el 2008

    Estudio del valor artístico de los ejercicios de conjunto de Gimnasia Rítmica de la Copa del Mundo de Portimão 2007 y 2008

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de analizar la composición Artística de los ejercicios de competición de los conjuntos participantes en la Copa del Mundo 2007 y 2008 de Gimnasia Rítmica (GR) en Portimão. La muestra fue constituida por Conjuntos Seniors de GR, 19 en 2007 y 16 en 2008. Cada conjunto realizó 2 ejercicios, uno con 5 cuerdas y otro con 3 aros/4 mazas. A través de los resultados obtenidos pudimos verificar que: en Maestría existe un predominio en la utilización de los lanzamientos, en los dos tipos de ejercicios analizados; predominan la utilización de colaboraciones sin lanzamiento y las RR1 (con lanzamiento y riesgo, con pérdida visual con el aparato, con pasaje por dentro o sobre el aparato), en los ejercicios de cuerda y en los ejercicios de aro/mazas predominan las colaboraciones simples con lanzamiento; los Caps (Características artísticas particulares) en cuerda, podemos observar que los saltos por dentro de la cuerda, las escapadas y los manejos fueron los elementos más utilizados en la composiciones de los ejercicios de cuerda tanto en 2007 como en 2008. En el caso de los Caps de aro, fueron los manejos los elementos más utilizados tanto en 2007 como en 2008. En relación a las Caps de mazas, fueron los molinos los elementos técnicos más utilizados en 2007 y en 2008