6 research outputs found

    Vergleichende Anlagebewertung von Wertpapieren am Beispiel der UBS Group AG im Vergleich mit einigen der größten Banken der Welt

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    Die Hypothese ist, dass der Vermögensverwalter mit Grundkenntnissen der Börse und der Wertpapiere unter Anwendung der vergleichenden Methode der Anlagebewertung ein effektives Anlageportfolio mit einer vernünftigen Auswahl an Wertpapieren erstellen kann. Gegenstand der Studie ist die vergleichende Anlagebewertung von Wertpapieren. Das Objekt der Forschung ist Wertpapieren. Die Betrachtung der Grundbegriffe von Wertpapieren sowie Methoden der Anlagebewertung hat zur Bestimmung des Ziels der Bachelorarbeit geführt, die wie folgt formuliert wird: - Ermittlung von Grundkenntnissen des Wertpapierhandels und der Methode der effektiven Anlagebewertung, um Wertpapiere in einem Anlageportfolio sinnvoll und zuverlässig auszuwählen. Im Zusammenhang mit dem gestellten Ziel in der Bachelorarbeit wurden die folgenden Aufgaben der Forschung identifiziert: - Bestimmung des Wesens und der Klassifizierung von Wertpapieren; - Berücksichtigung der Bilanzierung von Wertpapieren sowie deren Bewertung nach HGB und EstG; - Bestimmung des Wesens der Börse und ihrer Teilnehmer; - Erwägung der Börsennotierung von Wertpapieren; - Berücksichtigung der Börsen der Welt; - Erwägung der Börsennotierung von Wertpapieren an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse; - Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung des DAX-Aktienindex; - Bestimmung der Konzernberichtszusammensetzung und Konzernberichtsarten; - Beschreibung der internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards; - Bestimmung der Rolle der Investitionsbewertung; - Beschreibung der Bewertungsansätze; - Berücksichtigung der vergleichenden Anlagebewertung basierend auf Finanzmultiplikatoren; - Vergleich der UBS Bank mit anderen Banken mittels der vergleichenden Anlagebewertungsmethode; - Definition des Wesens der Diversifizierun

    A Comparison of the Vertical Transmission of High- and Low-Virulence Nucleopolyhedrovirus Strains in Lymantria Dispar L.

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    Baculoviruses can persist in insect host organisms after infection and may be vertically transmitted to the next generation, in which they may be reactivated. The goal of the present study was to compare the efficiency of the vertical transmission of high- and low-virulence strains and the subsequent reactivation of Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) in the offspring of Lymantria dispar L. adults who survived after viral infection. As a result of parental infection, the fecundity of survived females, pupae weight, and fertility were significantly different compared to the untreated insects. However, differences in these parameters between high- and low-virulence strains were not observed. The prevalence of virus strains in the offspring measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction also did not differ. When the larvae reached the fourth instar, they were starved to activate the vertically transmitted virus. The frequency of virus activation in the experiment was not dependent on the virulence of the virus strains. These results are helpful for understanding the strategy of virus survival in nature and for the selection of the most effective strains with transgenerational effects in the years following pest treatment

    The effect of mixtures of Bacillus thuringiensis-based insecticide and multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus of Lymantria dispar L. in combination with an optical brightener on L. dispar larvae

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    This study evaluated the efficacy of the commercially available insecticide Lepidocide based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki and Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (LdMNPV) and their combination with an optical brightener to control L. dispar L. Efficacy against both second and fourth instar L. dispar larvae was evaluated, and the type of interaction between the tested components was determined using second instar L. dispar larvae. Most combinations of Lepidocide and LdMNPV containing a 5 mg ml(-1) optical brightener had synergistic effects, and their mixtures were most effective in reducing the number of second instar larvae. In contrast, mixtures containing Lepidocide and LdMNPV with an optical brightener caused significantly lower mortality of fourth instar L. dispar larvae than mixtures without Lepidocide. This result suggests that an increased concentration of Lepidocide in a mixture containing LdMNPV and an optical brightener leads to an antagonistic effect on insect mortality. The possible reasons for the differences in the observed effects of the components on the second and fourth instar L. dispar larvae may be associated with the resistance of fourth-instar larvae to the antifeedant effect of B. thuringiensis

    Synthesis and structure of high-quality films of copper polyphthalocyanine-2D conductive polymer

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    Sedlovets DM, Shuvalov MV, Vishnevskiy Y, et al. Synthesis and structure of high-quality films of copper polyphthalocyanine-2D conductive polymer. Materials Research Bulletin. 2013;48(10):3955-3960.Copper polyphthalocyanine (CuPPC), a 2D conjugated polymer, is a promising material for electronics and photovoltaics, but its applications were hindered by a poor processability. We propose an experimental approach, by which thin films of CuPPC, can be directly synthesized in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) set-up at mild temperature (420 degrees C). High polymerization degree and high crystallinity of the films were confirmed by TEM, FTIR and UV-vis studies. From XRD and TEM electron diffraction, we conclude that the polymer has AA layer stacking with the inter-layer distance of 0.32 nm. The assignment of X-ray and TEM diffraction patterns was based on quantum-chemical calculations. Based on the latter, we also discuss electronic structure and conclude that CuPPC is rather a semi-metal than semi-conductor. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved